now - Southend Borough Council

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
Valuing Diversity
Equality Impact Assessment
The Equality Impact Assessment should cover issues relating to race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion/belief and age.
Responsibility and Ownership
Service Area: Waste Collection, Recycling, Disposal; Street Cleaning; Gully Emptying; Providing Public Toilets; 24/7 Emergency Response
Lead Officer:
Team : Waste Management (Enterprise, Tourism & the Environment – Public Protection Service)
Stage 1: Scoping and setting hypotheses
Setting your hypothesis: The first stage is to reflect on the current policy/services/functions, the information you have and to make a hypothesis of the issues
to be addressed. What do you think are the main issues relating to equalities in your service/policy area?
services services
have a
have a
positive negative
Please tick appropriate column
younger and
older people
from point of
view of
1. Summarise the evidence to support your view
2. Summarise any barriers to access that may have an
impact (e.g. language, physical access)
Areas that need improvement
Services are accessible to all ages
Glass recycling is available via street containers, high level entry
disadvantages very young and perhaps elderly persons with
limited reach
The service outcomes are the same for women as men.
Special facilities are provided for the needs of women [i.e.
sanitary towel receptacles] and men [i.e. urinals] at public toilets.
Contract states some toilets must be attended by a female.
Consider a glass collection from households
This specification item has now been deleted by
services services
have a
have a
positive negative
Please tick appropriate column
women and
Asian, Asian
British, Black,
Black British,
White British,
other white
groups, e.g.
people of
different faith
physical and
1. Summarise the evidence to support your view
2. Summarise any barriers to access that may have an
impact (e.g. language, physical access)
Areas that need improvement
a contract variation order.
There is no evidence to suggest that the services have an
adverse effect on different racial groups – communication could
be an area.
Consult with community groups to check
There is no evidence to suggest that the services have an
adverse effect on different racial groups – communication could
be an area.
Consult with community groups to check Consult
with community groups
Waste collection adapts to individuals disabilities
- collection points more accessible to customer
- weight of waste put in supplied sack can be controlled by the
DDA report undertaken May 2006 recommendations
implemented and substantially complete September 2006 some
outstanding items are planned and funded to be undertaken to
Consult with community groups to check
Consider providing facilities at Ness Road public
toilet for disabled persons.
Consider communication to all new residents
identified from the Council Tax register.
services services
have a
have a
positive negative
Please tick appropriate column
people with
mental health
lesbian, gay
bisexual and
1. Summarise the evidence to support your view
2. Summarise any barriers to access that may have an
impact (e.g. language, physical access)
Areas that need improvement
Communications related to assisted collections and service
standards may not be robust if access to the web site is not
available to the customer.
Communication my be an issue to those with mental health
issues and without support.
Public toilets fitted with RADAR National Key scheme locks for
facilities provided for persons with disabilities. Attendants at well
used toilets assist disabled persons. Ness road public toilet is
the only toilet without a facility for disabled persons.
No evidence of any issues
Consult with community groups to check
Note: An adverse impact does not necessarily require action to be taken. Actions must remain in proportion with the benefits that could be achieved and resources
available to complete them. If adverse impacts are identified and actions for improvement are not proportionate, the reasons for not taking action should be detailed
and open to challenge.
B. What do stakeholders/peers think of the preliminary view?
Consultation letter sent to 50 equality groups identified by the Council corporately [ copy attached]. Return date for responses 11th December 2006.
The following 5 responses were received:
1. 30th October 2006-Churches and Refugees Together – No comments This organisation is on the point of closure
2. 14th November 2006-Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Congregation – ‘on the whole we are satisfied with your policies and operatives. A problem occurs when the
collection day falls on one of our festivals and we cannot allow your workers on site’
3. 27th November 2006-national Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom – Blind and partially sighted cannot see the difference between pink and black
containers for waste and this is an increasing problem as ‘the regular Home Help Service is now non-existent.’ If colour coded wheeled bins were introduced they
would need to be marked in a tactile way. Generally, elderly residents who may have disabilities such as arthritis in their hands and arms, diabetes that causes loss of
feeling in hands and feet are likely to have difficulty coping with their refuse collections.
