SEISMIC SIGNAL ANALYSIS USING CORRELATION DIMENSION Soundararajan Ezekiel Matthew J. Barrick Matthew Lang Computer Science Department Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705 USA ABSTRACT Multifractal analysis is a new and promising approach to analyze and characterize non-stationary signals such as seismic signals, electrocardiograms, heart rate variability signals, stock prices, etc. Traditional Fourier analysis imposes the assumption that signals are stationary over temporal segments. Such an assumption is inappropriate for seismic signals because conditions in mines undergo constant change. Multifractal analysis does not impose this assumption, and is therefore useful for processing seismic signals. In this paper we propose a novel correlation dimension based method to analyze seismic signals, which is superior to many conventional used methods. The correlation fractal dimension is calculated for overlapping windows for the entire signal producing a multifractal spectrum. Using this strategy our method pinpoints seismic events in the seismic signal. Our results show that a small correlation dimension corresponds to a region of seismic activity in the signal. The approach applied here may be useful for analyze of other nonstationary signals. KEY WORDS Seismic Signal, Fractal dimension, Correlation dimension, Multifractal Spectrum 1. INTRODUCTION One of the most important tasks in seismic signal processing is to be able to both detect and identify the seismic signals. Detection consists of recognizing that a seismic event has occurred and locating the source of the seismic signals. Once a seismic event has been detected, the next task is to determine if an underground nuclear explosion created it or if it was created by other seismic events including natural earthquakes, rock bursts in mines, and chemical explosions conducted for mining, quarry blasting, and construction. Rock bursts are experienced in underground mining at various localities in the world, causing death and injury to underground miners and damaging mine structures. To date, many studies have been conducted to understand the cause of rock bursts and outbursts to predict their occurrence. The approaches made to detect rock bursts include the traditional time-frequency analysis such as the Windowed Fourier Transform (WFT), or any standard statistical methods like the microgravity method, rheological method, rebound method, drilling-yield method, microseismic method and so on. Although all of these methods have been used, none is completely reliable and few are useful in the rapidly advancing mining environment. The U.S. Bureau of mines recognized microsesismic technology as a potential tool for rock burst prediction as early as 1939. However, to date only a few successful predictions have been achieved. In this paper, we introduce a different and efficient detection method, which is based on multifractal spectrum by using correlation fractal dimension. In section 2 we recall some fundamental definitions of fractal measure and multifractal spectrum. Section 3 describes the algorithm proposed in this paper, which is tested on seismic data the results of which are given in section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2. FRACTAL DIMENSION Multifractal theory was described for the first time by B. B. Mandelbrot [1,3,4,5] in the context of fully developed turbulence. Since then, mathematicians have increasingly studied multifractals. Multifractal analysis has recently drawn much attention as a tool for studying singular measures and functions in both theory and applications. Multifractal analysis has been extended as an application of correlation dimensions in [2]. In the multifractal scheme, the pointwise structure of a singular measure is analyzed through the so called ''multifractal spectrum'', which gives either geometrical or probabilistic information about the distribution of points having the same degree of singularity. Several definitions of a multifractal spectrum exist. In this section, we take an approach to multifractal analysis pioneered by Levy Vehel et al [6][7]. However, instead of computing the local singularity exponent by using Choquet capacities, we use a correlation dimension. Using this method, we capture the dynamics of seismic signals. We can visualize the seismic data by constructing a phase space of the time series. Packard et al. [8] outlined a simple method for reconstructing a phase space for a time series. The fractal dimension gives us important information about the time series. It can be approximated by covering the data points in the phase space with circles and taking the following measure: log N D log(1/ R) where N = number of circles of diameter R R = diameter This method works for fractal embedded in a twodimensional space, for higher dimensional space we to use hyperspheres of dimensionality of 3 or higher. A similar more practical method developed by Grassberger and Procaccia [2] is the correlation dimension, an approximation of the fractal dimension [9] that uses the correlation integral, which is explained in the following section. 3. METHODOLOGY The correlation integral is the probability that a pair of points in the phase space is within a distance R of one another. We count the number of pairs of points in the following manner. First, we construct our seismic signal as phase space with an embedding dimension of two. Then starting with a small R, we calculate the correlation integral Cm ( R) for this distance, according to the following equation: 1 N N N 2 j 1 Cm ( R) lim where N ( R | X i j 1 i x X i , y X i where is the time lag. Second, calculating the probability C m that any space by selecting given pair of data points in the phase space is within distance R of one another for various distances R. Finally, perform a linear regression of log(Cm ) vs. log( R ) . The slope of the resulting line is the correlation dimension. Then plots the correlation dimensions against the number of windows. The resulting graph is the multifractal spectrum. 4. RESULTS To illustrate the proposed method, we applied it to 30 different seismic signals, which were collected over a 24hour period on different days. We divided the signal overlapping segments of 500 points with an overlap of 100 points. For each segment, we calculated the correlation dimension as explained in the previous section. The multifractal spectrums were then plotted for each signal. We observed that dip in the spectrum correlated to bursts of seismic activity in the signal. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are each a seismic signal along with the corresponding multifractal spectrum. Figures 1 and 2 are the first and second halves of the small signal, presented in different scales for clarity. Figures 3 and 4 are split similarly. Figures 5, 6, and 7 are full sized signal. X j |) is the Heaviside step function described as, 1 0 ( R | X i X j |) 0 1>( R | X i X j |) ( R | X i X j |) The correlation integral is the probability that two points chosen at random are less than R units apart. If we increase the value of R, C m should increase as the rate of kR D , where k is a constant and D is the correlation dimension This gives the following relation: Cm R D or log(Cm ) D *log( R) constant Cm for increasing values of R. By finding the slope of a graph of the log(Cm ) versus the We can calculate log(R), through a linear regression, we can estimate the correlation dimension for the embedded dimension. A summary of the algorithm is as follows: Divide the given single in a number of overlapping windows. For each window calculate the correlation dimension. This is done by first, reconstructing the phase Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 5 Figure 3 Figure 6 Figure 4 Figure 7 5. CONCLUSION A framework using correlation fractal dimension and multifractal spectrum was presented. This framework is suitable to analysis non-stationary signals, especially seismic signals. Although in principal the techniques of correlation dimension based multifractal analysis have been shown to be powerful tools for characterization of various non-stationary signals no major break-through has yet been achieved by their application to seismic signal analysis. However, further experimental analysis needs to be carried out to fine-tune the various fractal and statistical parameters. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank Dr. Lind S. Gee of the Seismological Laboratory at University of California at Berkley for providing the seismic data used in this study. REFERENCES [1] B.B. Mandelbrot, Intermittent turbulence in self similar cascades; divergence of high, moments and dimension of the carrier. J.Fluid. Mech. 62: 331, 1974. [2] I. Procaccia and Hentschel, The infinite number of generalized dimensions of fractal and strange attractors, Physica, 8D, 1983. [3] B.B. Mandelbrot, Fractals and Multifractals: Noise, Turbulence and Galaxies. Springer, New York. 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