Minimum entry requirements for non EU applicants 2011 / 2012

Minimum entry requirements for non EU applicants 2011 / 2012
GCE A-levels:
5 Year Programme:
Applicants must present a minimum of three A-levels with minimum grades of ABB
from the subjects Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. A missing science
subject must have been taken at GCSE level with a minimum of grade B attained. All
applicants must also have completed a minimum of 6 subjects at GCSE level, which
must include a minimum of grade C in English and Mathematics.
Applicants who have completed 3 GCE A-levels, but do not meet the above subject
or grade requirements may be considered for entry to the 6-year medical course.
International Baccalaureate Diploma:
Six Year Programme:
Entry to the six year medical programme requires applicants to present a minimum
score of 30 IB Diploma points (exclusive of bonus points). The IB Diploma must
comprise a minimum of six subjects (three subjects at Higher Level and three
subjects at Standard Level), subjects must include English, Mathematics and at least
one laboratory science subject.
Five Year Programme:
Applicants must attain a minimum score of 33 IB Diploma points (exclusive of bonus
points) to include Chemistry at Higher Level (with a minimum score of 5) and another
laboratory science subject or Mathematics at Higher Level. If Mathematics is
presented with Chemistry at HL, another laboratory science subject must also be
presented at Standard Level.
Irish Leaving Certificate:
A minimum of six subjects in the Leaving Certificate examination, which must include
the following subjects:
A third language
Physics, Chemistry or
Six Year Programme - Applicants must present the Higher School Certificate or
equivalent with not less than an average of B in each subject. Six subjects are
required which must include English, Mathematics, and a science subject from the
group Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The sixth subject may be presented from
year 10/11. TER required 80%.
Five Year Programme - 95% or higher in the Australian matriculation examination
presenting Chemistry and two of the following three subjects, Physics, Biology and
Mathematics in Year 12, providing that the remaining subject has been passed in
year 10/11.
The following foundation programmes are currently considered for entry to the
School of Medicine:
Monash University Program
Trinity College Foundation Program at the University of Melbourne
University of Queensland Foundation Program
University of New South Wales Foundation Program
Students who have completed one of the above Australian foundation programmes,
presenting English, Maths, Chemistry and Physics or Biology and with a minimum
achievement of 80% (six year course) and 95% (five year course) may be eligible for
entry to the School of Medicine.
Applicants must have completed their high school examinations with a minimum
average score of 85% and competitive grades in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and
Mathematics. Those presenting other school leaving certificates will be considered
on an individual basis.
Applicants presenting the CAPE examinations must have the following scores:
5 year programme - CAPE Exams scores of I, I, II (in the sciences preferably)
6 year programme - CAPE Exams scores of I, II, II (in the sciences preferably)
Applicants must present the Senior High School Diploma/Chinese University
Entrance Examination with very high achievement. Obligatory subjects are English,
Mathematics and two laboratory science subjects from the group Physics, Chemistry
& Biology.
Hong Kong:
GCE Applicants must present three good A level passes, preferably from the
subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. The applicants should also
have a minimum of six subjects at GCSE level, which must include acceptable pass
levels (grade C or higher) in English and Mathematics.
Hong Kong Advanced Level Certificate. Applicants must present three good A level
passes, preferably from the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.
The applicants must also have Hong Kong Certificate of Education (English).
Applicants must have a minimum of six subjects to include English and Mathematics.
Only grades A, B, or C, (1-6) will be considered.
Students must also have taken the subjects Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and
Biology at standard XII, and hold a bone-fide certificate of completion issued by the
CBSE or ISCE. Students must have an average score of 80% with not less than 75%
in any individual subject.
Six Year Programme - S.T.P.M. Minimum grades of BBB. Applicants must present
three S.T.P.M. passes (or equivalent) preferably from the subjects Physics,
Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Applicants should also have a minimum of six
subjects at S.P.M. which must include acceptable pass level grades in English and
Mathematics. Only grades of A, B or C (1-6) are considered to be of a pass
Five Year Programme - S.T.P.M. Minimum grades of ABB. Applicants presenting the
Malaysian University Matriculation Exams must have a GPA of 3.5 in one sitting in
acceptable subjects or grades of ABBB and English. Grades obtained in more than
one sitting will be considered providing that the proximity of the examinations is in
less than one year.
Middle East and Gulf Countries:
Applicants must present the general Secondary School Leaving Certificate. In
addition, they must also have three satisfactory grades in approved subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics at the Advanced Level ('A' Level) of the
GCE Examination. (See GCE above).
Alternatively, applicants may study for the Irish Leaving Certificate (see Irish Leaving
Certificate above) or have completed the Scottish Higher Examinations with a
minimum grade of AAABB, which must include Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics and English.
United States:
Applicants must present the High School Graduation Diploma with competitive marks
in (i) biology, (ii) chemistry and (iii) either physics or mathematics.
It is strongly recommended that candidates present competitive scores from one of
the following standardised tests, APs, IB, SAT, SAT II or ACT.
Please note all requirements stated above are minimum academic criteria and
do not guarantee admission to RCSI.