1 Bimodal Distribution of Sulfuric Acid Aerosols in the Upper Atmosphere of Venus 2 3 Peter Gao1*, Xi Zhang1, David Crisp2, Charles G. Bardeen3, and Yuk L. Yung1 4 5 1 6 USA, 91125 7 2 8 3 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, 91109 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA, 80301 9 10 *Corresponding author: pgao@caltech.edu 1 11 Abstract 12 Observations by the SPICAV/SOIR instruments aboard Venus Express have revealed that the upper 13 haze (UH) of Venus is variable on the order of days, and that it is populated by two particle modes. In 14 this work, we posit that one mode is made up of cloud particles that have diffused upwards from the 15 cloud deck below, while the other mode is generated by the in situ nucleation on meteoric dust. We 16 also posit that the variability is caused in part by transient winds. We test this hypothesis with the 17 Community Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres. Using the meteoric dust production profile 18 of Kalashnikova et al. (2000), the sulfur condensation nuclei and sulfuric acid vapor production profiles 19 of Imamura and Hashimoto (2001), we numerically simulate a column of the Venus atmosphere from 20 40 to 100 km above the surface. Our aerosol number density results are consistent with Pioneer Venus 21 data from Knollenberg and Hunten (1980), while our gas distribution results match that of Kolodner 22 and Steffes (1998) below 55 km. The size distribution of cloud particles shows two distinct modes, 23 qualitatively matching the observations of Pioneer Venus. We also observe a third mode in our results 24 with a radius of a few μm at 48 km altitude, supporting the existence of the controversial third mode in 25 the Pioneer Venus data. This mode disappears if coagulation is not included in the simulation. The UH 26 size distribution shows two lognormal distributions overlapping each other, possibly indicating the 27 presence of the two modes, though they are not distinct. Simulating the atmospheric column with only 28 meteoric dust input and with only sulfur nuclei input show that the combined UH size distribution is in 29 essence the sum of the size distributions of these two cases. The results of the transient wind 30 simulations yield a variability timescale that is consistent with Venus Express observations, as well as a 31 clear bimodal size distribution in the UH. 32 33 34 Keywords: Abundances, atmospheres; Atmospheres, Atmospheres, dynamics; Venus; Venus, atmosphere 2 composition; Atmospheres, structure; 35 1. INTRODUCTION 36 Sulfuric acid aerosols make up most of the global cloud deck and accompanying hazes that 37 shroud the surface of Venus (Esposito et al. 1983). As a result, the radiation environment and energy 38 budget at the surface and throughout the atmosphere is strongly affected by the vertical extent and size 39 distribution, and thus the mean optical properties, of these particles. These aerosols also serve as 40 storage for sulfur and oxygen, and so make up a major part of the global sulfur oxidation cycle due to 41 transport by atmospheric circulation and sedimentation (Mills et al. 2007). 42 Observations from the Pioneer Venus atmospheric probes (Knollenberg and Hunten 1980) 43 helped constrain the number density and size distribution of the aerosols in the cloud deck, and 44 revealed the possibility of two size modes, along with a third, controversial mode that may or may not 45 exist (Toon et al. 1984). The clouds were also vertically resolved into three distinct regions: the upper 46 cloud, from 58 to 70 km; the middle cloud, from 50 to 58 km; and the lower cloud, from 48 to 50 km 47 (Knollenberg and Hunten 1980). The middle and lower clouds appear to be much more variable than 48 the upper cloud. These observations have been interpreted using numerical models that take into 49 account transport and/or aerosol microphysics. According to Krasnopolsky and Pollack (1994), for 50 instance, the lower cloud is formed from the upwelling and subsequent condensation of sulfuric acid 51 vapor due to the strong gradient in sulfuric acid mixing ratio below the clouds. James et al. (1997) 52 showed that this process is very sensitive to the local eddy diffusion coefficient, and suggested that the 53 variability of the lower and middle clouds was tied to the dynamical motions of the atmosphere in this 54 region. This conclusion was also reached by McGouldrick and Toon (2007); they showed that 55 organized downdrafts from convection and other dynamic processes could produce holes in the clouds. 56 Indeed, observations from Pioneer Venus indicated that this region of the atmosphere has a lapse rate 57 close to adiabatic, with parts of the middle cloud region being superadiabatic (Schubert et al. 1980). 58 Imamura and Hashimoto (2001) modeled the entire cloud deck, and reached many of the same 3 59 conclusions as James et al. (1997) and Krasnopolsky and Pollack (1994) regarding the lower and 60 middle clouds. They also concluded that the upper cloud was a product of photochemically produced 61 sulfuric acid vapor condensing on sulfur nuclei that are also photochemically produced, and that an 62 upward wind may be necessary in order to reproduce the observations. 63 The clouds lie below an upper haze (UH), which extends from 70 to 90 km (Mills et al. 2007). 