All handouts and written material were included in the
lesson plan
All necessary materials were listed in the lesson plan
Lists all the task to be completed by the teacher that are necessary to be
fully prepared for the lesson
The agenda was listed with appropriate time allotment
Materials: Guided Practice Worksheet,
Homework Sheet, Index Card, Whiteboards,
Markers, Erasers
Your Preparation: Write Do Now on board, Write HW on
board, prepare guided practice worksheet, prepare
homework worksheet, have index cards ready for closure
Agenda with times:
Do Now: 6 minutes
Teaching: 20 minutes
SP: 8 minutes
GP: 10 minutes
Closure: 6 minutes
Total: 50 minutes
Do Now:
*Do Now: Review of order of operations: Flash-card game: 6 flash cards, one
Activates relevant prior knowledge for today’s lesson or
for each of P, E, M, D, A, S. Students have to line up in correct order. Run once
Reviews a skill students have mastered that is a pre-requisite for today’s lesson or
with one group. Run once with second group. Cut time requirement for
Serves as a check for understanding for a skill students need to know for today’s lesson
second run through.
Objective: Today you will be able to… use the commutative and associative
properties of addition and multiplication.
Proving Behavior: By… coming up with your own examples that
demonstrate the 2 properties.
Purpose: We are doing this because… both properties are essential to
solving problems that you’ll face in the future.
Manageable and relevant to the topic of study
Proving behavior:
Correlates with the objective and
Overt action
Manageable for the time allotted
Explains why this lesson matters in a way that students can connect to and justify
TEACHING (may be less or more than six steps)
Written clearly and make sense
Process are manageable for the time allotted for this lesson
Say, See, Do Teaching
“Say”s are appropriate teacher directed statements that further student learning
“See”s are appropriate think alouds, steps in the VIP, modeling, visual examples that further student learning, and varied
“Do”s are appropriate student actions that match the Say and the See and are varied
Step 1
Define Commutative
Say: The commutative property includes the word “commute.” Commute means to move or to change; think of the word “commuters.”
Have you guys ever heard that word before? Like someone who commutes work?
See: Arrows demonstrating that commute means to move/swap places
* Do: Choral Response: What does to “commute” mean?
Step 2
Say: So the commutative property applies to both addition and multiplication but doesn’t apply to subtraction and division. Let’s focus
Property of Addition
Step 3
Property of
Addition: People
on the commutative property of addition. When we add two numbers together, we can change/swap their order—that is, commute
their order—without changing the resulting sum.
See: 3 + 2 = 5 and 2 + 3 = 5; therefore 3 + 2 = 2 + 3; that is, 5 = 5
* Do: Now create your own example of the commutative property of addition and write it how I wrote 3 + 2 = 2 + 3. Write it on your
whiteboard and raise it so I can see it when you’re done.
Say: OK, now I want you guys to demonstrate this property. Everyone pair up and stand immediately next to your partner. Now take
one step apart. Imagine there is a plus sign between you two. You two together equal one combination; a sum. Now switch sides.
You’re now in a different order, but added together you’re the same combination.
See: Teacher demonstrates with one student.
* Do: Students participate in exercise.
Step 4
Say: As we’ve seen, for example, 3 + 2 = 2 + 3 and you gave me your examples. Numbers can be represented by letters. These are called
variables We can write a + b = b + a. “a” can represent any number but “a” represents the same number in the equation; the same holds
for “b.” So all the a’s represent the same number and all the b’s represent the same number.
See: a + b = b + a
* Do: Choose 2 letters not a and b and write them in the form of the commutative property of addition on your whiteboard and hold up.
Step 5
Property of
Say: Like with addition, there is a commutative property of multiplication. When we multiply numbers together, we can change their
order without changing the resulting product.
See: 4*2 = 8 and 2*4 = 8; therefore 4*2 = 2*4; that is 8 = 8
* Do: Now create your own example of the commutative property of multiplication and write it how I wrote my example. Write it on
your whiteboard and raise it so I can see it when you’re done.