4. 10th December 2006-Southend Youth Council Environment Committee – ‘none of us feel discriminated against in the way you deliver your services.’ Several
members considered some residents are being discriminated against due to geographical location as there is a lack of recycling facilities (such as the distribution of
pink sacks) in Shoebury. The Group has been contacted to obtain information related to problem related to Shoeburyness as the pink sack scheme is Borough wide
and not targeted at any particular area.
5. 12th December 2006-Essex Racial Equality Council – General comments, ‘that all staff is monitored according to race and grade…..Any contractor would need to
demonstrate that they have an equal opportunity policy and have this process in place.’ ‘The most important issue is the level of complaints received from residents.
These would need to be monitored according to race and ethnic origin.’
In developing your views on the service you should ask a number of stakeholders or people who might offer a challenge to the views you have developed.
Who might do this?
 Representatives from local communities
 Representatives from local or national interest groups from the voluntary sector
 Black/disabled/women’s staff groups
C. Assessing the preliminary evidence: what are your initial conclusions about your service currently and what additional information do you need for Stage 2 of the
assessment to test your hypothesis and make recommendations for improvement?
Currently the Service generally does not discriminate however from the assessment and the consultee responses the following is recommended:
1. Modify Ness Road Public Toilets to provide a facility for use by disabled wheel chair users which is secured by a Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation
National Key Scheme.
2. Introduce a glass container collection service from households.
3. Obtain new resident data from Council Tax Registrations to enable service standards to be communicated.
4. In the new Contract for the services require the Contractor to liaise with those groups representing minorities registered with the Council in order to modify waste
collection arrangements to take account of individual special needs, restrictions due to festivals and other religious events etc.
5. Ensure different containers provided for household waste are identifiable by blind persons and are as far as reasonably practical easy to handle by those with a
6.The contractor undertaking the services shall be required to train all employees in respect of Valuing Diversity and Equality and to regularly undertake an Equality
Impact Assessment. This also applies to Council monitoring staff.
7. Consider obtaining information from residents related to their race and ethnic origin who contact the Council in relation to these services.
Consider the following:
 What should be the scope of Stage 2 of the assessment?
 Is any additional data needed?
 How does this service link to other services areas and other Impact Assessments?
Stage 2: Information gathering and evaluation
A Policies and Plans
Key policies and plans for your area
Cleansing Service Contract 1998 - 2008
Departmental and Group Service Plan
Extent to
which the
aims and
practices are
with the
Grade 1-5 (1
low, 5 high)
Are there ways in which the key policies, plans and procedures for your services could
conflict with equality of opportunity or equal service provision? If so what are these?
Lack of monitoring race and ethnic origin when communications related to the service [ particularily
missed collections and non delivery of waste sacks.
Lack of monitoring race and ethnic origin when communications related to the service [ particularily
missed collections and non delivery of waste sacks.
B Legal Compliance
Are your services legally compliant with statutory duties in the relevant equality legislation? If you suspect there are areas of non-compliance you
should (a) check with Legal Services and (b) ensure these are incorporated into your action plan.
Race: Yes
Gender: Yes
Disability: Yes
Sexual orientation: Yes
Are your services legally compliant with statutory duties in the relevant equality legislation? If you suspect there are areas of non-compliance you
should (a) check with Legal Services and (b) ensure these are incorporated into your action plan.
Religion/belief: Yes
Age: Yes
Using any additional data gathered as a result of your Stage 1 evaluation, summarise the evidence of the way the policies/procedures impact on specific groups
(for example consider complaints, various forms of feedback, service monitoring reports e.g. take-up levels, contract monitoring reports, outcome of consultation
No issues identified from correspondence, telephone calls or other communications to the Council
Are there any other unmet needs/requirements that can be identified that affect specific groups?
What can be done to improve access to/take up of services? (Consider for example provision of information in community languages, provision of some men
only and women only sessions, provide discounting for residents on low incomes, target recruitment publicity to better reach under-represented groups, positive
action schemes to encourage greater recruitment of under-represented groups, including work placement schemes for school leavers, further consultation with
local people)
1. Equality issues in relation to the collection of waste, street cleaning/litterbins and toilets need to be considered at the design stage by the designer(s) for new
developments and changes to premises. Link with Design and Resource performance and Development Control.
