CP PSYCHOLOGY ESSAY QUESTIONS MODULE 4 COPY THESE DOWN. TWO OF THESE WILL BE ON THE TEST! 7-9 SENTENCE PARAGRAPH ANSWERS EACH! 1. Over the last few weeks, Mr. Klein has been bothered by nausea, frequent fainting spells, and severe headaches. Describe two ways a physician might seek to determine whether Mr. Klein's symptoms result from a brain disorder or injury. Include information about MRI, fMRI, and PET scans. 2. After a mild stroke, Mr. McGeorge showed some signs of aphasia. If he had suffered damage primarily to his Broca’s area; what would his symptoms be? If he had suffered damage primarily to his Wernicke’s area; what would his symptoms be? If Mr. McGeorge is right handed, where would his language centers most likely be located? 3. Discuss three examples of the recent research on Gender differences in the brain. What can we conclude about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Female and Male brain? 4. Occasionally it becomes necessary to cut the corpus callosum in a patient’s brain. First, why would this procedure be performed? Second, describe one of the experiments done on these “splitbrain” patients. Describe how these experiments show they actually have “two separate brains”. Include information about the different functions of the hemispheres.