Annotated Scientific Paper There follows a copy of an original scientific article published in 1987 by Nestor Schmajuk. This article is very closely relevant to the account of schizophrenia given in Chapter 23 of the present book. It is well worth reading to gain an impression of how an author presents a case for an animal model: the hippocampal lesioned rat as being an animal model of schizophrenia. Q What is an animal model? It is an example of a non-human animal that exhibits features in common with the human system. It is not supposed to suggest identity. Rather, it merely highlights some similar features that could prove insightful when considering the human situation. Note that Schmajuk documents a number of different animal models of schizophrenia. These need not be seen as competitive. Rather, each might capture a different feature of the condition. As you read Schmajuk’s article, look out for the logic that he develops and the style of argument. A paper is an act of advocacy and you need to read it with a critical eye. How convincing is the case that Schmajuk makes? 3 Consider the point made frequently in the text of the book that one cannot draw a neat dichotomy between genetic and environmental determinants of a condition. Consider how Schmajuk’s argument illustrates this point. Schmajuk’s paper is not a recent one. Things move on. By means of a computer citation search, it might be useful for you to check the subsequent articles that have cited this one and see what are their conclusions. The author and publishers are grateful to the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin for permission to reproduce the article here. Animal Models for Schizophrenia: The Hippocampally Lesioned Animal by Nestor A. Schmajuk (Schizophrenia Bulletin, 13, No. 2, 1987, pp.317-327) Abstract Animals with hippocampal lesions are evaluated as models for schizophrenia according to the criteria of McKinney and Bunney (1969). They seem to comply adequately with the following requirements: (1) similarity of inducing conditions; (2) similarity of behavioral states; (3) similarity of underlying neurobiological mechanisms; and (4) reversibility by usual pharmacological treatment. The model seems adequate to reproduce several symptoms of the disorder, offering a good experimental tool for the analysis of its inducing conditions, affected neurobiological mechanisms, and clinical treatment. Animal models can provide a useful tool for the study of some aspects of psychiatric disorders and their treatment. Evaluation of drugs in the early stages of research, brain manipulations to reproduce the disease, and rigorous controlled experiments in which some subjects do not receive treatment pose ethical and practical issues that encourage the development of animal models. Several animal models have been proposed for schizophrenia (see McKinney and Moran 1981): the amphetamine model (Kokkinidis and Anisman 1980), the L-dopa model (Feldkircher et al. 1984), the phenylethylamine (PEA) model (Borison, Havdala, and Diamond 1977), the hallucinogen model, the noradrenergic reward system lesion model (Stein and Wise 1971), the reticular stimulation model (Kornetzky and Markowitz 1978), and the social isolation model (Harlow and Harlow 1962). All these models reproduce some of the major deficits of schizophrenic patients. The amphetamine and L-dopa models correspond to the dopamine theory of schizophrenia, the hallucinogen model to the transmethylation theory (Osmond and Smythies 1952), the noradrenergic reward system lesion model to the Stein and Wise (1971) theory, and the reticular stimulation model to the hyperarousal theory (Venables 1966). Torrey and Peterson (1974) suggested that the limbic-mesolimbic system might be involved in schizophrenia for the following reasons: (1) schizophrenic patients with implanted electrodes in limbic areas produce electrical abnormalities coinciding with their delusions, agitation, or hallucinations; (2) humans with known limbic system neuropathologies have schizophrenic symptoms; (3) many patients with limbic seizures have schizophrenic symptoms; (4) lesions of the limbic system render animals unable to screen out multiple visual stimuli; (5) lesions or stimulation of the limbic structures in humans causes schizophrenic symptoms (paranoia, depersonalization, distortion of perception, violence, and catatonia); (6) chronic schizophrenic patients have different electroencephalographic profiles; and (7) psychedelic drugs produce maximal electrical abnormalities in the limbic system of monkeys. Recently, Weinberger, Wagner, and Wyatt (1983) concluded that pathology of the limbic system is associated with schizophrenia. More specifically, the hippocampus and the