Some multiple occupation premises do not have recycling collection service. A programme is being actioned to engage with landlords, premises managers and
2.In respect of the most disadvantaged community to the north, east and west of Southend High Street it is proposed to work with Street Wardens being
established under a voluntary sector Neighbourhood Management Project to empower residents to recycle their waste and provide targeted facilities as
necessary to increase participation rates.
3.The 3 year Local Area Agreement being formulated by the Council and Southend Together [ the local strategic partnership] to increase recycling facilities such
as doorstep glass collection and food waste collection in order to increase participation including minority and disadvantaged groups. [linking with 2]
4. Those in the community being nursed at home enjoy a waste removal service for clinical waste provided by the Health Care Trust. This approach is supported
by the Council.
Stage 3: Action planning
What recommendations are made on the basis of the conclusions and comments?
Should we:
 Take any forms of immediate action?
 Develop equality objectives and targets based on conclusions?
 Initiate further research by collecting further data?
Objectives for improvement
Monitoring Arrangements
Are these measurable?
How will these be incorporated into monitoring of
management information
None identified.
By When
None identified.
1. Modify Ness Road public toilets for use by
wheelchair disabled.
Design, Cost and Bid for resources.
Head of
5. Provide different waste sacks that can be identified
by touch
Change pink sack design to provide handles so sack feels
different from the black sack.
Waste Management
Officer/Cory Contract
Group Manager
Include requirement in new contract specification
Sexual orientation:
None identified.
None identified.
March 2007
March 2007
March 2007 for
April 2008
What recommendations are made on the basis of the conclusions and comments?
Should we:
 Take any forms of immediate action?
 Develop equality objectives and targets based on conclusions?
 Initiate further research by collecting further data?
Objectives for improvement
Monitoring Arrangements
Are these measurable?
How will these be incorporated into monitoring of
management information
By When
This service is to be included in the Councils delivery of the
Local Area Agreement subject to funding being available.
Group Manager
During financial
year 2007/08
3. Obtain new resident data from Council Tax
Registration to enable information related to the
services to be sent to new residents.
Subject to Corporate Agreement
Departmental Service Plans.
Group Manager
During financial
year 2007/08
4.Contractor to liaise with minority groups
The new Contract operable from April 2008 shall require the
contractor to regularly liaise with minority groups on service
provision to achieve continuous improvement and
satisfaction. Monitored by Contract management.
Group Manager
March 2007 for
April 2008
6. Awareness Training for Valuing Diversity and
The new Contract operable from April 2008 shall require the
contractor to embed diversity and equality within the
contractors organisation and ensure all staff and operatives
receive training. Monitored by Contract management.
Group Manager
March 2007 for
April 2008
Council staff and existing Contractor staff to also receive
training. Monitored via Service Plan.
July 2007
2. Introduce
Other general service delivery:
7. Obtain information related to race and ethnic origin.
8. Engage with those who control multiple occupation
premises to establish the necessary infrastructure to
A trial is being undertaken to capture all missed waste
collections etc via Contact Centre/Contractor. Suggest a
questionnaire is sent to customers to establish race and
Ethnic origin. Monitored via Waste Project Delivery Plan.
The new Contract operable from April 2008 shall require the
contractor to engage with landlords, premises managers
Group Manager/ Waste
Improvement Manager.
During financial
Year 2007/08
March 2007 for
April 2008
What recommendations are made on the basis of the conclusions and comments?
Should we:
 Take any forms of immediate action?
 Develop equality objectives and targets based on conclusions?
 Initiate further research by collecting further data?
Objectives for improvement
Monitoring Arrangements
Are these measurable?
How will these be incorporated into monitoring of
management information
facilitate waste recycling/composting
and occupiers in order to ensure recycling/composting
facilities are provided. Monitored by Contract management.
Group Manager/Waste
Management Officer
Impact Assessment Team Leader:
Date: April 2007
Quality assured by Director/Head of Service as an accurate and appropriate impact assessment and action plan:
By When