Proposed ethanol (E85) automotive fuel quality standard position

Proposed Fuel Quality Standard Ethanol (E85) Automotive Fuel
June 2011
Executive Summary
The Australian Government is proposing to set a fuel quality standard for Ethanol
(E85) automotive fuel, a blend of petrol and between 70 and 85 per cent ethanol by
In preparing the proposed E85 automotive fuel quality standard the Department of
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (the department)
has consulted directly with fuel grade ethanol producers, ‘flexible fuel’ vehicle
manufacturers and the Fuel Standards Consultative Committee (FSCC).
The proposed standard also takes into account the overarching objectives of the Fuel
Quality Standards Act 2000, as well as already established international standards for
this type of fuel blend.
Call for submissions
Comments are requested on the position paper by no later than Friday, 29 July 2011
and should be submitted electronically to:
or sent to:
Fuel and Used Oil Policy Section
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
GPO Box 787
Street address: John Gorton Building, PARKES ACT 2600
Unless marked as confidential, all submissions will be treated as public
documents and posted on the department’s website. The department will not
post any personal details (such as email addresses) on the website. Please ensure
that your submission is attached as a separate document when replying by email.
The objective of this position paper is to seek formal comment from stakeholders on a
proposed Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel quality standard under the Fuel Quality
Standards Act 2000. Stakeholders are invited to review the proposed fuel quality
parameters and provide comments. Any additional information to support your
position is welcome. This position paper also details the proposed test methods that
will be used by the department to determine compliance. A detailed technical
background to parameters and test methods is provided at Appendix A.
Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel
Internationally, ethanol has a long history of use as a petrol extender, octane improver
and alternative fuel. Ethanol can be made from both renewable (biomass) and nonrenewable (petrochemical) sources. In Australia, renewable fuel grade ethanol is
predominantly made from wheat starch and wheat grain. Other feedstocks include the
by-products of sugarcane (molasses) and sorghum processing.
Ethanol can be produced in two forms: hydrous and anhydrous. Hydrous ethanol is
usually produced by distillation from biomass fermentation, and it contains some
water residue. It is suitable for use as neat spark ignition fuel in warm climates such
as that in Brazil. A further process of dehydration is required to produce anhydrous
ethanol (100 per cent ethanol) for blending with petrol. Anhydrous ethanol can be
used as an automotive fuel by itself or can be mixed with petrol in various proportions
to form a petrol/ethanol blend. Anhydrous ethanol is typically blended up to 10 per
cent by volume in petrol, known as E10, for use in unmodified engines. Historically,
the US has supported the use of E10 blends and more recently Europe has adopted
E10 blends. Certain materials in vehicles commonly used with petrol fuel are
incompatible with alcohols and varying degrees of modification are required
depending on the percentage blend of ethanol with petrol. For this reason in the
European Union (EU) all member states are required to ensure that fuel grade E5 is
available in the market as a protection grade for older vehicles that are not compatible
to run on E10.
Several automobile manufacturers have developed flexible fuel vehicles that can run
on neat petrol or fuel that contains 85 per cent ethanol by volume, or any blend of
ethanol and petrol from 0 per cent to 85 per cent ethanol. The main differences
between ethanol flexible fuel vehicles and petrol vehicles are the materials used in the
fuel management system and modifications to the engine calibration system.9
The corrosive effect of a fuel rises with increasing ethanol content. Materials that
normally would not be affected by low percentage ethanol blends have been found to
dissolve in the presence of higher ethanol concentrations, including aluminium, brass,
zinc and lead. The interaction of the fuel with fuel system materials could also result
in the formation of insoluble compounds, causing plugged vehicle fuel filters. Terne
(lead-tin-alloy) plated steel, commonly used for petrol fuel tanks, and lead-based
solder are also incompatible with high concentrations of fuel ethanol. Non-metallic
materials that degrade when in contact with high concentrations of fuel ethanol
include natural rubber, polyurethane, cork gasket material, leather, polyvinyl chloride
(PVC), polyamides, methyl-methacrylate plastics, and certain thermo and thermoset
plastics. The swelling and embrittlement of rubber fuel lines and o-rings can, in time,
lead to component failure.9
These problems are eliminated in dedicated ethanol vehicles and flexible fuel vehicles
by using unplated steel, stainless steel, black iron and bronze, which have all shown
acceptable resistance to ethanol corrosion. Non-metallic materials successfully used
with E75 and E85 include thermoset reinforced fiberglass, thermo plastic piping,
neoprene rubber, polypropylene, nitrile, Viton and Teflon materials.9
Petrol ethanol blends in Australia
In Australia, fuel grade ethanol is currently allowed to be blended with petrol up to 10
per cent by volume under the Fuel Standard (Petrol) Determination 2001 – the petrol
standard. This fuel is commonly referred to as E10. The petrol standard covers quality
requirements for unleaded petrol and premium unleaded petrol, and can be found at:
The petrol standard sets out the quality requirements for fuel grade ethanol used as a
blendstock with petrol. These quality requirements for blending for E10 do not
constitute an ethanol standard i.e. there is no standard for E100 under the Fuel Quality
Standards Act 2000.
Not all petrol vehicles in the Australian fleet are compatible with ethanol blended
petrol. The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries provides information on which
vehicles can operate on ethanol blended petrol:
Until recently, E85 has been supplied by independent fuel suppliers in a small number
of locations, and only a small number of flex-fuel vehicles have been marketed in
Australia. On 2 August 2010 Caltex Australia launched Bio E-Flex, an E85 fuel – a
blend of between 70 - 85 per cent ethanol and 15 - 30 per cent petrol. This fuel is
designed for use specifically in flex-fuel vehicles. It is not suitable for any other
vehicle. Caltex state they will have Bio E-Flex available in 100 metropolitan and
regional locations in 2011. On 3 August 2010 GM Holden Ltd announced that Bio-E
Flex fuel would be suitable for vehicles within the new Holden Commodore VE
Series II range, launched in September 2010.
To ensure consumer confidence in biofuels, it is important to ensure only
ethanol/petrol blends, including E85 automotive fuel, of the highest quality are
available and that blends are fit-for-purpose.