64 In Imamura and Hashimoto's model (2001), small particles are lofted by the aforementioned upward 65 wind out of the top of the model domain, which would place them in this UH. This demonstrates that 66 dynamical processes, regional and/or global, will lead to some mixing of the haze with the clouds and 67 that variability will be high. This is reflected in data from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Cloud 68 Photopolarimeter (OCPP), which revealed latitudinal variations of an order of magnitude in haze 69 optical thickness from the polar region (where it is more abundant) to the tropics, as well as temporal 70 variations on the order of hundreds of days (Kawabata et al. 1980). More recently, Wilquet et al. (2009, 71 2012) used Venus Express SPICAV/SOIR solar occultation observations to show the existence of 72 bimodality in the size distribution of the UH, with a small mode of radius 0.1-0.3 μm, and a large mode 73 of radius 0.4-1.0 μm. Interestingly, the mean size of the haze particles as reported by Kawabata et al. 74 from OCPP measurements 30 years earlier (0.23 ± 0.04 μm) lies well within the small mode size range, 75 suggesting that the large mode may be a transient population. In addition, the extinction of the haze 76 was observed to vary by as much as an order of magnitude in a matter of days. The degree of 77 variability also changed, as observations a few months later showed time variability in the haze 78 extinction of only a factor of two. Time variability of the haze was also reported by Markiewicz et al. 79 (2007), who showed infrared images of the Venus southern hemisphere where the appearance of the 80 haze changed dramatically across tens of degrees of latitude, also in the span of a few days. Both of the 81 above studies showed that the haze optical depth could exceed unity, making it an active participant in 82 the regulation of solar radiation reaching lower altitudes, and its variability a property that requires 4 83 better understanding. However, numerical models with adequate microphysics that include the UH are 84 rare. Yamamoto and Tanaka (1998) and Yamamoto and Takahashi (2006) included the UH in their 85 simulations of aerosol transport via global atmospheric dynamics and reproduced much of the 86 observations satisfactorily. However, the aerosol microphysics in both studies is inadequate due to the 87 lack of a detailed treatment of nucleation. 88 In this study, we investigate the formation and evolution of the UH by constructing a one- 89 dimensional (1D) microphysical and vertical transport model that couples the clouds to the haze with a 90 more detailed treatment of the microphysics involved. We propose that the haze's bimodality is 91 representative of two processes at work, each producing its own haze particle population. One process 92 involves the lofting of cloud particles into the haze via winds and eddy diffusion, while the other 93 process involves the in situ condensation of sulfuric acid vapor onto meteoric dust, a possibility 94 discussed by Turco et al. (1983) for terrestrial atmospheres. This latter process depends on the injection 95 of sulfuric acid vapor into the UH, which can be done by the same processes that lofts particles into this 96 region. If the injection is indeed done mainly by diffusive or advective processes, then the variability of 97 the haze would be easily understandable, as transport is highly variable; the haze would grow in extent 98 after a “random” injection of sulfuric acid vapor, and then dissipate as the larger particles fall out. 99 Behavior such as this may be more frequent near the poles due to the dynamic nature of the polar 100 vortices (Luz et al. 2011), creating the spatial variability between the poles and the tropics observed by 101 Kawabata et al. (1980). 102 We describe our basic model in section 2, with emphasis on the model attributes unique to our 103 case of aerosols in the Venus atmosphere, such as the addition of meteoric dust as condensation nuclei 104 and the effect of winds. In section 3 we present our model results, along with comparisons with data 105 from Pioneer Venus and Venus Express. We also discuss our results in the context of physical processes 106 involved in our model, focusing on the effects of cloud processes on the properties of the UH, as well 5 107 as the sensitivity of the steady state to different initial conditions. We summarize our work and state our 108 conclusions in section 4. 109 110 2. MODEL 111 We use version 3.0 of the Community Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres 112 (CARMA) as our base microphysical and vertical transport code. The model is an upgrade from the 113 original CARMA (Turco et al. 1979, Toon et al. 1988) by Bardeen et al. (2008). We will describe our 114 model setup and departures from the base model below, and we refer the reader to Turco et al. (1979), 115 Toon et al. (1988, 1989), and Jacobson et al. (1994) for detailed descriptions of the microphysics and 116 vertical transport in CARMA. Our departures from the model include the conversion from a simulation 117 of Earth's atmosphere to Venus' atmosphere, the addition of gas transport and eddy diffusion, the use of 118 meteoric dust as condensation nuclei, and the addition of transient winds. 119 2.1. Model Setup 120 The basic processes we model are the nucleation of liquid sulfuric acid droplets on soluble 121 condensation nuclei, the condensational growth, evaporation, and coagulation of these particles, and 122 their transport by wind and diffusion. 123 Table 1 compares several quantities that were changed for this model in order to convert it from 124 an Earth simulation to a Venus simulation. In addition, the temperature and pressure profiles are 125 significantly different between the two planets. Figure 1 shows the profiles used (Seiff et al. 1985), 126 which were fixed in the model. 127 The model atmosphere extends from 40 to 100 km, covering the altitudes of the cloud deck and 128 UH. This vertical range in the nominal case is split into 300 levels of 200 m thickness each. Cases 129 where the vertical resolution was doubled (i.e. the setup of Imamura and Hashimoto's model (2001)) 130 showed no significant changes and therefore were discarded to save computing resources. 