nucleus accumbens have been discussed as possible regions that might be affected in schizophrenic disorders. Mednick (1974a) suggested that hippocampal damage was associated with schizophrenic symptoms. He pointed out that after hippocampal lesions rats are hyperactive (Kimble 1968) and related this behavioral change to the state of hyperarousal characteristic of schizophrenics (Venables 1966). Poor habituation in rats with hippocampal lesions (Kimble 1968) would be related to the poor habituation of the galvanic skin response shown by schizophrenic patients (Zahn 1964). The resistance to extinction shown by lesioned rats (Isaacson, Douglas, and Moore 1961) corresponds to the unusually large number of trials shown by schizophrenics to extinguish a conditioned plethysmographic response (Vinogradova 1962). These results, according to Mednick (1974a), would be related to two physiological changes observed after hippocampal lesions. First, the lack of inhibition of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release (Knigge 1966), which plays a role during states of stress, can contribute to prolonging the extinction of a conditioned response (DeWied and Bohus 1966). The second change is the lack of inhibition on the reticular formation after hippocampal lesion (Redding 1967), which would produce hyperarousal. In the same direction, Venables (1973) suggested that schizophrenia might be the result of hippocampal dysfunction. He pointed out hippocampal vulnerability to disturbances, the action of several tranquilizing agents on hippocampal function, the high methionine uptake by the hippocampus as related to the worsening of schizophrenic symptoms after methionine administration, and the association of temporal lobe epilepsy with psychosis. Heath (1977) reported that a number of patients displaying interictal psychotic behaviors showed electroencephalograms with aberrant activity in deep temporal nuclei (hippocampus and amygdala). Matthysse (1974, 1981) suggested that the nucleus accumbens septi (NAS) played a conspicuous role in schizophrenia. He pointed out similarities between animal behavior after NAS manipulations and the symptomatology of schizophrenia. Hyperreactivity to stimuli has been found after electrolytic lesions of NAS, which causes, for instance, more rapid acquisition of avoidance responses (Lorens, Sorenson, and Harvey 1970). The cited references suggest that animals with lesions of the limbic system might provide a model of schizophrenic disorders. In this article I attempt to investigate how animals with bilateral lesions of the hippocampus meet the requirements proposed by McKinney and Bunney (1969) to model schizophrenia. These authors proposed the following four criteria for the evaluation of animal models of psychiatric disorders: (1) similarity of inducing conditions; (2) similarity of behavioral state; (3) common underlying neurobiological mechanisms; and (4) reversal by clinically effective treatment techniques. As it will be shown, this animal model can become a useful tool for studying schizophrenia. Evaluation of the Model Similarity of Inducing Conditions. Several factors have been proposed to be the inducing mechanism for schizophrenia. Among them are hippocampal anoxia, lesions of the noradrenergic reward system by 6-hydroxydopamine, and steroid changes associated with puberty. Mednick (1974a) related the presence of schizophrenic symptoms to pregnancy or birth complications (PBCs) such as anoxia, prematurity, prolonged labor, placental difficulty, or mother’s illness during pregnancy. The PBCs would trigger a genetically predisposed sensitivity of the hippocampus to anoxia in children of schizophrenics. Handford (1975) and Luchins, Pollin, and Wyatt (1980) found that intrauterine or perinatal factors such as anoxia might cause brain damage that contributes to schizophrenia. Damage of the hippocampus can result in the constellation of behavioral deficits shown by schizophrenic patients. If Mednick’s view (1974a) were accepted, lesions of the hippocampus would provide a model complying with the first criterion. Hippocampally lesioned animals also can provide an adequate model for Stein and Wise’s (1971) theory. According to Mason and Iversen (1979) and Aston-Jones and Bloom (1981), the function of the noradrenergic (NA) system is to enhance the activity of the hippocampal cells processing the most salient external stimuli and ignoring the irrelevant ones. Several behavioral effects of the lesion of the NA system and those of the destruction of the hippocampus are similar: (1) resistance to extinction (Mason and Iversen [1978a] and Jarrard, Isaacson, and Wickelgren [1964], respectively); (2) retardation of discrimination reversal (Mason