Stakeholder feedback
The department has consulted relevant stakeholders on the proposal to set an
Australian fuel quality standard for E85 automotive fuel. The department has
consulted with the Fuel Standards Consultative Committee whose members include
representatives from each state and territory, the Commonwealth, fuel and biofuel
producers, vehicle manufacturers, consumers and a group with an interest in
environment protection. Most stakeholders agree that an E85 automotive fuel standard
is needed. GM Holden Ltd and Caltex Australia are continuing to carry out
assessment and field testing of E85.
Labelling and safety concerns
In Europe labelling regulations are the responsibility of individual nations. However,
in order to harmonize these regulations, the European E85 automotive fuel technical
specification, CEN/TS 15293:2011 Automotive fuels – Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel
– Requirements and test methods, 2011, recommends pump marking requirements:
Information to be marked on dispensing pumps used for delivering Ethanol (E85)
automotive fuel, and the dimensions of the mark shall be in accordance with the
requirements of national standards or regulations for the marking of pumps for
Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel. Such requirements shall be set out in detail or shall be
referred to by reference in a national annex to this European Standard. NOTE – The
recommended designation for Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel and its seasonal
derivatives is E85.1
There is no reference to labelling requirements in the United States (US) ASTM
D5798 – 10a - Standard Specification for Fuel Ethanol (Ed70-Ed85) for Automotive
Spark-Ignition Engines. The US National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Handbook 130, Method of Sale Regulation, Section 2.30 sets out the labelling
requirements for dispensing E85. It states,
A label shall be posted which states ‘For Use in Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV) Only.’
This information shall be clearly and conspicuously posted on the upper 50% of the
dispenser front panel… A label shall be posted which states, ‘Consult Vehicle
Manufacturer Fuel Recommendations.’”
The regulation sets out specific font/type height and stroke/width for these labels.2
Currently in Australia, fuel suppliers who supply petrol containing ethanol must
comply with the ethanol fuel quality information standard (labelling standard). The
labelling standard informs consumers that the fuel they are purchasing contains
ethanol. The labelling standard is available at:
This labelling standard refers to ethanol blended fuel, meaning petrol has been tested
in accordance with the Fuel Standard (Petrol) Determination 2001.
There are concerns that misfuelling may occur in the marketplace due to the lack of
consumer awareness and primarily because the price of Bio E-Flex and other E85
automotive fuel products will be significantly below (by approximately 20 cents per
litre) that of regular unleaded petrol.
Caltex are clearly labelling the supply of their E85 product Bio E-Flex. Caltex are
training service station staff and implementing pump authorisation, vehicle
identification and nozzle latch mechanisms to minimise the risk of misfuelling.
If other fuel retailers choose not to differentiate E85 bowsers in some significant way
or take other steps to prevent misfuelling, there is a risk that consumers may
inadvertently use E85 instead of petrol in vehicles not designed for the purpose.
Misfuelling with E85 will cause serious damage to the engines of incompatible cars.
E85 automotive fuel is not suitable for motorcycles, lawnmowers, boats or light
Proposed Information Standard (Labelling Requirement)
The Government is proposing to require labelling of E85 automotive fuel under the
Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000. The label will be required to state the following
“Contains 70-85% ethanol”
“For use in Flex Fuel Vehicles Only”
“Not Petrol or Diesel”
Additional housekeeping and monitoring of E85 automotive fuel is required at storage
and dispensing sites. Ethanol blended fuels are highly water sensitive. Caltex have
provided advice to their retail sites on housekeeping requirements for Bio E-Flex,
including firefighting and emergency response procedures.
International E85 standards
United States
The US ASTM D5798 – 10a - Standard Specification for Fuel Ethanol (Ed70-Ed85)
for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engines was approved in December 2010 and
published in January 2011. Changes from the 2009 version include lowering the
minimum ethanol content to 68 per cent by volume for all volatility classes (see Table
1). Vapour pressure is the only parameter for which limits vary for the volatility
classes, based on climatic conditions.3 Further, the ASTM specification for E85
requires that the ethanol component of the fuel conform to specification ASTM
D4806 and the gasoline component of the fuel conform to ASTM D4814.
European Union
The European Automotive Fuels – Ethanol (E85) - Automotive fuel – Requirements
and test methods has progressed from a ‘workshop agreement’ (CWA 15293:2005) to
a published Technical Specification CEN/TS 15293:2011. This TS was approved by
CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation; European Committee for Standardization)
Sept. 28, 2010 for provisional application. The period of validity of this standard is
initially limited to three years. After two years, the members will be requested to
provide comments on whether this standard can be converted into a European
Standard. There are significant technical changes between this and the CEN
Workshop Agreement. They include the inclusion of a density parameter, the
allowance of the use of denatured and undenatured ethanol as a blending component
(depending on national legislation), indicative limits for RON/MON, a tightening in
the inorganic chloride limit and changes to the climate-related requirements (see
Table 1).
Some of the determination test methods referenced are still being investigated to
ensure correct application and precision. Due to this, and the fact that production
processes need to be assessed for their capacity to achieve the required future limits,
CEN have taken an intermediate step and designated this a Technical Specification.1
A Technical Specification does not have the status of an EN but may be adopted as
national standard (
Australian Government policy is to harmonise fuel standards with international
standards where appropriate. Table 1 compares the proposed E85 automotive fuel
standard and standards already in place internationally.
Table 1 – Comparison of E85 fuel standards
Proposed Australian E85
fuel standard
Ethanol content – 70-85% v/v
to meet vapour pressure
Ethanol content and
vapour pressure
Industry to determine which
class to supply based on local
climate, using the Table 3
below as a guide.
Acidity (as acetic
0.005 mass % (mg/L) max
Visibly free of suspended or
precipitated contaminants
(clear and bright) at the
ambient temperature or 21°C,
whichever is higher.
Copper strip
corrosion (3 h 50o C)
Ethers (5 or more C
Higher alcohols (C3C8)
Inorganic chloride
0.10 mg/kg max
CEN/TS 15293:2011
a: 70-85%, 35.0-60.0 kPa
b: 70-85%, 50.0-80.0 kPa
c: 60-85%, 55.0-80.0 kPa
d: 50-85%, min 60.0 kPa
Individual countries decide
which classes apply in given
regions at given times of
ATSM (D 5798-10a)
1: 68-83%, 38-59kPa @
(min ambient temp > 5oC)
2: 68-83%, 48-65kPa
(min ambient temp -5o to
5 C)
3: 68-83%, 66-83kPa
(min ambient temp ≤-5o C)
0.005% m/m max
0.005 mass % (mg/L) max
0.10 mg/kg max
Product shall be free of
suspended or precipitated
contaminants (clear and
bright). This shall be
determined at ambient
temperature or 21°C,
whichever is higher.
