Standard Operating Procedure
PCR Protocol
Department: Agronomy
Created by: Chunbin Lu
Laboratory: Crop Production & Physiology
Supervisor: Mark Westgate
Lab Supervisor: Maria Hartt Eckerman
Date approved:
Procedure Overview: This procedure is used for DNA amplification
Equipment and reagents necessary:
Micropipettor and tips (P20, 100)
0.2 ml PCR tubes, 50
Ice bucket and ice
DNA template: 5 ng/ 1 ul
100 ng / 1ul Primer A: AGCAGTTCACCAAGT
100 ng / 1ul Primer B: CGAGCCAGTCAATG
Promega PCR Core system I
Sterile distilled water: 36uL
PCR Thermocycler
Note: Wear gloves and prepare reactions on clean work surface to prevent any
contamination of DNA
1. Using micropipettors, set up PCR reactions in 0.2 mL PCR tubes on ice. Setup of 50
μL reaction includes:
1 uL of DNA Template
1 uL Primer A
1 uL Primer B
5 uL PCR Buffer (Promega PCR Core system I)
5 uL dNTP mix (Promega PCR Core system I)
36 uL sterile dd H2O
2. Add 1 uL Taq Polymerase (Promega PCR Core system I)
3. Place the PCR tubes in PCR Thermocycler.
4. Set the PCR program as per manufacturer’s directions.
The reaction is divided into 3 repeated cycles, 1 minute for each of the 3 steps:
Denaturation at 95°C
Annealing at 65°C
Extension at 72°C
5. There are 30 runs per cycle for each reaction.
Personal Protective Equipment / Engineering Controls:
Skin protection (proper shoes, gloves, lab coat, etc.)
Ventilation system
Hazard controls:
Promega PCR Core system I: US Non Hazardous list
Waste Disposal Procedures & Decontamination:
No waste produced for this procedure.