Parfitt Mr N 012 - South Somerset District Council

Clive Miller & Associates Limited
Town and Country Planning – Urban and Rural Regeneration – Project Management
Funding and Evaluation – Economic Development – Strategic Management
Michael Williams MRTPI
Chartered Town Planner
1st April 2013
Christine Self
Programme Officer
Homefield House
Homefield Road
BS31 3EG
Dear Mrs Self
Re: South Somerset Local Plan Examination in Public- Representation by
Norman Parfitt Issue 12 and related questions- Hearing date May 21st 2013Ref 7032769/1393
Further to the Local Inquiry I am providing further information concerning Issue 12
to be heard on the 21st May.
I enclose brief appraisals of the areas of land shown as future directions of strategic
growth for Langport/Huish Episcopi which provides a background for my
representation dated the 6th August to the Spatial Policy Manager of South Somerset
District Council.
In order to clarify the conclusions in that representation it should state that the Local
Plan Policy LMT2 be revised to identify the land to the north of Old Kelways for
housing and the adjoining land to the east of Wearne Lane for employment.
In order to assist the Inspector in that regard I also enclose two plans which show
two areas of land on which outline planning applications are being prepared for new
housing by this Company on behalf of Mr Parfitt.
These areas of land have been the subject of discussion with Council officers and as
can be seen if approved in a finite manner they will avoid any coalescence with the
hamlet of Wearne to the north.
The only other matter I wish to refer to is that a recent application has been
submitted by Perrin Construction for new housing on the west side of the Class 1
road at Newtown and that in the SSDC Peripheral Landscape Study it is identified as
having a low capacity for new development.
Yours sincerely
Michael Williams
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
This area of land lies to the north and west of Old Kelways between Wearne Lane and the
Class 1 road A372. It comprises a series of small narrow enclosed fields generally rising
northwards towards Wearne. The land is used for agriculture and in connection with existing
dwellings fronting onto the Class 1 road at Newtown.
In the SSDC Peripheral Landscape Study 2008 the southern part of the site is identified as
having low visual sensitivity with the northern part having moderate visual sensitivity. In the
Study the southern part is stated to have a moderate/high capacity to accommodate new
development with the northern part having a moderate/low capacity which reflects the closer
proximity to Wearne and the greater prominence of that area in the general landscape.
Heritage Impact
The Somerset Historic Environment Record states that part of the site is potentially affected
by a Roman settlement whilst it also refers to an archaeological evaluation carried out in
2010 which found evidence of prehistoric settlement activity. It will be necessary for a
further evaluation to be carried out to assess the archaeological significance of the whole
Highway considerations
It is expected that the land would be accessed from the Old Kelways site to the south
although careful consideration would need to be given to any puncturing of the high stone
wall which was part of the original Kelways complex. It will probably be necessary to carry
out a traffic assessment to establish whether the local highway network is capable of
accommodating any new development.
No known flooding implications.
Nature conservation/trees etc
There are existing hedgerows and trees on the site. An ecological assessment has previously
been carried out which will need to be updated. The previous assessment did not establish
any nature conservation interests which would prevent development.
Residential amenity
No impact..
Locational Sustainability/Infrastructure
The site is sustainable in general locational terms. There are no known infrastructure issues.
The site adjoins recent and approved housing development. That southern part of the site
could be developed without detriment to the wider setting of the settlement. It would then be
possible to prevent any coalescence with Wearne. Existing natural features on the site could
be used positively in any scheme. Certain matters of detail still need to be resolved however.
Potentially the development of the appropriate part of the site could cater for housing needs
beyond 2028 and provide a finite boundary to this part of the town.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
This area of land which falls away in a south westerly direction from the Class 1 Road
A372 encircles the Huish Episcopi Parish Church. To the north is the St Marys Park
housing estate whilst on the other side of the Class 1 road are buildings forming part
of Huish Academy.
The site is identified in the SSDC Peripheral Landscape Study 2008 as having a
moderate landscape sensitivity with a moderate capacity to accommodate new built
The site lies within the built up framework of the settlement.
Heritage Impact
The site is located within a designated Conservation Area and adjoins St Marys Parish
Church a Grade 1 Listed Building. In the South Somerset Local Plan it is identified as
having high archaeological potential. It is considered that any development of this
land would have an adverse impact on both the character of the Conservation Area
and the setting of the St Marys Church. It should remain undeveloped. The
Somerset Historic Environment Record states that the site contains earthworks.
