Hitler on Jews and Zionism

Hitler: Mein Kampf
"And so I believe to-day that my conduct
is in accordance with the will of the
Almighty Creator. In standing guard
against the Jew I am defending the
handiwork of the Lord." (p.46)
"The yoke of slavery is and always will
remain the most unpleasant experience
that mankind can endure.
Of course, one doesn’t discuss such a
question with the Jews, because …their
very existence is an incarnate
denial of the beauty of God’s image in His
creation." (p.107)
"What soon gave me cause for very
serious consideration were the activities
of the Jews in certain branches of life, into
the mystery of which I penetrated little by
little. Was there any shady undertaking,
any form of foulness, especially in
cultural life, in which at least one Jew did
not participate? On putting the probing
knife carefully to that kind of abscess
one immediately discovered, like a
maggot in a putrescent body, a little Jew
who was often blinded by the sudden
light." (p.42)
"From time immemorial, however, the
Jews have known better than any others
how falsehood and calumny can be
exploited. Is not their very existence
founded on one great lie, namely, that
they are a religious community, whereas
in reality they are a race? And what a
(Schopenhauer) called the Jew _The Great
Master of Lies_. Those who do not realize
the truth of that statement, or do not wish
to believe it, will never be able to lend a
hand in helping Truth to prevail." (p.134)
"In times of distress a wave of public
anger has usually arisen against the Jew;
the masses have taken the law into their
own hands; they have seized Jewish
property and ruined the Jew in their urge
to protect themselves against what they
consider to be a scourge of God. Having
come to know the Jew intimately through
the course of centuries, in times of
distress they looked upon his presence
among them as a public danger
comparable only to the plague." (p.174)
"He will stop at nothing. His utterly lowdown conduct is so appalling that one
really cannot be surprised if in the
imagination of our people the Jew is
pictured as the incarnation of Satan and
the symbol of evil. (p.184)
The ignorance of the broad masses as
regards the inner character of the Jew, and
the lack of instinct and insight that our upper
classes display, are some of the reasons
which explain how it is that so many people
fall an easy prey to the systematic
campaign of falsehood which the Jew carries
on. (p.184)
"Look at the ravages from which our
people are suffering daily as a result of
being contaminated with Jewish blood.
Bear in mind the fact that this poisonous
contamination can be eliminated from the
national body only after centuries,
or perhaps never. Think further of how
the process of racial decomposition is
debasing and in some cases even
destroying the fundamental Aryan
qualities of our German people…. This
pestilential adulteration of the blood, of
which hundreds of thousands of our
people take no account, is being
systematically practised by the Jew today. Systematically these negroid
parasites in our national body corrupt our
innocent fair-haired girls. (p.310)
…any indecision which I may still
have felt about that point was finally
removed by the activities of
a certain section of the Jews
themselves. A great movement, called
Zionism, arose among them. Its
aim was to assert the national
character of Judaism, and the
movement was strongly represented in
Vienna…This fictitious conflict
between the Zionists and the Liberal
Jews soon disgusted me; for it was
false through and through. (p. 22)
Cleanliness, whether moral or of
another kind, had its own peculiar
meaning for these people. That
they were water-shy was obvious on
looking at them and, unfortunately,
very often also when not
looking at them at all. The odour of
those people in caftans often used to
make me feel ill. Beyond
that there were the unkempt clothes
and the ignoble exterior.
All these details were certainly not
attractive; but the revolting feature
was that beneath their unclean
exterior one suddenly perceived the
moral mildew of the chosen race.
Was there any shady
undertaking, any form of foulness,
especially in cultural life, in which at
least one Jew did not
participate? On putting the probing
knife carefully to that kind of abscess
one immediately
discovered, like a maggot in a
putrescent body, a little Jew who was
often blinded by the sudden light.
Here was a pestilence, a moral
pestilence, with which the
public was being infected. It was
worse than the Black Plague of long
ago. And in what mighty doses
this poison was manufactured and
Sometimes it went so far that
one of these fellows, acting like a
sewage pump, would shoot his filth
directly in the face of other
members of the human race.
Nature may bring into existence ten
thousand such despoilers who act as
the worst kind of germ-carriers in
poisoning human souls.
