FORMAT FOR NEW COURSE/CURRICULUM PROPOSALS OR COURSE/CURRICULUM MODIFICATION ORIGINATING CAMPUS: ( ) Ammerman ( ) Eastern ( X ) Western To meet the ideals of Suffolk County Community College, new courses/curriculum should, if appropriate, consider issues arising from elements of cultural diversity. Among the areas in which this can be realized are: textbook choice, selection of library and audio-visual materials, and teaching methodology. Guidelines: Not every item in this format is applicable to every course proposal. Responses of NOT APPLICABLE are acceptable in such instances. The Counseling Office and Library of each campus have materials that can help locate answers about transferability (II d.) and other colleges that offer similar courses (VI a. and b.). Information about offerings at other colleges does not require complete listings where such offerings are numerous. A summary or sampling will suffice. I. Votes (X) (X) (X) ( ) and Recommendation Checklist Electronic Letter of Intent Electronic Letter of Support from Campus Dean(s) Vote of Department: Name of Affected Department: ____Veterinary Science Technology__ For: __4__ Against: __1__ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: ___9/14/05___ Proposer's Initials: _ECM_ Circle One: APPROVED Name of Affected Department: _______________________________ For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Proposer's Initials: _____ Circle One: APPROVED Name of Affected Department: _______________________________ For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Proposer's Initials: _____ Circle One: APPROVED Vote of Distance Education Committee (if applicable) Circle One: APPROVED Date of Vote: _______ (Proposer needs to fill out to this line before sending to the Curriculum Committee Chair) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALL OF THESE FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY cc: Vice President for Academic and Campus Affairs Associate Vice President for Curriculum and Instruction Campus Deans Chairs of Curriculum Committees Academic Chairs of affected Departments Associate Dean of Library Services Suffolk County Community College - College Curriculum Committee Format for Course/Curriculum Proposals, Pg. 2 Letter of Intent to Campus Dean(s) Proposer_Elia Colon-Mallah DVM West Campus Department/Area_Veterinary Science Technology Telephone_6301______________________ E-mail_colonme@sunysuffolk.edu_____ Attach a brief description of the course or curriculum being proposed with rationale for adding this course/curriculum. Demonstrate the need for this course/curriculum as it relates to existing courses/curriculum. Attachment must be in electronic format (ex. MS Word.) Associate Dean to fill out information below this line ****************************************************************************** Type of Curriculum/Course Proposal/Revision Course New_________________________________ Revised_______________________________ Adoption______________________________ Curriculum New_______________________________ A.A._____ A.S. _____ A.A.S _____ Revised_____________________________ Certificate Adoption____________________________ Recommendations: This proposal requires the following approval(s) Campus _____ College_____ *SEE LETTER OF SUPPORT FORM (NEXT PAGE) FOR VERIFICATION OF APPROVAL* copies to: Proposer Chairs of Campus Curriculum Committees Academic Chairs of affected Departments Campus Deans Chair of College Curriculum Committee Associate Vice President for Curriculum and Instruction Vice President for Academic and Campus Affairs Associate Dean of Library Services ALL OF THESE FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 9/2004 Format for Course/Curriculum Proposals, Pg. 3 TO: Allen Jacobs DVM Associate Dean Curriculum and Instruction FROM: Elia Colon-Malah DVM Assistant Chairman Allied Health Science INRE: Curriculum Revision in the Veterinary Science Technology Program We propose the following addition to the requirements of the Veterinary Science Technology Program: Students must achieve a minimum passing grade of C in each VS/VST course in order to graduate from the Veterinary Science Technology Program. Any VS/VST course that is not passed or is withdrawn from may be repeated only once. This proviso is commonly utilized in many Veterinary Science Technology Programs across the county according to an informal list serve member poll of the Association of Veterinary Technician Educators. The goal of implementing a minimum grade guideline and course repetition limit is to produce a graduate that has at least an basic (average) knowledge base from which to start a career as a veterinary technician. Format for Course/Curriculum Proposals, Pg. 4 Suffolk County Community College - College Curriculum Committee Letter of Support from Campus Dean(s) TO: Elia Colon-Malah DVM FROM: Dr. McKay, Campus Dean DATE: 9/22/05 Re: Curriculum Revision in the Veterinary Science Technology Program Please accept this letter of support for the curricula changes as requested. This change will bring the program requirements in line with other institutions that offer a similar degree program across the country. Format for Course/Curriculum Proposals, Pg. 5 ( ) Vote of Curriculum Committee For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ CCC Initials: _____ Circle One: APPROVED ( ) Vote of Full Faculty Senate/Assembly/Congress For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ CCC Initials: _____ Circle One: APPROVED For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ CCC Initials: _____ Circle One: APPROVED For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ CCC Initials: _____ Circle One: APPROVED ALL OF THESE FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Format for Course/Curriculum Proposals, Pg. 6 AREA/DIVISION: Health, Education, and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Allied Health Sciences PROGRAM: Veterinary Science Technology TITLE: VS41/VST216 “Surgical Nursing and Anesthesiology” CATALOG DESCRIPTION: I. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES (should be stated in the form of precise, measurable learning outcomes, e.g. “Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: ”) N/A II. RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENTS A. Credits/Contact B. Required/Elective C. Transferability D. Proposed cycle for offering (e.g. Fall, Spring, and Summer) E. Prerequisites and/or corequisites III. RELATIONSHIP TO FACULTY A. Number of current faculty available to teach proposed course and number of additional faculty required. B. Number of other staff positions required. C. Discipline(s) required and/or minimum preparation in order to teach the course. IV. RELATIONSHIP TO SUNY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS* NA A. If this is a general education course, how does it incorporate the SUNY infused competencies of critical thinking and information management? *The ten SUNY knowledge and skill areas are: Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, American History, Western Civilization, Other World Civilizations, Humanities, The Arts, Foreign Language, Basic Communication. B. If this is a general education course, what are its assessment measures, i.e. instruments to measure the attainment of student learning outcomes? V. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER COLLEGES AND/OR CAREER GOALS A. List other colleges that offer this course. Required by American Veterinary Medical Association VI. ADDITIONAL COSTS List additional costs and space requirements that have not already been recorded in the document. None VII. COURSE OUTLINE Include electronic course outline following prescribed format from the Faculty Handbook. Format for Course/Curriculum Proposals, Pg. 7 ALL OF THESE FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Format for Course/Curriculum Proposals, Pg. 8 ATTACHMENT I COURSE OUTLINE (see Appendix D of Faculty Handbook for details) CATALOG NUMBER: COURSE TITLE: INSTRUCTOR: SEMESTER: YEAR: 1. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: 2. PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMPLISHING THESE OBJECTIVES: 3. STUDENT REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETION OF THE COURSE: 4. GRADING PRACTICES: 5. RULES CONCERNING STUDENT ABSENCE AND LATENESS: 6. TEXTBOOK: 7. WEEKLY OUTLINE TOPICS TO BE COVERED: 8. AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS TO BE USED: 9. LIST OF SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS: ALL OF THESE FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY