OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Health and Social Care Unit 23 Human inheritance for health and social care Unit Recording Sheet Please read the instructions printed at the end of this form. One of these sheets, fully completed, should be attached to the assessed work of each candidate. Unit Title Human inheritance for health and social care Unit Code Y/600/8991 Year Centre Name Centre Number Candidate Name Candidate Number Assessment Criteria Merit 0 1 Page Teacher comment Pass 2 Distinction No./Evidence location Learning Outcome 1 : Understand human reproduction P1 : Explain the process of meiosis in relation to the production of sperm and ova P2 : Explain factors that may affect the reproductive process in humans D1 : analyse the significance of meiosis M1 : assess the possible impact of lifestyle choices on the reproductive process in humans Grade Grade Learning Outcome 2 : Understand patterns of inheritance P3 : Explain the structure of chromosomes and their role in reproduction P4 : Explain key principles of genetics using examples relating to inheritance in humans Grade M2 : assess the impact on individuals of genotypes that impair normal body functioning D2 : summarise factors that may increase the likelihood of atypical genetic effects occurring in a population Grade Y/600/8991/URS Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations Assessment Criteria Page Teacher comment Pass Merit No./Evidence location Distinction Learning Outcome 3 : Know about reproductive and gene technologies P5 : Outline principles of reproductive and gene technologies and state their implications for individuals, society and the environment Grade Learning Outcome 4 : Understand ethical dilemmas in relation to reproductive and gene technologies P6 : Explain ethical dilemmas that may arise from reproductive and gene technologies M3 : explain the need for regulatory bodies in relation to reproductive and gene technologies Grade Overall Grade Completed by: Date : Please tick to indicate this work has been standardised internally Y/600/8991/URS Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations Please note: This form may be updated on an annual basis. The current version of this form will be available on the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk). Guidance on Completion of this Form 1 2 3 One sheet should be used for each candidate. Please ensure that the form is fully completed. Please enter specific page numbers where evidence can be found in the portfolio, or where electronic evidence is being submitted, the location of this. Y/600/8991/URS Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations