The intention of this report is to give an overview for the open areas

The intention of this report is to give an overview for the open areas on the site where
Camp Alpha is located. For the purposes of this report the open areas are divided into 11
zones. The next page contains an aerial photograph of Camp Alpha showing the 11 zones:
For each zone there is a basic description and photographs.
The name for the 11 zones are:
On the aerial photograph names and borders of the zones are marked in red. The borders of
the Camp are marked in blue. The dashed line mark the range of the Southern perimeter of the
Fig. Warsaw area
Fig. Warsaw area
1. Borders of described area:
The Western border of the area defined as “Warsaw” is the channel, Shatt al-Hilla.
The northern border is the “Warsaw” gate shown at number 1 on the picture above. From the
“Warsaw” gate the border runs around the second channel and follows a wire fence located
between the parking lot shown as number 2 in the picture above and the ruins just out of the
picture. The southern border is the base of the hill constructed by the direction of Saddam
2. Description of the area:
The terrain is suitable for parking lots at numbers 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the picture above.
A water treatment station is located in the vicinity of number 3 on the picture above.
1) „Warsaw” Gate
Fig. Warsaw Gate
At the “Warsaw” gate there is a ditch running from Shatt al-Hilla to the channel lying
on the other side of road. In front of this ditch are stacks of gravel.
2) Parking lot
Fig. Parking lot on the Warsaw area (‘2’)
The whole surface of this parking lot (about 5000 square meters) is covered by a layer
of gravel.
3) Station of the water treatment.
Area of the station of the water treatment is covered by a layer of gravel.
Fig. Car parking lot (‘3)
4) Parking lot
Fig. Parking lot (‘4’)
5) Parking lot
Fig. Parking lot (‘5’)
6) Parking lot
Fig. Parking lot (‘6’)
Terrain of parking lot 5 is separated from parking lot 6 by an earth bank. The bank
consists of materials from ancient structures. There are fragments of original bricks as well as
ceramics. The bank near Shatt al - Hilla turns North while running along channel towards the
“Warsaw” gate.
Fig. Bank between parking lots 5 and 6
Fig. Fragments of original bricks on the top of the bank
Fig. Bank near road to the Warsaw Gate
A similar bank runs along road to the Warsaw Gate on the parking lot 6.
7) Car parking lot
Fig. Parking lot (‘7’)
1. Borders of described area:
Fig. “Ruins” area
For simplification the area of the Museum of Babylon (excluding terrain called
"Reconstructions”) was named “Ruins”. The “Ruins” area includes the Southern Palace
reconstruction, remains of the Northern (or Principal) Palace, northern and central part of the
Processional Street, Inner Fortification Walls, reconstruction of the Ninmah Temple and the
Lion of Babylon. A majority of this zone has limited access due to a wire fence around the
perimeter for protection of the ruins.
2. Description of the area:
There are 13 firing positions located between the Southern Palace reconstruction and
the Northern (or Principal) Palace shown in the pictures below.
Fig. Plan of location of fire positions
Below are pictures of firing positions using the numbers assigned above:
Fig. Firing position no 1
Fig. Firing position no 2
Fig. Firing position no 3
Fig. Firing position no 4
Fig. Firing position no 5
Fig. Firing position no 6
Fig. Firing position no 7
Fig. Firing position no 8
Fig. Firing position no 9
Fig. Firing position no 10
Fig. Firing position no 11
Fig. Firing position no 12
Fig. Firing position no 13
North of the Ishtar Gate close to the first entrance to the Northern Palace West of
Processional Street there is a pit shown in the picture below.
Fig. Robbery pit
There is an open area West of the road that runs from the main road to the landing
zone, and East of the wire fence and walls marking the Eastern border of the Museum. This
open area is used as a parking lot and place for living containers. Gravel is on the open area.
Fig. City Tent#2 area
1. Borders of described area:
Described area is located between four roads. The Southern border of this area runs
along the Camp border from the Reno Gate West to the area where the contemporary
infrastructure (existing roads and buildings) connecting with Saddam’s Palace is located. The
border of the infrastructure area is the Western border of the CITY TENT#2 zone. On the
Northern border is the main road. The Eastern border is the road from the Reno Gate towards
the main road but then follows the boundary fences East until meeting the main road.
