Conditional Use Permit Application

1. Applicant Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Fax: ________________________________
2. Is Applicant a corporation? _____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, list the name of the president of the corporation: _____________________________
If yes, list the name of the secretary of the corporation: _____________________________
3. Is Applicant a limited liability corporation (LLC)? _____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, list the name of the manager of the corporation: ______________________________
4. Is Applicant a partnership? _____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, list the names of the partners: ____________________________________________
5. Is Applicant a proprietorship? _____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, list the name(s) of the proprietor(s): _______________________________________
6. Tax Parcel Number(s): ________________________________________________________
Owner(s) of Record: _________________________________________________________
Deed Book and Page Number: _________________________________________________
7. Location of property: _________________________________________________________
8. Current zoning classification of subject property: ________
Proposed zoning classification of subject property, if applicable: ________
9. Is property located in protected watershed? _____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, classification of protected watershed: _____ Class IV
_____ Class II
10. Size of property: ________ acres or ________ square feet.
11. Gross floor area of existing buildings: __________ square feet.
Gross floor area of proposed buildings: __________ square feet
12. A Conditional Use Permit is requested for the following: ____________________________
13. If single-family residential development:
Proposed name of subdivision: _________________________________________________
Number of lots proposed to be created: ________
Is development proposed to be a “cluster development”? _____ Yes
Smallest lot: __________ square feet.
_____ No
Average lot: __________ square feet.
14. If multi-family residential development:
Proposed name of development: ________________________________________________
Number of one-bedroom units: ________
Number of two-bedroom units: ________
Number of three-bedroom units: ________
Number of four-bedroom units: ________
15. Percentage of impervious surface (if applicable): ________ %. (Note: impervious area
calculations are not applicable to single family residential developments. The density in a
single family residential development located in a protected watershed area is limited to one
unit per gross half acre.)
Impervious Surface Area Calculations
The following calculations should also be shown on the site plan and preliminary
subdivision plans. These calculations are essential in the consideration of the request for
a Conditional Use Permit:
Total Area (Square Feet of Subject Property)
Minus Impervious Area in Square Feet Existing Prior
to September 15, 1993 (Date of Ordinance)
Equals Net Area of Subject Property
Times Percent of Impervious Area Allowed (See
Permitted Allowances Listed Below)
[Multi-family residential: 24% impervious area (up to 34% with variance)
Non-residential development: 24% impervious area in locations that have curb
and gutter (up to 70% if approved as Special Intensity Allocation)
Non-residential development: 36% impervious area in locations without curb and
gutter (up to 70% if approved as Special Intensity Allocation)]
Minus Impervious Area (in Square Feet) Added After
September 15,1993
Equals Net Impervious Allowance
Proposed Impervious Area to Be Added as Part of
Proposed Development (Must Be Less Than Net
Impervious Area Allowance)
16. Name of Engineer: _______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________
Name of Surveyor: _______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________
Name of Land Planner: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________
Attached is a site plan showing all existing and proposed improvements as required by the
Blowing Rock Land Use Code. Where said plans are in conflict with the provisions of the Land
Use Code, I acknowledge that the provisions of the Land Use Code shall prevail, except as
specifically provided in any Conditional Use Permit that may be issued by the Town Council.
Any deviations from or changes in the plans after submission must be pointed out to the
Administrator in writing and specific written approval must be obtained as provided in the
Blowing Rock Land Use Code.
Signature of Applicant: _________________________________ Date: _______________
Representing: ______________________________________________________________
Signature of Property Owner: _____________________________ Date: _______________
Signature of Property Owner: _____________________________ Date: _______________
Signature of Property Owner: _____________________________ Date: _______________
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Was Received: __________________________ Initials: ____________
Date Paid: ___________ Amount Paid: ___________
Case Number: ____________
1. Plans shall be submitted to the Administrator by the last business day of any month in
order to be considered for the Planning Board agenda for the following month.
2. Initial submittal should include 6 copies for review by the Administrator, Town Engineer,
and Town Manager. After review and possible revision, 14 copies of plans will be required
for the Planning Board meeting; 11 copies will be required for the Town Council meeting.
3. Plan details:
a. A location map that shows the location of the project in the broad context of the Town
or planning jurisdiction.
b. On the first page of the plans, the following information shall be shown:
Name of applicant.
Name of development (if any).
North arrow
Date of plan preparation or revision.
c. Scale of plans shall be 1” = 100’ or larger.
d. Plans shall show all existing natural, man-made, and legal features on the lot where
the development is to take place, including but not limited to those listed below. In
addition, the plans shall also show those features indicated below by an asterisk (*) that
are located within 50 feet in any direction of the lot where the development is to take
place, and shall specify the use made of adjoining properties:
Existing Natural Features
(1) Tree line of wooded areas.
(2) Individual trees eighteen inches in diameter or more, identified by common or
scientific name.
(3) Orchards or other agricultural groves by common or scientific name.
*(4) Streams, ponds, drainage ditches, swamps, boundaries of floodways and
(5) Base flood elevation data, if applicable.
*(6) Existing contour lines (shown as dotted lines) with no larger than two-foot
contour intervals. Proposed contour lines shall be shown as solid lines.
Existing Man-Made Features
*(1) Vehicle accommodation areas, including parking areas, loading areas, and
circulation areas, all designated by surface material; and showing the layout of
existing parking spaces and direction of travel lanes, aisles, or driveways.
