Title of Intervention: Taped problems intervention (TP) Purpose: To achieve fluency (speed and accuracy) of basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) Age/Grade level: grades 1 – 4 Format: Check all that apply Individual Small Group Dyads Whole Class Materials Needed: Practice sheet containing six rows of four problems (can be modified according to age/ability) with blank lines for answers Tape (prepared by teacher) corresponding with the problems on the worksheet Tape recorder Headphones (if used individually) Mastery measurement probes (CBM single skill assessment measure – e.g. test on multiplication problems 4 times table; which include problems on the tape) Frequency/Duration: 15 minutes during each math period Intervention Script: 1. Teacher or aid should prepare a tape recording of multiplication facts (e.g. 12 problems repeated three times each of the 4 times table multiplication facts) a. The first repetition should have a 2 second time interval between problem and answer b. The second repetition should have a 4 second interval (for processing) c. The third repetition should have a 2 second interval (for automaticity) 2. Create worksheets with the same problems written in the same order as the tap but with blank lines for the students to write in the answers 3. Have students listen to the tape for an allocated time daily during math class either as a class with the tape being played aloud for everyone or individually at their desks with headphones. 4. Students should write down answers on their worksheets while they listen during all 3 repetitions. Encourage students to keep pace with the tape and not work ahead. 5. Administer timed CBM mastery measurement probes which include the problems on the tape in order to monitor progress. Progress monitoring should be done weekly if TP is being used as a class-wide intervention or more frequently if it is used for a tier 2 or 3 interventions (2 to 3 times a week). For example if TP is used as a class-wide intervention in the 4th grade – CBM mastery measurement probes should include 30 multiplication problems to be completed in one minute. If TP is used for tier 2 in the 4 th grade, CBM mastery measurement probes should include 20 multiplication problems to be completed in 2 minutes. 6. Individual student charts should be created to record the following information: o Name o Date o Weekly CBM mastery measurement score o Tape used (e.g. multiplication tape – four’s times table) Each score should also be graphed (students can graph their own scores to encourage motivation and interest in intervention). 7. Students should use this procedure until fluency is achieved (when student has mastered the skill on the tape – e.g. knows the four times table multiplication facts). This is indicated by 3 scores of at least 95% accuracy on the timed mastery measurement probes. Data Collection: CBM mastery measurement probes (progress monitoring should be done daily for tiers 2 and 3, and weekly for tier 1) References: Poncy, B.C., Skinner, C.H., & Jaspers, K.E. (2007) Evaluating and comparing interventions designed to enhance math fact accuracy and fluency: Cover, copy and compare verses Taped Problems. Journal of Behavioral Education. 16, 27-37 Complied By: Helen Kleinman Procedures for Documenting Integrity: Individual student charts should be created that include: student’s name, tape they used as well as scores from the mastery measurement probes and the date each score was received. Graphing results to visually depict rate of progress would be optimal.