Supplementary information A natural variant of NAL1, selected in high-yield rice breeding programs, pleiotropically increases photosynthesis rate Toshiyuki Takai1,3*, Shunsuke Adachi2,3*, Fumio Taguchi-Shiobara3, Yumiko Sanoh-Arai1, Norio Iwasawa1, Satoshi Yoshinaga1, Sakiko Hirose1, Yojiro Taniguchi1, Utako Yamanouchi3, Jianzhong Wu3, Takashi Matsumoto3, Kazuhiko Sugimoto3, Katsuhiko Kondo3, Takashi Ikka3, Tsuyu Ando4, Izumi Kono4, Sachie Ito4, Ayahiko Shomura4, Taiichiro Ookawa2, Tadashi Hirasawa2, Masahiro Yano3, Motohiko Kondo1 & Toshio Yamamoto3 1 NARO Institute of Crop Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8508, Japan. 2 Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan. 3 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan. 4 Institute of the Society for Techno-innovation of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0854, Japan. *Toshiyuki Takai and Shunsuke Adachi contributed equally to this work. Corresponding author: T. Yamamoto, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan. Tel.: +81-29-838-7135; Fax: +81-29-838-7468. E-mail: a b Number of lines 30 30 Koshihikari Takanari Koshihikari Takanari 20 20 10 10 0 16 0 22 28 34 40 c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 22 16 28 34 40 Photosynthesis rate (μmol m-2 s-1) Photosynthesis rate (μmol m-2 s-1) d 0 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 GPS 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 (cM) 100 (cM) Supplementary Figure S1. QTL analysis of photosynthesis rate. (a, b) Frequency distributions of photosynthesis rate of flag leaves at full heading stage for 82 BILs in the Koshihikari background (a) and 86 BILs in the Takanari background (b). Yellow-green arrowheads indicate mean photosynthesis rates for Koshihikari; dark green, Takanari. (c, d) QTL mapping of photosynthesis rate in Koshihikari-background BILs (c) and Takanari-background BILs (d). Triangles and boxes to the right of each chromosome represent LOD peaks of putative QTLs and their 1-LOD support intervals, respectively. Upward triangles indicate that leaf photosynthesis was increased by the Takanari allele; downward triangles, increased by the Koshihikari allele. 60 50 Photosynthesis rate (μmol m -2 s-1 ) 40 30 20 10 0 Koshihikari Koshihikari NIL-GPS Takanari Takanari NIL-GPS -10 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 -1 Intercellular CO2 concentration (μmol mol ) Supplementary Figure S2. Fitting of the Farquhar model29 to the photosynthesis–intercellular CO2 concentration response from Fig. 3. Solid lines indicate photosynthesis rate limited by RuBP carboxylation by Rubisco; dotted lines indicate photosynthesis rate limited by RuBP regeneration. Red circles indicate photosynthesis rate at an ambient CO2 concentration of 390 μmol mol−1. Vc,max (μmol m -2 s-1) 270 R =0.99** 240 210 Koshihikari Koshihikari NIL-GPS Takanari Takanari NIL-GPS 180 150 2.0 3.0 4.0 -2 5.0 Rubisco content (g m ) Supplementary Figure S3. Relationship between Rubisco content and maximum rate of carboxylation (Vc,max) among Koshihikari, Takanari, and the reciprocal NIL-GPS. Vc,max was estimated from the model-fitting analysis in Supplementary Fig. S2. **P < 0.01. a Takanari NIL - GPS 0 a Takanari 250 a Koshihikari NIL - GPS 500 a Koshihikari a 15 Stomatal length (μm) a b 10 5 0 Takanari NIL - GPS Takanari