Let 2 Unit 4 - Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
1 What is amenorrhea?
The absence of a menstrual period due to excessive dieting.
2 Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by binging and purging with a symptom of
a never-satisfied hunger.
3 What eating disorder is characterized by an aversion to food and an extreme
prolonged loss of appetite?
Anorexia Nervosa
4 Name three physical results of bulimia.
tooth enamel, electrolyte imbalances
Esophageal inflammation, erosion of
5 What ingredient is found in 2/3 of the U.S. water supply and is critical to tooth and
bone formation?
6 What type of exercise helps ensure bone density?
Weight-bearing exercise
7 Why can excess salt in a diet cause high blood pressure? Salt absorbs water in the
body, causing a larger volume of water the heart must pass through the system, thereby
elevating blood pressure.
8 Some essential fats are necessary to maintain body function.
9 Another name for the fat reserve on a body is Storage fat.
10 The number of calories burned when a body is at complete rest is the Basal
Metabolic Rate (or BMR)
11 A typical American diet contains 35 to 40% percent fat intake per day.
12 What is dysentery?
Intestinal disorders caused by infection which causes
stomach pain and diarrhea with the passage of mucous and blood.
13 Small, wingless parasitic insects that live on warm-blooded animals, especially in
the hair, are called Lice.
14 When in the field, what material of undergarments should be worn because of their
absorbency and abilities to keep skin dry?
15 Define “sanitation.”
The promotion of hygiene and prevention of disease
by keeping a clean and healthy environment.
16 The science that deals with maintaining good health and the prevention of infection
and disease is Hygiene.
Let 2 Unit 4 - Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
17 Galvanized containers are known to cause what kind of food poisoning?
18 Name three methods for disinfecting water. Boiling it for 5-10 minutes, adding iodine
tablets, or treating it with chlorine.
19 What is a bivouac?
A temporary camp or shelter.
20 Name two reasons why you should bury your waste when you are in a bivouac area.
To prevent flies from spreading germs from the waste to food; to keep unwanted
animals out of your camping area.
21 What is stress? The way your body reacts and adjusts to psychological and
physical demands of life.
22 Name three physical effects or reactions to stress. Increased heart and breathing
rates; muscle tension; dilated pupils; cold hands; dry mouth.
23 An involuntary reaction to an immediate danger or threat which prepares a person
physically to either respond to the danger or run away from it is The fight or flight
24 What is “anxiety”?
An emotional disorder that occurs with concern about
an upcoming event that causes fear, nervousness or unease.
25 The printing date on a map indicates the date on which the information on the map
was Obtained.
26 Name three relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, the worry box visualization,
exercise, meditation, quick calming response technique, or progressive relaxation.
27 One technique for controlling stress is to limit the number of changes you make in
your life at any one time.
28 The act of focusing the mind on a single point of reference to achieve a relaxed
physical and mental state is called Meditation.
29 The relaxation technique that uses the forming of mental images or pictures is called
30 What are the characteristics of a manic-depressive illness?
extreme high and low moods.
Alternation of
31 One of the reasons Students Against Drunk Drivers is successful is because teens
agree to call parents for rides if teens or their friends have been drinking.
Let 2 Unit 4 - Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
32 Another term for free-floating anxiety in which a person is anxious for long periods of
time from a variety of fears and worries is Generalized anxiety.
33 To qualify for the President’s Physical Fitness Award, you must achieve a standard
of 85% percent on Cadet Challenge.
34 To qualify for the National Physical Fitness Award as a second year student, you
must achieve Between 50 and 84% percent on Cadet Challenge.
35 What two awards can cadets receive if they attempt all five exercises in Cadet
Challenge but score below the 50th percentile?
A Participant Certificate of
Achievement or a white emblem (or both).
36 Name three benefits to establishing and maintaining a fitness program such as
those in Cadet Challenge.
Improved self-confidence; athletic motor skills development; begin a
pattern for physical fitness and life-long health habits.
37 Name the five events in Cadet Challenge. The one mile run/walk; the shuttle run;
pull-ups; curl ups; the v-sit reach.
38 What is the most painful type of burn?
Second-degree burns, because nerve
endings are still intact even though tissue damage is severe.
39 The degree of burn caused by wind, brief exposure to steam, and light sunburn is
First-degree burn.
40 Flammable liquids that suddenly burst into flames generally cause what degree of
41 Third-degree burns are the most painful because they cause the deepest tissue
damage. False
42 What degree of burn is caused by electric shock?
43 Victims of second-degree burns to the face need careful monitoring for swelling and
blockage of the airway.
44 When do you not remove clothing from a third-degree burn?
cloth sticks to the burn or when in a chemically contaminated area.
45 All degrees of burns should be treated first with cool running water.
When the
Let 2 Unit 4 - Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
46 Name three items that can be used to separate an electric shock victim from the
source of the electric current.
A broom, stick, chair, or other item of dry nonconducting material like wood, plastic, or cardboard
47 What variables affect the seriousness of a chemical burn?
The length of time
the chemical is in contact with the skin; the concentration (or strength) of the chemical;
the temperature of the product containing the chemical.
48 For dry chemical burns, only treat with water if large amounts of water is available.
49 In situations of inhalation poisoning, you should call for help before you attempt a
50 On what side should a victim’s body be positioned to delay absorption of an oral
poison into the circulatory system?
On his or her left side
51 What two types of fluids are appropriate for victims who have ingested corrosive or
caustic poisons?
Milk or water.