Highway considerations
Although it may be possible in detail to provide a vehicular access into the site from
the Class 1 road it is not considered that this can be achieved without detriment to
both the Conservation Area and the setting of the Church.
No known flooding implications.
Nature conservation/trees etc
There are existing mature trees on the site which should be retained. A detailed tree
survey would be necessary to confirm their health.
Residential amenity
No impact which would justify objection on planning grounds..
Locational Sustainability/Infrastructure
The site is sustainable in general locational terms. There are no known infrastructure
Although the site is located within the existing framework of the settlement its
existing open undeveloped appearance is crucial to the Conservation Area and the
setting of the Parish Church. It should remain undeveloped.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
This is a flat rectangular site located immediately to the north of the town cricket pitch.
Existing housing development lies to the west. It has an area of 0.6ha and abuts the Class 1
road A372. The main Penzance to London railway line forms the northern boundary whilst
opposite are the open playing fields of Huish Academy.
The site is identified in the SSDC Peripheral Landscape Study 2008 as having a low landscape
sensitivity with a high capacity to accommodate new built development.
The site forms part of a larger green area on both sides of the Class 1 road which provides a
visual relief within the built up area. However it would not be appropriate to object on visual
grounds to its development for housing.
Heritage Impact
No known impact which would inhibit new development.
Highway considerations
The presence of the railway bridge to the north of the site restricts visibility from any
vehicular access to the site from the Class 1 road. It is likely that any such arrangement
would attract objection from the Highway Authority. It is possible to consider serving the site
from the existing housing to the west but that highway network is substandard and it is likely
that such arrangement would also attract highway objection. At this stage it is difficult to
envisage how a suitable highway solution could be devised to serve the whole site.
No known flooding implications.
Nature conservation/trees etc
There are existing hedgerows on north and west boundaries but no known nature
conservation interest.
Residential amenity
No impact except that potential noise to dwellings from railway line would need to be
assessed. It is unlikely to inhibit development.
Locational Sustainability/Infrastructure
The site is sustainable in general locational terms. There are no known infrastructure issues.
This site is located within the existing framework of the settlement where it would be
inappropriate to object on visual grounds to housing although it is not considered a suitable
site for employment.. However the highway issues appear difficult to overcome. It is
suggested that the site could be used for public open space given proximity to housing and
pedestrian linkage subject to highway issues being resolved.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
This site extends to 2.4 ha and comprises two level fields at the junction of the Class 1 road A372
and Class 2 road B3153. A mature beech hedge bisects the two fields from north to south. There
is a small group of chestnut trees along the northern boundary. There is existing housing to the
south and west whilst opposite and to the north there is the complex of historic buildings at Old
The site is identified in the SSDC Peripheral Landscape Study 2008 as having a low landscape
sensitivity with a high capacity to accommodate new built development.
The site is located within the built up framework of the settlement and provides an open visual
relief to the otherwise built up frontages.
Heritage Impact
The site is located opposite Old Kelways and its frontage enclosure. All these structures are
Grade 2 Listed Buildings and form an important, long standing group at the entrance to the
settlement. They are important part of the social and economic history of the area. The site was
used in connection with Old Kelways and is still a part of the setting of that property. Although
now separated from that property in terms of use and ownership its development would
irretrievably alter that long standing relationship to the detriment of the setting of the Heritage
Asset and the wider area.
Highway considerations
Vehicular access to any development would probably be derived from the Class 1 road. It is likely
that access could be acceptable in detail but an assessment would be necessary to establish
whether off site works would be required.
No known flooding implications.
Nature conservation/trees etc
There are existing hedgerows and a group of mature trees on the site. It is essential that the trees
are retained to maintain the setting of the area. It is difficult to establish whether their retention
would conflict with any highway requirements. An ecological assessment would be required to
assess the ecological value of the site.
Residential amenity
No foreseeable issues.
Locational Sustainability/Infrastructure
The site is sustainable in general locational terms. There are no known infrastructure issues.
This site is located within the existing framework of the settlement. Although the SSDC
Landscape Study states that the site has a high capacity to accommodate new development that
Study does not take into account Heritage Assets. It is on that latter basis that it is considered that
the development of the whole site would be unacceptable given the impact on the setting of Old
Kelways and the long standing visual relationship between the two. It may be possible to develop
the extreme southern section although that would still involve breaching the beech avenue. It is
not a suitable site for employment.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
This site comprises a large predominantly level open field. It is very exposed to general view
with no tree cover. There is existing development to the south and west. The site is bounded
by Wearne Lane to the west and the Class 2 road B 3153 to the south. To the east the land
falls away to the Mill Brook Valley whilst to the north the land rises gradually towards
Wearne. This site was suggested for employment use in the Draft Langport and Somerton
Local Plan some 20 years ago but attracted substantial opposition and was removed
The site is identified in the SSDC Peripheral Landscape Study 2008 as having a moderate
landscape sensitivity with a moderate capacity to accommodate new built development.