6 131 In order to cover the range from meteoric dust to large droplets and represent both volatile and 132 nonvolatile particles, we use two groups of particle bins each covering the radius range from 1.3 nm to 133 ~30 μm. The lower radius limit is set to correspond to the size of meteoric dust as described in 134 Kalashnikova et al. (2000), while the upper radius limit is set to the upper limit of Imamura and 135 Hashimoto's model (2001). We tested both volume doubling and volume tripling between successive 136 bins, resulting in 45 and 29 total bins, respectively. The latter case was used for the transient wind 137 simulations (described in section 2.5) in order to save on computation time. Comparison of the 45 and 138 29 bin cases showed that, although the size resolution decreased, the basic shape and dispersion of the 139 size distribution remained consistent. Both cases are considered here, however, as the 45 bins case 140 shows details in the size distribution not found in the 29 bins case. It should be noted that the inclusion 141 of multiple bins for nonvolatile particles differs from the approach by Imamura and Hashimoto (2001), 142 and allows for a more realistic treatment of the consequences of coagulation. For instance, the 143 nonvolatile particle produced from the evaporation of a droplet originally formed from the coagulation 144 of smaller droplets would be larger than the condensation nuclei that went into forming the original 145 droplets, assuming they have not gone through coagulation themselves. This would have the effect of 146 producing fewer, larger nonvolatile particles compared to Imamura and Hashimoto's model (2001). 147 Our nominal time step is 10 seconds. To test the robustness of the model, we both increased and 148 decreased this by an order of magnitude. In the case where the time step was 100 seconds, numerical 149 instabilities appeared in the results; therefore, this case was not considered. In the case where the time 150 step was 1 second, the results were similar to those at 10 seconds and were therefore not needed. We 151 found that a simulation time on the order of 107 seconds, or about 100 Earth days, was necessary for 152 the model to reach steady state. This is similar to the advective exchange time and the characteristic 153 vertical diffusion time of the Venus mesosphere calculated by Imamura (1997). 154 The sensitivity of the results after 107 seconds to the initial conditions is tested by using two 7 155 different initial conditions. In case 1, we begin each run with no model-relevant species in the model 156 box, e.g. no sulfuric acid vapor or condensation nuclei of any kind. This case would be consistent with 157 the photochemical model of Yung and DeMore (1982) and Krasnopolsky and Parshev (1983), where 158 both the sulfuric acid vapor and the sulfur that is assumed to make up the condensation nuclei are 159 produced at the same time: 160 3SO2 2H 2O S 2H 2 SO4 161 Therefore, either both species are present, or none are. However, in the case where both are present, it 162 is likely that nucleation would occur before a large amount of condensation nuclei is built up, e.g. the 163 initial conditions of Imamura and Hashimoto (2001); therefore, we conclude that the empty-box initial 164 condition that we use here is more realistic. Case 2 allows for an initial mixing ratio of H2SO4 vapor of 165 4 ppm across all altitudes, again similar to those of Imamura and Hashimoto (2001). This would 166 correspond to the case where the condensation nuclei are not produced via reaction 1 above and which 167 in fact would have an unknown origin and make-up. This is similar to the simulations by James et al. 168 (1997), where the only property of the condensation nuclei of the best-fit model was that it was soluble. 169 Thus, the sulfuric acid vapor can persist in large quantities (e.g. 4 ppm) until condensation nuclei 170 appear by some unknown mechanism. 171 During each model run, mass is injected into the model atmosphere in the form of sulfuric acid 172 vapor and condensation nuclei. The latter is split into two populations, one corresponding to 173 photochemical products, and one corresponding to meteoric dust. As a result, the density of the 174 condensation nuclei is chosen to be 1.9 g cm-3, as an average between the density of sulfur (1.8 g cm-3, 175 Imamura and Hashimoto 2001) and meteoric dust (2.0 g cm-3, Hunten et al. 1980). Both populations are 176 treated the same – as soluble nuclei that are “activated” upon condensation of sulfuric acid vapor on 177 their surfaces, similar to James et al. (1997). We again emulate Imamura and Hashimoto (2001) by 8 178 assigning the photochemical products to be mode 1 particles, with radius 0.152 μm in the 29 bins case, 179 and 0.166 μm in the 45 bins case. The difference comes from starting the bin sizes at the same quantity 180 (1.3 nm), and increasing the bin sizes at different rates (volume-doubling vs. volume-tripling). 181 We initially used the same production profiles of sulfuric acid vapor and photochemical 182 condensation nuclei as Imamura and Hashimoto (2001) for the production rates PH2SO4 and PCN, 183 respectively: PH 2SO4 p g ( z) cm 2 s 1 184 185 PCN 4 3 1 p g ( z ) CN rCN 2 Ms 3 1 cm 2 s 1 186 Where σp is the column-integrated production rate of sulfuric acid vapor, 1012 cm-2 s-1; the function g(z) 187 is a gaussian with a peak at 61 km altitude and full-width-half-max of 2 km; ρCN is the density of the 188 condensation nuclei, 1.9 g cm-3; rCN is the radius of the condensation nuclei, 0.152 and 0.166 μm; and 189 Ms is the molecular mass of sulfur. However, our results showed that agreement between model and 190 data was best if the above rates were both halved, which are still within the bounds given by Yung and 191 DeMore (1982) and Krasnopolsky and Parshev (1983), 2x1011 to 1013 cm-3s-1. Thus, our nominal values 192 for the above quantities are half that of Imamura and Hashimoto (2001), and our nominal production 193 profiles are plotted in Figure 2. For simplicity, the production rate of the condensation nuclei at 61 km 194 is identical whether we assume they are made of sulfur (case 1) or an unknown compound (case 2). 