0.07 mg/L max
rating class 1
760.0 - 800.0 kg/m3 @ 15C
1.0% v/v max
11.0% v/v max
2% v/v max
6.0% v/v max (C3-C5)
2 v/v % max
1 mg/kg max
0.5% v/v max
1.2 mg/kg maxa
1.0% (v/v)
Oxidation stability
360 minutes min
360 minutes min
6.5 - 9.0
0.0013 g/L max
0.15 mg/L max
1 mg/kg max
0.5 vol % max
240 minutes min (applicable
only for the hydrocarbon
blend component)
6.5 - 9.0
0.0013 g/L max and no
intentional addition (refers to
D 4814)
5 mg/100 mL max
4.0 mg/kg max
70 mg/kg max
1.0% m/m max
targeting 104 minb
targeting 88.0 minb
5 mg/100 mL max
4.0 mg/kg maxc
10.0 mg/kg max
0.400% m/m max
RON, min
MON, min
Solvent washed gum
5 mg/100 mL max
80 mg/kg maxd
1.0% m/m max
Note: in CEN/TS 15293:2011 ethanol volumetric content includes ethanol and higher saturated
alcohols. The terms “% (m/m)” and “% (v/v)” are used to represent the mass fraction and volume
fraction respectively.
This limit is to be validated in the future following test method, production and distribution assessment.
These levels are indicative as the test method is yet to be assessed for application.
This limit is to be validated and might be lowered following production and distribution assessment.
Qualified small refineries have varying maximum sulfur limits for gasoline up to 450 ppm (0.0450 per cent), which are based
on their 1997-98 sulfur level baseline. If gasoline from qualified refineries is used to blend Ed75-Ed85, the maximum sulfur level
shall be for 134 mg/kg. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) proposes that sulfur be reduced to 20ppm (September 14,
2010, ‘ARB Workshop Regarding CaRFG, E10 Certification Fuel and E85’ reported in member area of
Table 2 - Summary of proposed E85 automotive fuel parameters and test
It is proposed that Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel be defined as a fuel blend, nominally of fuel grade
ethanol and petrol (that meets the requirements of the fuel quality standard for petrol set out in the Fuel
Standard (Petrol) Determination 2001), that conforms to the limits specified below.
Proposed specifications for
Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel standard
Test methods
70-85% v/v to meet vapour pressure classes*
ASTM D5501
Acidity (acetic acid)
0.005% mg/L max
ASTM D1613
Visibly free of suspended or precipitated
contaminants (clear and bright) at the ambient
temperature or 21°C, whichever is higher.
ASTM D4806
0.10 mg/kg max
EN 15837
Ethers (5 or more C atoms)
1.0% v/v max
ASTM D5501
Higher alcohols (C3-C8)
2% v/v max
ASTM D5501
Inorganic chloride
1 mg/kg max
0.5% v/v max
ASTM D5501
Oxidation stability
360 minutes min
ASTM D6423
0.0013 g/L
ASTM D3231
Solvent washed gum
5 mg/100 mL max
4.0 mg/kg
ASTM D7319
70 mg/kg
ASTM D5453
1.0% m/m max
ASTM E1064
*Vapour Pressure
ASTM D7319
ASTM D7328
ASTM D5190
Industry (retailers and/or distributors) shall determine which class to supply in any given month, taking
into account local climate and using Table 3 below as a guide.
Class 1, Summer blend: (10th percentile min > 5oC) 38-59 kPa @ 37.8C
Class 2, Winter blend: (10th percentile min -5o to 5oC) 48-65 kPa @ 37.8C
The maximum vapour pressure shall be whichever is the lower of the limit stated above or that set by the
State or Territory government.
Table 3 – Recommended classes of fuel for supply based on climate
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
WA north 1
WA south 1
NT north
NT south
Qld north
Qld south 1
The boundary between north and south Queensland and the Northern Territory is set
at 18S latitude, which runs just below the Gulf of Carpentaria. The boundary
between north and south Western Australia is set at 20S latitude, which crosses north
of Port Hedland. These regions are based on climatic data, and the latitudes chosen for
The values are necessarily conservative to allow engine starts on arrival in cooler
areas after refuelling in warmer areas and allowing a margin at the beginning and end
of each season. Values are established for each state or part thereof in Australia by
viewing the Bureau of Meteorology’s Minimum Temperature 10th Percentile maps
for each month of the year, which have been averaged over the years 1950 to 2005,
and incorporating a 500 km buffer which represents the maximum distance that a
typical vehicle could travel on a single tank of petrol.
Technical background to parameters and test
1. Ethanol content and vapour pressure
The ethanol content of E85 automotive fuel is a critical parameter as it affects the
capability of the fuel metering system of flexible-fuel vehicles to establish the proper
air/fuel ratio for optimum vehicle operation.3
Ethanol content may also affect the lubricating properties of the fuel, the water
tolerance of the fuel, and the ability to meet cold or cool area volatility requirements.3
E85 must be seasonally adjusted to ensure proper starting in colder climates. In the
US, E85 sold during colder months contains a minimum of 68 per cent ethanol and a
maximum of 32 per cent petrol to produce the vapour pressure necessary for cold
temperatures. In Europe, ethanol content may be as low as 50 per cent to allow for
operability under very cold conditions.
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 defines E85 as “a mixture of nominally 85%
(V/V) ethanol complying to EN 15376 and petrol complying to EN 228, but also
including the possibility of having different ‘seasonal grades’ containing more than
50% (V/V) ethanol.”1
US ASTM D5798-10a specification “covers a fuel blend, nominally 70 to 85 volume
% denatured fuel ethanol and 30 to 15 additional volume % hydrocarbons for use in
ground vehicles with automotive spark-ignition engines.”3
Each standard specifies ethanol content and vapour pressure according to Table 4.
