Selection of some articles published since 2000

Heiman, E. & Mienis, H.K., 2000. Erronea caurica nabeqensis n. ssp. from the east
coast of Sinai, Red Sea (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Cypraeidae). La Conchiglia, 31
(293): 11-18.
Singer, B.S., Mienis, H.K. & Geiger, D.L., 2000. Clanculus korkosi sp. nov. from the
Red Sea (Gastropoda, Vetigastropoda, Trochidae). La Conchiglia, 32 (294-295): 3238
Heiman, L. & Mienis, H.K., 2000. Luria pulchra sinaiensis subsp. nov. from the Gulf
of Aqaba (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Cypraeidae: Cypraeinae). La Conchiglia, 32
(294-295): 127-130.
Mienis, H.K., 2000. Notes on recent and fossil Neritoidea, 27. Some information
concerning Nerita antiquata. The Chiribotan, Tokyo, 31 (2): 31-34.
Mienis, H.K., 2000. Pteromeris along the Mediterranean coast of Israel (Mollusca,
Bivalvia, Carditidae). Triton, 2: 1-3.
Heiman, E.L. & Mienis, H.K., 2000. Variability of Cowry populations 6. Two
populations of Cypraea pantherina. Triton, 2: 17-23.
Mienis, H.K., 2000. Notes on recent and fossil Neritoidea, 26 On the identity of
Nerita paralella Röding, 1798. Club Conchylia Informationen, 32 (4-6): 45-46.
Mienis, H.K., 2000. Notes on recent and fossil Neritoidea, 29. The correct name for
Nerita punctata from Mauritius. Club Conchylia Informationen, 32 (4-6): 49-50.
Mienis, H.K., 2001. Notes concerning Xenophora solaris from the Red Sea.
Xenophora, Paris, 93: 9-11.
Mienis, H.K., 2001. Note concerning the distribution of Tellinella asperrima in the
Red Sea. The Festivus, 33 (2): 15-16.
Ronen, A., Milstein, S., Lamdan, M., Vogel, J.C., Mienis, H.K. & Ilani, S., 2001.
Nahal Reuel, a MPPNB site in the Negev, Israel. Quartär, 51-52: 115-156.
Mienis, H.K., 2001. Coralliophilidae from the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of
Israel. Malakológiai Tájékoztató, 19: 89-91.
Heiman, E.L. & Mienis, H.K., 2001. Cypraea pantherina rasnasraniensis new ssp.
from the east coast of Sinai (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Cypraeidae: Cypraeinae).
Triton, 4: 5, 7-11.
Mienis, H.K. & Ortal, R., 2001. The mollusc fauna of the Na’aman catchment area,
Israel 1. A review of the records of the inland molluscs. Triton, 4: 27-41.
Mienis, H.K., 2001. Some landsnails from Istanbul, Turkey. Tritonkürt, 30: 9-14.
Mienis, H.K., 2001. Additional data concerning the distribution of Ventricolaria
toreuma in the Red Sea. Tritonkürt, 30: 21-24.
Mienis, H.K., 2001. Are basommatophoran snails of American origin replacing local
species in Israel and Palestine? Ellipsaria, 3 (3): 10-11.
Mienis, H.K., [2001] 2002. On the presence of Acrosterigma attenuatum in the Red
Sea (Bivalvia: Cardiidae). Soosiana, (XXII) 29: 27-29.
Horwitz, L.K., Tchernov, E., Mienis, H.K., Hakker-Orion, D. & Bar-Yosef Mayer,
E., 2002. The archaeozoology of three Early Bronze Age sites in Nahal Besor, northwestern Negev. In E.C.M. van den Brink & E. Yannai (Eds.): In Quest of ancient
settlements and landscapes, 107-131.Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem.
Heiman, E.L. & Mienis, H.K., 2002. Blasicrura teres elatensis and Blasicrura teres
natalensis – two new subspecies. Triton, 5: 11-17.
Mienis, H.K., 2002. Rumina paivae: the giant decollated snail from North Africa.
Triton, 5: 33-34.
Horwitz, L.K., Tchernov, E. & Mienis, H.K., [2001] 2002. Archaeozoology and
archaemalacology of Site 917 in the ‘Uvda Valley. ‘Atiqot, 42: 121-127.
Garfinkel, Y., Dag, D., Horwitz, L.K., Lernau, O. & Mienis, H.K., 2002. Ziqim, a
Pottery Neolithic Site in the southern coastal plain of Israel a final report. Mitekufat
Ha’even, Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society, 32: 73-145 & 10*-11*. (Hebrew
Mienis, H.K., 2003. Molluscs from the excavation of Horvat Raqit, Carmel. In S. Dar
(Ed.): Raqit Marinus Estate on the Carmel, Israel, 53-56. (English section) Eretz –
Geographic Research & Publications & The Israel Exploration Society, Tel Aviv.
Mienis, H.K., [2002] 2003. Archaeozoological remains II. Molluscs. In A. Kempinski
[N. Scheftelowitz & R. Oren (Eds.)]: Tel Kabri. The 1986-1993 excavation seasons.
Monograph Series of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv
University, 20: 402-408.
