Inclusion of Low-Incidence Disabilities in Community Schools

Managing Low-Incidence Disabilities
in the Community Schools
Nan Christian, Hudspeth Regional Center
Jerrie T. Barnes, Hudspeth Regional Center
Corrine Fowler, Stovall Special Education Complex
Kris Crouch, Hudspeth Regional Center
David Williams, Hudspeth Regional Center
Anna Coley, Hudspeth Regional Center
Amber Kirkendoll, Hudspeth Regional Center
Integrating individuals with low-incidence disabilities
into the community schools requires addressing
programming in the areas of communication, self/help
skills and daily living skills, pre-vocational/work
activities, transitioning skills, leisure activities, and
behavior training. Several school officials representing
the IDD programs will address each of these
programming areas for this population and tell
about/show materials that can be used. A Resource
Manual will be available for each participant.
Define Low-Incidence Disabilities
Agreements between IDD
Programs and Community
II. Programming Areas to Consider
During the Integration of LowIncidence Disabilities
A. Communication Skills
* A variety of different systems
* To present our wants, needs,
opinions, likes, dislikes, etc. to
another person(s)
* Pointing, gesturing, actual items,
pictures, icons, and pictures/words
* Augmentative Communication
systems (see handouts)
Self-Help/Daily Living Skills
2 by AbleNet
BigMack by AbleNet
Cheap Talk 4 In-line – by Enabling
Devices/Toys for Special Children
Go Talk 9+
by Attainment
Company, Inc.
Go Talk 20+ by Attainment Company, Inc.
iPad - Sounding Board by AbleNet
B. Self-Help/Daily Living Skills
* Skills that make it easier to go
throughout our daily activities
without assistance from any other
outside source.
Visual Schedules
Reducing Distraction
Peer Buddies
Time On Task
Motivation/Task Completion
Motivation/Task Completion
Daily Living Skills
* Skills related to dressing, grooming,
feeding, hygiene, etc. that a person
must master to be independent in a
daily routine.
C. Vocational
* Training begins in the classroom and
progresses into the work setting.
* Assess strengths and weaknesses. (see handout)
* Teach simple skills that might be overlooked.
* Determine what vocational areas the student
needs to focus on and train specifically.
* Determine what types of supports each individual
might need.
* Vocational training and activities.
When assessing work behavior, it is recommended
to start from the beginning and try to be as specific
as possible, based on the individual student’s needs.
This area can include everything from:
* do they arrive to work on time;
* do they report to work on time;
* are they able to set the area up for work task,
and if so, at what level;
* if they make mistakes, can they recognize their
own mistakes and correct them;
* do they cooperate with supervisors and other
When in the classroom, you can teach simple
skills that might be overlooked but will help in
a work environment and in the community as
These skills can include:
* helping others;
* reporting to their area or desk;
* arriving on time;
* sweeping and keeping their area neat and
* helping to take out trash and other materials.
Simple Assembly
Simple Assembly
Adaptive Equipment
Dining Packet Jig
Dining Packet Jig
Sealer Jig
Some of the skills needed to work in this area include:
* being able to report to work and sign or clock in;
* being able to follow instructions;
* having a good attitude;
* possibly having to lift heavy materials;
* using basic equipment such as a food slicer, a
food warmer, and possibly be able to use a sink or
dishwasher to wash dishes;
* they must be able to wear proper sanitary items
and wear appropriate clothing;
* they need appropriate social skills;
* they need to be able to complete the work task
that is assigned to them.
In general, we like to train our students to:
* be able to sign in and out of their workstation on
* transfer classroom skills to workplace skills;
* complete their work despite possible distractions;
* take appropriate breaks;
* must be able to communicate their needs
effectively and socialize with others when
* complete their specific work task that is
assigned to them.
When considering job training we have to consider:
* the student’s preference;
* the student’s strengths and weaknesses;
* the student’s previous work experience;
* what specific job they will be performing.
There are a few steps we might consider when
training a student:
* determine specific steps to teach the student what
would benefit them;
* develop strategies for training and motivation;
* be sure that we are training the student in skills
that will actually benefit them;
* break steps into smaller more manageable steps, if
* consider alternate ways to perform the work task
that will benefit a specific student.
Earning their own money!
D. Transitioning
*Transitioning students
with low-incidence
disabilities into
community school
*Available ID/Waiver services
(see handout)
Students traveling to and from community schools
E. Leisure
Benefits of leisure time:
* enjoyment
* fun
* relaxation
* release of energy
* tension reduction
* self-expression
* creativity
* abstract thinking
* imagination
* social cognition
* persistence
* self-confidence
* self-esteem
* anxiety reduction
* cooperation
* sharing
* turn-taking
* impulse control
* gross & fine motor
* physical challenges
* concentration
“Where words fail, music speaks.”
-Hans Christian Anderson
Music Bingo
Rhythm set
Instrument Stations
Rhythm sticks
Wrist bells & tambourine
Balance beam with instruments
Musical Circles
Prize Box
Dance Party
“The aim of art is to represent not the
outward appearance of things, but their
inward significance.”
Spin Art
Seasons and Holidays
Art Show
Calendar of Extracurricular events
* iTunes
* School Aids
F. Behavior
*Know What Makes Your Students “Tick”
(I am giving “real life” examples of
students and their particular behaviors
from my classroom days)
*Keep the Trust in Your Classroom
(I will go over why this is important and
how to accomplish this point)
*Give Them Something to Work For (All
(I will explain the importance of having
something reinforcing for your students to
earn for the whole day)
*Miscellaneous Ideas to Use in Your
(I have a list of ideas to try in the classroom
to assist with positive behavior)
III. Conclusion
Nan Christian
Jerrie Barnes
Corrine Fowler
Kris Crouch
David Williams
Anna Coley
Amber Kirkendoll