Table 4. EU and US Ethanol content and vapour pressure
CEN/TS 15293:2011
a: 70-85%,
b: 70-85%,
c: 60-85%,
d: 50-85%,
35.0-60.0 kPa
50.0-80.0 kPa
55.0-80.0 kPa
min 60.0 kPa
ATSM D 5798-10a
1: 68-83%, 38-59kPa @ 37.8C
(min ambient temp > 5oC)
2: 68-83%, 48-65kPa
(min ambient temp -5o to 5oC)
3: 68-83%, 66-83kPa
(min ambient temp <-5o C)
Individual countries decide which classes apply in
given regions at given times of year.
Note: in CEN/TS 15293:2011 ethanol volumetric content includes ethanol and higher saturated
Options considered for Australian E85 Standard
Following US and European practice, it is proposed that vapour pressure be used in
conjunction with ethanol content to define volatility classes for this standard. The
ethanol content range of 70–85 per cent, based on the draft European standard, is very
close to the US standard (68–83 per cent) and will give suppliers freedom to match
the exact ethanol content to local climatic conditions.
Some states and territories restrict maximum vapour pressures of petrol in summer in
urban areas to reduce air pollution from evaporation. Where such regulations exist
and apply to E85, the fuel will need to comply with both those standards and this
proposed standard (that is, conform to the lower of the two).
Two blends of E85 automotive fuel will probably be needed in Australia to guarantee
that vehicles will start in all regions at all times of the year. During winter, where
minimum temperatures fall below 5C, the fuel will need to contain less ethanol
(closer to 70 per cent) and more petrol to allow cars to start. Where average minimum
temperatures are above 5C, the fuel can contain a higher proportion of ethanol, up to
the maximum of 85 per cent.
The two volatility classes defined for this standard, similar to the US ASTM standard,
Class 1
Summer blend
Class 2
Winter blend
10th percentile
minimum temperature
-5C to 5C
Vapour pressure
38-59 kPa
48-65 kPa
Decisions on which of these blends should be sold in any month in a given area could
be made by distribution companies or individual retailers, or be prescribed by the
government. These two options are discussed separately below. It is proposed that the
first option (industry decides) be adopted, based on the arguments presented, the size
of the industry and the advice of the Fuel Standard Consultative Committee that
safety risks are low.
Option 1: Industry decides which blend is sold.
Under this option, retailers would decide which of the two blends of E85 automotive
fuel to sell at different times of the year, taking into account local climatic conditions,
the advice of their distributor and using the climatic data in Table 5 below as a guide.
The advantages of this approach are:
Retailers and distributors have the flexibility to tailor their stocks to local
climatic conditions and the needs of their customers.
Compliance and regulatory costs are lower.
The flexibility to use the higher petrol blend will assist in maintaining supply.
The disadvantages of this approach are:
Retailers and distributors may not take into account the driving range of
customers. A motorist filling up in a warm region on summer blend fuel and
driving on one tank of fuel to a cooler region may experience cold startability
problems, especially in the case of temperatures below 5C (in the night or
morning). This disadvantage could be avoided via consumer education, alerting
owners of flex-fuel vehicles that they need to be mindful of driving from a
warm to a cold climate. Adding unblended petrol to the fuel tank to increase the
vapour pressure should remedy cold startability problems.
Retailers may not have a choice of blend type depending on how their fuel is
supplied. Distributors may offer a single blend to a group of retailers based on
geographical supply lines rather than climatic needs and/or climatic variations.
This approach is inconsistent with both the US and the EU, where fuel
specifications set the volatility class to be sold for any given time of year and
geographical location.
This approach is contrary to the EU and US approaches.
Option 2: Government prescribes which blend is sold
Under this option, the government would prescribe which blend is to be sold in which
state/region and at which time.
Both the US and EU have adopted this approach. A large table is included in the US
ASTM D5798-10a, listing all states and months of the year, and which of the three
classes applies. For example, in the state of Alabama in February, class 2 fuel must be
supplied. The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 has four climatic classes, with the
summer class mandated not later than from 1 May to not after 30 September and
individual countries deciding which classes apply at other times of the year within
their borders.
Table 5 below proposes the times and places that the two volatility classes could
apply in Australia. This draft table could be included in the determination if this
option is adopted. Alternatively, it could be presented as a guide for industry if Option
1 is adopted.
Volatility classes have been determined for each state or part thereof in Australia by
viewing the Bureau of Meteorology’s Minimum Temperature 10th Percentile maps for
each month of the year, which have been averaged over the years 1950 to 2005, and
incorporating a 500 km buffer which represents the maximum distance that a typical
vehicle could travel on a single tank of petrol.
Table 5: Proposed E85 volatility classes for Australian climatic zones
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
1/2 2
1/2 2
1/2 2
WA north 1
WA south 1
1/2 2
NT north
NT south
1/2 2
1/2 1
Qld north
Qld south 1
1/2 2
In Table 5, 1/2 means either class is allowed, so as not to penalise for any residual
fuel from the previous season found in the supply tank at the beginning of the new
season. If this table is used a guide only (Option 1) rather than as a regulatory
requirement, ‘1/2’ can be replaced with ‘1’ for simplicity, as in the version of this
table presented on page 11 (Table 3) of the position paper.
The boundary between north and south Queensland and the Northern Territory is set
at 18S latitude, which runs just below the Gulf of Carpentaria. The boundary
between north and south Western Australia is set at 20S latitude, which crosses north
of Port Hedland. These regions are based on climatic data, and the latitudes chosen for
The advantages of this approach are:
Users of E85 are unlikely to find themselves with a car that will not start because
they have been sold a summer blend in a winter region or have driven from a
warm to a colder region. The table is conservative and allows for a large margin
both geographically and between the seasons.
There is no need to educate drivers, as the appropriate fuel will always be
It is consistent with the approach taken in both the US and the EU, providing
The disadvantages of this approach are:
Conceptually, this is a more complex regime to explain, enforce, and implement,
than Option 1.
There is an increased cost to industry of supplying the correct class of fuel to each
retailer, with climatic regions not always aligning with supply routes.
There is an increased cost to government of regulation including compliance
testing and enforcement.
Neither approach requires the setting of a petrol limit in the standard, as the volume of
petrol in the mix will be the remainder of the blend once the ethanol volume and
vapour pressure parameters are met. The petrol used in the blend must meet the
specifications of the Fuel Standard (Petrol) Determination 2001 (petrol standard).
