Concept Notes as per Proposed Programme Budget (A/66/6 (Sect. 36)) and supplementary information for ACABQ 1213AM. Developing the capacities of the Arab countries for climate change adaptation by applying integrated water resource management tools Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, jointly with the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for West Asia ($517,000) Background Nearly all countries in the Arab region suffer from freshwater scarcity. This condition is expected to worsen with climate change since climate change models generally predict a substantial reduction in the availability of freshwater resources. The ability to ensure freshwater quantity and quality in face of these challenges will have important implications for development in key socio-economic sectors. Unless properly and promptly addressed, these water-related challenges will hamper the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals related to poverty, health and environmental sustainability, as well as internationally agreed development goals aimed at achieving sustainable development. In recognition of this urgent need, the Arab Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change, adopted by the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment in 2007, called for the preparation of an assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources. This inv itation was formalized at the twenty-fifth ministerial session of ESCWA in 2008, which adopted a resolution mandating the Commission to prepare a vulnerability assessment of the impact of climate change on socio economic development, with particular emphasis on freshwater resources. The Arab Summit for Economic and Social Development in 2009 subsequently endorsed the preparation of a project to assess the impacts of climate change on water resources in the Arab region. The project was approved by the Arab Ministerial Water Council and is currently under way through an inter-agency collaborative process. The current project will build upon the findings of this climate change assessment by assisting Government decision makers and their advisers to better under stand the linkages between climate change adaptation and the water sector, in particular how integrated water resource management tools can support climate change adaptation in key sectors, namely, agriculture, economic development, the environment, health and human settlements. ESCWA and the UNEP Regional Office for West Asia are well positioned to execute this multidisciplinary regional project given their special role supporting the Joint Committee on Environment and Development in the Arab Region, which provides advice to the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment on climate change and other regional issues. To this end, ESCWA and UNEP will collaborate with other partners serving the Arab region, including ECA, WHO, the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association and the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands. Concept Notes as per Proposed Programme Budget (A/66/6 (Sect. 36)) and supplementary information for ACABQ Objective of the Organization: To develop the capacity of Arab Governments to adapt to climate change by applying integrated water resource management tools in the key sectors that will be affected by climate change impacts on freshwater resources Relationship to the strategic framework for the period 20122013 and the Millennium Development Goals: Economic and social development in Western Asia subprogramme 1 (Integrated management of natural resources for sustainable development); Environment subprogramme 1 (Climate change); subprogramme 3 (Ecosystem management); Millennium Development Goal 7 Summary budget (Thousands of United States dollars) General temporary assistance Consultants Experts Travel Contractual services Operating expenses Workshops Total 18.0 177.0 23.8 24.7 31.5 0.8 241.2 517.0 Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat Indicators of achievement (a) Increased understanding of Government officials and regional stakeholders of the impact of climate change on water resources as it relates to key sectors, including agriculture, economy, environment, health and human settlements (a) Increased number of beneficiary countries adopting policy statements that recognize the importance of integrated water resource management for climate change adaptation (b) Increased capacity of Arab Governments to incorporate integrated water resource management tools into strategies, policies, plans and programmes related to key sectors that will be affected by climate change impacts on water resources (b) Increased number of climate change adaptation strategies, policies, plans and programmes that incorporate integrated water resource management tools in the key sectors that will be affected by climate change impacts on water resources Main activities The main activities of the project will include: (a) Conduct an inception meeting where the implementing partners will set the terms of reference and responsibilities for the five training modules, the training manual and the training workshops on integrated water resource management tools for climate change adaptation in key sectors, as well as the layout of the consultative process with Governments; (b) Organize an expert meeting to review and comment upon the five draft training modules; (c) Organize five training workshops (3 in Lebanon