The fact that nine-tenths of all the
smutty literature, artistic tripe and
theatrical banalities, had to be
charged to the account of people who
formed scarcely one per cent of the
I began to examine my favourite
World Press….
The writers were Jews.
The part which the Jews played in the
social phenomenon of prostitution,
and more especially in the
white slave traffic, could be studied
here better than in any other WestEuropean city, with the possible
exception of certain ports in Southern
A cold shiver ran down my spine
when I first ascertained that it was the
same kind of cold-blooded,
thick-skinned and shameless Jew who
showed his consummate skill in
conducting that revolting
exploitation of the dregs of the big
city. Then I became fired with wrath.
I had now no more hesitation about
bringing the Jewish problem to light
in all its details. No.
Henceforth I was determined to do so.
But as I learned to track down the Jew
in all the different
spheres of cultural and artistic life,
and in the various manifestations of
this life everywhere, I
suddenly came upon him in a position
where I had least expected to find
him. I now realized that the
Jews were the leaders of Social
Democracy. In face of that revelation
the scales fell from my eyes. My
long inner struggle was at an end.
I gradually discovered that the Social
Democratic Press was predominantly
controlled by Jews. (p. 45)
Making an effort to overcome my
natural reluctance, I tried to read
articles of this nature published in
the Marxist Press. From the publisher
downwards, all of them were Jews. I
recalled to mind the names of the
public leaders of Marxism, and
then I realized that most of them
belonged to the Chosen Race.
I was happy at last to know for certain
that the Jew is not a German.
Thus I finally discovered who were
the evil spirits leading our people
astray. (p.46)
I realized that the Jew uses language
for the purpose of dissimulating his
thought or at least veiling it, so that
his real aim cannot be discovered. (p.
Should the Jew, with the aid of his
Marxist creed, triumph over the
people of this world, his Crown
will be the funeral wreath of mankind.
(p. 48)
And so I believe to-day that my
conduct is in accordance with the will
of the Almighty Creator. In
standing guard against the Jew I am
defending the handiwork of the Lord.
Always that bacillus which is the
solvent of human society, the Jew,
here and there and everywhere _ the
whole spectacle was repugnant to me.
The gigantic city seemed to be the
incarnation of mongrel
depravity. (p.84)
People who can sneak their way, like
parasites, into the human body politic
and make others work for them under
various pretences can form a State
without possessing any definite
delimited territory. This is chiefly
applicable to that parasitic nation
which, particularly at the present time
preys upon the honest portion
of mankind; I mean the Jews.
The Jewish State has never been
delimited in space. It has been spread
all over the world, without any
frontiers whatsoever, and has always
been constituted from the membership
of one race exclusively.
That is why the Jews have always
formed a State within the State.(100)
our Jew-ridden universities (110)
Marxism, whose final objective was
and is and will continue to be the
destruction of all non-Jewish
national States (110)
The World War
Government offices were staffed by
Jews. Almost every clerk was a Jew
and every Jew was a clerk. I was
amazed at this multitude of
combatants who belonged to the
chosen people and could not help
comparing it with their slender
numbers in the fighting lines.
In the business world the situation
was even worse. Here the Jews had
actually become indispensable. Like
leeches, they were slowly sucking the
blood from the pores of the national
body. (123)
as early as 1916-17
practically all production was under
the control of Jewish finance. (123)
A few hours later my eyes were like
glowing coals and all
was darkness around me.
I was sent into hospital at Pasewalk in
Pomerania, and there it was that I had
to hear of the Revolution. Sailors
came in motor-lorries and called on us
to rise in revolt. A few Jew-boys were
the leaders in that combat for the
Liberty, Beauty, and Dignity of our
National Being. Not one of
them had seen active service at the
front. Through the medium of a
hospital for venereal diseases
these three Orientals had been sent
back home. Now their red rags were
being hoisted here. (128)
In the big lie there is always a certain
force of credibility; because the broad
masses of a nation are always
more easily corrupted in the deeper
strata of their emotional nature than
consciously or voluntarily;
and thus in the primitive simplicity of
their minds they more readily fall
victims to the big lie than the
small lie, since they themselves often
tell small lies in little matters but
would be ashamed to resort to
large-scale falsehoods. It would never
come into their heads to fabricate
colossal untruths, and they
would not believe that others could
have the impudence to distort the truth
so infamously. Even
though the facts which prove this to
be so may be brought clearly to their
minds, they will still doubt
and waver and will continue to think
that there may be some other
explanation. For the grossly
impudent lie always leaves traces
behind it, even after it has been nailed
down, a fact which is known
to all expert liars in this world and to
all who conspire together in the art of
lying. These people know
only too well how to use falsehood for
the basest purposes.
