REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE UPRAVA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE ZA VARNO HRANO, VETERINARSTVO IN VARSTVO RASTLIN Dunajska cesta 22, 1000 Ljubljana T: 01 300 13 00 F: 01 300 13 56 E: Sector for plant protection products Dr. Jernej Drofenik NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS (PPPs) IN SLOVENIA FOR: EFFICACY, TOXICOLOGY WITH EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT, FATE AND BEHAVIOUR IN THE ENVIRONMENT and ECOTOXICOLOGY Last amended: 19 October 2011 Contents: 1. EFFICACY 2. TOXICOLOGY WITH EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT 3. FATE AND BEHAVIOUR IN THE ENVIRONMENT 4. ECOTOXICOLOGY 2/8 1. EFFICACY 1.1 Phytotoxicity Data of the phytotoxicity assessment on pome fruits have to be provided for apple and pear separately. The same principle is expected for stone fruits where the report must include data for peach, cherry, apricot and plum separately. 1.2 Succeeding crops The applicant must propose appropriate planting interval following crop failure. 1.3 Adjacent crops Field trial drift study is required. 1.4 Resistance The applicant must provide a specific country (Slovenia) anti resistance strategy with included justification. 3/8 2. TOXICOLOGY EXPOSURE INCLUDING OPERATOR AND WORKER 2.1 General For acute toxicity Standard EU formulation package is required. Waiving/bridging of tox studies for formulation? If proposed by the applicant, scientifically valid argumentation/calculations to be provided and MSDS with all relevant information The toxicity profile of metabolites predicted to occur in groundwater should be provided. 2.2 Classification and labelling of plant protection products C&L of active substances (short history of C&L and criteria – ATP, EFSA conclusion, RAC opinion, etc..) and formulations. Within the central zone the Draft Position Paper on classification of active substances was prepared by Austria and agreed by the Member States (with the exception of UK, GER). The paper proposes to use the most recent evaluation (EFSA conclusion, RAC opinion) of the active substance. C&L of formulation also according to 1272/2008 is appreciated (but not mandatory). 2.3 Classification of plant protection products containing quartz At the EU level crystalline silica has not yet been assessed according to classification criteria for dangerous substances. However, crystalline silica (SiO2) is classified by the IARC as carcinogenic to humans, group 1, when inhaled in the form of quartz from occupational sources. Since the criteria for classification of substances as Carcinogen category 1 are the same in IARC, in the Directive 67/548 EC (Sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans; when a causal relationship has been established between the exposure and cancer) and in the Regulation 1272/2008 (for category 1A), our opinion is that any product containing > 0.1 % of crystalline silica ≤ 10 m should be classified as Carcinogen category 1, T, R49. Our proposal is based on the proposed split entry of quartz sand in Annex I; R49, proposed for respirable fraction ≤ 10 m. Regarding submitted data on plant protection product containing quartz sand the proposal for classification of PPP will be based on toxicological properties of respirable particles of quartz sand if all of the following criteria are fulfilled: - inhalatory exposure to PPP can be expected; as is the case for WP and WG formulation, considering dusting. - silica is in crystalline form; if no information on silica form is available, it is considered that the form is crystalline 4/8 - PPP contains ≥ 0.1 % (w/w) particles ≤ 10 µm. If PPP contains larger particles of quartz sand, the effect on lower respiratory tract needs not to be considered. If no information is available on size of silica particles, it should be considered smaller than 10 µm. If product contains less than 0.1 % w/w of crystalline silica it does not trigger the classification as carcinogen category 1 independently of particle size. 2.4 Operator exposure (OPEX) 2.4.1 OPEX models The OPEX model required for "higher” crops is the GERMAN model with two scenarios: tractor mounted/trailed broadcast air-assisted sprayer and a hand-held sprayer: hydraulic nozzles. Outdoor, high level target For "lower" crops, two models are required depending on the application. The GERMAN model is used for the application with tractor mounted/trailed boom sprayer and the UK POEM model for hand-held sprayer (15 L tank): hydraulic nozzles, outdoor, low