Test methods
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 specifies EN 1601 (modified) to determine
ethanol and higher alcohol content. Work within CEN has revealed that the regular
ethanol determination method (EN15721) cannot be applied to E85.
The US ASTM D5798-10a specifies ASTM D5501 to determine ethanol content. The
suitability of ASTM D5501 for high ethanol blended fuels is still being assessed.
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 specifies EN 13016-1 to determine vapour
The US ASTM D5798-10a specifies ASTM 4953, ASTM D5190 or D5191.
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set an ethanol limit of
70-85 per cent and refer to test method ASTM D5501(modified) to determine
compliance with the standard.
Two climatic volatility classes of E85 are proposed to be used by industry:
Class 1: 38-59 kPa @ 37.8C (summer blend)
Class 2: 48-65 kPa @ 37.8C (winter blend)
Industry (retailers and/or distributors) shall determine which class to supply in any
given month, taking into account local climate and using Table 5 above, or the
simplified version presented on page 11 (Table 3) of the position paper. The
maximum vapour pressure shall be whichever is the lower of the limit stated above or
that set by the State or Territory government.
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel refer to test method ASTM
D5190 to determine compliance with the vapour pressure limit.
2. Acidity (as acetic acid)
Very dilute aqueous solutions of low molecular weight organic acids, such as acetic
acid, are highly corrosive to a wide range of metals and alloys. It is therefore
necessary to keep such acids at a very low level.3
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 sets a total acidity (expressed as acetic acid)
maximum limit of 0.005 per cent by mass, and specifies test method EN 15491.1
The US ASTM D5798-10a sets an acidity (as acetic acid CH3COOH) maximum
content of 0.005 per cent by mass (mg/L), and specifies test method ASTM D1613.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum acidity
limit of 0.005 per cent by mass (mg/L) and refer to test method ASTM D1613 to
determine compliance with the standard.
3. Additives
Octane enhancing additives/products include, alcohols (such as ethanol, methanol, npropanol, isobutanol), ethers (for example methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), diisopropropyl ether (DIPE)), and organometallics (such as methylcyclopentadienyl
manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) and ferrocene).
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 states:
In order to improve the performance quality the use of additives is allowed. Suitable
fuel additives without known harmful side effects are recommended in the
appropriate amount, to help avoid deterioration of driveability and emissions control
durability. Other technical means with equivalent effect may also be used.
CAUTION – Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel shall be free from any adulterant or
contaminant that may render the fuel unacceptable for use in petrol engine vehicles
designed to run on unleaded petrol and ethanol (E85) automotive fuel.
NOTE – Test methods for deposit forming tendency that are suitable for routine
control purposes have not yet been identified and developed.
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not directly refer to additives. In Appendix X1.1.2 it
The inclusion of impurities, some denaturants, and contaminants, except for the
deliberately added hydrocarbons or additives, or both, can impact adversely on the
properties and performance of fuel ethanol (Ed70-Ed85) as an automotive sparkignition engine fuel. The quantities of some of these materials are controlled by
specified property limits. The limits on water, higher molecular weight alcohols, and
methanol and on types of denaturants as well as minimums on the amount of ethanol
and hydrocarbons limit, but do not prevent, the presence of trace materials.
Proposed standard
The inclusion of an additives limit in the standard would create problems in
enforcement and administration of the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000. It is
proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard does not set a limit for
4. Appearance
Turbidity or evidence of precipitation normally indicates contamination.4
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 does not refer to appearance.1
The US ASTM D5798-10a sets an appearance requirement that “This product shall be
visibly free of suspended or precipitated contaminants (clear and bright). This shall be
determined at ambient temperature or 21°C (70°F), whichever is higher.”3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set the requirement,
“Visibly free of suspended or precipitated contaminants (clear and bright) at the
ambient temperature or 21°C, whichever is higher.” ASTM D4806 is the reference
standard for appearance.
5. Copper content
Copper is a very active catalyst for low-temperature oxidation of hydrocarbons,
especially in the presence of water. Experimental work has shown that copper
concentrations higher than 0.012 mg/kg in petrol may significantly increase the rate of
gum formation.3
There has been some discussion on whether a copper parameter is still required given
most ethanol production facilities do not use copper tubes and stills. CEN considers
that a copper parameter is necessary as future ethanol supplies could come from a
range of sources such as whiskey distilleries, which commonly use copper stills. In
Australia CSR’s distillation columns are often made of copper, which is common
practice in the food and beverage industry since copper assists with odour removal
from the ethanol.9
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 specifies a maximum limit of 0.10 mg/kg copper
content, and specifies test methods EN 15488 and 15837 (both modified).1
The US ASTM D5798-10a specifies a maximum limit of 0.07 mg/L copper content,
and specifies the modified test method D1688 as outlined in specification D4806.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum copper
content limit of 0.10 mg/kg and refer to test method EN 15837 to determine
compliance with the standard.
6. Copper strip corrosion
The copper corrosion test serves as a measure of possible corrosion of copper, brass,
or bronze fuel system components. It is currently specified as an operability parameter
in the petrol determination (set at Class 1 (3 hours at 50°C) for all grades of petrol).
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 specifies a limit of rating Class 1 (3 hours at
50°C).1 Technical Committee CEN/TC 19 ‘Gaseous and liquid fuels, lubricants and
related products of petroleum, synthetic and biological origin’ reported in February
2010 that the copper strip corrosion requirement was merely a copy over from EN 228
(Automotive fuels – Unleaded petrol – Requirements and test methods) and the
possibility that the copper strip corrosion requirement could be dropped in the future
was accepted.5
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not set a copper strip corrosion limit.
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard does not set a limit for
copper strip corrosion.
7. Density
Density gives an additional measure of the purity of the blendstock.6
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 specifies a density range (at 15°C) of 760.0 –
800.0 kg/m,3 and test method EN ISO 12185.1
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not specify a density range.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard does not set a density
8. Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductivity correlates closely with the amount of ions such as chlorides,
sulfates, and ions of sodium and iron in the fuel. A higher electrical conductivity
means the fuel contains a higher amount of corrosive and metallic ions that promote
corrosion and failure in the vehicle fuel line and that also cause injector deposits.6
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 specifies an electrical conductivity limit of 1.5
µS/cm maximum (limit under consideration). Electrical conductivity can be affected
by corrosion inhibitors. If a sample fails this test, a pHe between 6.5 and 9.0,
determined by means of either EN 15490 or ATM D 6423, should be used to
determine compliance.1
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not specify an electrical conductivity limit.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard does not set a limit for
electrical conductivity.
9. Ether (5 or more C atoms)
Examples of ethers include methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), di-isopropyl ether
(DIPE), ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) and
ethyl tertiary amyl ether (ETAE). Ethers are used as an oxygenate in petrol, increasing
the octane level without requiring the use of tetraethyl lead, which was phased out due
to health concerns.7 In Europe ethers can also be used as the denaturant added to fuel
ethanol to differentiate it from alcohol that is intended for consumption.1
Two ethers, MTBE and DIPE, are limited in the Australian petrol standard to a
maximum of 1 per cent by volume based on concerns about their potential to
contaminate surface and ground water supplies. Their chemical affinity for water
allows these ethers to travel through the ground and pollute aquifers if fuel should
leak from underground storage tanks or be lost during transport.7 MTBE can be tasted
in water at the parts per billion level.8
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 sets a maximum limit on ethers with five or more
carbon atoms of 11.0 per cent by volume, and specifies test method EN 1601
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not set a limit on ethers.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard align with the
Australian petrol standard for this parameter, as the petrol component should be the
only source of ethers. The Australian E85 automotive fuel standard should therefore
limit ethers to 1.0 per cent by volume maximum and refer to test method ASTM
D5501 (modified) to test compliance.
10. Higher alcohols (C3-C8)
Higher alcohols in fuels can be defined as aliphatic alcohols of general formula
CnH2n+1OH with N being 3 to 8.2 During the production of ethanol, trace quantities of
higher alcohols are formed, including butanols that are also collectively known as
fusel oil. There are processes to remove most of the fusel oils. Higher alcohols assist
in maintaining water in solution and lowering the dry vapour pressure equivalent
(DVPE) of ethanol blends to a certain extent.5
Little feedback has been received to date from Australian stakeholders on this
parameter,, apart from general agreement on setting the limit at 2 per cent by volume
which aligns with the US standard.
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 sets a maximum limit on higher saturated (C3-C5)
mono-alcohols of 6.0 per cent by volume, and specifies test method EN 1601
The US ASTM D5798-10a sets a maximum limit on higher alcohols (C3-C8) of 2 per
cent by volume without specifying a test method.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum limit
for higher alcohols (C3-C8) of 2 per cent by volume and refer to test method ASTM
D5501 (modified) to determine compliance with the standard.
11. Inorganic chloride
The source of chloride in ethanol is related to the feedstock used to produce the
ethanol and in some cases it may come from hydrochloric acid if that acid is used in
the production process. Inorganic chlorides are particularly likely to be present in
Australian ethanol produced from wheat, as hydrochloric acid is often used to adjust
acidity during enzyme conversion.9
Inorganic chlorides are corrosive to many metals, even in low concentrations, and it is
desirable to minimise them in ethanol fuel. The contamination of ethanol fuel with
metal ions, such as copper, iron, and sodium and inorganic anions such as chloride
and sulfate can affect engine performance, since salts and sediments that are formed
can block nozzles and filters and induce corrosion in the vehicle components in
contact with the fuel. Chloride ions present in chemically polar motor fuels such as
E85 are known to be one of the primary species involved in general pitting corrosion,
galvanic corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking of automotive components.10
Even at concentrations as low as 2 mg/kg, one study has found significant durability
concerns, such as failure of important components, wear, rust, abrasion and metal and
salt deposits.10 This study cautions that not all the corrosion can be guaranteed to have
occurred solely from the inorganic chlorides in the fuel, but that the concerns are
significant enough to warrant caution and further investigation.
Fuel Standard (Petrol) Determination 2001
The Australian fuel quality standard for petrol includes quality requirements for the
fuel grade ethanol component of blends (blended with petrol up to 10 per cent E10). These quality requirements include a maximum inorganic chloride limit of
32 mg/L. In the case of E10, the final level of inorganic chlorides should never be
more than 3.2 mg/L. This specification requires amendment to set a maximum limit
of 10 mg/kg in fuel grade ethanol for blending, in line with the updated ASTM
D 4806- 10b Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with
Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel.
Australian fuel grade ethanol producers have advised that they can consistently meet
an inorganic chloride level of 6 mg/kg or less. They have expressed concern that
meeting a maximum limit of 1 mg/kg would require additional capital expenditure to
alter current processes and testing procedures.
Car manufacturers have advised that as the US, EU, Canada and Brazil have inorganic
chloride limits of 1 mg/kg, E85 flex fuel vehicles are designed (globally) for fuel
containing a maximum inorganic chloride limit of 1 mg/kg. Allowing a higher level
may deter manufacturers from importing flex fuel vehicles into Australia and may
lead to corrosion and component damage.
General Motors have provided advice that flex fuel vehicle components are designed
for 1 mg/kg maximum and companies considering supplying these vehicles to a
market that allowed higher levels of chloride would have to re-evaluate their
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 limits inorganic chlorides to a maximum of
1.2 mg/kg, noting that the limit is to be validated in the future following the
assessment of test methods, production and distribution.1 CEN’s E85 workshop
agreement set the limit at 1 mg/kg in 2005, 11 but this was revised to 6 mg/kg in 2009,
recognising test method and distribution difficulties, and then revised again to the
current level of 1.2 mg/kg. The test method currently specified is prEN 15492
The US ASTM D5798-10a limits inorganic chlorides to 1 mg/kg, and refers to test
methods D7319 and D7328.3 Test method D512 is also referred to, but is not
appropriate as it is described as suitable only for water, wastewater and brine, and
cannot accurately detect chloride ions below 7 mg/kg.
The US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory sponsored
the CRC Report No.E-85 - National Survey of E85 Quality of November 2009. 12 The
goal of this project was to collect samples from each volatility class and analyse for
key properties from D5798. The samples representing each volatility class were
collected between summer 2008 and summer 2009 and tested against key properties
in D5798 such as ethanol content, water content, sulfur, vapour pressure, acidity, pHe,
inorganic chloride, and sulfate. Only three samples out of 157 tested exceeded the
1 mg/kg maximum level, with the highest level 5.4 mg/kg. More recent advice from
General Motors in the US is that ethanol producers have virtually no issues with
meeting the 1 mg/kg limit in the US or in Europe.
