Reader Advisor Role

A Step-By-Step Guide to NLU’s IRRB Process
Essentially, there are three things that need to be turned in for the reader to evaluate the form.
1. Students need to complete the IRRB form itself. It can be found at While the form is 4 pages, it is only the first three pages that
require completion. Page 4 provides more explanation for the process. You want to avoid the following common
a. Make sure to complete the “student” form.
b. Be sure to mark the correct campus (insert your home campus here, i.e. Milwaukee, Chicago, etc.)
c. Be sure to mark NCE as the college
d. Be sure to give home addresses (federal regs. require this)
e. Do not set the data collection starting date too early. Unfortunately, the paperwork takes some time.
Evaluators get nervous if the form is getting to them when the form says data collection may have already
started. I would suggest setting the date at least three months in the future from when the form is
filled out.
f. On page 2 students need to be sure to sign the form.
g. Make sure to mark the box “exempt.” Do NOT mark “expedited review.” Sometimes people see the
word “expedited” and think marking it will get the approval done faster—IT WILL NOT.
h. The exempt category for virtually all of our projects is 46.101b.1, so fill that in under the exempt box.
Page 3 has an explanation of other categories, but I would urge you to see how the project fits under
46.101b.1. Contact me ( if you have a rare project that seems to fall outside this.
i. On page 3 check the first box under exempt status “Research in common educational setting.”
j. Students should type the form once downloaded from the website; it looks more professional.
k. The title should match the title written on the proposal.
2. Students must create a narrative to answer questions 1-4 from the bottom of page 1 of the IRRB form. Some
suggestions on this process:
a. It is better to separate this into four separate and numbered narratives each answering one question at a
time. A paragraph should suffice…one sentence is not enough.
b. Students should NOT attach the research proposal, though they can certainly cut and paste from it in
creating the four narratives.
c. Narratives should emphasize that the research is about their practice and learning about themselves as
teachers rather than emphasizing that research is about students. It is important that all narratives suggest
that the research is to improve pedagogy – not to research students.
3. Students need to attach instruments, and cover letter and informed consent form. Some suggestions:
a. At the time we submit, often instruments such as surveys are not complete. We have not had much
trouble with this issue. I would suggest that in the narratives that the students focus on observation and
interviews and then there is no need for instruments. If students have drafts of some instruments attach
them, but otherwise just play them down. We also strongly suggest using the word “questionnaire” and
not survey. Survey implies a quantitative analysis will take place…and these are qualitative studies.
b. Students MUST attach a copy of the cover letter and informed consent document. Moreover, the
IRRB insists that these be two separate things. Attached are a sample of each for you to work from.
They are very legalistic but they contain all 10 elements that federal regulations say should be present.
Be sure to update all contact information. Also be sure to change the reference to NLU’s location
depending on where you teach. I leave it up to your conscience as to whether your teachers later created
more simplified versions to hand out to parents. As we know, IDS projects are an evolutionary process.
c. Make sure that students proof-read these letters, that there are no type-o’s, and that there would be
no “red-flags” that would worry IRRB or parents. Suggest that students emphasize that the research is
to improve their practice, and not emphasize research on students. Also, words such as “pull-out”,
separate, special, etc, might worry parents that their children will be isolated from regular classroom
In summary, students need to turn in three things: 1. The first three pages of the IRRB form; 2. Narratives addressing
questions 1-4; 3. Attachments which must include cover letter and informed consent document.
Dear _________________
I am always striving to become an even better teacher. In that regard, I am excited to inform you that I
am currently completing work on my Masters Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Curriculum and Instruction
at National-Louis University. As part of the work, I will be conducting research in my classroom in order to
__________(give purpose)________. I plan to ________________(describe methods)__________during
____(give approximate time you will be doing this)________. This research will not interrupt the regular
classroom work that we do. In fact, it is my hope that it will improve the education that your child will receive.
_____________ our principal (or district) knows of and approves this research.
The attached information explains the procedure for informed consent for your child’s participation in
my study. If you agree to the stipulations described, please sign and return one copy of the form to me at your
earliest convenience.