195 We adopt a similar lower boundary condition as those of Imamura and Hashimoto (2001), 196 where mode 1, nonvolatile particles of size ~0.17 μm are fixed to have a number density of 40 cm-3 in 197 accordance with LCPS data (Knollenberg and Hunten 1980). We set the mixing ratio of H2SO4 to be 3 198 ppm at the lower boundary, within the 0-4 ppm estimates from analysis of Magellan radio occultation 199 observations by Koloder and Steffes (1998), in order to maximize agreement between model and data. 9 200 We adopt a zero flux boundary condition for the top boundary, as we assume that no particles or H2SO4 201 vapor escape the mesosphere above 100 km. 202 2.2. Thermodynamics of H2SO4 203 Of particular importance in this model is the treatment of certain thermodynamic quantities of 204 H2SO4, such as the saturation vapor pressure and surface tension. Both of these quantities control 205 whether a sulfuric acid droplet is growing by condensation or evaporating. 206 207 208 The saturation vapor pressure pH2SO4 is calculated via the equation of Ayers et al. (1980), modified by Kulmala and Laaksonen (1990): 1 1 0.38 T T H Lnp H 2 SO4 Lnp H0 2 SO4 10156 1 Ln o o T T RT T To Tc To 209 Where T is temperature, R is the universal gas constant, To = 340 K is a reference temperature, Tc = 210 905 K is the critical temperature, p0 H2SO4 is a reference pressure given by: Lnp H0 2 SO4 211 10156 16.259 To 212 and H is the enthalpy associated with the mixing of water and sulfuric acid, given by the 213 parameterization of Giauque (1959): 214 1.14208 108 H 4.18423624.8 J mol 1 2 4798.69 WH 2 SO4 105.318 215 where WH2SO4 is the weight percentage of H2SO4 in the aerosol droplet calculated from Tabazadeh et al. 216 (1997) as a parameterization to temperature and water vapor concentration. 217 The surface tension is derived from data collected by Sabinina and Turpugow (1935) 218 parameterized linearly with respect to temperature by Mills (1996), and linearly interpolated between 219 the H2SO4 data points. 220 2.3. Eddy Diffusion and Gas Transport 10 221 The eddy diffusion coefficient profile is shown in Figure 3. The values between 40 and 70 km 222 altitude are parameterized from Imamura and Hashimoto (2001) by the sum of an exponential and a 223 gaussian function. The large increase in eddy diffusion coefficient at ~53 km simulates the convective 224 overturning present in the middle cloud as inferred from Schubert et al. (1980). The eddy diffusion 225 coefficient above 70 km is parameterized as a gaussian from Fig. 11 of Krasnopolsky (1983), which 226 itself is generated from continuity arguments with respect to the aerosol distribution observed in this 227 region at the time. We note that observations since then (Wilquet et al. 2009, 2012) have shown this 228 region to be highly variable, and thus it is not certain if this method will give the mean eddy diffusion 229 coefficient, especially when the sedimentation time scale is much greater than the ~24 h variability 230 time scale the observations seem to suggest. The empirical formula of the eddy diffusion coefficient Kzz 231 as a function of altitude z in kilometers above 40 km is then: K zz 10 232 z 38.55 2 2 z 12.5 z 60 2 1 250exp m s 1.201 12.01 233 To implement eddy diffusion in CARMA 3.0, we adopt similar numerical methods used by the 234 code to implement Brownian diffusion, except we replace the density of the species by its mixing ratio. 235 The upward and downward velocities of eddy diffusion of species j, vju and vjd, respectively, are then 236 given by: 237 f j K f j vuj Ln i j zz j i 1 j f i 1 dz f i f i 1 cm s 1 238 f j K f j vdj Ln i j zz j i j f i 1 dz f i f i 1 cm s 1 239 where dz is the thickness of an atmospheric layer (200 m in our model) and fji is the mixing ratio of 240 species j in the ith layer. The natural log prevents numerical instabilities in the event the denominator 241 becomes too small. We see that, if the ith level has a much greater j mixing ratio than the level below, 11 242 or fji >> fji-1, then there would be a large diffusive flow downwards, or vjd >> vju, which is exactly what 243 results from the above equations. 244 Gas transport is handled in the same way as the transport of particles, except we do not consider 245 sedimentation. 246 2.4. Meteoric Dust 247 Turco et al. (1983) discussed the possible properties of meteoric dust in the Venus atmosphere, 248 concluding that it is similar to meteoric dust in the atmosphere of Earth and could act as condensation 249 nuclei to water vapor, forming thin ice hazes. We propose that meteoric dust could also serve as 250 condensation nuclei to sulfuric acid vapor, as its saturation vapor pressure is extremely low at the 251 altitude of the UH, on the order of 10-19 mbars for pure sulfuric acid, and 10-31 mbars for a water- 252 sulfuric acid mixture with 75 wt% sulfuric acid (Kulmala and Laaksonen 1990), typical of the UH 253 (Hansen and Hovenier, 1974). Thus, any sulfuric acid vapor that is lofted into the UH by diffusion or 254 winds could potentially condense on the meteoric dust present in this region. 255 256 257 One argument against meteoric dust being condensation nuclei is its small size and whether the Kelvin effect will play a large role. The Kelvin effect on the pressure is given by: Ln p 2M p 0 rRT 258 where p0 is the original pressure; p is the augmented pressure after the Kelvin effect is taken into 259 account; γ is the surface tension; M and ρ are the molar mass and density of the substance, respectively; 260 r is the radius of the droplet; R is the gas constant; and T is the temperature. If we use the appropriate 261 values for sulfuric acid in the UH, a typical condensation nuclei size of 1.3 nm (Kalashnikova et al. 262 2000), and the parameterization of Mills (1996) for the surface tension, then we get an approximate 263 increase of 7 orders of magnitude in the saturation vapor pressure. This is indeed a large effect, but the 264 resulting saturation vapor pressure is still only 10-24 mbars, which is far less than recent upper limits on 12 265 the abundance of H2SO4 in the UH, e.g. 3 ppb, or about 3x10-11 mbar, from Sandor et al. (2012). 