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Aloke Guha

Professional Memberships and Positions

 Senior Member (elected), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

 Founder, Founding Board Member, and Charter Member: TiE Rockies, Colorado chapter of Talent, Ideas and Enterprise (TiE), the world’s largest non-profit organization that fosters entrepreneurship

 Advisory Board (Active): past mentor and advisor positions to pre-IPO companies not listed o Computer Science Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1998- 2005 o Founders Advisory Board, TiE Rockies, Colorado, 2007 -2008

US West Broadband Advisory Council, 1993-94

Optical Society of America (Honorary Member)

Chair Positions/Committee Memberships

IEEE Local Area Networking/Metropolitan Area Networking (LAN/MAN)(1999-2004)

 IEEE Multimedia Computing Systems (1999)

 Server I/O Conference (1998)

 IEEE Gigabit Networking (1996-2000)

Neural Networks in Engineering, (1991-95)

IEEE Distributed Computing Systems (1994-95)

Reviewer o IEEE Transactions on Computers o Journal in Selected Areas of Communications o Journal of Parallel and Distributed Processing, Applied Optics

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Professional Presentations

More than 30 invited presentations at international meetings on topics ranging from specific technology to information technology and its affect on human interaction and leadership.

Some sample recent invited presentations:

 Panelist, Accel Ventures Datacenter 2.0 Roundtable on Convergence of Internet and

Traditional Enterprise Datacenters and Cloud Computing, Stanford University, CA,

June 12, 2008.

 Panelist, TiE-Rockies Annual CIO/CTO Panel, Denver, CO, February 20, 2008.

Presenter, Understanding Data Storage Efficiencies: Massive Array of Idle Disks,

Consortium for Energy Efficiency Program Meeting, St. Louis, MO, September 25,


Panelist, Emerging Technologies Panel, IEEE Mass Storage Conference 2004

Panelist, Emerging Technologies Panel, IEEE Mass Storage Conference 2005

Panelist, Emerging Technologies Panel, IEEE Mass Storage Conference 2006

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Aloke Guha: Selected Publications

Journal and Book Chapters

“Multimedia in Control and Automation,” (with J. Huang) Handbook of Multimedia, CRC Press (B. Fuhrt,

Ed.), Winter 1999.

“Relating the Cyclic Behavior of Linear and Intrainverted Feedback Shift Registers,” (with L.L.

Kinney), IEEE Transactions on Computers, September 1992

“Optical Interconnections for Massively Parallel Architectures,” (with J. Bristow and C.

Sullivan), in the Special Issue on Optical Interconnections, Applied Optics, March 1990.

“Designing Massively Parallel Optical Computers–A Case Study,” (with M. Derstine), in the

Special Issue on Optical Computing, Applied Optics, May 1990.

“Design Considerations for an Optical Symbolic Processing Architecture,” (with M. Derstine) in the Special Issue on Optical Computing, Optical Engineering, April, 1989.

“Improving Multimedia Communications Over ATM Networks,” IEEE Multimedia Newsletter,

Winter Issue, 1995-96.

“Supporting Real-Time and Multimedia Applications on the Mercuri Testbed,” (with A. Pavan,

J. Liu, A. Rastogi, and T. Steeves) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special

Issue on Local ATM Networks, May 1995.

“Developing a Distributed Multimedia Application for Real-Time Process Monitoring,” (with A.

Pavan, A. Rastogi, and B. Roberts), IEEE Multimedia, Summer Issue, 1995.

“Designing Optical Networks from Simple Switching Elements,” Special Issue on Optical

Computing and Interconnects, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, March 1993. Also appears in Microelectronic Interconnection Systems: Performance and Modeling (Stewart

Tewksbury, Ed.), IEEE Press.

“Continuous Process Control Using Neural Networks,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

(Chapman & Hall) (1992), No. 3.

“Neural Dynamic Programming,” (with A. Haggerty and J. Jelinek), Scientific Honeyweller,

Volume 10, No. 1, Winter 1989.

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Conference Publications

Storage and Computing

“ Data Archiving using Enhanced MAID,” 14th NASA Goddard, 23rd IEEE Mass Storage

Systems and Technology Conference, April 2006.

