In a 4-page double spaced written paper written in Microsoft Word

In a 4-page double spaced written paper written in Microsoft Word, list the 6 ethical
principles by which we guide ourselves by as medical interpreters. For each ethical
principle discuss the following: Why is this ethical principle so important? What
could the result be if this principle was not adhered to? Give an example of things
interpreters might do that would infringe on these principles.
Principle 1: Confidentiality
Why is this ethical principle so important? Confidentiality means that everything you
will be saying in the office during the appointment will stay there and won’t leave
that room. This is important because you have made the commitment to not speak
to anyone outside. If you did this, it is not ethical or moral. When you have the presession you will be telling the patient everything that we say there is confidential. If
the patient knows it is confidential, the patient will be more open and more
comfortable with what they feel, they will feel safer. They can’t be afraid that when
they leave someone else will know what was said to the provider.
What could the result be if this principle is not adhered to? If you talk outside the
office about someone’s health situation they will be embarrassed, they can’t trust
the provider or the hospital to treat what they have and also if that information
leaves from where it is supposed to be safe they maybe could sue the hospital, the
provider and the interpreter.
Give an example of things interpreters might do that would infringe on these
principles. If you have important information about the patient and you go into the
community and talk about what they have then you will be infringing on the ethics
of confidentiality. If I see a patient I was the interpreter for in the supermarket and I
am with a friend I can’t tell my friend what was said in the appointment.
Principle 2: Impartiality
Why is this ethical principle so important? Impartiality means that you are not on
any side, the interpreter is neutral. This is important because it is not my job to give
advice or say my personal opinion I have to be objective. My role is to ask questions
to clarify information; I’m not able to judge. I just have to be the conduit and to
interpret the information given.
What could the result be if this principle is not adhered to? The result is the patient
won’t trust the system. Also the interpreter has to know their limits about when
they can interpret and when they should not interpret, considering both themselves
and the patient. If there is a situation where my impartiality will be compromised I
have to address it and decide what is the best for my self and the patient because if I
don’t then the patient care won’t be getting the best medical care he could be.
Give an example of things interpreters might do that would infringe on these
principles. If you hear something shocking and you make an expression with your
face. You have to be aware because you might do it without realizing. Another
example could be having a personal side conversation with the patient without the
provider in the room.
Principle 3: Respect for Individuals and their Communities
Why is this ethical principle so important? This is important because you have to
treat the patients the same way and keep them at the same level, it doesn’t matter
what culture they come from. This is important to help make sure the patient is
clear, I have to clarify the information, any cultural information or medical
information, so the patient can make the best decision for their medical care.
What could the result be if this principle is not adhered to? If the patient is not clear
with the medical information it could result in the patient being hurt by not
understanding what their medical problems are or what the treatment is for the
problem. Being the interpreter, it is my job to keep the flow of the visit going and it
keeps going back to the four roles we have. I have to be a clear conduit, I have to be
the message clarifier and cultural clarifier and the advocate here too. If I am not
doing these roles correctly the patient will not get the right information.
Give an example of things interpreters might do that would infringe on these
principles. I think it is the same problems as before. There won’t be trust from the
patient if they don’t feel they are respect. One example might be if the patient has
cancer and tells the provider he doesn’t want treatment but even if I make sure and
be the clarifier that they understand the risk of not getting treatment I can’t
personally tell the patient they should get treatment. I am the invisible person just
making sure the patient and provider understand each other.
Principle 4: Professionalism and Integrity
Why is this ethical principle so important? You have to be professional and follow the
rules and roles for being a good interpreter. If you want to do well at any job you
have to be professional and have integrity. This also goes with the other
information we keep talking about and that is our job is to make sure the patients
health and well-being are being taken care of the right way. We also have to know
our limits with interpreting too because we won’t help the patient or the provider if
we are not honest with our self about what we can professionally do.
What could the result be if this principle is not adhered to? If you don’t care about
your job and you are not professional, the patients will not have good and correct
information to take care of themselves. The patient and the provider will probably
not trust you as an interpreter either. It is very important for the patient to trust the
health care system here because it is very possible it is very different than they
health care from their country.
Give an example of things interpreters might do that would infringe on these
principles. One example could be that a provider thinks that just because I speak
Portuguese that means I can speak Spanish too and they want me to interpret just
for a quick visit but I can’t because one I don’t speak Spanish and two it is not
ethical, professional and I wouldn’t have integrity if I did that.
Principle 5: Accuracy and Completeness
Why is this ethical principle so important? It is important because you have to be
clear and precise for both sides to get the best health care to the patient. Also, to
explain to the provider about any cultural messages that might come up in the
appointment to help make sure the information interpreted is clear, complete and
accurate. By being accurate in how you interpret which includes tone of voice, exact
vocabulary even if there might be bad words used and it will also be very important
to be a clarifier if there are different education levels (register). This includes
making you express the spirit of the message, not just the words that is being said.
Accuracy includes following the four roles we have as interpreters too by being a
good conduit, a good clarifier for messages and culture and being an advocate for
the patient.
What could the result be if this principle is not adhered to? If you do not clarify all the
messages from the provider, the patient will not get good health care and if you
don’t clarify all the messages from the patient to the provider the same problem will
occur and the appointment will not flow. This will result in poor medical care. This
could also result in misunderstandings and miscommunications that will also result
in poor medical care. Because we have to make sure we are interpreting the
information accurately we must make sure we as the interpreter clarify what is
being said.
Give an example of things interpreters might do that would infringe on these
principles. One example might be for me working with patients that speak Brazilian
Portuguese and patients that speak Portuguese from Portugal. There are words that
mean different things even though we both speak Portuguese. I might have to
practice the professionalism part here if there might to be a situation where I do not
understand what the patient is saying. I have to be honest with the patient and the
provider if there would be something I don’t understand and I might need to clarify
very much so I can explain and interpret accurately to the patient and provider.
Principle 6: Cultural Responsiveness
Why is this ethical principle so important? Cultural responsiveness is making sure
you are understanding how when someone comes from a different culture how that
will affect the visit with the provider. The important part is in this principle you as
the interpreter might be using the role of cultural clarifier in the appointment with
the provider. I think it is important here that the interpreter be aware of American
culture as well as the culture the patient comes from, for me they could come from
Brasil or Portugal. This will be important for me as an interpreter to become aware
and learn about cultures from Portugal.
What could the result be if this principle is not adhered to? I believe that the same
result will happen as when you don’t follow the other ethical principles as well.
There won’t be any trust from the provider or from the patient so the patient’s
health and well-being won’t be taken care of the best way that it should be. The
patient might to be offended too if their culture is not respected by me or by the
provider. This might be a situation where I might have to be a patient advocate if
the provider is not clear on the culture and that is why I have to always be learning
about the other culture so I can help interpret accurately, professionally and
culturally right.
Give an example of things interpreters might do that would infringe on these
principles. I can use the example of if I have a patient from a small town in Portugal.
If I am not always learning or if I don’t be a cultural clarifier I could not be helping
the patient get the best medical appointment.