266 We also note that, in our model, meteoric dust is treated in the same way as the condensation 267 nuclei formed from photochemistry. However, it is clear that meteoric dust, which is typically made of 268 silicates (Hunten et al. 1980), may react differently to sulfuric acid than typical photochemical 269 products. However, Saunders et al. (2012) showed that silicates do dissolve in sulfuric acid, even for 270 concentrations of up to 75 wt%. Therefore, we conclude that our assumption of nucleation by 271 activation of soluble condensation nuclei is valid, at least to first order, for meteoric dust. 272 The production profile of meteoric dust we use in our model is shown in Figure 4 as an 273 empirical approximation of the profile calculated by Kalashnikova et al. (2000). All meteoric dust 274 particles are assumed to have a radius of 1.3 nm. We have shifted the profile maximum from 87 km to 275 83 km in order to match the maximum in the small mode curve in Fig. 9 of Wilquet et al. (2009). The 276 parameterization of the profile is given by: z 83 3 5 10 e 21.201 2 z 83 3 71.201 5 10 e 2 277 Pmd 278 where z has units of kilometers. 279 2.5. Winds z 83 cm 3 s 1 z 83 280 Figure 5 shows the wind profile we use to test the effects of transient upward winds on the 281 number density and size distribution of the cloud and haze aerosols. The wind beneath 70 km is a 282 constant flux wind, identical to that of Imamura and Hashimoto (2001) but increased in strength by two 283 orders of magnitude, similar to the eddy experiments of Imamura and Hashimoto (2001): 284 285 w 8.0 10 3 cm s 1 where w is upward wind speed and ρ is atmospheric density, both in cgs units. In order to adhere to our 13 286 top boundary condition and simulate turning over of the wind currents, we allow the upward wind to 287 fall off linearly above 70 km so that it vanishes at 75 km. 288 289 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 290 3.1 Equilibrium Results 291 Figure 6 shows the number density results of our model for the two initial conditions. We see 292 that both cases are consistent with LCPS upper cloud data (Knollenberg and Hunten 1980). However, 293 case 1 overestimates the number density of the middle cloud while both cases underestimate the 294 number density of the lower cloud, though case 1 gives a better fit to the data. The difference between 295 the two cases in the middle and lower clouds is caused by the initial reservoir of gas present in one case 296 but not the other; such a reservoir of gas would result in vigorous nucleation and condensational growth 297 of the first condensation nuclei and meteoric dust that are produced in the model, giving rise to an 298 initial population of large particles of radius ~1 μm both in the upper haze and the upper cloud. These 299 particles would then sediment and coagulate with smaller particles, reducing the number density of the 300 latter. This depletion in smaller droplets leads to the smaller number densities of the middle and lower 301 clouds in case 2. In contrast, no initial large population existed in case 1, and thus the number density is 302 increased by the presence of smaller particles. This conclusion is supported by Figures 7 and 8, which 303 show the size distributions of the cloud and haze particles at various altitudes, and reproduces 304 qualitatively the bimodality of the middle and lower clouds as seen by Pioneer Venus (Knollenberg and 305 Hunten 1980). We see that the amount of ~0.2 μm (mode 1) particles at 48, 51, and 54 km (e.g. in the 306 middle and lower clouds) are all greater in case 1 results than case 2 results, while case 2 results at 58 307 and 63 km exhibit many more ~1-2 μm (mode 2) particles than case 1 results. 308 The difference between the two cases extends to the upper haze as well. Case 1 size 309 distributions above 70 km show a simple mono-modal curve, while case 2 size distributions show an 14 310 increase in both the abundance of larger particles and smaller particles. The former feature is caused by 311 the initial burst of growth due to the presence of 4 ppm of sulfuric acid vapor. Figure 9 reveals the 312 origin of the latter feature as the tail of a haze population originally created from the aforementioned 313 initial rapid growth of large particles. The two orders of magnitude difference between the haze-only 314 curve and the nominal curve is caused by the coagulation of haze particles and upwelled cloud particles 315 in the latter case, leading to the loss of the smaller haze particles. Despite the two different sources of 316 particles, the overall size distributions in the UH are still mono-modal (although many particles do exist 317 in the mode 2 size range), especially at the higher altitudes, and thus cannot explain the bimodality 318 detected by Wilquet et al. (2009). However, the average cloud top haze particle radius (excluding 319 meteoric dust), ~0.26 μm at 70 km, is fairly close to the average haze particle radius originally detected 320 by Kawabata et al. (1980), indicating that this is likely the small mode detected by Wilquet et al. 321 (2009), and that a steady state model may not yield a large mode. The small mode number density data 322 is plotted in Figure 6 alongside the model number density of all particles with r > 1.3 nm. Though the 323 model follows the trend of the data above 80 km, it underestimates it by about a factor of 2; below 80 324 km, it overestimates it by about the same amount. 