Rotation-Invariant Iris Texture Verification Amol D. Rahulkar and R. S. Holambe Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, AISSMS’ Institute of Information Technology, Pune Abstract: The iris recognition system mainly consists of iris segmentation, normalization, feature extraction, and matching. The feature extraction plays a very important role in iris recognition system. This paper is presented the rotationally invariant iris texture feature extraction method which uses the DWT and DT-CWT jointly. The proposed approach divides the normalized iris image into six sub-regions and the combined transform is applied separately on each region to capture the information in nine directions. The rotation invariant feature vector is formed by estimating the energies and standard deviation of each sub-band. The Euclidean distance is used to match the feature vectors of template and test iris image. The performance of iris recognition with combine approach on UBIRIS and MMU1 database is compared with Gabor, DWT, and DT-CWT in terms of FAR, FRR, and computational complexity. The experimentation shows that proposed method improves the performance. Index Terms- Iris recognition, DWT, DT-CWT, Gabor, Biometrics. I INTRODUCTION Biometric authentication is an automated method for verifying an individual. The authentication is based on the physiological or behavioral characteristics of human being. Among various biometric techniques such as (fingerprint, signature, face, palm-print, palm-vein, iris etc.) iris is found to be the most reliable and accurate trait for high secured applications. It is because iris is unique, stable, and noninvasive. Iris recognition is the process of identifying an individual by analyzing its iris pattern. The iris is a muscle within the eye that regulates the size of the pupil. It is the colored portion of the eye with coloring based on the pigmentation within the muscle. The basic block diagram of iris recognition system is shown in Fig.1. The whole system consists of segmentation, normalization, feature extraction, and matching. The segmentation is the separation of iris from an eye image. In 1993, Daughman [1] pioneer of iris recognition system developed an integro-differential operator to localize the inner and outer boundaries of the iris. In Wildes [2], first the image intensity information converted into binary edge map, and then edge points vote to instantiate the particular contour parameter values. The edge map is recovered via gradient based edge detection with the circular Hough Transform. Li Ma et. al. [3], [4] first project the image in the vertical and horizontal directions to approximately estimate the center co- ordinates of the pupil. The center co-ordinates of the iris are estimated with the help of threshold. The canny edge detector and Hough Transform are then used to calculate the parameters of the iris. The normalization is used to simplify the further processing. The feature extraction is the heart of the iris recognition system which extracts the features from normalized iris image. The feature extraction generally classified into three main categories-phase based method, zero-crossing detection and texture based method. The Gabor wavelet, Log-Gabor wavelet are used to extract the phase information proposed by Daughman [1], Meng and Xu [5], L. Masek [6], Proenca and Alexandre [7], M. Vatsa et. al. [8]. Boles and Boshash [9], Sanchez–avilla [10] used the DWT to compute the zero-crossing representation at different resolutions of concentric circles. Wildes [2] proposed the characterization of iris texture through Laplacian Pyramid with four different resolutions. Many researchers extracted the texture features using bank of spatial filter [3], Haar [11]. The Hamming Distance, Euclidean, weighted Euclidean Distance, and signal correlation are used for the matching purpose. The detailed literature on iris recognition can be found in [12]. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of proposed approach. A detail description of the iris preprocessing, feature extraction, feature vector and matching are given in Section 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively. Section-7 reported the experimental results. Finally, the conclusion is given in Section 8. 2. OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED APPROACH The two noisy iris databases we have collected, and observed that iris consists of irregular characteristics such as freckles, crypts, radial streaks, radial furrows, collarette, rings etc.