and Iversen [1978b] and Kimble and Kimble [1965], respectively); (3) absence of latent inhibition (Mason and Iversen [1978b] and Solomon and Moore [1975], respectively); (4) attenuation of blocking (Lorden et al. [1980] and Solomon [1977], respectively). Moreover, McCormick and Thompson (1982) found that the increase in resistance to extinction produced by the lesion of the locus ceruleus, where the NA system has its origin, was related to the NA depletion in the hippocampus. Finally, the results of the lesion of the NA system and the lesion of the hippocampus both have been related to the impairment of attentional mechanisms as described by Mackintosh’s (1975) attentional theory (Mason [1980] and Moore and Stickney [1980], respectively). Stevens (1973) suggested that the temporal relationships of psychotic episodes to steroid changes associated, for example, with puberty could be related to the specific uptake of steroids by cells in the hippocampus, hypothalamus, septum, and amygdala. In summary, if schizophrenia were induced either by hippocampal lesions due to PBC, lesion to the NA reward system by an endogenous neurotoxin, or hippocampal alterations produced by steroid increase, the hippocampal lesion model could be considered to share similar inducting conditions. Similarity of Behavioral States. Many deficits described in schizophrenic patients have been found after hippocampal lesions in animals. Attentional effects. Broadbent’s (1958) model of human information processing interested psychopathologists in the concept of selective attention. Payne, Matussek, and George (1959) hypothesized that schizophrenic overinclusive thinking might be one aspect of a defective attentional filter. Weckowicz and Belwett (1959) suggested that the loss of abstract reasoning was a consequence of a failure to attend selectively to relevant information. Several types of evidence support the attentional view. Subjective reports by schizophrenic patients mention an inability to organize and control incoming information (McGhie and Chapman 1961). Reaction time has been found to be longer in schizophrenic than normal subjects (Rodnick and Shakow 1940), and it has been considered a reflection of attentional dysfunction. Schizophrenic subjects were more distractible than normals in a digitspan test in the presence of distracting stimuli (Lawson, McGhie, and Chapman 1967). Hemsley and Zawada (1976) found that schizophrenic (and depressive patients) had difficulties in distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant stimuli in a dichotic memory task when a differentiated voice was reading the relevant digits. Animals with hippocampal lesions show several behavioral changes that have been interpreted as attentional deficits. Solomon and Moore (1975) found that lesioned animals failed to show latent inhibition. Latent inhibition refers to the fact that presenting the conditioned stimulus alone repeatedly before pairing it with the unconditioned stimulus produces retardation in acquisition. Rickert, Bennett, and French (1978) and Solomon (1977) found that hippocampal ablation produced attenuation of blocking. Blocking refers to the weaker conditioning of stimulus B presented together with stimulus A when stimulus A has been previously paired with the unconditioned stimulus than conditioning obtained without previous A conditioning, Rickert et al. (1979) and Schmajuk, Spear, and Isaacson (1983) found absence of overshadowing after hippocampal lesions. Overshadowing refers to the weaker conditioning of stimulus B when paired together with a second stimulus A to the unconditioned stimulus than that obtained in the absence of A. This evidence has been interpreted as the result of the failure to “tune out” irrelevant stimuli (Solomon 1980) after hippocampal lesions. Schmajuk (1984) and Schmajuk and Moore (1985) suggested that the deficit shown by hippocampectomized animals could be related to Pearce and Hall’s (1980) attentional theory. According to this view, animals with hippocampal lesions cannot decrease the value of an attentional parameter which establishes the rate of association between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. In the case of schizophrenic and manic patients, Oltmanns (1978) suggested that active processing of information, as defined in Schneider and Shiffrin’s (1977) attentional theory, is disrupted by the presence of irrelevant stimuli. The attentional parameter disrupted according to Schmajuk’s (1984) model closely corresponds to the concept of active processing as proposed by Schneider and Shiffrin: after hippocampal lesions, more irrelevant stimuli will be processed. Oades (1982) stressed the relationship between the attentional deficits after