pp grammatical

The date of the examination: 27.01.
10.00 (one person comes at 12.00)
1. Language in children and chimpanzees. Investigations and principal findings.
Brown, R. 1970. The first sentences of child and shimpanzee.
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Rumbaugh, D.M. 1977. Language learning by a chimpanzee: the LANA
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2. Critical period in the acquisition of L1.
Deprived & feral children.
Lane, H. 1976. The wild boy of Averon. Cambridge, MA.
Curtiss, S. 1977. Genie: A psycholinguistic study of a modern day "wild
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3. Localization of linguistic skills and brain plastidity.
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4. Parental diaries as a source of linguistic information. Their advantages and
disadvantages. Give a detailed characteristic of one such diary.
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Englewood Cliffs, N. Prentice Hall.
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5. Developmental scales and tests. MacArthur Communicative Development
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6. MLU - its significance and calculation.
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7. Early phonological development. History and the modern state of the art.
Jakobson, R. 1968. Child language, aphasia, and phonological universals.
(A.R. Keiler (trans.)) The Hague: Mouton.
Peters, Ann 1997. Language Typology, Prosody, and the Acquisition of
Grammatical Morphemes. In Slobin, D.I. (Ed.) CLSLA N 5 , LEA Publ.
Mahwah, New Jersey.
8. Naturalness in the L1 acquisition. General ideas of the project "Early stages in the
acquisition of morphology" (Pre- and Proto)
Dressler, W.U. 1994. Evidence from the first stages of morphology acquisition
for linguistic theory: extragrammatic morphology and diminutives. AlHafn 27,
Dressler, W.U. & Karpf, A. 1995. The theoretical relevance of pre- and
protomorphology in language acquisition. Yearbook of morphology 1994, 99124.
Dressler W. U. (Ed.) 1997. Studies in pre- and protomorphology.
Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Linguistik und
Kommunikationsforschung N 26. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften. Wien, 1997. pp. 37-45
Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (Ed.) 1997. Pre- and Protomorphology in Language
Acquisition. Fisjak, J. (Ed.) Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics . V.
33. Poznań.
Gillis, St. (Ed.) 1998. Studies in the Acquisition of Number and Diminutive
Marking. Antwerp Papers in Linguistics. Universiteit Anwerpen.
9. Early vocalisations. Perception & production.
Stark, R.E. 1979. Prespeech segmental feature development. In Fletcher, P. &
Garman, M. (Eds.) Language acquisition. Cambridge Univ. Press. :
Elliot, A.J. 1996 (9). Child language. Cambridge textbooks in linguistics.
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Kuhl, Williams, Lacerda, Stevens and Lindblom (1992).
10. R. Jakobson‘s theory of phonological universals in child language and its
Jakobson, Roman. Kindersprache, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze (1941)
Child language, Aphasia and phonological universals (1972(2)) Mouton, The
Zvukovye zakony detskogo jazyka i ix mesto v obshchej phonologii.
11. Protomorphemes and fillers.
Peters, Ann. 1997. Language typology, Prosody, and the Acquisition of
Grammatical Morphemes. CLSLA V.5, pp.136/197.
Peters, Ann. 1983. The units of language acquisition. (Monographs in Applied
Psycholinguistics.) NY: Cambridge, Univ. Press.
Peters, Ann & Menn. 1993. L. False starts and filler syllables: Ways to learn
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Dressler W. U. (Ed.) 1997. Studies in pre- and protomorphology.
Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Linguistik und
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Wissenschaften. Wien, 1997. pp. 37-45
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12. Holophrastic stage in the development of a child.
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13. Early lexicon: meaning and grammatical classes.
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Lieven, E., Pine J. & Dressner-Barnes, H.D. 1992. Individual differences in
early vocabulary development. JCL V. 19, N 2.
Choi, S. 1997. Language-specific input & early semantic development.
14. Extragrammatical operations at the early stages of morphological development.
Dressler, W.U. 1994. Evidence from the first stages of morphology acquisition
for linguistic theory: extragrammatic morphology and diminutives. AlHafn 27,
Dressler, W.U. & Karpf, A. 1995. The theoretical relevance of pre- and
protomorphology in language acquisition. Yearbook of morphology 1994, 99124.
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Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Linguistik und
Kommunikationsforschung N 26. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften. Wien, 1997. pp. 37-45
15. Protomorphological stage in the early acquisition of grammar.
(See references concerning the project , questions 8; 11; 14)
16. Early nominal morphology: number.
Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (Ed.) 1997. Pre- and Protomorphology in Language
Acquisition. Fisjak, J. (Ed.) Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics . V.
33. Poznań.
Gillis, St. (Ed.) 1998. Studies in the Acquisition of Number and Diminutive
Marking. Antwerp Papers in Linguistics. Universiteit Anwerpen.
17. Early nominal morphology: case.
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18. Early nominal morphology: diminutives.
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