2. Description of the area:
A majority of the ground in City Tent#2 is covered with gravel.
Fig. Gravel on the CITY TENT#2
Fig. Gravel on the CITY TENT#2
In the southeast corner of City Tent#2 there is a small landing zone (120x60 meters)
covered by gravel. This area is marked on the picture by letter “A”.
Fig. Landing zone on the area of the City Tent #2
Fig. Landing zone on the area of the City Tent #2
The Southern boundary of the area is located near the road on the South. The terrain is
level. On the picture this place is marked as letter “B”
Fig. Road along in Southern boundary
In the place marked on the picture by letter “C” is shelter.
Fig. Shelter on the City Tent #2 area
Fig. Shelter on the City Tent #2 area
Fig. Shelter on the City Tent #2 area
On the area of the City Tent#2, in the place marked on the picture as letter “D” is a pit.
Fig. Pit on the City Tent#2 area
Ammunition Storage Facility marked by letter “E”. After removal of the Ammunition
Storage sand was left from the Hesco bastions used to create the ammunition bunkers.
Fig. Sand remaining from removal of Hesco bastions
Fig. City Tent#1 area
Fig. City Tent#1 area
1. Borders of described area:
It is a large rectangle (about 200x100 meters) situated close to the reconstructed
Southern Palace. The Northern border of the area is the Southern Palace wall. In the picture
above with the tents and living containers the Southern Palace wall is just out of the picture to
the right. The Southern border is the asphalt road running parallel to the reconstruction of
Palace. The tells border the area to west and the Eastern border is the wall of Museum.
2. Description of the area:
On this area is a ditch running across one-third width of the described zone. The ditch
is 35 meters long, 2 meters wide and depth close to 0.5 meters.
Fig. Ditch in the area of the City Tent #1
On the Southeast corner of the area there is a pit. The area around the pit shows some
Fig. Pit on the area of the City Tent #1
On the entire area there are ruts from car and truck traffic.
Fig. Ruts from car and truck traffic in City Tent#1
Fig. Reconstructions area
1. Borders of described area:
Term “Reconstructions” is used for the terrain lying around six reconstructed
buildings from the time of the Chaldean Dynasty: Ishtar Agade Temple and Nabu-sha-Hare
Temple and four Babylonian houses. This buildings are located South of the main road, across
from the entrance to the Museum.
2. Description of the area:
On the “Reconstructions” area, in the northern direction from the reconstructed Ishtar
Temple, is located a hole about 4 meters by 4 meters and 2.5 meters deep.
Fig. The hole on the “Reconstructions” area.
Fig. “Reconstructions” area – remains of the house from the ancient Babylon and ruts from
vehicle traffic.
The entire zone shows signs of car and truck traffic. Just West of Nabu-sha-Hare
Temple are the remains of a house from ancient Babylon where ruts are visible.
Fig. Babylonian House area
1. Borders of described area:
Described zone is an area around the Babylonian House and the Hammurabi Museum.
The dimensions of the area are about 400 x 200 meters. The Western border of the area is a
road (not pictured above) that starts at the main road and goes north towards the helicopter
landing zone. The Southern border is located 20 meters South of the main road (runs from
West to East). The road from the Amphitheater to the lake is the eastern border. The northern
border of the area is about 50 meters to the South of the road crossing the center of the
“Landing Zone” area.
2. Description of the area:
On the area just to the southwest of the Babylonian House there is a square of sand
and gravel (marked on the picture at the beginning of this document as letter “A”).
Fig. Sand and gravel on the southwest of the Babylonian House
Just to the West of the road running from the Amphitheater to the lake there is an area
about 120 x 60 meters used as a transportation and storage yard. This area is divided into two
parts. The first part, close to the main road is fenced and the ground is covered with gravel
(marked on the picture at the beginning of this document by letter “B”). The second part
(marked on the picture at the beginning of this document by letter “C”) is covered with a layer
of sand.
Fig. Area located nearby to the Babylonian House
Fig. Area used as transportation and storage yard
Fig. Car park “B” close to the Babylonian House
On the area of the “Babylonian House” there are ruts from cars and trucks.
