Weather Memory Game There are ten cards, five kinds of weather and five cities. Make sure you print them on separately colored card. The game is played between two students, and the best set-up is to have their desks facing each other. One student closes their eyes and the other student arranges the cards in the middle of the desk, putting the weather cards in a row above and in line with the city names. Then get all the students to repeat the question sentence at the same time, ‘How will the weather be tomorrow?’ You then shout ‘Go!’ and the other student opens their eyes. They have to memorize which weather goes with which city. For example, if the ‘rainy’ card is above the ‘New York’ card the answer sentence would be ‘It will be rainy in New York’. Whilst the students are memorizing, you countdown ten seconds (do it slowly and more dramatically so it’s more like 15 or 20 seconds. Then you shout ‘Stop!’ and the other student slams down their textbook or file in front of the cards to prevent the guessing student from seeing them. The guessing student has to correctly say all five sentences. They are not punished for making mistakes and can keep trying but give them a time limit. A good way to do it is when the fastest student finishes, give the other students a 10 second countdown. Then ask the students who got a perfect score. In a class of about 40 kids, maybe 4 or 5 will be able to do so on their first try. Then switch sides. It’s good to play it a second time for both students as they have much more confidence the second time and get better. So the second time give them 7 seconds to memorize! I have used this game with several sentence structures and the kids love it. It’s best to demonstrate the game with your JET in the middle of the classroom first, using a student’s desk so it’s easy for them to understand. Drill the weather, cities and sentence structure first and write the cities and weather on the board. sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney London Paris Tokyo New York Sydney