Jill Mestel Squyres 11124 Wurzbach Suite 305 San Antonio, Texas 78230 210-641-7422 (office), 210-641-7421 (fax) drjsqures@sbcglobal.net Texas License # 2-4177 Education: 1987 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology--University of Southern California (American Psychological Association-approved) 1987 Internship in Clinical Psychology (American Psychological Associationapproved)-- Psychology Service, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Long Beach, California 1981 BA, Psychology, with high distinction, University of Rochester (Rochester, N.Y.) Honors: NIMH Graduate Fellowship, USC Graduate Assistantship, Rochester Prize Scholarship, New York State Regents Scholarship Professional Affiliations: American Psychological Association (Division 22 – Rehabilitation Psychology and Division 38 Health Psychology), American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, American Association of University Women, Bexar County Psychological Association, San Antonio Group Psychotherapy Society, Families of Russian and Ukrainian Adoptees( FRUA), Parent Advisory Council – Oak Meadow Elementary. Clinical Practice: 06/02-present Private Practice, 11124 Wurzbach Suite 305, San Antonio, TX, 78230 Specializing in general clinical, rehabilitation and health psychology with children, adolescents and adults. 04/91-05/02 Staff Psychologist, Spinal Cord Injury Center, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Audie L. Murphy Division, San Antonio, Texas Responsibilities included psychological services to SCI patients, staff development, general pain management, smoking cessation, Employee Assistance Program, Consultation in Internal Medicine Clinic, research, supervision and teaching. 9/85 – 5/86 Pediatric Psychology Intern: Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Orange, CA. 2/84 – 5/84 Student Intern, Psychosocial Program, Cancer Center, Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, CA. Research/Consultation/ Business Experience: 9/00 - 12/01 Site-Based Principal Investigator, Guideline Implementation for Tobacco Use study; a multi-VA Medical Center Study examining the effectiveness of an organizational strategy to increase compliance with the AHQR Smoking Cessation Clinical Practice Guideline 9/87 – 6/90 Project Director, Psychological Test Product Development , Western Psychological Services, Publishers and Distributors, Los Angeles, CA. 9/83 – 9/86 Research Assistant, TVSP Smoking Prevention Program, Institute for Prevention Research, Pasadena, CA. 7/82 – 9/83 Research Assistant, Palo Alto VAMC/Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. study on brain changes on CT/PET and neuropsychological functioning in normal aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia Professional, business, and personal recommendations available upon request. Teaching Experience: 1/80 – 5/80 Teaching Assistant, University of Rochester, Psychology Department Course: Introduction to Psychology 9/79 – 12/79 Teaching Assistant, University of Rochester, Psychology Department Course: Cognitive Psychology 1994-2000 Regular guest lecturer for San Antonio College “Health Enhancement Series” on smoking cessation and AIDs awareness. 07/02 Invited lecturer in graduate psychotherapy course on “Health and Rehabilitation Psychology”, Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, TX. Other Professional Information: 1996 – present: Certified Quitsmart (smoking cessation program) presenter 9/01 – 9/02: Program Committee Member, American Association of SCI Psychologists and Social Workers. 9/02 – 9/04 Chairperson, Program Committee, American Association of SCI Psychologists and Social Workers Invited participant in EPPP (national psychologist licensing exam) item writing workshop for Rehabilitation Psychology (San Diego, California), March 1999. 6/92-5/02 Member, Training Committee, Psychology service, DVAMC, Audie L. Murphy division, San Antonio, TX 6/92-5/02 Supervisor of psychology interns, postdoctoral fellows and practicum students, Psychology Service, DVAMC, Audie L. Murphy Division, San Antonio, TX I have given regular presentations or taught seminars to VA psychology interns, post-doctoral fellows and staff as well as UTHSCSA interns, residents and medical staff on smoking cessation, pain management, hypnosis and relaxation, health psychology, supervision, cross-cultural issues, rehabilitation psychology, coping with chronic illness, managing difficult patients, objective psychological assessment, personality disorders, effective communication in medical settings, and stress management. I have done presentations for various local agencies (as requested by the VA Public Affairs Office) on stress management and aging. I write a regular column called “Dear Dr. Jill” for Oak Meadow Elementary School and the Summerfield Subdivision Newsletters. “Dear Dr. Jill” addresses stress management, coping skills and parenting. I also self publish a newsletter called “Well Being” which I distribute to local physician and dentist waiting rooms. I am highly skilled in public speaking, written and electronic communication. I have a high level of computer literacy on both IBM and Apple computers (Word, Power point, EXCEL, Internet Explorer, OUTLOOK, AOL, Quicken) with past experience in FORTRAN, BASIC, SAS, SPSSX and BMDP. Publications: Collins, LM., Sussman, S., Rauch (Squyres), JM., Johnson, C.A., Hansen, W.B., & Flay, B.R. (1987) Psychosocial predictors of young adolescent smoking: A sixteen month, three wave, longitudinal study., Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17(6), 554-573. Flay, B.R., Pentz, M.A., Johnson, C.A., Sussman, S., Mestel (Squyres), J., Scheier, L., Collins, LM., & Hansen, W.B. (1987) Reaching children with mass media health promotion programs: The effectiveness of an advertising campaign, a community-based program, and a school-based program. In D.S. Leather, G.B. Hastings and J.K. Dories (eds) Health Education and the Media. New York: Pergamon. Rauch (Squyres), JM. (1987) The effects of multidimensional health locus of control and situational variables on short and long term adjustment to colostomy. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48 (4-B), 1161. Rauch (Squyres), JM. & Huba, G.J. (1991) Adolescent Drug Use. In R. Lerner (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Adolescence. New York: Garland Publishing. Rauch (Squyres), JM., Henly, G.A., & Winters, K.C. (1989) Computerized Scoring and Interpretation of the Personal Experience Inventory. In K.C. Winters and G.A. Henly Manual for the Personal Experience Inventory (PEI), Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. Sussman, S., Dent, C.V., Rauch (Squyres), JM., Johnson, C.A., Hansen, W.B., & Flay, B.R. (1988) Adolescent nonsmokers, triers, and regular smokers’ estimates of cigarette smoking prevalence: When do overestimates occur and by whom? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18(7), 537-551. Presentations: Blew, A.F., Mestel (Squyres), J.S., & Zawacki, B.E. (1985) Attributional, Cognitive, And Behavioral Aspects of Burn Pain. Paper presented at the ninety-third convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California. Collins, LM., Sussman, s., Mestel-Rauch (Squyres), J., Dent, C.W., Johnson, C.A., Hansen, W.B., & Flay, B.R. (1987) Psychosocial predictors of cigarette smoking. Paper Presented at the sixty-seventh annual convention of the Western Psychological Association, Long Beach, California. Flay, B.R., Pentz, M.A., Johnson, C.A., Sussman, S., Mestel (Squyres), J., Scheier, L., Collins, LM., & Hansen, W.B. (1985) Reaching children with mass media health promotion programs: The relative effectiveness of an advertising campaign, a community-based program, and a school based program. Paper presented at the Second Annual International Conference of Mass Media and Health Education, Edinburgh, Scotland. Mestel (Squyres), J.S., Dent, C., Collins, LM., Johnson, C.A., Hansen, W. B., & Flay, B.R. (1985) Psychosocial factors predicting cigarette smoking in adolescents. Paper presented at the ninety-third convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California. Rauch (Squyres), JM., Klein, D., Fey, E., and Lindo, B. (1993) Patient Education. Poster Presented at the seventh annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, Nevada. Rauch (Squyres), JM. & Gatz, M. (1987) The multidimensionality of the Rotter InternalExternal Locus of Control Scale in the elderly. Paper presented at the Ninety-fifth annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York. Squyres, JM. (1996) Brief Intermittent Psychotherapy with a Quadriplegic with Borderline Personality Disorder. Paper presented at the tenth annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, Nevada. Squyres, J. M. (1997) Culturally Sensitive Psychological Service Delivery with Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. Paper presented at the eleventh annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, Nevada. Squyres, JM. (1998) Compassionate Care for Dying Patients with SCI: Psychosocial Issues. Paper presented at the twelfth annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, Nevada. Squyres, JM. (1999) Eating Disorders and SCI: Psychosocial Issues. Paper presented at the Thirteenth annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, Nevada. Squyres, JM. (2000) Personality Disorders and Rehab Patients: Acute SCI. Paper presented at the Fourteenth annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, Nevada. Squyres, JM., Hansen, N., Guenther, R. & Lusk, J. (2002) Boundary issues in Clinical Work with SCI individuals. Workshop presented at the sixteenth annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, Nevada. Computerized Expert Systems: Endler, N., Edwards, J., Vitelli, R., & Rauch (Squyres), JM. (1990) The Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS): A computerized scoring and Interpretation system. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. Moos, R.H., Rauch (Squyres), JM., & Huba, G.J. (1989) Menstrual Distress Questionnaire: A computerized scoring and interpretation system. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. Winters, K.C., Henly, G.A., Rauch (Squyres), JM., & Huba, G.J. (1988) The Personal Experience Inventory: A computerized scoring and interpretation system. Los Angeles, Western Psychological Services.