International Foundation Programme

International Foundation Programme
Scholarship Application Form
Russia and Central Asia
Students can apply for a £1,000 scholarship, which will be deducted from the
International Foundation Programme fee. There are scholarships available for Russia
and Central Asia for entry 2012.
Deadline for all applications is 31 July 2012*.
*all students must meet course requirements before entry to the programme
Title MR / MRS / MISS / MS / Other (please give your title) (Please circle as appropriate)
Surname or Family name ______________________________________________________________________
First or Given name ___________________________________________________________________________
What is your date of birth?
Day Month Year
What is your Country of birth? ___________________________________________________________________
What is your Country of domicile? ________________________________________________________________
What is your Nationality? ________________________________________________________________________
Home (permanent) address: ______________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ______________________________________________ Postcode: ______________________________
Country: _________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________
Correspondence address (if different from above) or agent’s stamp: ______________________________________
City/Town: ______________________________________________ Postcode: ______________________________
Country: _________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________
Have you already applied for the International Foundation Programme? _________________________________
What is your chosen Foundation subject? __________________________________________________________
What is your chosen undergraduate subject? _______________________________________________________
Write an essay of between 250-400 words about why you would like to study on this foundation course and your future
career plans.
Essay writing guidelines are attached to help you with your application. You may continue on a separate page.
Declaration: I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is correct and complete.
Signature of Applicant ----------------------------------------------------------------- Date ---------------------------------------------------------Completed forms and supporting documents should be sent to:
International Foundation Programme Co-ordinator, CAIRD,
Cardiff University, Deri House, 2-4 Park Grove, Cardiff, CF10 3PA UK
Phone: +44 (0)29 2087 6416
Fax: +44 (0)29 2087
Essay Guidelines
Write an essay of between 250-400 words about why you would like to study on this foundation
course and your future career plans. You could include some of the following:
on you
the positive effects that studying on the International Foundation Programme will have
ways your English will improve
what you will learn about a new culture
what you will learn about yourself
what you hope to achieve in your studies or career
what you will take back to your country after the experience
Your essay will be judged on the following:
The number and type of language errors: e.g. grammar, vocabulary
Accurate spelling and punctuation.
Consistent and appropriate style (Not informal language e.g. not the language of postcards or
Clear and logical linking of ideas.
A full answer to the question.
Appropriate length.
Essay presents information or views clearly with excellent exemplification, clarification and
Content relates well to the question.
Ideas show originality and address different aspects of the question.
Introduction gives clear indication of content of the essay and/or structure.
Main body is divided into logical areas.
Paragraphs have clear topic sentences.
All content of each paragraph is relevant to sub-topic or sub-division.
Paragraphs show logical progression of ideas.
Clear conclusion that does more than just restate the points already made. May speculate,
give opinions or suggest.
It is better to type the essay. If you handwrite it, make sure the handwriting is clear.
Clear paragraphs.
Lines double-spaced.
Correct punctuation.
All forms should reach the Foundation office before 31 July 2012.