hippocampal lesions and schizophrenia, considering that thought disorder is the feature of psychiatric assessment that correlates best with an attentional disorder as suggested by Neale and Cromwell (1968). Spatial effects. In a size-constancy procedure, chronic schizophrenic subjects showed size underestimation, suggesting that they pay too much attention to the retinal image with exclusion of relevant spatial cues (Weckowicz 1957). Correspondingly, animals with hippocampal lesions show important spatial deficits (O’Keefe and Nadel 1978), leading these authors to suggest that the hippocampus would be a “spatial map.” Contextual effects. Normal individuals can take advantage of contextual information to retrieve adequate information from memory. If schizophrenic patients are deficient in this ability, their recall performance should not improve as a function of increasing contextual information. Lawson, McGhie, and Chapman (1964) found that with noncontextual cues schizophrenic and normal subjects did not differ, but with more contextual information, the difference was significant. Chapman (1958) found that schizophrenic patients selected responses mediated by strong verbal associations, instead of conceptual relationships; he speculated that they might fail to attend to contextual constraints that inhibit normal individuals from making the same errors. However, Naficy and Willerman (1980) found that this problem was present in both schizophrenic and manic patients. Hirsh (1974) proposed that lesions of the hippocampus produce deficits in contextual retrieval of information from memory. This implies abnormal behavior when there is a conflict between previously acquired behavior and that to be acquired, since the old information should be canceled instead of labeled as “old,” and more interference will be present. This would explain, for example, deficits shown in extinction or discrimination reversal. Hirsh, Holt, and Mosseri (1978) found that after hippocampal lesions rats were unable to retrieve adequate information according to their motivational state (internal contextual cues). Memory organization. The hypothesis that schizophrenic patients are impaired in the ability to use organizational processes in memory was studied by Koh, Kayton, and Berry (1973). They found that schizophrenic patients, unlike normals, were unable to improve the number of words recalled when given a categorized list of words. Wickelgren (1979) suggested that the hippocampus controls the organization of information according to categories. An element representing an entire set of elements is called a chunk (e.g., furniture for chair or table). This view also incorporates contextual learning since there are “contextual dependent chunk nodes” (p. 54). O’Keefe and Nadel (1978) also implicate the hippocampus in memory organization. The extension of their theory to humans proposes that information is stored in deep structures in the hippocampus which constitute “semantic maps.” It is predicted that after hippocampal lesions, language functions dependent on the deep structure will be impaired. Recognition memory. Bauman and Murray (1968) and Nachmani and Cohen (1969) reported that although schizophrenics recognized items as well as controls, they were significantly impaired in their ability to recall stimulus items. In contrast, Gaffan (1972) suggested that recognition memory, but not associative memory, is affected after hippocampal lesions. However, Winocur (1982) found that recognition memory was only affected in spatial tasks, suggesting a possible explanation for the divergent results. Classical conditioning. Pffafman and Schlosberg (1930) found a knee-jerk response was conditioned faster in schizophrenic patients than in normals. Mays (1934) and Shipley (1934) found that galvanic skin response was conditioned faster in schizophrenics. Correspondingly, Schmaltz and Theios (1972) and Schmajuk and Isaacson (1984) found that animals with hippocampal lesions showed facilitated classical conditioning. Generalization. Bender and Schilder (1930) noted over-generalization in conditioned withdrawal from shock in schizophrenic subjects. Cameron (1951) considered overinclusion and broadening of generalization as part of the schizophrenic syndrome. However, more recent evidence (Harvey and Neale 1983) suggests that overinclusion is more common in manic than in schizophrenic patients. Mastroiani (1979) and Solomon and Moore (1975) found that animals with hippocampal lesions showed more generalization to auditory stimuli. Complex learning. Hunt (1936) and Hunt and Cofer (1944) showed that schizophrenic patients performed poorly on complex tasks, mainly because they were retarded by irrelevant, incorrect