Name: Date: Chapter 1, Less 1, Study Guide Connections in the

Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Chapter 1, Less 1, Study Guide
Connections in the Roman Empire
What was travel and communication like in the Roman Empire? How is a person's
world view affected by travel and communication?
Roman Transportation
People who
could Travel
Methods of
Problems and
Dangers of
What type of world view results from
modern American travel and
What type of world views resulted from
Roman travel and communication?
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Chapter 1, Lesson 2, Study Guide
The Expanding Horizon
Although it was difficult and dangerous, many people managed to travel in the years
between A.D. 150 and 1500. Why and how did they travel? What hardships did they
face while travelling?
Why did they travel?
How did they travel? Why hardships did
they face?
Answer these questions on the back or on another sheet of paper.
1. What three inventions improved horseback riding between A.D. 150 and
2. What three innovations encouraged more people to travel by sea during this
3. How was Ptolemy's map different from T-O maps?
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Chapter 2, Lesson 1, Study Guide
The Fall of the Roman Empire
What led to the growth of the Roman Empire? What led to its fall?
Beginning with Augustus in 27 B.C., Roman emperors used conquest to
expand the Roman Empire. Territorial expansion brought prosperity to Rome.
What are some of the ways that Rome profited from its provinces?
Beginning in A.D. 161.
barbarians invaded Rome.
Beginning in A.D. 193, many Romans
Tried to gain political control of the empire.
The countryside was ruined. The economy was endangered.
Beginning in 284, Roman emperors tried to correct the empire's problems.
What did Diocletian do to stabilize the empire?
What did Constantine do to stabilize the empire?
In another effort to provide stability, Emperor Theodosius I declared
that the empire should be split in two upon his death. In 395, it was.
What do historians call the Western Roman
What do historians call the Eastern Roman
The last emperor of the Western Roman
Empire was overthrown by barbarians in 476.
The Eastern Roman Empire prospered
for the next 1,000 years.
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Chapter 2, Lesson 2, Study Guide
Acquainted Cultures
In what ways did ancient Mediterranean cultures benefit from each other?
Ancient cultures came into contact primarily through:
What are two reasons that Persia and Rome fought What are the two benefits Persia gained through
so often?
What did it receive from
contact with other cultures?
What did it give
To other cultures?
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Chapter 2, Lesson 3, Study Guide
The Rise of the Byzantine Empire
What were the important achievements of the Byzantine Empire?
How was the new city protected?
How was the new city like a modern city?
Describe the art that Justinian commissioned for the new city.
What made the Hagia Sophia an architectural masterpiece?
What did the code do?
Why is the code still important today?
Answer this question on the back or an another sheet of paper.
What effects did the constant battling between Persia and the Byzantine Empire have on the two
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Study Guide
Desert Bloom – Caravan Cities
What led to the development of trading centres in Arabia in the 500's? What made Mecca one of the
most important of these trade centres? How did the growth of Mecca affect the Quarysh?
In the box below, trace the typical development of a desert oasis town into a city.
By the late 500s, several of these desert towns had grown into important trade centres. The people of
the Quraysh tribe had built Mecca into the most prosperous trade centre in Arabia, as well as an
important religious centre.
How did the Quraysh encourage the growth of
How did the Quraysh encourage the growth of
Mecca as a trade centre?
Mecca as a religious centre?
The wealth gained from trade and pilgrimages bought about
a change in the values and customs of the Quraysh
What new values and customs did they develop?
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Chapter 3, Lesson 2, Study Guide
Muhammad And Islam
What brought about the birth of Islam? What makes Islam not only a group of religious beliefs, but also
a way of life?
Muslims believe that in A.D. 610, Muhammad became a “Messenger of God”
when he had his first vision of the angel Gabriel.
What methods did Muhammad use to spread Islam?
By the time of his death in 632, Muhammad and his followers
had spread Islam thorughtout Arabia.
After Muhammad's death, his followers recorded his revelations in the Koran.
They also recorded his words and deeds in the Sunna.
How does the Koran connect Muslims with Jews What are the Five Pillars of Islam contained in the
and Christians?
Both the Koran and the Sunna contain moral standards
that Muslims must live by in their everyday life.
What are some of these moral standards?
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Chapter 3, Lesson 3, Study Guide
Early Islam
What brought about conflict between Muslims after the death of Muhammad?
The early unity of Muslims had much to do with their respect for Muhammad.
Muhammad's followers were attracted to his . . .
Muhammad died without naming a successor. The choosing of caliphs, or successors,
became a major source of conflict between Muslims.
Answer these questions for each of the first five caliphs. The first one is done for you.
What was his tie to
How did he become
What led to his no
longer being caliph?
Abu Bakr
Chosen by a group of
Muhammad's advisors
His death
Under these caliphs, an Islamic empire was created through territorial conquest.
Governing the empire led to political divisions among Muslims.
The empire's problems were worsened by fighting that occurred over the issue of who the
rightful successors to Muhammad were-his descendants or elected caliphs.
Shiites believed that the caliph should be . . .
Sunnis believed that the caliph should be . . .
Islam remains divided between Shiites and Sunnis today.