Phone: 315-462-0220 Fax: 315-462-3767 DIABETES SELF-MANAGEMENT EDUCATION/TRAINING ORDER FORM Phone Number ________________________________ Alternate phone # ______________________________ Home address __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ I am referring: ________________________________________ for medically necessary outpatient diabetes self-management training. Insurance/Health Plan______________________________________ Date of Birth:____________________ DIAGNOSIS ICD-9 CODE: 250.00 Diabetes type 2 controlled 250.02 Diabetes type 2 uncontrolled Other _______________________ 250.01 Diabetes type 1 controlled 250.03 Diabetes type 1 uncontrolled MEDICAL STATUS AND / OR COMPLICATIONS: Newly diagnosed New to insulin New to oral anti-diabetes agents DESIRED PLASMA Unless otherwise prescribed, target glucose values to be: (for non-preg adult) Pre-prandial: 70-130 mg/dl & Post-prandial: less than 180 mg/dl GLUCOSE RANGE RECENT RESULTS: (or may fax lab result slips with this form) Severe hypo/hyperglycemia Retinopathy Neuropathy A1C ___________ Cholesterol ________ Date ___________ DANGEROUS ABBREVIATIONS: Nitro drip, µg, QD, qd, QN, qn, Qh, qh, Q6pm, QOD, qod, Sc, sc, U, u, IU, MS, MSO4, MgSO4, x3d, lack of leading zero, trailing zeros 790.29 Abnormal GT (pre-diabetes) 277.7 Dysmetabolic syndrome 256.4 Polycystic ovarian syndrome Vascular Disease Nephropathy Gastroparesis LDL _______ Hyperlipidemia Obesity Other: _______________ Pre-prandial: mg/dl Post-prandial: less than _________ mg/dl HDL ________ Trig ________ Date _________________ PLAN OF CARE: Please check appropriate sections In case of hypoglycemia, follow outpatient hypoglycemia protocol. Diabetes Self-Management Education/Training (DSME/T) Patients with special needs requiring individual DSME/T Check all special needs that apply: Vision Hearing Physical Cognitive Impairment Language Limitations Additional training needed Additional hours requested _______ Other______________________ Insulin Initiation Insulin type(s), dose(s), time: ____________________________________________________________ Continue oral medications? Yes No / Oral med dose change? Yes No ____________________ Specific content areas Educator to focus on: (if not checked, Educator to determine based on assessment) Nutritional management Monitoring diabetes Medications Physical activity Diabetes as a disease process Psychological adjustment Prevent, detect and treat acute complications Prevent, detect and treat chronic complications Preconception/pregnancy management of GDM/Diabetes with pregnancy Hours of education: (if not checked, Educator to determine hours based on patient assessment) Up to 10 hours ______ number of hours requested ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Glucose Monitor Unless otherwise ordered, sensor will be unblinded. Blinded Pre-pump / insulin pump instruction 1 to 6.5 hours Basal rate(s) __________________________________________________ BG Target Range ______________ ICR (Insulin to Carb Ratio) _____________________ ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor) ____________________ Certified Diabetes Educator to determine ICR and ISF Provider Signature: Date/Time: Print Name: Phone: Please fax completed form to 315-462-3767 or mail to CSHC Regional Diabetes Health Center. 106747567