Mienis, H.K., [2002] 2003. Archaeozoological remains II. Crabs. In A. Kempinski
[N. Scheftelowitz & R. Oren (Eds.)]: Tel Kabri. The 1986-1993 excavation seasons.
Monograph Series of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv
University, 20: 406-408.
Mienis, H.K., 2003. First records of the Ark shell Arcopsis ornata (Viader) from the
Red Sea (Bivalvia, Noetiidae). Triton, 7: 3-4.
Mienis, H.K., 2003. Woodboring bivalves [from shipwrecks] in the Eastern
Mediterranean 1. Shipworms from the wreck of a fishing-boat off Bardawil. Triton, 8:
Mienis, H.K., 2003. Woodboring bivalves from shipwrecks in the Eastern
Mediterranean 2. Xylophaga from the wreck of the submarine “Dakar”. Triton, 8: 5-6.
Mienis, H.K. & Ortal, R., 2003. Gyraulus heliciformis (Roth, 1839): a little known
species from the Levant (Gastropoda, Planorbidae). Ellipsaria, 5 (3): 15-16.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. Notes on recent and fossil Neritoidea 28: On the identity of
Nerita histrio Linnaeus, 1758. Triton, 9: 1-2.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. A first attempt towards a compilation of a list of predators of
freshwater molluscs in Israel and Palestine. Ellipsaria, 6 (2): 10-12.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. Problems with dating freshwater snails from extinct populations
in Israel. Ellipsaria, 6 (2): 12-13.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. When shells begin to talk. Archaeomalacology: an important tool
for the archaeologist with examples from the excavation of Mallaha, Hula Valley,
Israel. In B. Öztürk & A. Salman (Eds.): Proceedings 1st National Malacology
Congress, 1-3 September 2004, Izmir. Turkish Journal of Aquatic Life, 2 (2): 111116.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. New data concerning the presence of Lessepsian and other IndoPacific migrants among the molluscs in the Mediterranean Sea with emphasize on the
situation in Israel. In B. Öztürk & A. Salman (Eds.): Proceedings 1st National
Malacology Congress, 1-3 September 2004, Izmir. Turkish Journal of Aquatic Life, 2
(2): 117-131.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. Aquatic molluscs. In P. Figueras (Ed.): Horvat Kurkar ‘Illit. A
Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (Final Report of the Excavations
1989-1995). Beer-Sheva Archaeological Monographs, 1 (=Beer-Sheva, Studies by the
Department of Bible, Archaeology and Ancient Near East, 16): 332-334.
Mienis, H.K. & Ben-David-Zaslow, R., 2004. A preliminary list of the marine
molluscs of the National Park and Nature Reserve of Akhziv-Rosh Haniqra. Triton,
10: 13-37.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. Molluscs from the excavation of Horvat Raqit. In S. Dar (Ed.):
Raqit Marinus’ Estate on the Carmel, Israel. British Archaeological Reports
International Series, 1300: 309-311. Archaeopress, Oxford.
Brink, E.C.M. van den, Horwitz, L.K., Khalaily, H., Liphschitz, N., Mienis, H.K. &
Nagar, Y, 2004. A Chalcolithic dwelling and burial cave at Horvat Castra. Israel
Exploration Journal, 54 (2): 129-153.
Nadel, D., Tsatskin, A., Belmaker, M., Boaretto, E., Kislev, M., Mienis, H.,
Rabinovich, R., Simchoni, O., Simmons, T., Weiss, E. & Zohar, I., 2004. On the
shore of a fluctuating lake: environmental evidence from Ohalo II (19,500 B.P.).
Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, 53 (3-4): 207-223.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. The molluscs of Nessana. In D. Urman (Ed.): Nessana Excavations and Studies, I. Beer-Sheva, Studies by the Department of Bible and
Ancient Near East, 17: 165-196.
Mienis, H.K., 2004. Appendix Notes on a second collection of molluscs recovered
during the excavations of Nessana. In D. Urman (Ed.): Nessana - Excavations and
Studies, I. Beer-Sheva, Studies by the Department of Bible and Ancient Near East,
17: 197-215.
Lubinevsky, H. & Mienis, H.K., 2005. A first record of Nanostrea exiguus Harry,
1985, another exotic mollusc species from the Eastern Mediterranean. Triton, 12: 3-4.
Sharon, Y., Benayahu, Y. & Mienis, H.K., 2005. First record of an exotic oyster:
Alectryonella crenulifera, from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Triton, 12: 5-6.
Horwitz, L.K., Bar Giora, N., Mienis, H.K. & Lernau, O., 2005. Faunal and
malacological remains from the Middle Bronze, Late Bronze and Iron Age levels at
Tel Yoqne’am. In A. Ben-Tor, D. Ben-Ami & A. Livneh (Eds.): Yoqne’am III. The
Middle and Late Bronze Ages. Final report of the archaeological excavations (19771988). Qedem Report, 7: 395-435.
Mienis, H.K., [2005] 2006. The Mollusc remains. In E.C.M. van den Brink & R.
