THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF NURSES FOR PATIENT SAFETY IN GASTROENTEROLOGY UNIT AT AMERICAN HOSPITAL, TÜRKİYE Selda Korkmaz*, Çiğdem Özüçağlayan Küreş**, Senem Hıdır*, Çetin Keskin* Patient safety is an integral part of all nursing practices. And there are many risks for patient in gastroenterology units. In this presentation, the roles and responsibilities of nurses for patient safety in gastroenterology unit at American Hospital, Türkiye will be shared with the congress participants. Nurses are responsible to use Joint Commission International Patient Safety goals in the hospital. Some examples for nursing practices through these goals in the unit are as follows; Identify Patients Correctly. American Hospital’s procedures identify a patient, with a bar-coded wristband that includes the identification number, patient’s name and surname, birth date. To provide correct treatments or procedures to correct patient, every step of identification processes is checked by asking patient. And then, nurses look at a bar-coded wristband and folder to check. Improve Effective Communication among caregivers. In gastroenterology unit , during the procedure doctor gives to nurses verbal medicine orders. Before doing the order nurse write down the complete order and read it back to doctor to confirm it. Improve the Safety of High-Alert Medications. When preparing the high-alert medicines, such as narcotic analgesic -aldolan- ordered by doctors in the unit., two nurses check the medicines to reduce risk of errors. Ensure Correct-Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-Patient Surgery. The health care team uses a checklist and time-out procedure just before starting a procedure as gastroscopy or a surgical procedure as liver injection biopsy in the unit. Reduce the Risk of Health Care–Associated Infections. Hand hygiene guidelines are used and also all the endoscopes are disinfected by the registered staffs of sterilizasyon unit in gastroenterology unit. Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm Resulting from Falls. In the unit, patients have sedation during procedures. Nurses use protocols that address to keep patient from falls. * Gastroenterology Nurse, American Hospital, Türkiye ** Head nurse, Gastroenterology Unit, American Hospital, Türkiye