(2) Streets, private roads, sidewalks, and other walkways, all designated by
surface material.
(3) Curbs and gutters, curb inlets and curb cuts, and drainage grates.
(4) Other storm or drainage facilities, including manholes, pipes, and drainage
(5) Underground utility lines, including water, sewer, electric power, telephone,
gas, and cable television.
(6) Above-ground utility lines and other utility facilities.
*(7) Fire hydrants.
(8) Buildings, structures, and signs, including dimensions of each.
(9) Location and type of exterior light fixtures.
*(10) Location of dumpsters.
Existing Legal Features
(1) The zoning classification of the property, including zoning district lines where
(2) Property lines with dimensions identified.
(3) Location and description of monuments.
(4) Street right-of-way lines with right-of-way dimensions.
(5) Utility or other easement lines, with dimensions.
(6) Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and streets and the location
and ownership of adjoining properties.
(7) Survey must be tied to the North Carolina grid system (NAD 1927).
Computer disk of survey and utility locations to be provided in ASCII format and
.dxf or .dwg format.
e. Plans shall show proposed changes in existing natural features, existing man-made
features, and existing legal features.
f. Plans shall show proposed new legal features (especially new property lines, street
right-of-way lines, and utility and other easements), as well as proposed man-made
features, including but not limited to the following:
(1) The number of square feet in every lot created by a new subdivision.
(2) Lot dimensions.
(3) The location and dimensions of all buildings and freestanding signs on the lot,
as well as the distances all buildings and freestanding signs are set back from
property lines, streets or street right-of-way lines (see Section 16-184, Building
Setback Requirements).
(4) Principal building elevations for typical units of new buildings or exterior
remodelings of existing buildings, showing building heights (see Section 16-185,
Building Height Limitations) and proposed wall sign or window sign area.
(5) The location and dimensions of all recreational areas provided in accordance
with Article XIII (Open Space), with each area designated as to type of use;
(6) Areas intended to remain as usable open space. The plans shall clearly
indicate whether such open space areas are intended to be offered for dedication to
public use or to remain privately owned.
(7) Streets, labeled by classification (see Section 16-210, Street Classification)
and street name showing whether curb and gutter or shoulders and swales are to
be provided and indicating street paving widths.
(8) Curbs and gutters, curb inlets and curb cuts, drainage grates.
(9) Other storm water or drainage facilities, including manholes, pipes, drainage
ditches, retention ponds, etc. Certification from a licensed professional engineer
shall be required, prior to the issuance of any land disturbance permit, that the
design for storm water release and retention meets the standards set forth in
Section 16-263 (Storm Water Management).
(10) Sidewalks and walkways, showing widths and surface material.
(11) Bridges.
(12) Outdoor illumination with lighting fixtures sufficiently identified to
demonstrate compliance with Section 16-242 (Lighting Requirements).
(13) Underground utility lines, including water, sewer, electric power, telephone,
gas, cable television. Water and sewer pipe line sizes shall be labeled.
(14) Aboveground utility lines and other facilities.
(15) Fire hydrants.
(16) Dumpsters. Detail on proposed screening of dumpster site.
(17) New contour lines resulting from earth movement (shown as solid lines)
with no larger than two foot contour intervals (existing lines should be shown as
dotted lines).
(18) The proposed location and dimensions of all signs that will require permits
pursuant to Article XVII (Sign Ordinance).
(19) Vehicle accommodation areas (including parking areas, loading areas, and
circulation areas, see Section 16-290, Parking Requirements), all designated by
surface material and showing the dimensions and layout of proposed parking
spaces and the dimensions and direction of travel of lanes, aisles, and driveways.
(20) Proposed plantings or construction to comply with the screening requirements of Article XIX, Part I (Screening and Trees), as well as proposed
plantings of trees to comply with the shading requirements of Article XIX, Part II
(Shading). Plans shall label shrubbery by common or scientific name, show the
distance between plants and indicate the height at the time of planting and
expected mature height and width. Plans shall label trees by common or scientific
name, show the circles of the mature crowns (major trees shall be drawn at
diameter = 30'; dwarf or decorative trees shall be drawn at their actual mature
crown), and indicate the height at the time of planting.
g. In addition to the written application and the plans, whenever the nature of the
proposed development makes the following information or documents relevant, such
documents or information shall be provided. The following is a representative list of the
types of information or documents that may be requested:
(1) Documentation confirming that the applicant has a legally sufficient interest
in the property proposed for development to use it in the manner requested, or is
the duly appointed agent of such a person.
(2) Detailed description of play apparatus to be provided in miniparks.
(3) Legal documentation establishing homeowners associations or other legal
entities responsible for control over required common areas and facilities.
(4) Bonds, letters of credit, or other surety devices.
(5) Listing of any requested deviations or variances from the specific
requirements established by the Land Use Ordinance. Complete documentation
justifying any such requested deviation.
(6) Written evidence of permission to use satellite parking spaces under the
control of a person other than the developer when such spaces are allowed
pursuant to Section 16-298 (Satellite Parking).
(7) Written evidence of good faith efforts to acquire satellite parking under the
circumstances set forth in Section 16-299 (Special Provisions For Lots With
Existing Buildings).
(8) Time schedules for the completion of phases in staged development, as
required by Section 16-61 (Completing Developments In Phases).
(9) If development involves access onto a state-maintained road, the Applicant
shall make application with the North Carolina Department of Transportation
for a permit for such access.