Proposed standard
The objects of the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 include “to regulate the quality of
fuel supplied in Australia in order to facilitate the adoption of better engine
technology and emission control technology, and allow the more effective operation
of engines.”
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set an inorganic
chloride limit of 1 mg/kg and refer to ASTM D7319 or ASTM D7328 to determine
compliance with the standard.
This 1 mg/kg limit on inorganic chloride could be introduced:
1) at the same time as the rest of the standard, and the petrol standard amended
soon after; or
2) at the same time as the rest of the standard, and the petrol standard amended
concurrently. Industry applicants could seek a Fuel Quality Standards Act
2000 section 13 variation on this parameter to supply E85 with higher
inorganic chloride for a limited period. The government may consider granting
fee waivers for these applications; or
3) 12 months after the introduction of the ethanol (E85) standard, with a 6 mg/kg
interim level, to allow industry to resolve issues, assessment and data
collection. The petrol standard would also be amended after 12 months.
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide detailed technical information on any issues,
particularly relating to specific feedstock and pre-treatment processes, and concerns
with meeting this requirement.
12. Methanol
Methanol is naturally present in industrially produced ethanol in small quantities, and
can contribute to combustion of the fuel as an oxygenate. Methanol is also toxic and
corrosive, and can cause engine wear.
The quality requirements for fuel grade ethanol that can be blended up to 10 per cent
with petrol limits methanol to a maximum of 0.5 per cent by volume.
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 limits methanol to a maximum 1.0 per cent by
volume, and specifies test method EN 1601 (modified).1
The US ASTM D5798-10a limits methanol to a maximum of 0.5 per cent by volume,
without specifying a test method.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard limits methanol to a
maximum of 0.5 per cent by volume and refers to test method ASTM D5501
(modified) to determine compliance with the standard.
13. Oxidation stability
Oxidation stability is an important parameter for the storage of ethanol fuel,
describing its ability to resist degradation.
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 requires that the fuel be stable under testing for a
minimum of 360 minutes, using test method EN ISO 7536.1
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not include an oxidation stability parameter, but it
does specify, under section 4.1.2, that hydrocarbons shall have oxidation stability of
240 minutes minimum by test method D525.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a minimum
oxidation stability of 360 minutes. Further technical advice is being sought on suitable
test methods to determine compliance with the standard.
14. pHe
The pHe is a measure of the strong acidity of the fuel.5 The range of 6.5 to 9.0 ensures
that the fuel is not corrosive to the engine.12 When pHe is below 6.5 fuel pumps can
malfunction as a result of film forming, fuel injectors can fail from corrosive wear,
and excessive engine cylinder wear can occur. When the pHe is above 9.0 fuel pump
plastic parts can fail.9
Both pHe and electrical conductivity can be used to analyse the risks of corrosion.
The quality requirements for fuel grade ethanol in Australia that can be blended up to
10 per cent with petrol states that the pHe value must be no less than 6.5 and no more
than 9.0.
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 no longer sets a pHe range. It now uses electrical
conductivity (1.5 S/cm) as a measure of corrosive potential but also states that if the
electrical conductivity limit is not met, pHe must then be tested and found to be in the
range of 6.5 and 9.0, using either test method En 15490 or ASTM D6423.1
The US ASTM D5798-10a requires the pHe value to be between 6.5 and 9.0 and
specifies test method D6423. It does not have an electrical conductivity parameter.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard require the pHe value
to be no less than 6.5 and no more than 9.0, and refer to test method ASTM D6423 to
determine compliance with the standard.
15. Phosphorus
Phosphorus needs to be limited in order to protect automotive catalyst systems from
deactivation.3 Sources of phosphorus in ethanol include fertilisers, nutrients used in
the fermentation process and the feedstock itself if it is non-traditional.13
The Australian petrol standard sets a maximum limit of 0.0013 g/L for phosphorus
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 sets a phosphorus maximum limit of 0.15 mg/L
and specifies test methods EN 15487 and EN 15837 (modified).1
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not set a limit for phosphorus, however it does not
allow phosphorus to be intentionally added to the fuel, and the appendix of the
document, Non-mandatory information, recognises the effect on catalysts and limits
phosphorus to trace amounts. The specification also notes that “EPA regulations limit
their maximum concentrations in unleaded gasoline to … 0.0013 g/L.”3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum
phosphorus level of 0.0013 g/L, and refer to test method ASTM D3231 to determine
compliance with the standard.
16. RON and MON
The research octane number (RON) correlates with engine anti-knock performance
under mild conditions of operation. The motor octane number (MON) correlates with
engine anti-knock performance under severe conditions of operation. Low RON and
MON numbers will result in low engine efficiency and therefore poor fuel economy.
Minimum indicative octane levels are desirable to allow vehicle manufacturers to
ensure that they maximise fuel economy and at the same time avoid engine knock and
hence potential engine damage.3
Pure ethanol has a high octane rating, of 129 RON and 102 MON. Ethanol is a known
octane enhancer for petrol.
The Australian petrol standard has a minimum RON of 91.0 for unleaded petrol and
95.0 for premium unleaded petrol, and a minimum MON of 81.0 for unleaded petrol
and 85.0 for premium unleaded petrol. As the proposed E85 standard requires the
petrol used in the blend to comply with the petrol standard, the addition of ethanol can
only raise the RON and MON numbers, ensuring they are at required operational
levels. It may therefore be unnecessary to set levels for RON and MON in this
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011sets only indicative targets for RON and MON.
RON is targeted at a minimum of 104 and MON should be a minimum of 88.0,
‘which in the normal situation is achieved’. These limits are not mandated because of
limited experience of E85 octane levels and test method issues with octane
measurement above 100 RON. However, minimum octane levels are required by
vehicle manufacturers for engine calibration so these indicative levels have been
The US ASTM D5798-10a does not refer to RON or MON.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard not set minimum
levels for RON and MON.
17. Solvent washed gum
Even at ambient temperature, fuel can undergo an oxidation process which may lead
to the formation of gums. These gums can cause engine fuel pump locking, nozzle
obstruction, and piston ring sticking.6
The quality requirements for fuel grade ethanol that can be blended up to 10 per cent
with petrol limits solvent washed gum to 5.0 mg/100mL (50 mg/L).