If you have questions about my project please feel free to contact me. You may also contact my
instructor ________________(instructors name and contact info) or my advisor, Geri Chesner, Ph.D., Associate
Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Curriculum and Instruction at National-Louis University. (414) 3597128.
When it is completed, I will be happy to share the results of my study with you.
(Your Name)
(Contact Info)
I ____________________________consent to the participation of my son/daughter
________________________ in a research project conducted by ________(your name and title) _______ as
part of his/her course work for a Masters of Education degree at National-Louis University, Milwaukee,
I understand that the purpose of this study of “___________(title of study”)_______” is to
__________(describe the purpose)_______________________.
I understand that my child’s participation will consist of _________ (explain the methods that you will use)
___________________ and will take place _____(define the general time frame)____________. There are no
anticipated physical, emotional, social, political, or economic risks associated with participation in this research
I understand that the confidentiality of my child will be protected and that no personal identifying information
about my child will be revealed. Access to research items such as notes, recordings, photos, etc. will be limited
to those involved in the research, primarily the teacher-researcher and advisors at National-Louis University. I
understand that the results of this study will be described in __(your name) ____________________ Masters
project, but my child’s identity will in no way be revealed. If sample works from my child are included in the
project, my child’s identity will be protected.
I understand that in the event I have questions or require additional information I may contact ________(your
name) or _________(instructors name and contact info) or Geri Chesner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Interdisciplinary Studies in Curriculum and Instruction at National-Louis University. (414) 359-7128.
I understand that my child’s participation is voluntary and can be discontinued at any time without negative
I further understand that the results of this research project will be made available to me upon my request.
I have read and agree to the procedures described for _____(your name)____’s study. I agree to allow my child
____________ to participate.
Parent name_____________
Parent signatures___________
Date ____________________
I ____________________________consent to the participation of my son/daughter
________________________ in being VIDEOGRAPHED for a research project conducted by (your name and
title here), as part of his/her course work for a Masters of Education degree at National-Louis University,
(Milwaukee or Beloit), Wisconsin.
I understand that the confidentiality of my child will be protected and that no personal identifying information
about my child will be revealed. Access to will be limited to those involved in the research, primarily the
teacher-researcher and advisors at National-Louis University. My child’s identity will in no way be revealed.
If sample works from my child are included in the project, my child’s identity will be protected.
I understand that in the event I have questions or require additional information I may contact (insert your name
and phone number here) or my instructor (instructor’s name), (instructor’s title) of Interdisciplinary Studies in
Curriculum and Instruction at National-Louis University, (instructor’s phone number) or (reader’s name),
(reader’s title) of Interdisciplinary Studies in Curriculum and Instruction at National-Louis University (reader’s
phone number).
I further understand that the results of this research project will be made available to me upon my request.
I have read and agree to the procedures described for (your name) study. I agree to allow my child
____________ to participate.
Parent name_____________
Parent signatures___________
Date ____________________
I ____________________________consent to the participation of my son/daughter
________________________ in being PHOTOGRAPHED for a research project conducted by (your name
and title here), as part of his/her course work for a Masters of Education degree at National-Louis University,
(Milwaukee or Beloit), Wisconsin.
I understand that the confidentiality of my child will be protected and that no personal identifying information
about my child will be revealed. Access to will be limited to those involved in the research, primarily the
teacher-researcher and advisors at National-Louis University. My child’s identity will in no way be revealed.
If sample works from my child are included in the project, my child’s identity will be protected.
I understand that in the event I have questions or require additional information I may contact (insert your name
and phone number here) or my instructor (instructor’s name), (instructor’s title) of Interdisciplinary Studies in
Curriculum and Instruction at National-Louis University, (instructor’s phone number) or (reader’s name),
(reader’s title) of Interdisciplinary Studies in Curriculum and Instruction at National-Louis University (reader’s
phone number).
I further understand that the results of this research project will be made available to me upon my request.
I have read and agree to the procedures described for (your name) study. I agree to allow my child
____________ to participate.
Parent name_____________
Parent signatures___________
Date ____________________