level target is used when relevant. For the indoor use, the Indoor hand held EUROPOEM model is accepted. For seed treatment the SEEDTROPEX model is accepted. For application of granules the model based on the Pesticides Handlers Exposure Database (PHED), is accepted. The excel spreadsheet can be found on the UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) webpage. When the PPP are sold to the general public, the models for amateur use should be taken into consideration. The UK POEM model: home garden sprayer (5 L tank). Outdoor, low level target; should be used only when the PPP needs to be diluted before the application. When Ready to Use Products - Aerosol and Trigger Sprays, Dustable Powder formulations and Granule application can be estimated on the basis of the data published in TNsG / TNSG on Human Exposure / Report 2002 part 2. The excel spreadsheet can be found on the UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) webpage. CRD is a Directorate of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). For other proposed uses that are less common, the operator exposure should be estimated by the appropriate model as proposed for the specific use in the Scientific opinion on preparation of guidance document on pesticide exposure assessment for workers, operators, bystanders and residents (EFSA Journal 20101; 8(2):1501. 2.4.2 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The PPE should be used in the Operator exposure models when: 1. The exposure exceeds the AOEL and the use of PPE will reduce the exposure to an acceptable level. 5/8 2. The hazard classification of the PPP requires wearing of specific PPE (PPE used even though the exposure without wearing PPE does not exceed the AOEL). 2.5 Worker (re-entry) exposure 2.5.1 Data The Dislodgeable foliar residues (DFR) and transfer coefficient TC data taken into consideration are from the EUROPOEM II PROJECT (Post application exposure of workers to pesticides in agriculture, Report of the re-entry working group, Euorpoem II Project, FAIR3-CT96-1406, December 2002); the body weight of the worker is 60 kg. Estimations with single or multiple applications are accepted, depending on the case by case situations. The dermal absorption is taken from the concentrate. 2.5.2 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) When the worker exposure exceeds the AOEL, the use of gloves is taken into consideration which results in the adjusted TC values. Considering the 10 % penetration through protective gloves the TC values in cm2/hr are: 520 instead of 2500 for vegetable scenario, 750 instead of 3000 for the strawberries scenario, 2250 instead of 4500 for the fruit trees scenario and 1400 instead of 5000 for the ornamentals scenario. 2.6 Bystanders and children exposure Bystander exposure is performed for adults, using the data obtained form the studies Lloyd et al (1987), and Lloyd and Bell, 1983). The dermal absorption for bystanders is taken from the diluted preparation. Resident exposure assessment should be performed (adults and children) and provided according to Martin et al., 2008. 6/8 3. FATE AND BEHAVIOUR 3.1 Predicted Environmental Concentration in Groundwater (PECGW) PECgw are obtained following FOCUS guidance. The preferred models are PEARL and PELMO, relevant scenarios are Chateaudun, Hamburg, Kremsmuenster, Piacenza, Okehampto 3.2 Predicted (PECSW) Environmental Concentration in Surface water/Sediment Run-off is potentially relevant for Slovenia, but in the current FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios run-off is simulated with meteorological data from a single year. This means that the occurrence of a run-off rainfall event in a specified application period is for a large part a matter of coincidence. Hence, predictions of run-off in the current R-scenarios are not realistic worst-case and no reliable basis for decision-making. Only exposure via drift is considered. PEC is calculated with PSD Excel calculator 7/8 4. ECOTOXICOLOGY 4.1 Aquatics Only exposure via drift is considered. PEC calculated with PSD Excel calculator. 4.2 Birds and mammals Higher tier assessment following guidance in EFSA (2009). 4.3 Non-target arthropods In case of HQ>50 for bees, risk phrase 'Dangerous to bees' should be added to the label. 4.4 Possible Risk Mitigation Options In certain cases drift reduction nozzles allowed to reduce exposure. Run-off predictions in the FOCUS Surface Water R-scenarios are not accepted as a reliable basis for decision-making. 8/8