Fig. Un-surfaced road South of the main road
Fig. Landing Zone area
1. Borders of described area:
The borders of this zone are primarily a helipad and the surrounding terrain. The
northern border of this zone is also the northern border of the camp. The southern border of
the area is located about 50 meters South of the road crossing the center of the Landing Zone
area. The southern edge of the living contains shown in the picture above also mark the
southern border for the zone. A road is the western border of the area. The eastern boundary
of the area is the extension of the road leading from the Amphitheater to the lake.
2. Description of the area:
Fig. Helipad
On this area is located an asphalt road and large (about 50 x 100 meters) area overlaid
with asphalt. The Northern terrain adjacent to this asphalted area about 50 meters to the North
and about 200 m to the East is covered with gravel.
The area South of the asphalt road (60 x 100 meters) is used for living containers and
airfield support vehicles. The south-eastern border of this zone is a triangular area about 80
meters on each side covered by gravel. Some contamination is present over the entire area
except the south-eastern triangular area.
Fig. Surface of the Landing Zone (with contamination)
About 100 meters North of the landing zone there is a road covered with gravel. There
are about 100 concrete barriers along the South side of the road near the tower.
Fig. Concrete barriers on the North of the landing zone.
Fig. Lake area
1. Borders of described area:
The term “Lake” is used for the description of the area around the small pond located
in the northeastern corner of the camp. The dimensions of the area extend about 30 meters
beyond the perimeter of the pond.
2. Description of the area:
In the area near the pond are traces of vehicle trails. Part of the area is covered by the
Between the pond and the border of the camp there are two places where original
material has been cut from the ancient tells. The first cutting area is marked on the picture by
the letter “A.” The dimensions of the cutting are about 35 x 20 meters and 6 meters deep.
There are two layers in the cutting. The original layers are on the bottom and about halfway
up the cutting is heavily mixed soil.
Fig. First (“A”) cutting in the tells on the Lake area
Second cutting (marked on the picture by the letter “B”) is of similar size.
Fig. Second (“B”) cutting in the tells on the Lake area
In the northeastern corner of the camp, on the northern end of the tell there are three
banks (marked on the pictures as letter “C”). On these banks are pieces of ancient pottery and
On the top of the tells there is an un-surfaced road.
Fig. Banks (“C”) on the northern end of the tell
IX – KBR #1
1. Borders of described area:
Zone described as KBR#1 is bordered on the South by the main road in the camp. The
eastern border is also the camp perimeter. The northern border is a road that runs around the
pond (lake). The western boundary is defined by the road that runs from the main road to the
Amphitheater and then to the pond.
2. Description of the area:
1) “Fuel Farm” – on the picture it is marked as a letter “A”
In this place there are six pits with fuel bags inside.
Fig. Fuel Farm on the KBR#1 area
Fig. Fuel Farm on the KBR#1 area
In the banks of five pits there are many pieces of ancient pottery and bricks. Some of
the bricks have cuneiform inscriptions. In the banks of the sixth pit are also pieces of pottery
and brick but in lesser quantities.
The ground in and around the petrol station area is contaminated.
Fig. Fuel Farm on the KBR#1 area
Fig. Fuel Farm on the KBR#1 area
2) The area at the northeastern portion of the “Fuel Farm” is covered with gravel.
This place is marked on the picture at the beginning as letter “B”
Fig. Level of the gravel spilled at the “Fuel Farm”
3) Parking lot - situated close to the main road. On the picture is marked as letters “C”
and “D”.
The KBR parking area is located between the KBR parking/vehicle maintenance area
and the Amphitheater. Currently, both sides of the terrazzo walkway are cordoned by
concertina wire. On the surface of this area are tire tracks.
Fig. KBR parking lot (“C”)
Fig. KBR parking (“C”)
Fig. KBR parking (“D”)
4) The KBR parking/vehicle maintenance area (marked on the picture by letter “E”)
The KBR parking/vehicle maintenance area is located North of the market and Ronson
gate. This area is enclosed within a chain link fence and asphalt surface. The dimensions for
the area are about 100 x 100 meters.