[1].The verification rate in the presence of noise is improved by dividing the iris into six-regions and extracted the features from each region using Gabor, DWT, and DTCWT separately. In order to improve the performance, we have derived the scale and rotational invariant features from the combination of DWT and DT-CWT which extracts the information in nine different directions. Fig. 1. Block diagram of Iris Recognition system. 3. PREPROCESSING 44 IRIS TEXTURE VERIFICATION Segmentation: The iris can be segmented by detecting the limbic boundary (between sclera and iris) and the pupillary boundary (between pupil and iris). In this paper, we have used Where the integro-differential operator [1] as max G (r ) * ( r , x 0, y 0) I ( x, y ) ds r x 0, y 0,r 2r (5) x0, y0 specify position in the image, ( , ) specify the effective width and length, and (u 0, v0) specify the modulation, which has the spatial frequency (1) This operator searches over the image domain (x, y) for the maximum change in the blurred partial derivative with respective to increasing radius r of the normalized contour integral of I(x, y) along a circular arc ds of radius r and center coordinate(x0,y0). Gσ(r) is Gaussian filter and * is convolution operator. 0 u 0 2 v0 2 . In this work, Gabor is implemented with 4 scales and 6 orientations. Normalization : The size of the iris may change due to the illumination variation caused pupil dilation and constriction. Such elastic stretching or constriction of trabecular meshwork of iris affect on the iris recognition accuracy. In order to achieve accurate recognition we have used the Daughman’s rubber sheet model [1] where the circular portion of iris ring is unwrapped in anticlockwise direction into rectangular fixed block by (2). I (r , ) I [ x(r , ), y (r , )] (2) where, x(r , ) (1 r ).xp( ) r.xl( ) (3) (a) (b) (c) y (r , ) (1 r ). yp( ) r. yl ( ) (4) xp(θ), yp(θ) referred the pupillary boundary points and xl (θ), yl (θ) denoted the limbic boundary points. The values of r lies in [0 1] and θ locates in the range of [0 2π]. Hence, it will become scale, translation invariant and also subsequent processing becomes very easy. (d) (e) Enhancements: The normalized image still has low intensity contrast and may have non uniform brightness caused by the position of light sources. Li Ma et. al. [3,4] proposed the method divides into two steps. First is background brightness estimation and the second is histogram equalization. We used these two steps to obtain well distributed texture image which suit very effective for feature extraction. The results are shown in Fig.2. (f) 4. FEATURE EXTRACTION Gabor Transform: Gabor Transform is constructed by the modulation of Gaussian function with complex sinusoidal function. It provides the optimum conjoint localization in space and frequency. It is because sine wave perfectly localized in frequency, but not localized in space. So modulation of sine wave with Gaussian provides the localization in space. The centre frequency of the filter is specified by the frequency of the sine wave, and the bandwidth of the filter is specified by the width of the Gaussian. (g) Fig.2. Iris Preprocessing (a).Original eye image. (b) Separated iris region (c).Original normalized image. (d) Brightness estimation. (e). Enhanced image.(f), (g)Partitioned image Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT): The DWT decomposes an image f x, y L R into the form of set of dilation and translation of wavelet functions 2 2 l x, y and scaling function ( x, y ) . 45 j 0 jr0,l j. ij 0,l ; j 0 rj 0,l ij 0,l AKGEC JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, vol. 1, no.1 f ( x, y ) kZ 2 s j 0, k j 0, k ( x, y ) wlj , k lj , k ( x, y ) l j j 0k z Where j 0,k ( x, y) 2 l j ,k j0 (6) (2 ( x, y) k ) , j0 ( x, y) 2 (2 ( x, y) k ) and l {0 ,90 ,45 } j j 0 The DT-CWT { 75 2 0 0 The standard DWT is implemented with the help of appropriately designed Quadrature Mirror filters (QMF). It consists of low-pass coefficients g[n] and high-pass coefficients h[n ] where n 0 L . These two impulse responses thus related with the scaling and wavelet functions as: ( x ) 2 g[ n] ( 2 x n) (7) ( x) 2 h[n] (2 x n) (8) 0 gives the (14) information in ,45 ,15 ,15 ,45 ,75 } six directions. 