“Tuning MAID Storage for Backup and Archive Data,” 22nd IEEE Mass Storage Systems and

Technology Conference, Monterey, CA, April 2005.

“A New Approach to Disk-Based Mass Storage Systems,” 21 st IEEE Mass Storage Systems and

Technology Conference, College Park (MD), April 2004.

“Doing More with Less: New Architectures for Long-Term Data,” NASA Workshop on the

Expanding Role of Disk in Large-Scale Storage Systems (DLSS), Upper Marlboro (MD), February


“Creating A Distributed File System For Multiple Client Environments,” (with M. Bakke),

International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications

(PDPTA’97), Las Vegas, July 1997.

“Optimal Embedding of Time-Wavelength Division Multiplexed Architectures,” (with S.

Bhattacharya, A. Pavan) IEEE Local Computer Networking Conference, October 1995.

“Optical Packet Switching Architectures for Distributed Computing,” Proc. of the 27 th Hawaii

International Conference on Systems Sciences, January 1994.

“A Scaleable Packet Switch for Distributed Computing,” (with M. Agrawal), Proc. of the First

High Performance Distributed Computing Symposium, Syracuse, NY, September 1992.

“A Fine-Grained Parallel Architecture for Combinator Graph Reduction,” Proc. of the

International Conference on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, Illinois, August 1990.

“Optical Backplanes for Massively Parallel Processors and Demonstration in the Connection

Machines,” (with A. Husain, T. Lane, C. Sullivan, and J. Bristow), Proc. of GOMAC, 1990.

“Optical Implementations of Interconnection Networks for Massively Parallel Architectures,”

(with J. Bristow and C. Sullivan), Proc. of the Optical Computing Conference, Salt Lake City,

February 1989.

“Polymer Waveguide-based Optical Backplanes for Fine-grained Parallel Processing,” (with J.

Bristow, C. Sullivan, and A. Husain), Proc. of the SPIE OE/Fibers Conference, Boston,

September, 1989.

“Architectural Issues in Designing Symbolic Processors in Optics,” (with R. Ramnarayan and M.

Derstine), Proc. of the 14 th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Pittsburgh, PA,

June 1987.

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“Designing Self-Checking Combinational Circuits Using Monitors,” Proc. of the International

Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Philadelphia, PA, May 1987.

“Optical Symbolic Computing: Architectural Considerations,” (with R. Ramnarayan, M.

Derstine, and A. Vaid), Proc. of The Topical Meeting on Optical Computing, Lake Tahoe, CA,

March 1987.

“A Method for Optimizing Codes for Concurrent Fault Detection in Microprogrammed

Controllers,” Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, Rye Brook, NY,

October 1987.

“Monitors of Varying Complexity for Concurrently Testing Microprogrammed Control Units,”

(with L.L. Kinney), Proc. of the International Conference on Computer-Aided-Design, Santa

Clara, CA, November 1984.

Storage and Networking

“A Comparative Study and Analyses of Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks,” (with R. Peglar)

IEEE LAN-MAN Workshop, Sydney, Australia, November 1999.

“Gigabit Communications over Storage Area Networks,” IEEE Gigabit Networking Workshop,

March 1999, New York, NY, 1999.

“The Evolution to Network Storage Architectures for Multimedia Applications,” Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing Systems, Florence, Italy,

June 1999.

“A Simulation Study of a Shared Memory Interconnection Design,” IEEE LAN-MAN Workshop,

Banff, Canada, May 1998.

“Improving Packet Delivery over ATM Networks,” (with T.-S. Chang) IEEE Local Computer

Networking Conference, Minneapolis, November 1997.

“A Cell-Level Forward Error Correction Scheme (FEC-SSCS) for ATM Networks,” (with G. Carle,

T. Dwight, K. Tsunoda, K. Kanai, and H. Esaki) International Conference on Computer

Communications (ICCC’97), Cannes, France, November 1997.

“Security in Network Storage Architectures,” (with J. Hughes), 30 th Hawaii International

Systems Sciences Conference, January 1997.

“Improving End-to-End Quality of Service in ATM Networks,” (with T.-S. Chang) IEEE LAN-MAN

Workshop, Potsdam, Germany, August 1996.

“Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time Support on the Mercuri Wide Area ATM Testbed,”

(with A. Pavan, and J. Liu) IEEE Local Computer Networking Conference, October 1995.

“Using ATM Networks Effectively for High-Performance Applications,” (with W. Franta) IEEE

LAN-MAN Workshop, Marathon FL, March 1995.

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“Cost Optimization of Bandwidth Usage in ATM Networks,” (with J. Hughes) Proc. of the IEEE

Gigabit Networking Workshop/IEEE Infocom, Boston, April 1995.

“Agile Gigabit Networks: High Speed Communications in Space,” (with Sourav Bhattacharya)

Proc. of the IEEE Gigabit Networking Workshop/IEEE Infocom, Toronto, June 1994.

“Interoperability Considerations Between ATM Equipment Based on the B-ISDN

COMPASS/Mercuri Trial”, (with J. D. Cavanaugh, M. T. Midani, and J. T. Pugaczewski) Proc. of the Third International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCN’94), San

Francisco, September 1994.

“Real-Time Support of Continuous and Variable Bit Rate Traffic on an ATM Network,” (with A.

Pavan) Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Poznan,

Poland, 1994.

“Real-Time Multicast Support of Variable QoS Multimedia Traffic Components,” (with S.

Bhattacharya) Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on the Role of Real-Time Multimedia/Interactive

Computing, Raleigh, November 1993.

“A Real-Time Multimedia Network Architecture for Time-Critical Applications,” (with M.

Agrawal and A. Pavan) Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on the Role of Real-Time

Multimedia/Interactive Computing, Raleigh, November 1993.

“Broadband Networking Issues in a Real-Time Environment,” National Engineering Consortium

Conference, November 1993, Orlando, FL. Also in the Proc. of 1994-95 Annual

Communications Review, International Engineering Consortium.

“OmniNet: An Integrated Broadband Wireless Architecture,” Proc. of the Second IEEE

Workshop on High Performance Communication Subsystems, Williamsburg, VA, September


“Multimedia-Integrated Real-Time Control Systems,” (with A. Agrawal and R. Rundquist) Proc. of the First IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Applications, May 1993, New York.

“A Design for Self-Routing Nonblocking Interconnection Networks,” Proc. of the 21 st

International Conference on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, IL, August 1992.

“Design of Scaleable Electrooptical and Optical Interconnection Networks,” Proc. of the 5 th

ISMM Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, October

Learning/Adaptive Systems

“Neural Network Based Inferential Sensing and Instrumentation,” Proc. of the 1992 INNS

Summer Workshop: Neural Network Computing for the Electric Power Industry, August 1992.

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“On-Line Spectral and Component Analysis Using Neural Networks,” (with S.J. Bedros) Proc. of the Annual Neural Networks in Engineering Conference, November 1992.

“Neural Network Sensors and Controls for Thin Film Processes,” Proc. of the 35 th Meeting of

the Society of Vacuum Coaters, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1992.

“A Hybrid Neural Network Approach to Adaptive Control and Optimization,” Proc. of the

Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, MI, November 1991.

“Neural Network Adaptive Controllers for Energy Management,” Proc. of 53 rd the American

Power Conference, Chicago, April 1991.

“A Reinforcement Learning Variant for Control Scheduling,” Advances in Neural Information

Processing Systems 3, Eds. D. Touretzky and R. Lippmann, Morgan Kauffmann Publishers, Inc,

San Mateo, CA, 1991.

“Setpoint Control based on Reinforcement Learning,” (with A. Mathur) Proc. of the IEEE

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington DC, January 1990.

“Synthesizing Application-Specific Neural Networks using the Genetic Algorithm,” (with S.A.

Harp and T. Samad) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2, Ed. D. Touretzky,

Morgan Kauffmann Publishers, Inc, San Mateo, CA, 1990.

“Genetic Synthesis of Neural Networks,” (with S.A. Harp and T. Samad) Proc. of the

International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Washington D.C., June 1989.

“Using Small Multilayer Networks to Search Real Hyperspaces,” Abstracts of the First Annual

Meeting of the International Neural Network Society, Boston, MA, September, 1988.

“Parallel Issues in Adaptive Neural Networks and Signal Processing,” (with S. Dasgupta and Y.

Srivastava) Proceedings of the 30 th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Syracuse, NY,

August 1987.

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