Mrs. Bryant’s Spelling Homework Menu Monday- Wednesday: Complete any two of the choices on the homework menu per week. Show your work in the spelling spiral. Thursday: Write the headings from this week’s sort in your spiral. Have someone say each word as you write the word under the correct heading. Be sure that each word is in the correct category and is spelled correctly. HOMEWORK is due the day of the test. Write your words but divide them into syllables. (YOUR WORDS MUST HAVE MORE THAN ONE SYLLABLE TO DO THIS ACTIVITY.) Write words 3 times each. Write synonyms (words that mean the same thing) for each spelling word. Write a short story using as many of your spelling words as possible. Underline your words. Rainbow Writing: Write your spelling words in a different color for this week’s spelling sort. Write your words 3 times each under the correct category. Practice the word sorts that you have learned in class, and write the words 3 times each in their correct category. Use at least 10 of your spelling words in complete sentences. Make sure both spelling and grammar are correct. Don’t forget capitalization and punctuation! Write additional words that could fit into this week’s spelling pattern. Write antonyms (words that mean the opposite) for each spelling word. Write all of your spelling words under their correct category and circle the vowels in each word. Write all of your spelling words under their correct category. Write the vowels in blue and consonants in red. Write the headings singular (meaning one) and plural (meaning more than one), and write each of your words under the correct heading. Write a poem, song, rap, or cheer using your spelling words. Write rhyming words for each of your spelling words. Ex: name bear WORD HUNT: As you read, find at least 10 words with the same spelling pattern as this week’s sort. Write them in your spiral with the book title. Under each heading, put your spelling words in alphabetical (ABC) order.