325 The underestimation of the lower cloud in both models may further speak to the necessity of 326 including transient events in our model. We see from Figure 6 that the number density curve becomes 327 jagged at the same altitude as the lower cloud, indicating sensitivity to the model state. This is the 328 altitude at which the sulfuric acid vapor mixing ratio intersects its saturation vapor pressure curve, as 329 shown in Figure 10, and thus any rapid addition of extra sulfuric acid vapor would lead to growth. The 330 phenomenon of transient mixing leading to growth was observed in the model of Imamura and 331 Hashimoto (2001). This may also be supported by the size distributions of the middle and lower clouds 332 underestimating both the abundance of mode 1 and mode 3 particles when compared to LCPS data at 333 54 km, while adequately fitting the mode 2 particles. For instance, any injection of sulfuric acid vapor 15 334 would cause both the growth of particles, producing the large mode 3 particles, and the generation of 335 mode 1 particles due to the evaporation of sedimenting mode 3 particles. However, this depends on the 336 assumption that mode 3 particles are sulfuric acid droplets like mode 2, which it may not be, given the 337 original observations and conclusions of Knollenberg and Hunten (1980) discussed below. 338 In our model, where all particles are assumed to be either nonvolatile spheres of density ~1.9 g 339 cm-3, or spherical sulfuric acid droplets, a distinct third peak in the size distribution is seen at 48 km for 340 case 2 centered on 4.23 μm. A smaller, less distinct peak is seen at 51 km for case 1 centered on 2.66 341 μm. Both peaks are close to the mean radius of mode 3 particles detected by Pioneer Venus, ~3.6 μm 342 (Knollenberg and Hunten 1980). The origins of these particles in our model results appear to be related 343 to coagulation, as indicated in Figure 11 where a case without coagulation resulted in very few particles 344 with radius greater than 2 μm. The difference in the behavior of our mode 3 between cases 1 and 2 also 345 point to coagulation as a means of generating it, as the large particles formed from the initial growth 346 phase of the latter case would have coagulated with each other and smaller particles to form larger 347 particles in the mode 3 size regime, while in case 1 the effect of coagulation would’ve been smaller due 348 to the lack of the initial large particle population, leading to a more diminutive mode 3. However, it 349 should be noted that the nominal observations point to mode 3 as solid, crystalline particles, rather than 350 liquid, spherical droplets (Knollenberg and Hunten 1980). On the other hand, Toon et al. (1984) 351 discussed the possibility that mode 3 is merely the tail of the mode 2 size distribution. This is supported 352 by our results, where mode 3 blends into mode 2 at higher altitudes. 353 Figure 11 shows the mixing ratio of sulfuric acid vapor for both cases plotted with the sulfuric 354 acid saturation vapor pressure curve and Magellan radio occultation data as analyzed by Kolodner and 355 Steffes (1998). We see immediately that the dispersion of the data from 0-6 ppm allows for both cases 356 to fit it. However, only case 2 exhibits the local sulfuric acid maximum that fits the nonzero data points. 357 This difference between the results of the two cases arise naturally from the initial 4 ppm of H 2SO4 16 358 vapor in case 2 but not in case 1. In both cases, vapor is deposited at the base of the clouds by 359 evaporating, sedimenting particles. In case 1, this vapor is added to essentially no vapor, while in case 360 2, this vapor is added to the 4 ppm already present. Another source of vapor below the clouds is the 361 upward diffusion from below 40 km due to the assumed vapor mixing ratio of 3 ppm at the base of the 362 model atmosphere. In case 1, this source leads to the negative gradient in sulfuric acid vapor mixing 363 ratio, causing a persistent upward vapor flux. In case 2, this results in a downward flux, as the mixing 364 ratio below the clouds exceeds 3 ppm. The two cases are consistent with each other above 52 km, and 365 only deviate from the saturation vapor pressure at 61 km, where sulfuric acid vapor is photochemically 366 produced, and above 80 km. This latter deviation may be caused by numerical instabilities caused by 367 the low saturation vapor pressure (~10-31 mbars), the effects of possible condensation of water vapor 368 into ice clouds (Toon et al. 1984), or the phase properties of sulfuric acid in this region (McGouldrick 369 et al. 2011). 370 Figures 12 and 13 give a summary of the processes occurring in the clouds and UH of Venus. 371 The production of nonvolatile photochemical condensation nuclei causes the nucleation and 372 condensational growth of liquid sulfuric acid droplets at 61 km. These droplets then diffuse upwards 373 and sediment downwards, leading to the positive (upward) particle flux above 61 km and the negative 374 (downward) particle flux below 61 km. The vigorous convection in the middle cloud then drives the 375 upward flux of sulfuric acid vapor, resulting in enhanced production of mode 2 particles, which are 376 transported downwards by sedimentation and diffusion. 377 The particles begin to evaporate as they sediment past the altitude at which the sulfuric acid 378 saturation vapor pressure becomes greater than its partial pressure, causing the regeneration of mode 1 379 and the deposition of sulfuric acid vapor beneath the clouds. This creates a local maximum in sulfuric 380 acid vapor mixing ratio around 44 km, creating both an upward and downward flux that diverges at that 381 altitude; the upward vapor flux leads to the growth of particles in the lower cloud, which then promotes 17 382 a greater downward flux of particles due to faster sedimentation. 383 Again we see clear differences between cases 1 and 2. The upper haze of case 2 contains the 384 background haze particles formed from the initial growth phase, which is absent in case 1. The 385 existence of these first, large particles also leads to a larger mean size for mode 2 and the regenerated 386 mode 1, as well as a tail of large particles that eventually forms a distinct third mode upon evaporation 387 due to the faster evaporation rate of the smaller mode 2 particles caused by the Kelvin effect. 