0 0 0 0 0 It is always desirable to design the iris recognition system must be scale, translation and rotation invariant. Our system is achieved the scale and translation invariant by normalizing the iris ring into fixed rectangular size. The rotation invariance is achieved by unwrapping the iris ring at five different initial angles -50,-100, 00, 50, 100. We thus created the five templates which denote the five rotation angles for individual iris. V. FEATURE VECTOR In this work, each iris image is decomposed up to fourth level. The energy using L1 norm and standard deviation [16] from nZ nZ The products of above 1-D wavelet and scaling functions can be used to obtain the 2-D scaling and wavelet functions from (9)-(12). (i, j ) (i ) ( j ) (9) 1 (i, j) (i) ( j) 2 (i, j) (i) ( j) 3 (i, j ) (i) ( j ) (10) (11) Dual Tree-Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT): The real DWT has poor directional selectivity, phase invariance, and lacks from shift invariance property. These problems can be solved by using Complex Wavelet Transform with introducing limited redundancy [15]. In this, two parallel fully decimated tree with real filter coefficients are used to achieve Perfectly Reconstruction (PR) and good frequency response characteristics as shown in Fig. 3(b). The DT-CWT decomposed a signal f(x) in terms of complex shifted and dilated mother wavelet filters (x ) and scaling function (x). lZ c j ,l j ,l ( x) (13) j j 0 lZ Where s j 0 ,l is the scaling coefficient and c j ,l is the complex wavelet coefficients with Fig.3(b).1-D DT-CWT (12) The equation (9) known as approximation coefficients (LL) and the remaining three are known as detail coefficients (LH, HL, HH). The LH, HL, and HH sub-bands give the information in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal direction. Thus, the filters divide the input image into aforementioned four non-overlapping multi-resolution sub-bands LL1, LH1, HL1, and HH1. The sub-band LL1 represents coarse-scale DWT coefficients while the sub-bands LH1, HL1, HH1 represent the fine scale DWT coefficients. In order to obtain the next coarser scale of wavelet coefficients, the sub-bands LL1 is further decomposed to get again the four sub-bands as shown in Fig .3(a). f ( x ) s j 0 ,l j 0 , l ( x ) Fig.3(a) Sub-band decomposition of real DWT j 0 and j ,l complex as each sub-band are computed as the texture feature vector from (15) and (16). Ek k M N 1 ck (i, j) M N i 1 j 1 M 1 M N i 1 (15) N ck (i, j ) k (i, j ) 2 (16) j 1 Where Ek and K are the energy and standard deviation for the kth sub-band of dimension M N with coefficients ck (i, j). Hence, at each scale and direction, energy and standard deviation based features are computed and the resultant feature vector is given by (17) f f E 1 , f 1 f E 2 , f 2 f E 3 , f 3 ... (17) Each iris image is decomposed using Gabor, DWT, and DT-CWT. Thus four different sets of feature vectors i.e. set1 using Gabor Transform, set2 using DWT, set3 using DTCWT, and set4 using the combination of DWT and DT-CWT are derived. VI. MATCHING The Euclidean distance (18) is used as a classifier of an unknown testing iris feature vector and is compared with a set of known iris feature vectors. 1 N 2 EDi Ei Ti i 1 (18) 46 IRIS TEXTURE VERIFICATION where N is the dimension of feature vector. Ei is ith component of an unknown iris and Ti is ith value of known iris. VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The approach is implemented using MATLAB 7.0 with Intel Dual core P4 processor, 2.0 GHz and 1GB RAM. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we selected the two databases namely UBIRIS [13] and MMU1 [14]. The UBIRIS database consists of 1877 iris images from 241 persons captured in two different sessions using Nikon E5700 camera. The images in this dataset have artifacts in the form of reflection, contrast, natural luminosity, focus and eyelids/eyelashes obstructions. The MMU1 database contains 45 subjects having 5 images for left and 5 images for right eye which includes 450 irises from 90 classes. The images in this database are captured with LG IrisAccess camera which contains, almost exclusively, iris obstructions by eyelids/eyelashes and specular reflections. In order to be the convenient for comparison purpose of both the databases, we have selected 90 subjects randomly from UBIRIS dataset including session 1 and session 2 contains 5 images per person. The images selected from UBIRIS dataset for our work are mostly under non-ideal environmental conditions. The Daughman’s integrodifferential operator is used to segment the iris. The Daughman’s rubber sheet model is then used to normalize the iris ring into the rectangular fixed size of 64x360 with five initial angles (-50,-100, 00, 50, 100) to achieve scale, translation, and rotation invariance. Thus, the two images each with five different angles for each person enrolled in the database. The aim was to propose the robust test under noisy environment; we partitioned the normalized images into six sub