Human Rights Committee Checklist Please ensure you have included the following information for every consumer each time they are being reviewed by the Human Rights Committee (HRC). HRC Coversheet (Please ensure all sections are complete.) Medication Section Prescription/Psychotropic Medication: Include original start date and date for the most current dosage. List any changes within the past 6 months. Prescribing physician/psychiatrist: Give name of the current doctor and date last seen. Requirements Section Ensure each question is answered and up-to-date. Program Referral Form (Please ensure all sections are complete.) IBSSP Documents Please include all IBSSP’s that address the issue(s) being reviewed and/or that relate to the current IP. If the IBSSP has expired, or the consumer has met the criteria, but the IBSSP is still in use, give the reason and please explain. IBSSP’s for restrictive procedures or rights suspensions; briefly describe the plan the consumer needs to follow to lift restriction or restore rights. (If the IBSSP does not address restoration include explanation.) Informed Consent Forms Attach current copies of Informed Consent(s) for each medication and/or restrictive procedure(s) being reviewed. (Informed Consent is not required for a Rights Suspension, but please include a copy of the notification sent to consumer/guardian). HRC Recommendations/Questions Review recommendation sheet from prior HRC review and address any questions and/or recommendations. Provide answers under #6 on the Program Review Referral Form. The report is due to Case Management Records Room no later than the 4 th Friday of the month prior to the meeting. Occasionally the HRC Committee will request additional clarification and ask you to attend the meeting. If that happens, call 303-926-6426 by the 4th Friday of the Month prior to the meeting to schedule yourself on the agenda. Please DO NOT show up at the meeting without prior scheduling. HRC Recommendation Sheets will be provided to applicable recipients approximately one week after the HRC Meeting Date. Revised 3/2012 Human Rights Committee Cover Sheet Person/Provider Completing Form: HRC Review Date: Client’s Name: Last HRC Review Date: Client’s Address: Guardian: Service Provider: Day: Residential: SLS: Reason(s) for review (check all that apply) Psychotropic Medications Restrictive Procedure Suspension of Rights Behavior ISSP (Restrictive Program): If yes, is Plan: Yes New No Revised Emergency Control Procedure Safety Control Procedure On-going LIST ALL CURRENT PRESCRIPTION AND PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION(S) BEING REVIEWED START DATE (mo/day/yr) DOSE CHANGE SINCE LAST REVIEW MED/DOSAGE DIAGNOSIS Psychiatrist: Date of last Psychiatric Review: Primary Care Physician: Date last seen by Primary: PURPOSE TARGETED SYMPTOMS HAVE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS BEEN COMPLETED? (Actual Documentation not required.) Documented in IP/IP Addendum? Yes No Date: Comprehensive Life Review? Yes No Date: ISSP developed and implemented? Yes No Date: Functional Analysis? Yes No Date: Date of last IDT Review: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTING PLAN: Day: Residential: SLS: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING PLAN: Day: Residential: SLS: Revised 3/2012 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE PROGRAM REVIEW REFERRAL CLIENT’S NAME: AGE: DATE OF REVIEW: HAS THIS PERSON BEEN REVIEWED BY THE HRC BEFORE? Yes No DATE OF LAST REVIEW: PERSON COMPLETING REFERRAL FORM & TITLE: ORGANIZATION: 1. Give a description of the issue(s) being reviewed. 2. Attach an IBSSP(s) with objective(s) that are to be achieved by the Plan, as well as the methods being used to achieve the objective(s). Be sure to include a baseline for behaviors being addressed and the criteria for success of the Plan. 3. Please provide the HRC with a clearly labeled table with target behavior, as described in IBSSP, data for the past SIX months. Be certain to include the 30-day baseline for each behavior being tracked. Target Behaviors List Behavior List Behavior List Behavior List Behavior Revised 3/2012 Baseline Data (Month/Year) 1st Month/yr 2nd Month/yr 3rd Month/yr 4th Month/yr 5th Month/yr 6th Month/yr 4. Please include a clearly labeled table with data for replacement behaviors, as described in IBSSP, displayed for the past 6 months. Please include the baseline for each replacement behavior being tracked. 5. In your opinion, what are the reasons for the changes you have seen in the past 6 months—positive or negative? 6. Please respond to any questions or requests for clarification from previous HRC recommendation sheet. If HRC posed recommendations were they implemented? If not please describe reasonable attempts or reasons for not implementing. If implemented, have you seen any changes? 7. Please provide a thumbnail sketch of a typical day in the life of this person. 8. Give a relevant history (short synopsis) of any life event(s) that the HRC may need to be aware of that have occurred since the last review. Revised 3/2012