Biol 427 1 Syllabus: Human Diversity and Population Genetics C. D. Jones. Basic Structure: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 am- 10:45. Class will include lecture and reading/discussion. One midterm and one final. Prerequisites: Biol 201 & 202 Lecture will introduce this subject and set up the questions that are discussed in the paper(s) to be read. 1-3 papers or articles a week plus other assignments. Week1: Week2: Week3: Week4: Week5: Week6: Week7 Introduction. Motivation and Questions Coarse Overview and structure Archaeology and Anthropology. Question: Why are we the way we are? Role is Human Health and Disease Genetics Review Populations and Genes Statistical approach to genetics Genetic variation Hardy-Weinberg Assumptions Roles of environment, evolution, and genetics Fst -- one method of testing neutrality versus selection Admixture and structure Population Genetics 2 Neutral Theory Selection Quantitative genetics and humans Heritability Mapping Genomes Basic concepts Population Genomics Evolutionary observations Ancient genomes Association Studies Linkage Association GWAS Trios vs Case Control Prenatal screening Midterm. (Start next section) Makeup day :TBA Students must have chosen the subjects for their presentations 9--27 – Exam Designing GWAS Biol 427 Week8: Week9: Week10: Week11: Week 12 Week 13: Week 14: Week 15: 2 Sampling Genotyping Analysis Replication Biases Evolution and Humans Genetics and Evolution The Primates The hominids Admixture with Neanderthal Language & Pair Bonding World Language and Genetic Patterns Role of natural selection and language FOXP2 Pair Bonding Human population structure Consanguinous matings Patterns of Human Migration Migration and language Implications for GWAS Evolution and Human Disease: genetic disease Return to pedigrees for Simple traits Sickle cell, CF Adaptation in humans? Diseases of Modernity Intersection of genetics, evolution and environment Type 2 diabetes Heart disease Obesity Metagenomics Microbiomes The ecology of the gut Bacteria and their role in health Genomics of the microbiomes External diseases and human evolution CF, Sickle cell HIV Misc Topics Agriculture and Biotechnology Catch --up Review & Perspective on directions of human study