Daily Spelling Activities

Daily Spelling Activities
Each night (Monday – Thursday) students are to choose and complete 1 of the spelling
activities listed below. Do not do the same activity more than once in the same week.
All activities should be completed in this spelling notebook, with 1 activity per page.
Always label each activity with the name of the activity and the date (ex. ABC Order
9/20/07). All work should be completed carefully and neatly! Students will have a
Spelling Test each Friday.
Write the words in ABC order
Write a sentence with each word (underline the spelling word)
Write each word 3 times
Make Rainbow words (write the word once with a pencil leaving a little extra
space between each letter, choose a color and trace around each letter, choose
another color and trace around the previous color, continue until 3 colors are
around each letter)
Consonant vs. Vowels: write each spelling word in pencil, trace all of the
consonants with blue, trace all of the vowels with red
Write a silly story using all of the spelling words (underline each spelling word)
Write a poem using all of the spelling words (underline each spelling word)
Word Scramble: write the letters for each word in a mixed up order, then
rewrite each word correctly beside it
Word Illustrations: draw a picture that represents each spelling word, write
each word under each picture
Rhyme Time: write each word, then write a word that rhymes with it beside it
Newspaper Search: use a newspaper, magazine, junk mail, etc. to either find the
word or cut out letters to spell each word, paste/tape them in your notebook
Triangle Words: Use the letters in each word to make a triangle by adding 1
letter at a time - ex: a
Type each spelling word on a computer, print it out, and tape it into your
Let someone give you a practice Spelling Test (you may want to do this on
Be creative - Make up your own activity!