responses. Similarly, animals with hippocampal lesions performed poorly in complex mazes but not in simple ones (Kimble 1963). Stereotyped behavior. Bleuler (1911/1950) pointed out the stereotyped behavior of schizophrenic patients. Devenport, Devenport, and Holloway (1980) found that rats with hippocampal lesions showed behavioral stereotypy after receiving signaled administration of reward, similar to that obtained after amphetamine administration. Superstitious behavior. According to Matthysse (1981), superstitious behavior (operational responses maintained even if they are not contingent with reward) is a behavioral model for the failure in reality testing characteristic of schizophrenics. Devenport (1979, 1980) found that animals with hippocampal lesions behaved as if a relationship existed between their behavior and reinforcement, when reward was noncontingent on their responses. Hyperarousal. Venables (1964, 1966) suggested that the schizophrenic syndrome is related to a state of hyperarousal. Mednick (1974a) related this state to the absence of corticosterone receptors subsequent to the destruction of the hippocampus, which would increase ACTH release and, as a consequence, increase the response to stress. Although hippocampal electrical stimulation in animals confirmed the idea of a hippocampal inhibition on the hypothalamohypophyseal system, it was not clear until recently that hippocampal lesions led to an increase in ACTH release, and therefore to higher levels of corticosterone (see Van Hartesveld 1975; Dunn and Orr 1984). Osborne and Seggie (1980) found increased corticosterone response to stress in rats with fornix lesions, and this increase was correlated with increased activity in the open field. Interestingly, it has been found (Rastogi and Singhal 1978) that corticosterone treatment, after adrenalectomy, reduces monoamine oxidase activity, which can be responsible for increases in cerebral NA and dopamine concentrations. Recently, Ryan et al. (1983) found that the hyperactivity shown by rats with hippocampal lesion could be reduced by a corticosterone synthesis suppressor (metyrapone) treatment. This result would predict that metyrapone treatment could be of value in treating schizophrenia. Extinction and habituation. As mentioned above, both schizophrenic patients and animals with hippocampal lesions show retardation in extinction and poor habituation. Skin conductance experiments. Mednick (1974b) and Venables (1974) have suggested that the faster skin conductance recovery (SCR) shown by schizophrenic patients might be linked to limbic factors. Bagshaw, Kimble, and Pribram (1965) had studied the galvanic skin response in monkeys with hippocampal ablation. When they reanalyzed the data for SCR, they found that SCR was faster in hippocampectomized monkeys than in amygdalectomized or control monkeys (Bagshaw and Kimble 1972). Venables (1977) suggested that since lesions of the hippocampus increase ACTH levels and adrenocortical steroids, faster sodium reabsorption and shorter SCR could be expected. Similar Underlying Neurobiological Mechanisms. We have cited several types of evidence suggesting that hippocampal dysfunction underlies schizophrenia. Recent reviews of the literature relating neuropathology and schizophrenia provide some support for the hypothesis. Weinberger, Wagner, and Wyatt (1983) concluded that most of the data supported the idea of a limbic system involvement in schizophrenia. For instance, post-mortem histopathological research suggests that limbic areas are critical for the development of psychosis, though hippocampal cell disarray has been found only in patients by Scheibel and Kovelman (1980) and Kovelman and Scheibel (1984), but in patients and controls by Weinberger, Luchins, and Wyatt (1982). The most typical findings in computed tomography studies have been increased ventricular size and cortical atrophy. Ventricular enlargement would result from degenerative processes of the structures surrounding lateral ventricles: limbic areas such as fornix and stria terminalis and nonlimbic areas such as medial thalamus and caudate. Seidman’s (1983) review on schizophrenia and brain dysfunction concluded that (1) brain impairment exists in a substantial number of schizophrenic patients; (2) the type of brain dysfunction varies from patient to patient, arguing against a unitary disease concept of schizophrenia; (3) positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations) originate from pathophysiological dysfunction in limbic, midbrain, and upper brainstem regions; (4) negative symptoms (apathy, blunted effect, social withdrawal, and avolition) originate from a frontal lobe dysfunction. The dopamine hypothesis proposes that the