388 It is worth noting that the fluxes in case 1 above 55 km are more positive than those of case 2, 389 most likely due to the smaller particles being easier to transport upwards. Similarly, below 55 km the 390 absolute value of case 1 particle fluxes are slightly smaller than those of case 2 due to the lower mass 391 loading caused by the abundance of small particles rather than a smaller number of large particles. 392 Also, the sulfuric acid vapor flux in case 1 is slightly positive for all altitudes below 49 km, while the 393 particle flux is close to zero, leading to net generation of sulfuric acid in this region. This is 394 unsurprisingly, as the negative gradient will deliver gas to this region from below the model domain, 395 while sedimenting particles will deliver gas from above. It is likely then, that given enough time, the 396 vapor curve in case 1 will look similar to the curve in case 2. This indicates that case 1 has not reached 397 a steady state even after 107 s of simulation time, calling into question its validity in this region. 398 3.1 Transient Wind Results 399 Figure 14 gives the number density results before, immediately after, and about an Earth week 400 after a transient updraft event lasting ~1 Earth day, using the wind speed profile given in Figure 5, and 401 case 2 initial conditions. We see that a detached haze layer forms at 75 km. The location of the haze is 402 likely artificial given our wind profile, but the increase in number density at the altitude of the turn- 403 over should be profile-dependent, though the magnitude of the increase in number density (a factor of a 404 few 10’s in our results) should not be as high as we have not taken into account horizontal transport. In 405 the few Earth days that follow, the detached haze layer diffuses away so that the peak number density is 18 406 an order of magnitude lower than its maximum immediately following the wind event. This shows that 407 such a wind event produces the right time scales for haze variability, on the order of days. A wind 408 forcing particles into a thin haze layer also increases the rate of coagulation at that location due to the 409 increased number density. Figure 15 shows the size distributions at altitudes close to the detached haze 410 layer at the same times as Figure 14. For all plotted altitudes we observe an increase in large particles, 411 and a decrease in smaller particles, as would be the result of coagulation. The size distributions also 412 exhibit clear bimodality after the wind event, and even “trimodality” at 70 km after the relaxation 413 period. In these cases, the small mode is caused by the upwelling of mode 1 particles, while the large 414 mode is caused by the condensational growth and coagulation of mode 1 particles, as well as the 415 upwelling of some mode 2 particles. The middle mode in the trimodal case, as it is very similar to the 416 peak of the distribution immediately after the wind at 75 km, is caused by the sedimentation of mode 1 417 particles that have grown due to condensational growth only, essentially filling the gap between the 418 mode 1 particles and the mode 2 particles. In summary, the effect of such a transient wind is the 419 generation and depletion of a haze layer on the time scale of days, and the perturbation of the mono- 420 modal size distribution of the region into bimodal, or even trimodal distributions. This qualitatively 421 reproduces the variability and size spectrum of the UH as observed by Venus Express (Wilquet et al. 422 2009, 2012). 423 424 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 425 In this study we simulated the clouds and upper haze of Venus using version 3.0 of the 426 microphysical and vertical transport model CARMA. We showed that appropriate choices of initial, 427 boundary, and model atmospheric conditions can reproduce the number density and size distributions 428 of the Venus clouds as seen in Pioneer Venus data, including the bimodal and possible trimodal particle 429 size spectrum and the three separate cloud layers. The two initial conditions we used, one representing 19 430 the simultaneous photochemical production of sulfuric acid vapor and sulfur condensation nuclei (case 431 1), and another representing the injection of condensation nuclei of unknown make up into a reservoir 432 of sulfuric acid (case 2), both reproduce the upper cloud satisfactorily. However, case 1 overestimates 433 the middle cloud while case 2 underestimates the lower cloud. We deduced that these discrepancies are 434 caused by an initial population of large particles forming in case 2 but not in case 1, and the lack of 435 transient events simulated in these nominal runs, which may be necessary to reproduce the highly 436 variable lower cloud (James et al. 1997, Imamura and Hashimoto 2001). 437 We observed a mode 3 in our model at the altitudes of the lower cloud. It appears to originate as 438 the large particle tail of mode 2, thereby supporting one of the current hypotheses regarding this 439 controversial issue (Toon et al. 1984). The evaporation of the cloud particles at the base of the clouds 440 then causes a split between mode 2 particles and these larger particles due to the latter`s lower 441 evaporation rate, resulting in a distinct mode 3. The mode 2 large particle tail itself is formed by 442 coagulation in our model. 443 We also simulated the upper haze as a mixture of droplets formed from in situ nucleation of 444 sulfuric acid vapor on meteoric dust and droplets upwelled from the cloud decks below. We showed 445 that the latter population dominates the haze and is likely the particles originally observed by the 446 Pioneer Venus OCPP (Kawabata et al. 1980), and the mode 1 particles observed by Venus Express 447 SPICAV/SOIR (Wilquet et al. 2009). A distinct mode 2 was not observed in our results, though the size 448 distribution does cover the appropriate size range. 