and 2 in Jordan), comprising one on each training module; (d) Conduct an evaluation of each training module at the end of each training workshop and incorporate the comments into the training modules prior to finalizing the training manual; (e) Finalize, translate and disseminate the training manual on integrated water resource management tools for climate change adaptation in the key sectors addressed during the project. The manual would be launched in cooperation with partners during relevant events related to water and climate change at the global, regional and national levels. Concept Notes as per Proposed Programme Budget (A/66/6 (Sect. 36)) and supplementary information for ACABQ Detailed budget (US dollars) General Temporary Assistance Temporary assistance to perform the tasks of administrative and technical support for limited periods during project implementation: (6 work months x $3,000 per month) = $18,000 18 000 Consultants Expert consultants (regional or international) for the preparation of the five training modules and their contribution to the five training workshops, in support of activity (b), (c), and (d): (3.9 work months x $8,000 per month x 5 training modules) = $156,000; Travel of experts to the training workshops with an average duration of 4 days, in support of activity (c): ($2,000 per participant x 5 participants) = $10,000; External Evaluation Consultant: = $11,000 177 000 Expert Meetings Travel of expert consultants to expert meeting to present draft training modules with an average duration of 2 days, in support of activity (b): ($1,400 per participant x 5 participants) = $7,000; Travel of non-UN partners and participants to expert meeting (Beirut) to review and comment on draft training modules with an average duration of 2 days, in support of activity (b): ($1,400 per participant x 12 participants) = $16,800 Travel of staff ESCWA Staff Travel: Travel of staff to training workshops with an average duration of 4 days, in support of activity (c): ($1,500 per participant x 3 staff members x 2 workshops in Amman) = $9,000; Travel of staff in relation to the presentation of the I ntegrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) training modules and manual with an average duration of 4 days, in support of activity (e): ($2,100 average mission cost x 1 person x 1 mission) = $2,100; UNEP/ROWA, ECA and WHO/CEHA Staff Travel: Travel of partners from UN agencies to the inception meeting (Beirut) to set the terms of reference for training modules, with an average duration of 2 days, in support of activity (a): ($1,350 per participant x 3 UN participants) = $4,050; Travel of UN partners to expert meeting (Beirut) to review and comment on draft training modules with an average duration of 2 days, in support of activity (b): ($1,350 per participant x 3 UN participants) = $4,050; Travel of UN partners to training workshops (Beirut or Amman) with an average duration of 4 days, in support of activity (c): ($1,850 per participant x 3 UN participants) = $5,550 Contractual Services Interpretation: A contract to be given to an individual or institution for interpretation services in support of activity (c): ($368 per person x 2 persons x 3 days x 5 workshops) = $11,040; Translation: A contract to be given to an individual or institution for translation (Arabic-English) of the five training modules and final IWRM training manual, in support of activity (c) and (e): ($40 per page for translation x 40 page/training module x 5 modules) = $8,000; ($20 per page for adjustment x 200 page IWRM training manual) = $4,000; Design and Printing: A contract to be given to an individual or institution for the design of the training modules and training manual, in support of activity (c) and (e): ($1,000 per design x 2 units) = $2,000; A contract to be given to an individual or institution for printing of training modules for workshops and manual, in support of activity (c) and (e): ($300 per 40 page training module x 5 modules) = $1,500; ($5,000 per 200 pages training manual x 1 manual) = $5,000 Operating Expenses Operating expenses for postage, communications, low-value printing services, etc.: $800 Seminars and Workshops Working Group: Travel of non-UN partners to inception meeting (Beirut) to set the terms of reference for training modules with an average duration of 2 days, in support of activity (a): ($800 per participant x 2 partners) = $1,600; Workshops: Travel of participants to five training workshops (Beirut or Amman). Each workshop is to be attended by 24 participants from 22 Arab member state,1 participant from each Arab member states (22), plus 2 participants from Arab Integrated Water Resources Management Network (2), with an average duration of 4 days, in support of activity (c): ($1,750 per participant x 24 participants x 5 training workshops) = $210,000; Travel of non-UN 23 800 24 700 31 500 800 241 200 Concept Notes as per Proposed Programme Budget (A/66/6 (Sect. 36)) and supplementary information for ACABQ partners to training workshops (Beirut or Amman) with average duration of 4 days, in support of activity (c): ($1,300 per participant x 2 partners) = $2,600; Rental of workshop venue and related equipments: ($10,000 per workshop x 2 workshops in Amman) = $20,000; Organization of meetings and workshops: Organizational expenses for the inception meeting, expert meeting and workshops, in support of activity (a), (b), and (c): ($1,000 per meeting x 7 meetings ) = $7,000