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 sets a solvent washed gum limit of 5 mg/100 mL
(50 mg/L) and specifies test method EN ISO 6246.1
The US ASTM D5798-10a sets a solvent washed gum limit of 5 mg/100 ml
(50 mg/L) and specifies test method D381.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum
solvent washed gum level of 5 mg/100 mL (50 mg/L) and refer to test method ASTM
D381 to determine compliance with the standard.
18. Sulfate
Sulfate contamination in ethanol fuel can plug and corrode engines and inhibit
catalysts. When the fuel is burned, sulfates may also contribute to sulfuric acid
emissions.15 Increasingly stringent regulations and limits are being placed on sulfur
compounds in order to reduce emissions.
Hundreds of car engines were damaged in Sweden in 2010, the problem apparently
due to high sulfate concentrations in the ethanol clogging fuel injectors.14
Sulfur dioxide can be used in the wet milling process of ethanol manufacture, which if
not fully removed remains as sulfates in the final fuel.
The quality requirements for fuel grade ethanol that can be blended up to 10 per cent
with petrol limits sulfate to a maximum of 4 mg/kg.
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 sets a maximum sulfate limit of 4 mg/kg, noting
that the limit is to be validated and might be lowered following production and
distribution assessment. It specifies test method prEN 15492 (modified).1
The US ASTM D5798-10a sets no sulfate limit.3 The US ASTM standard for
denatured fuel ethanol that is intended to be blended into gasoline for use in non-flexfuel vehicles limits sulfates to a maximum of 4 mg/kg.
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum sulfate
level of 4.0 mg/kg and refer to test method ASTM D7319 to determine compliance
with the standard.
19. Sulfur
A limit on sulfur is required to protect against engine wear, deterioration of engine oil,
corrosion of exhaust system parts, and exhaust catalyst deactivation, and to reduce
emissions of sulfur dioxide, which leads to acid rain, and particulates.15
The quality requirements for fuel grade ethanol that can be blended up to 10 per cent
with petrol limit sulfur to a maximum of 30 mg/kg. The Australian petrol standard
(unleaded petrol) has a maximum sulfur limit of 150 mg/kg. In the 70 per cent
blended fuel, a maximum of 21 mg would be contributed by the ethanol component,
and a maximum of 45 mg from the petrol, giving a possible theoretical maximum
total of 66 mg. Most unleaded petrol in the Australian market is well below the
150 mg/kg maximum level, with an average of 63 mg/kg (based on data collected by
the department between August 2004 and December 2010).
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 limits sulfur content to a maximum of 10 mg/kg
and specifies test methods EN 15485 and 15486, (both modified).1 European
Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and EN 228:2008
(the European unleaded petrol standard) set a maximum sulfur level of 10 mg/kg.16
The US ASTM D5798-10a limits sulfur content to 80 mg/kg, excepting some smaller
refineries, and specifies test methods D1266, D2622 D3120, or D5453.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum sulfur
content of 70 mg/kg and refer to test method ASTM D5453 to determine compliance
with the standard.
20. Water content
Water contamination of ethanol (E85) fuel may affect the calibration of some types of
composition sensors of flexible-fuel vehicles. It also reduces the energy content of the
fuel and thus adversely affects fuel economy and power. At extreme levels,
particularly in cold temperatures, it will cause the petrol to separate from the ethanol
and cause starting problems.4
The quality requirements for fuel grade ethanol that can be blended up to 10 per cent
with petrol limits water content to 1.0 per cent by volume.
International trends
The European CEN/TS 15293:2011 limits water content to a maximum of 0.400 per
cent by mass and specifies test methods EN 15489 or EN 15692, (both modified).1
The US ASTM D5798-10a limits water content to a maximum of 1.0 per cent by mass
and specifies test methods E203 or E1064.3
Proposed standard
It is proposed that the Australian E85 automotive fuel standard set a maximum water
content limit of 1.0 per cent by mass and refer to test method ASTM E1064 to
determine compliance with the standard.
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), CEN/TS 15293:2011 Automotive
fuels – Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel – Requirements and test methods, 2011.
National Institute of Standards and Technology –US Department of Customs,
Uniform Laws and Regulations in the areas of legal metrology and engine fuel quality
– NIST Handbook 130, 2009,, last accessed 11/11/2010.
ASTM International, D5798-10a - Standard specification for fuel ethanol (Ed70-85)
for Automotive Spark-Ignition engines, USA, January 2011.
S J Rand (editor), Significance of tests for petroleum products, 8th ed, ASTM
International, USA, 2010.
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Technical Report - PD CEN/TR
15993:2010. Automotive fuels – Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel – Background to the
parameters required and their respective limits and determination, February 2010.
Worldwide Fuel Charter, Ethanol Guidelines, March 2009.
W L Leffler, Petroleum refining, 3rd edition, PennWell, USA 2000.
Department of the Environment and Heritage, Setting national fuel quality standards
– Paper 2A Proposed management of petrol octane enhancing additives/products,
Canberra, 2000.
International Fuel Quality Centre, Setting a national standard for fuel ethanol, a
report presented to the Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra 2004.
S Clarke & W Studzinski, Flex fuel vehicle performance and corrosion study of
E85 fuel with chloride addition, Society of Automotive Engineers Powertrain Fuels
and Lubricants Meeting, USA 2010,
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), CWA 15293:2005 Automotive
fuels – Ethanol (E85) automotive fuel – Requirements and test methods, 2005.
T L Alleman et al., CRC 2009, Report No. E-85 National survey of E85,
Coordinating Research Council, USA, 2009,, last accessed 2/11/10.
Tripartite Task Force: Brazil, European Union & USA, White paper on
internationally compatible biofuel standards, 2007, last
accessed 2/11/10.
The Local: Sweden’s news in English, Payment row over ethanol car repairs, The
Local Europe AB, 23 July 2010,, last
accessed 2/11/10.
Department of the Environment and Heritage, Setting national fuel quality
standards – Paper 2 Proposed standards for fuel parameters (petrol and diesel),
Canberra, 2000.
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), EN 228, Automotive fuels –
Unleaded petrol - Requirements and test methods, 2008.