NIL - GPS Takanari Koshihikari NIL - GPS 0.5 750 Takanari 1.0 b Koshihikari NIL - GPS a b a c 1,000 Koshihikari -2 b 1.5 0.0 Stomatal density (no. mm ) b 2.0 Koshihikari Stomatal conductance -2 -1 (mol m s ) a Supplementary Figure S4. Effects of GPS alleles on stomatal characteristics. Comparisons of stomatal conductance (a), density (b), and length (c) in flag leaves at full heading stage in Koshihikari, Koshihikari NIL-GPS, Takanari, and Takanari NIL-GPS. Each column represents mean ± s.d. (n = 9). Different letters indicate significant difference at the 5% level (Tukey–Kramer HSD test). i d Leaf width (cm) 2.0 c a b 1.0 *** 50 25 0 a b 20 10 Takanari NIL - GPS Takanari Koshihikari NIL - GPS Koshihikari Takanari NIL - GPS 0 Takanari Koshihikari NIL - GPS Koshihikari 0.5 0.0 100 c a 30 0 k 40 100 a RNAi- NAL1 Koshihikari j 2.5 1.5 10 0 RNAi- NAL1 Koshihikari 0.5 20 *** 200 a b b Takanari NIL - GPS *** *** 75 300 Takanari 1.0 Culm length (cm) 1.5 30 T65 T65-nal1 h 100 RNAi- NAL1 Leaf length (cm) Leaf width (cm) 2.0 g 40 0 T65 T65-nal1 75 50 25 0 Koshihikari f 2.5 0.0 0 Leaf length (cm) e 25 T65 T65-nal1 T65 T65-nal1 *** 100 Koshihikari 0 0.0 *** 50 200 Koshihikari NIL - GPS 10 SLA (cm2 g-1) *** SLA (cm2 g-1) *** 0.5 20 Culm length (cm) 1.0 75 300 RNAi- NAL1 1.5 30 d 100 Culm length (cm) 2.0 c 40 Koshihikari b 2.5 Leaf length (cm) Leaf width (cm) a Supplementary Figure S5. Comparisons of morphological traits between lines differing in NAL1 (GPS) genotype or expression. (a–d) Comparisons of flag leaf width (a), flag leaf length (b), culm length (c), and specific leaf area (SLA) (d) in Taichung 65 and nal1 mutant line (T65-nal1). Each column represents mean ± s.d. (n = 10); ***P < 0.001 versus T65 (Student's t-test). (e–h) Comparisons of flag leaf width (e), flag leaf length (f), culm length (g), and SLA (h) in Koshihikari and transgenic plants with RNAi-induced suppression of NAL1 (RNAi-NAL1). Each column represents mean ± s.d. (n = 25 for RNAi-NAL1, n = 5 for Koshihikari); ***P < 0.001 versus Koshihikari (Student's t-test). (i–k) Comparisons of flag leaf width (i), flag leaf length (j) and culm length (k) in Koshihikari, Koshihikari NIL-GPS, Takanari, and Takanari NIL-GPS. Each column represents mean ± s.d. (n = 9). Different letters indicate significant difference at the 5% level (Tukey–Kramer HSD test). 108, normal 70ins 97 144del 95 70ins 25ins 53 25ins 43 70,15ins 97 70ins 136del 25ins 25 52ins 18 8ins 144del 17 70ins 25ins 29del 14 25ins 175del 13 337ins 144del 11 52ins 25ins 10 135del 10 175del 7 2k ins 93ins 5 25ins 144del 3 5.8k ins 93ins 3 2k ins 93ins 25ins 2 70,15ins 25ins 2 29del 2 70ins 25ins 29del 1 175del 8ins 1 Total 572 Supplementary Figure S6. Schematic diagram of spliced transcripts for NAL1 in Koshihikari. Orange bars and triangles represent inserted segment. White bars in exons represent deleted segment. Orange triangles indicate that inserted segment was derived from retrotransposon. A total of 572 transcripts was sequenced and the number of each variant is shown at the right side. 408, normal 25ins 35 718ins 29 116del 20 29del 18 93ins 718ins 155ins 337ins 16 99del 13 15ins 10 337ins 7 8ins 7 718ins 175del 5 718ins 337ins 5 27ins 4 99del 99del 2 25ins 99del 2 93ins 2 93ins 718ins 337ins 2 175del 2 155ins 337ins 2 251del 3ins 241del 144del 2 99del 136del 1 93ins 