regions as shown in Fig.2 (f) and (g). Each sub region is decomposed using Gabor, DWT (db3), DT-CWT, and DWT with DT-CWT jointly up to four levels. The local discriminating feature vectors are derived for each region by estimating the energy and standard deviation of the individual sub-band. The same process repeats for test iris. The test iris vector is compared with 10 enrolled iris feature vectors and selected the minimum score. The total number of inter and intra class comparisons on each subregion are 200250 and 4500 respectively. The same experiment carried out on the whole iris normalized image to extract the global features. Thus, we have performed total eight experiments. The performance measured based on FAR, FRR, and accuracy. Overall, it is observed from Table 1, 2, and 3 that the performance of the combination of DWT with DT-CWT better than the use of individual DWT, DT-CWT, and Gabor. It is because Gabor is highly redundant; DWT is suffering from limited directionality, shift invariance, and lack of phase invariance, DT-CWT extracts the information in six directions. Hence, the combination of DWT and DT-CWT overcome the individual limitations and extracts the information in nine directions with limited computational complexity 0 ,15 ,15 ,75 ,75 ,45 ,45 ,45 ,90 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.1 Results TABLE .1 Comparison of the Computational Complexity Method Gabor Transform DWT DT-CWT DWT+DT-CWT Feature extraction(ms) 848 33 97 186 TABLE 2 Comparison for UBIRIS Database. DWT DT-CWT DWT+DT-CWT (proposed) FRR Accuracy (%) (%) Features FAR (%) FRR (%) Accuracy (%) FAR (%) FRR (%) Accuracy (%) FAR (%) Global 8.44 8.49 91.53 6.56 6.67 93.385 6.62 6.44 Proposed (local) 3.91 4.00 96.04 3.54 3.56 96.45 2.45 3.56 Gabor FAR (%) FRR (%) 93.47 7.00 7.11 96.995 2.40 2.44 Accuracy (%) 92.95 97.77 TABLE 3 Comparison for MMU1 Database. FAR (%) FRR (%) Accuracy (%) FAR (%) FRR (%) Accuracy (%) DWT+DT-CWT (proposed) FAR FRR Accuracy (%) (%) (%) 16.01 14.44 84.77 16.31 16.89 83.40 15.21 15.31 84.74 15.66 15.66 7.25 7.33 92.71 6.77 6.89 93.17 6.18 6.89 93.46 9.11 9.33 DWT Features Global Proposed (local) DT-CWT Gabor FAR (%) FRR (%) Accuracy (%) 84.34 90.78 47 Fig. 6. (a) ROC plot: performance of the algorithms on the UBIRIS database Fig. 6. (b) ROC plot showing the performance of the algorithms on the MMU1 database VIII. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have presented an effective approach for iris feature extraction. This method is based upon the decomposition of an iris image using DWT (db3) and DTCWT jointly which extracts the information in nine orientations with the introduction of limited computational complexity. Furthermore, the proposed method divides the image into six sub-images and derives the local features separately from each region. The experimental analysis illustrates that suggested method reduced the FAR and FRR by 73% and 44.72% respectively in UBIRIS database whereas 59.36%, 54.99% respectively in MMU1 database against global features. It is also observed that proposed method slightly improved the performance over the individual transforms. The proposed method is scale, translational, and rotational invariant and also performs in the presence of noise as we have not considered any noise elimination technique during the segmentation of an iris. It is also observed that the computational complexity of the proposed method is 5 times less than the Gabor Transform which suits better for the real time applications. For future work, it is necessary to remove the HH sub-band of DWT from DWT+DT-CWT to overcome the redundancy and captures the information in number of directions so as to improve the FAR and mainly FRR. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Nick Kingsbury who has helped us by providing the material on DT-CWT. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards Dr. P. B. Mane, Principal, AISSMS IOIT, Pune (Ms), India for his constant encouragement and support. IX. REFERENCES [1]. John G. Daughman, ”High confidence of visual recognition of persons by a test of statistical independence”, IEEE transaction on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, vol.15, No.11, November 1993. [2]. R. P. Wildes, ”Iris Recognition: An emerging Biometric Technology” ,Proceedings of the IEEE,Vol.85,No.9,September 1997. [3]. Li Ma, Tieniu Tan, Yunhong Wang, Dexin Zhang, ”Personal identification Based On Iris Texture Analysis”, IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.25, No, 12, December 2003. [4]. 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