From time immemorial. however, the
Jews have known better than any
others how falsehood and
calumny can be exploited. Is not their
very existence founded on one great
lie, namely, that they are a
religious community, whereas in
reality they are a race? And what a
race! One of the greatest thinkers
that mankind has produced has
branded the Jews for all time with a
statement which is profoundly and
exactly true. He (Schopenhauer)
called the Jew "The Great Master of
Lies". Those who do not realize
the truth of that statement, or do not
wish to believe it, will never be able
to lend a hand in helping
Truth to prevail. (146)
thus preparing the nation to become
the slaves of international finance and
its masters, the Jews. (152)
The scream of the twelve-inch
shrapnel is more penetrating than the
hiss from a thousand Jewish
newspaper vipers. Therefore let
them go on with their hissing. (153)
The Jew offers the most striking
contrast to the Aryan. There is
probably no other people in the world
who have so developed the instinct of
self-preservation as the so-called
“chosen” people. The best
proof of this statement is found in the
simple fact that this race still exists.
Where can another people
be found that in the course of the last
two thousand years has undergone so
few changes in mental
outlook and character as the Jewish
people? And yet what other people
has taken such a constant part
in the great revolutions? But even
after having passed through the most
gigantic catastrophes that
have overwhelmed mankind, the Jews
remain the same as ever. What an
infinitely tenacious
will-to-live, to preserve one’s kind, is
demonstrated by that fact!
The intellectual faculties of the Jew
have been trained through thousands
of years. Today the Jew is
looked upon as specially cunning; and
in a certain sense he has been so
throughout the ages. (183)
Jews act in concord only when a
common danger threatens them or a
common prey attracts them. Where
these two motives no longer exist then
the most brutal egotism appears and
these people who before had
lived together in unity will turn into a
swarm of rats that bitterly fight
against each other.
If the Jews were the only people in the
world they would be wallowing in
filth and mire and would exploit one
another and try to exterminate one
another in a bitter struggle, except in
so far as their utter lack of the ideal of
sacrifice, which shows itself in their
cowardly spirit. (184)
the Jewish State, which ought to be a
vital organization to serve the purpose
of preserving or increasing the race,
has absolutely no territorial
boundaries. (184)
there never has been any Jewish art
and consequently that nothing of this
kind exists to-day. We must realize
that especially in those two
royal domains of art, namely
architecture and music, the Jew has
done no original creative work.
When the Jew comes to producing
something in the field of art he merely
bowdlerizes something
already in existence or simply steals
the intellectual word, of others. The
Jew essentially lacks those
qualities which are characteristic of
those creative races that are the
founders of civilization. (185)
Jewish self-expansion is a parasitic
phenomenon since the Jew is always
looking for new pastures for his race.
Thus the Jew has at all times lived in
States that have belonged to other
races and within the organization of
those States he had formed a State of
his own, which is, however, hidden
behind the mask of a religious
community. (186)
The religious teaching of the Jews is
principally a collection of instructions
for maintaining the Jewish
blood pure and for regulating
intercourse between Jews and the rest
of the world: that is to say, their
relation with non-Jews. But the
Jewish religious teaching is not
concerned with moral problems. It is
rather concerned with economic
problems, and very petty ones at that.
On this first and fundamental lie, the
purpose of which is to make people
believe that Jewry is not a nation but a
religion, other lies are subsequently
based. One of those further lies, for
example, is in connection with the
language spoken by the Jew. For him
language is not an instrument for the
expression of his inner thoughts but
rather a means of cloaking them.
When talking French his thoughts are
Jewish and when writing German
rhymes he only gives expression to
the character of his own race. (187)