The site is open and exposed with no natural tree cover to mitigate the impact of new built
development. There is also no natural boundary to the north. Development here would
extend into open countryside although long distance views into the site are limited. However
the rural character of Wearne Lane would be irreversibly altered if development took place
Heritage Impact
The Somerset Historic Environment Record indicates the site as a Roman Settlement with
various finds being recorded. A full evaluation would be necessary to establish clearly the
nature and extent of any archaeology on the site and how it could impact on new
Highway considerations
Vehicular access would have to be derived from the Class 2 road B3153. It is likely that the
detail of such access could be achieved but an assessment would be necessary to establish
whether off site works would be necessary.
No known flooding implications on the site itself but any Flood Risk Assessment would need to
address the potential for increased flood risk in the Mill Brook Valley.
Nature conservation/trees etc
The absence of tree and hedgerow cover means that there is unlikely to be any nature
conservation interest but an assessment would be required.
Residential amenity
If employment use is considered acceptable then measures would need to be put in place to
safeguard teh amenity of nearby dwellings particularly in Wearne Lane.
Locational Sustainability/Infrastructure
The site is sustainable in general locational terms. There are no known infrastructure issues.
This development of this site would have a significant urbanising impact on the approach to
the settlement. It would alter the rural character of Wearne Lane. Further work is necessary
on the issue of archaeology. However given the need for employment land it is considered
that this site is the most acceptable for that purpose given the problems associated with all
other areas for accommodating employment development.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
This site comprises a series of small enclosed fields falling away generally in a southerly direction. The
southern boundary adjoins The Abattoir which lies to the east of the Muchelney Road. Tanyard Lane
bisects the southern part of the site whilst to the north east there is the Courtfields housing estate. The
Rectory lies in the extreme north west corner of the site.
In the South Somerset Peripheral Landscape Study 2008 that part of the site abutting the south and west
boundaries of the Courtfields housing estate is of moderate visual sensitivity with the remainder abutting
Muchelney Road and Tanyard Lane being of low visual sensitivity.
In the study that part of the site directly abutting the Muchelney Road is considered to have a
moderate/high capacity to accommodate new development whilst the land immediately to the west of the
Courtfields estate has a moderate capacity to accommodate new development. Finally the study indicates
that the land on either side of Tanyard Lane has only a moderate/low capacity.
Heritage Impact
The Rectory and the land immediately around including the War Memorial lies within the designated
Conservation Area. Pound Farmhouse on the north side of Tanyard Lane is a Listed Building. There are
Listed Buildings on the west side of Muchelney Road. It is considered that the presence of these Heritage
Assets restricts the future development of the western part of the site. There is high archaeological
potential in the western part of the site.
Highway considerations
It is difficult to envisage how this site could be suitably accessed without unduly compromising the
character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The junction of Tanyard Lane with Muchelney Road
is substandard and at this stage it is not possible to see how the general deficiencies in the local road
network can be overcome. Any new access for HGV traffic from the east via the river bank would be
problematic on highway, flooding and visual impact grounds. It is not clear whether the land is available to
provide such a route and of course workers, visitors would still use Muchelney Road etc.
The site is close to Flood Zones to the east and it would have to be suitably demonstrated that surface
water from any development would not exacerbate nearby flooding.
Nature conservation/trees etc
An ecological assessment and tree survey would need to be carried out to establish any nature
conservation interest. Existing trees would need to be integrated into any development.
Residential amenity
The close proximity of the Abattoir to the south east means that an assessment would need to be carried
out to judge whether housing would be restricted on the site.
Locational Sustainability/Infrastructure
The site is sustainable in general locational terms. There are no known infrastructure issues.
A site with a number of significant potential constraints including access, impact on Conservation Area and
proximity of Abattoir which restricts development to possibly employment only on part of the site but then
with need for new access provision. At this stage it is not considered that an alternative road access could
be achieved and so this area of land is not considered suitable for development.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.
Sanderley Studio, Kennel Lane, Langport, Somerset TA10 9SB
Telephone 01458 252806 or 07790954127
Clive Miller & Associates Limited. Registered Office: Hendford Manor, Yeovil, BA20 1UN.