52 Explain the difference between a cut and a tear wound. A cut, or incision, is a
straight, even wound made with a sharp object like a knife or razor blade. A tear, or
laceration, is caused by objects with sharp, irregular edges that leave jagged, torn
53 A Scrape (or abrasion) is caused by sliding contact between skins and a rough
54 How do you treat a bruise?
Ice it and elevate it, and seek medical attention
if it continues to swell, becomes more painful, appears deformed, or if the body part
won’t move.
55. Another name for the sweat evaporation that carries heat away from the body is
Perspiration or perspiring.
56 Dehydration is the condition that results when fluids are lost from the body and not
57 When in a high heat or high humidity environment, what type of clothing should be
worn to prevent heat exhaustion?
Clothing that provides ventilation.
Let 2 Unit 4 - Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
58 Heat cramps are muscular pains and spasms that are caused by loss of salt from the
body due to heavy perspiration.
59 What physiological event takes place during heat exhaustion? When the body
loses a great amount of fluid through heavy perspiration, less blood flows to vital
organs, resulting in a form of shock.
60 Heat stroke is the least severe of heat injuries and rarely leads to death.
61 Individuals who show symptoms of fatigue are at higher risk for heat injuries.
62 What do experts mean when they say that precipitation increases cold weather
Water or moisture in the form of rain or snow speeds the loss of body heat
and can cause cold injuries.
63 Fear and fatigue lessen a person’s ability to stay warm and thus increases the
possibility of cold injuries.
64 When ice crystals form in body tissue exposed to temperatures below freezing, it is
called Frostbite
65 Subcutaneous frostbite may cause gangrene and lead to the need for surgical
removal of the affected part.
66 Long exposure of the feet to wet conditions at temperatures between 32 degrees
and 50 degrees causes what injury?
Immersion foot/Trench foot
67 What is hypothermia? Too little body heat with abnormally low internal body
68 Name the three steps for treating snow blindness. Cover the eyes with a dark cloth
to discourage painful eye movement; Give the eyes complete rest or use dark bandages
and glasses to protect the eyes; Seek medical treatment.
69 How do you treat cold weather dehydration?
Move the victim out of
wind and cold and keep him or her warm; Loosen the victim’s clothing; Give the victim
fluids, rest, and prompt medical treatment.
70 Name the three types of venoms.
Neurotoxins, Hemotoxins and
Let 2 Unit 4 - Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
71 What type of venom affects the nervous system and can cause death by paralysis?
72 What type of venom digests tissues, including blood cells?
73 What are the indicators of a hemotoxic snake-bite injury? Severe burning pain,
discoloration at the bite site, and fang marks.
74 Although not all snakes are poisonous, all snakes may carry what infection?
Tetanus (or Lockjaw)
75 For snake bites on arms and legs where are constricting bands placed?
to four inches above and below the bite
76 Name the viral disease that affects the central nervous system of mammals that is
transmitted by bites that can result in paralysis and death if left untreated.
77 Venom from black widow spiders and tarantulas is what kind of toxin? Neurotoxin
78 Name a common household ingredient that can be used to make a paste to relieve
pain and itching of insect bites.
Baking soda and water paste
79 What should you do to treat skin that has come into contact with a poisonous plant?
Apply rubbing alcohol, apply calamine, and do not cover the rash with a dressing
80 What is a stimulant?
of the mind or body.
A drug, drink, or substance that speeds up the activity
81 What is a barbiturate? A substance, also called a depressant, that slows the activity
of the mind or body.
82 What kind of drug is alcohol? It is a depressant
83 Drugs that alter the physical senses, producing sounds, visions, and smells that are
not real and that distort the concepts of time and space in a user’s mind are called
84 What is “Amotivational syndrome” and what drug causes it?
ambition and drive. This syndrome is an effect of marijuana use.
Apathy and loss of
85 Another name for illegal, synthetic drugs that have slightly-changed molecular
structures is Designer drugs.
86 Nicotine in its pure state is a toxic poison and is used in pesticides.
Let 2 Unit 4 - Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
87 Tobacco is considered a “gateway” drug. Define the term “gateway.”
A term
attached to alcohol and tobacco due to the fact that their use often leads to further drug
88 How many Americans die yearly from smoking-related diseases?
89 Breathing second-hand smoke can increase a person’s risk of lung cancer, heart
disease, and respiratory disorders.
90 What percent of teenage automobile accidents involve alcohol? 90%
91 Seventy percent of teen suicide attempts involve alcohol.
92 Nicotine in its pure state is safe for human consumption.
93 What do you do with an unconscious alcohol victim? Place the victim on his or her
side so the victim won’t choke or drown in his or her own vomit.
94 If an alcohol victim is conscious and has ingested the alcohol overdose within the
last 30 minutes, you should treat the victim by making him or her vomit.
95 Name three actions you can take if someone you know has a drug problem.
Convince the person to seek help; Tell a responsible adult you are concerned about
the person; Report drug dealers to the appropriate authority.
96 One way you can help someone with a drug problem is to provide him or her with
the names of people and agencies that can provide help.
97 Studies show there is a close association between drug abuse and personality
factors such as self-esteem, self-reliance, and alienation.
98 Drinking alcohol is the third leading cause of death in the United States, right behind
heart disease and cancer.
99 What education campaign encourages college students to be responsible for each
other and help each other avoid drunk driving situations?
The volunteer system
100 What underlying agreement between students and parents makes the program
Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) so successful?
The agreement that
teenagers call their parents for rides if the teens or their friends have been drinking.