Gophna (Eds.): Shoham (North) Late Chalcolithic Burial Caves in the Lod Valley,
Israel. IAA Reports, 27: 155-157. Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem. (dated 2005
but published at the end of February 2006)
Mienis, H.K., 2006. De Siciliaanse kielslak Milax nigricans (Philippi, 1836) in
Nederland. In R.G. Moolenbeek, H.E. Coomans & J. Goud (Eds.): J.G.J. Kuiper – 90
years. Basteria, Supplemt 3: 87-88.
Mienis, H.K., 2006. Shells. In H. Geva (Ed.): Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old
City of Jerusalem conducted by Nahman Avigad 1969-1982, Volume III: Area E and
Other Studies. Final Report, 316-319. Israel Exploration Society & Institute of
Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Mienis, H.K., 2006. Shells from Area A. In H. Geva (Ed.): Jewish Quarter
Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem conducted by Nahman Avigad 1969-1982,
Volume III: Area E and Other Studies. Final Report, 408-410. Israel Exploration
Society & Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Mienis, H.K., Ben-David Zaslow, R. and Bar-Yosef Mayer, D.E., 2006. Glycymeris
in the Levant Sea, 1. Finds of recent Glycymeris insubrica in the south east corner of
the Mediterranean Sea. Triton, 13: 5-9.
Mienis, H.K., 2006. The Vampire snails (Colubraria) occurring in the Red Sea.
Triton, 13: 11-14.
Vanhaeren, M., d'Errico, F., Stringer, C., James, S.L., Todd, J.A. & Mienis, H.K.,
2006. Middle Paleolithic shell beads in Israel and Algeria. Science, 312 (5781): 17851788 & Supporting Online Material, 1-3 p.
Wiktor, A. & Mienis, H.K., 2006. Redescription of Deroceras libanoticum
(Pollonera, 1909) (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Agriolimacidae). Folia Malacologica, 14
(1): 31-34.
Goren, M., Mienis, H.K. & Galil, B.S., 2006. Not so poor – more deep-sea records
from the Levant Sea, Eastern Mediterranean. JMBA2 – Biodiversity Records, 5520:
Mienis, H.K., 2006. The local land and freshwater molluscs. In Y. Garfinkel & D.
Dag (Eds.): Gesher – A Pre-Pottery Neolithic A site in the Central Jordan Valley,
Israel - A final report, 175-180. Bibliotheca Neolithica Asiae Meridionalis et
Occidentalis, Ex Oriente, Berlin.
Heiman, E.L., Mienis, H.K. & Yerenburg, V., 2007. Polymorphism and
polychromism in Conomurex persicus from the Mediterranean Sea: adaptations to
new ecological conditions or a possible beginning of speciation triggered by the
'founders effect'? Triton, 15: 15-20.
Mienis, H.K. & Gümüs, B.A., 2007. More notes on the extra-territorial distribution of
Papillifera papillaris, a species often associated with archaeological sites. The
Archaeo+Malacology Group Newsletter, 11: 4-7.
Galili, E., Zviely, D., Ronen, A. & Mienis, H.K., 2007. Beach deposits of MIS 5e
high sea stand as indicators for tectonic stability of the Carmel coastal plain, Israel.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 (19-21): 2544-2557.
Valla, F., Khalaily, H., Valladas, H., Kaltnecker, E., Bocquentin, F., Cabellos, T.,
Bar-Yosef Mayer, D.E., Le Dosseur, G., Regev, L., Chu, V., Weiner, S., Boaretto, E.,
Samuelian, N., Valentin, B., Delerue, S., Poupeau, G., Bridault, A., Rabinovich, R.,
Simmons, T., Zohar, I., Ashkenazi., S., Delgado Huertas, A., Spiro, B., Mienis, H.K.,
Rosen, A.M., Porat, N. & Belfer-Cohen, A., 2007. Les fouilles de Ain Mallaha
(Eynan) de 2003 à 2005: Quatrième rapport préliminaire. Mitekufat Haeven – Journal
of the Israel Prehistoric Society, 37: 135-379.
Pavlíček, T., Mienis, H.K., Raz, S., Hassid, V., Rubenyan, A. & Nevo, E., 2008.
Gastropod biodiversity at the 'Evolution Canyon' microsite, lower Nahal Oren, Mount
Carmel, Israel. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 93 (1): 147-155.
Mienis, H.K., 2008. Ferrissia clessiniana from the oasis of Palmyra, Syria. Triton,
17: 8.
Mienis, H.K., 2008. Laevicaulis alte: a garden pest in Saudi Arabia. Triton, 17: 1718.
Ronen, A., Neber, A., Mienis, H.K., Horwitz, L.K., Frumkin, A., Boenigk, W. &
Galili, E., 2008. Mousterian occupation on an OIS 5e shore near the Mount Carmel
Caves, Israel. In Z. Sulgostowska & A.J. Tomaszewski (Eds.): Man – Millennia –
Environment. Studies in honour of Romuald Schild, 197-205. The Institute of
Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa.
Mienis, H.K., 2008. Additional localities of the freshwater snail Tarebia granifera
from Israel with a note on the presence of another tropical invasive gastropod Thiara
scabra. Ellipsaria, 10 (1): 12-13.