Step 6
Property of
Say: Like I said with addition, the multiplication version of this property can be represented with variables. The variables represent
any possible numbers (Use shapes if they struggle with the concept).
See: a*b = b*a
* Do: Choose 2 letters not a and b and write them in the form of the commutative property of multiplication on your whiteboard and
hold them up.
Say: The associative property of addition includes the word to associate. “Associate” means to group/be with someone else or
something. A person, for example, associates—that is, groups himself with—certain other persons. The same thing holds for numbers.
When we throw parentheses around numbers that we are adding, we are associating—grouping—them together. That means, if we
recall order of operations from yesterday and from our “do now,” we take care of whatever is in the parentheses first. The trick here,
however, is that no matter where you put your parentheses, you get the same sum. This is the associative property of addition.
See: (2 + 3) + 5 = 2 + (3 + 5)
(5) + 5 = 2 + (8)
10 = 10
Do: Create your own example of this property, writing it on your whiteboard and holding it up for me to see.
Step 7
Associative Property
of Addition
Step 8
Associative Property
of Addition:
Step 9
Associative Property
of Multiplication
Step 10
Associative Property
of Multiplication:
Say: As we have already established, we can use letters to represent numbers. Every place we had numbers in our previous example,
we can use letters. The letters just represent any possible number but each letter represents the same number in any given equation.
See: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Do: Use your own letters to write out this property with variables. Show your whiteboard when you’re done.
Say: When we multiply three or more numbers together, again it doesn’t matter where we throw down our parentheses—we will get
the same product. This is the associative property of multiplication. So, again remembering our good practice from yesterday, we will
do what’s in the parentheses first, but it really doesn’t matter.
See: (4*2)*2 = 4*(2*2)
8*2 = 4*4
16 = 16
Do: Create your own example of this property, writing it on your whiteboard and holding it up for me to see.
Say: Again, we can use variables to represent numbers.
See: (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)
Do: Create your own example, using your own letters. Hold it up for me to see.
*Structured Practice (3-4 additional examples led by teacher with gradually quickening pace, helping
students approach automaticity by manipulating, time, materials, group size)
Time: 2 minutes
Materials: Notebook,
Group Size: Pairs
Time: 2 minutes
Materials: Notebook,
Group Size: Pairs
Time: 2 minutes
Materials: Notebook,
Group Size: Pairs
Time: 2 minutes
Materials: Notebook,
Group Size: Pairs
Structured Practice
Provides 2-3 effective examples that enable teacher to gradually release responsibility by quickening
pace, changing materials, or manipulating group size
Students get to practice entire process
Example 1: 5*7 = 7*5: Write down which property is illustrated in this example.
Example 2: Write an example of the associative property of addition
Example 3: 6 * 3 * 2 = 6 * 3 * 2
Write in parentheses where appropriate to demonstrate the associative property of multiplication.
Example 4: 3 + 4 = 4 + ______ . Fill in the correct number to demonstrate the commutative property of addition.
*Guided Practice (the proving behavior of the objective monitored by teacher)
Assignment: Worksheet consisting of 5 problems to demonstrate mastery of
the material.
Is the proving behavior of the objective
Criteria for Mastery: Students should be able to correctly answer all 5
Criteria for Mastery:
Rigorous and achievable based on the lesson
Homework: Worksheet with 8 problems to demonstrate mastery of the two
Matches the skill level of the teaching and guided practice for the day (does not present anything new)
Manageable in terms of length and materials required
*Closure: Of the 4 properties, choose one, write it on your index card and
write a numeric example of that property. Pass to me as you exit.
Last check for understanding or students summarizes the learning
Overt- active participation
*Active Participation is required by all students at the same time.
Visual Instruction Plan
VIP (if applicable)
Includes a title
Lists the steps in the process
Appropriate depth and length for the skill level
Appropriate visual cues that further student understanding of the step