Fig. The KBR parking/vehicle maintenance area
5) On the slopes of the Amphitheatre are firing position. On the picture at the beginning it is
annotated by the letter “F”.
Fig. Firing position of the slope of the Amphitheater
X – KBR #2
Fig. KBR#2
1. Borders of described area:
KBR#2 area is located south of the main road. It is L-shaped terrain 400 meters long
and width from 25 to 120 meters wide. This zone begins across the main road from the
Amphitheater and finishes at the Ronson Gate.
2. Description of the area:
The western, wider part of KBR#2 is covered by gravel. Sand is piled on the western
and southwestern border of this zone. The entire area shows signs of vehicle and truck traffic.
1. Boundaries of the described area:
Under the name of “The southern perimeter of the camp” is included some terrain
outside of the existing camp perimeter. This zone runs East to West from the Shatt Al-Hilla
channel to the KBR #2 yard. The area from North to South varies in width, but at one point
is about 200 meters wide.
In this part of the camp have been erected observation towers and two of them (no. 4
and no. 6) are positioned on the tells. Within this area are also two ditches (marked with
letters “A” and “B”) and a hole (marked on the picture with letter “C”). In between the two
ditches is a pile of debris.
2. Description of the area:
1) Tower 4 (on the above displayed picture its approximate location is marked with “x” and
digit 4)
The tell supporting the tower is higher than other tells in this area. Dirt was added in
this area to increase the elevation. There are numerous fragments of ceramic on the slopes of
the hill.
Fig. The tower no. 4 settled on a man-made hill, and fill to level the road.
Fig. Tower no. 4-view from the side.
2) The tower no. 6 (on the below picture its approximate location has been indicated with
letter “x” and digit 6)
Fig. The tower no. 6-the hill on which the construction has settled.
Fig. The terrain has been graded in order to gain the dirt used to pile up the hill.
The earth that has been piled up to elevate one of the tells was gained as a result of
grading of the area directly adjacent to the tower no 6 (surface of the area is 1200 square
meters). There are many fragments of ceramic and brick on the slopes of the hill.
3) Ditch ‘A’
Fig. Ditch „A”
The ditch is near of the ziggurat Etemenanki. It starts nearby its north-eastern corner
and runs about 45 meters in the north-eastern direction. It is about 2.5 meters wide and 2.5
meters deep. There is no archeologically significant material found in the pile of earth on the
northern side of the ditch.
Fig. Ditch “A” – view from the East
Fig. Ditch “A” – view from the West.
4) Ditch “B”
Fig. Ditch “B”
Ditch “B” starts about 50 m from the northern end of ditch “A”. The end of the ditch
forks into a letter ‘Y’. The width of the ditch varies between 1.2 to 1.8 meters. It is about 2
meters deep. The ditch is strongly overgrown. On the pile located on the northern side of the
ditch are scattered numerous fragments of ceramic. About 30 m from the north-eastern end of
the ditch; fragments of bricks are beginning to emerge.
Fig. Ditch ‘B’– the view from the West
Fig. Ditch ‘B’ – view inside the ditch.
5) Trench ‘C’
Fig. Trench ‘C’
South from the boundary of the camp on the level of Tent City #1, is located a trench
about 15 meters long, 3 meters wide, and 2 meters deep. Its depth reaches around 2 meters.
On the piles of dirt around the trench are scattered numerous fragments of ceramic. In taking
the photographical documentation an olive lamp was found. Fragments of bricks can be found
as well.
Fig. Trench „C”
6) Debris dump
Fig. Debris dump
In between the ditches described above (A and B) is a debris dump. The dump has
been used to dispose of pieces of bricks, concrete slabs, stones and sand.
Fig. Debris dump
Fig. Debris dump
The roads on the southern perimeter of the camp have traces of use.
Description elaborated and photograph taken between 15th and 30th November 2004 by
Agnieszka Dolatowska
Translated into English Agnieszka Dolatowska, 1st edition by Christopher Miller, 2nd edition
Steven Bein.
Translated into English “The Southern perimeter of the Camp” Piotr Trybuła, edited by
Christopher Miller