449 We appealed to the effects of transient winds for the generation of mode 2 haze particles. A 450 constant flux upward wind capped by a rapid fall-off to zero wind speed to represent turnover was 451 used. The application of this wind for 105 s on a steady state cloud and haze distribution resulted in the 452 formation of a detached haze at the altitude of the turnover with a peak number density ~20 times the 453 original steady state number density at the same altitude. Relaxation of the detached haze over an Earth 20 454 week resulted in the decrease of number density by a factor of 10. We conclude that a transient wind 455 can reproduce the time scales of haze variability observed by Venus Express (Luz et al. 2011, 456 Markiewicz et al. 2007). The resulting size distribution showed a clear bimodal structure below the 457 detached haze at the end of the wind event, with a trimodal structure appearing at 70 km after the 458 relaxation period. A less distinct bimodal structure also appeared above the detached haze. We note 459 that, while the location and specific number density of the detached haze are dependent on the wind 460 profile, the qualitative effects of such a wind, namely the formation of a detached haze and the 461 increased coagulation and growth of particles, are general. 462 Clouds and hazes are major constituents of the atmosphere of Venus, affecting both its 463 chemistry and its climate. Understanding the observed variability in number density and size 464 distribution of these features are therefore important in characterizing the atmospheric state. In this 465 work we showed that models such as CARMA are invaluable in revealing the physical processes that 466 control it, such as the effects of different condensable production methods, meteoric dust nucleation, 467 and transient winds events. 468 469 Acknowledgements 470 We thank S. Garimella and R. L. Shia for assistance with the setting up and running of the CARMA 471 code. This research was supported in part by the Venus Express program via NASA NNX10AP80G 472 grant to the California Institute of Technology, and in part by an NAI Virtual Planetary Laboratory 473 grant from the University of Washington to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of 474 Technology. 475 21 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 TABLES Earth Venus Surface gravity (cm s-2) 980.6 887.0 Major atmospheric component(s) N2, O2 (avg. wt. = 29.97 g/mol) CO2 (wt. = 43.45 g/mol) Main condensable H2O (wt. = 18.02 g/mol) H2SO4 (wt. = 98.08 g/mol) Atmospheric viscosity (10-4 g cm-1 s-1)* 1.851 (at 300K) 1.496 (at 300 K) * - The viscosity dependence on temperature is calculated using Sutherland's equation and parameters from the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables (for H2O) and White (1974) (for H2SO4). Table 1. Comparison of relevant planetary parameters between Earth and Venus. 22 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 FIGURES Figure 1. Model temperature and pressure profile taken from the Venus International Reference Atmosphere (Seiff et al. 1985). 23 490 491 492 493 Figure 2. Production rate profile for sulfuric acid vapor and photochemical condensation nuclei, taken from Imamura and Hashimoto (2001), with the peak rate halved for the best fit to LCPS data. 24 494 495 496 497 498 Figure 3. Model eddy diffusion coefficient profile, with the 40-70 km section based on Imamura and Hashimoto (2001), and the 70-100 km section based on Krasnopolsky (1983). 25 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 Figure 4. Model meteoric dust production rate profile, based on Kalashnikova et al. (2000), normalized to 1.3 nm particles, and shifted down from the original distribution by 4 km in order for the maximum of this profile to match that of the number density profile of the small mode particles in the UH, as retrieved from solar occultation data by Wilquet et al. (2009) 26 506 507 508 509 510 Figure 5. Model wind speed profile, with the portion below 70 km taken from Imamura and Hashimoto (2001), and the cut-off above 70 km to represent the turning over of the upwelling. 27 511 512 513 514 515 516 Figure 6. Number density profile of cloud and haze particles for case 1 (red) and case 2 (blue) for particles with radius r > 1.3 nm. These curves are compared to data from LCPS (points) (Knollenberg and Hunten et al. 1980) and Venus Express (pluses) (Wilquet et al. 2009). 28 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 Figure 7. Particle size distributions for case 1, plotted at various altitudes. LCPS size data at 54.2 km (Knollenberg and Hunten 1980) is plotted for comparison. 29 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 Figure 8. Same as Figure 7, for case 2. 30 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 Figure 9. Particle size distribution at 78 km for the nominal, no meteoric dust (MD) production, and no photochemical condensation nuclei (CN) production cases. All curves are results of case 2 initial conditions. 31 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 Figure 10. Sulfuric acid vapor mixing ratios for the two initial condition cases plotted against the sulfuric acid saturation vapor pressure (see text for source) and Magellan radio occultation data analyzed by Kolodner and Steffes (1998). 32 550 551 552 553 554 Figure 11. Particle size distribution at 48 km for both the nominal and the no coagulation cases. All curves are results of case 2 initial conditions. 33 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 Figure 12. Contour plots of number density as a function of particle size and altitude for case 1 (top) and case 2 (bottom). The sharp feature near 0.1 μm is caused by assigning a single size bin to represent the input photochemical condensation nuclei. 34 564 565 566 567 568 569 Figure 13. The sulfuric acid flux for cases 1 and 2 after 107 seconds. 35 570 571 572 573 574 575 Figure 14. 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