718ins 25ins 337ins 1 11ins 1 29del 718ins 1 25ins 29del 1 337ins 11del 337ins 25ins 1 1 27ins 25ins 1 25ins 265del 1 52del 144del 25ins 21del 1 7del 1 11del 1 15ins 29del 1 Total 604 Supplementary Figure S7. Schematic diagram of spliced transcripts for NAL1 in Takanari. Orange bars and triangles represent inserted segment. White bars in exons represent deleted segment. Orange triangles indicate that inserted segment was derived from retrotransposon. A total of 604 transcripts was sequenced and the number of each variant is shown at the right side. Supplementary Table S1. Putative QTLs controlling leaf photosynthesis of flag leaves at full heading stage in reciprocal BILs between Koshihikari and Takanari. Genetic background Koshihikari Takanari a b Chr. Flanking marker LOD Aa R2b 3 4 1 3 4 5 RM1371 RM3534 RM7594 RM3204 RM3534 RM3838–RM1386 4.0 3.6 4.0 3.8 4.0 3.5 –1.4 2 –1.7 3.0 1.7 1.5 13.4 12.1 13.5 16.9 13.9 13.6 Additive effect of the Takanari allele compared with the Koshihikari allele. Percentage of phenotypic variance explained by each QTL. Supplementary Table S2. Sequence polymorphism in the genomic region of NAL1 among Takanari, 14 cultivars in the pedigree of Takanari, and Koshihikari. Intron 2 Exon 1 Exon 2 5895-bp A/C C/G T/G G/A C/T retrotransposon Variety S.S. 690 860 1328 1405 1466 164a Takanari A C T G C Milyang42 A C T G C Milyang25 A C T G C Tongil A C T G C IR24 A C T G C IR8 A C T G C IR4-93-2 A C T G C Mudgo A C T G C IR262-43-8-11 A C T G C Peta A C T G C H4 A G T G C Taichung Native 1 C G G G T Jinheung C G G A T Dee-geo-woo-gen C G G A T Yukara C inserted G G A T Koshihikari C inserted G G A T S.S., synonymous substitution. a b Position from start of the 5' UTR based on Takanari genome. 32 The 30-bp deletion is present in the nal1 mutant . Exon 3 G/A Arg/His 1640 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G A A Exon 4 30-bp deletionb 2402 - Exon 5 3' UTR C/T G/A A/G C/T Ala/Val 2858 C C C C C C C C C C C C T T T T Val/Ile 2884 G G G G G G G G G G G G A A A A 3318 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G G 3362 C C C C C C C C C C C T T T T T Supplementary Table S3. Primer sequences used in this study. Name Upper primer (5'–3') Lower primer (5'–3') Primers used for mapping of the GPS locus InDel_4_103 CCTCAAGGACCGTAAAATTGCTC GGCAATTAATTAGCATCTCTTCTCTCC InDel_4_104 TGCCGTCTTTCTTGAGTTCTTGC AACAAACAACTCAGCCGCCATC InDel_4_105 TGCAGGTTTCCTTCAGCTTTGTC ACCAAAATATCGCCCAAAATTGC InDel_4_106 CCCGTTGTCACTATCCCAACTCA TCCCATAAAGCAAACCTCACACG InDel_4_135 ACAACTTTCGGGTGGACCAATCT TGTGCTATGCCATTTGCCAATCT Primers used for making the RNAi construct NAL1_RNAi CTGGAACTGAAGGGGAGGAG ACTTTTGGCTGTCCACAATGAC Primers used for quantitative RT-PCR NAL1-F2R2 TGGGTGCACACACACAGAGA TGCACAATGCTGTAGGTTGGA UBQ2 GAGCCTCTGTTCGTCAAGTA ACTCGATGGTCCATTAAACC Primers used for transcript analysis NAL1-F1R7 CGCTTTCGGCATTCGTTATC GGGATCCGGCAATGGTGTAT Primers used for detecting sequence polymorphism in the genomic region of NAL1 GPS-01 CGCTTTCGGCATTCGTTATC AGGTTGGATGTCGGCCATAA GPS-02 CATAGCAAGATATTGCGGCGTTT TGCTTAATGCACATGGTATTTTTGC GPS-03 GGCTCAAACACCTAAAGAGCAAA AACTCCTTCCAATCTCCGATCA GPS-04 TCTTGTGCAGATTAAAGCTTCTGG GGGTTTGTTCCAGCATAGATTCC GPS-05 TGCAAAAAGTGCTGGTTCTGAATTT TCCGGCAATGGTGTATATCAGGT GPS-06 CATGGCCCTGAAAACTGGAC GATGCCTCCTCCCCTTCAGT GPS-07 CGCCATGTCGCTCCATCT TCATGAGCACAGCAAAACTGC