neurobiological mechanism underlying psychotic symptoms is a dopamine excess in the limbic regions. It is mainly based on the facts that amphetamine psychosis resembles acute paranoid schizophrenia and that this effect can be reversed by neuroleptics. However, the available evidence cannot be considered sufficient to establish that dopaminergic systems are the locus of schizophrenic disturbance (Snyder 1980). In a recent article, Carlton and Manowitz (1984) point out that dopamine hyperactivity might be either an etiological or a symptom factor in schizophrenia. Supporting this view, Crow et al. (1978) concluded that post-mortem studies of schizophrenic patients suggest that the increase in dopaminergic receptors in nucleus accumbens and putamen is not entirely related to neuroleptic medication. This increase in dopaminergic receptors might be a consequence of a hippocampal or amygdalar dysfunction. For instance, Reinstein (1980) found an increase in dopamine receptors in the caudate and nucleus accumbens, after hippocampal lesions, and Csernansky et al. (1983) found dopaminergic supersensitivity and increase in dopamine receptors in amygdala, striatum, and nucleus accumbens after seizures induced in rats by injecting ferric chloride in the amygdaloid nucleus. Reversal by Chemically Effective Treatments. For animals with hippocampal lesions to be considered animal models of schizophrenia, their deficits should be relieved by the same treatments used to treat schizophrenic patients. Oades and Isaacson (1978) found that animals with hippocampal lesions made more errors (visits to nonrewarded holes) when required to locate pellets of food located in 4 of 16 holes in an open field. Administration of haloperidol reduced the number of visits to nonfood holes in the lesioned animals but not in normals. The authors suggested that the effect of hippocampal lesions was similar to that produced by an enhanced dopaminergic activity (Lyon and Robins 1975). Devenport, Devenport, and Holloway (1980) found that animals with hippocampal lesions had an exaggerated reaction to reward, consisting of behavioral stereotypies and locomotor activity similar to those that follow D-amphetamine administration. Behavior returned to normal after haloperidol administration. A possible site for haloperidol action is the nucleus accumbens septi (NAS). Matthysse (1981) suggested that the dopaminergic input to the NAS would have a facilitatory effect in the switching of attention from one stimulus to another. High levels of dopamine would impair selective attention and, hence, schizophrenics would be inundated by irrelevant ideas and sensations. Grastyan et al. (1954) proposed that the function of the hippocampus is an inhibitory effect on the orienting response to nonsignificant stimuli. When the theta rhythm appears, inhibition disappears and the animal displays an orienting response. De-France, Sikes, and Chronister (1981) found that dopamine has a suppressive effect on the hippocampal input to the NAS when the input frequencies are below theta—that is, when the animal is ignoring irrelevant stimuli. When the input coming from the hippocampus is within the theta range—that is, when the animal is orienting to a new stimulus—dopamine facilitates the switch of attention. If the schizophrenic syndrome is related to a decreased or defective hippocampal input to the NAS, blocking the activity of dopamine at that place would tend to decrease attentional shifts and, hence, selective attention would be improved. It should be pointed out that the effect of neuroleptic drugs appears to be limited to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia (Crow et al. 1978), which are correlated with limbic neuropathology (Seidman 1983). Discussion In general, animals with hippocampal lesions seem to comply adequately with the criteria to be regarded as models for schizophrenia. The similarity of inducing conditions, behavioral states, and underlying neurobiological mechanisms, as well as the reversibility by chemical treatments, suggests that animals with bilateral lesions of the hippocampus show many of the behavioral and biological characteristics of schizophrenic patients. Questions about the inducing conditions and the underlying neurobehavioral mechanisms of schizophrenia have not been satisfactorily answered. This is a problem for the validation of the model, but at the same time the study of animals with hippocampal lesions might be useful in this respect. A neurobiological mechanism cited in relation to schizophrenic disorders is an increase in dopaminergic receptors (Cross et al. 1983). As pointed out, however, this phenomenon could be a consequence of a hippocampal dysfunction. Another effect of a hippocampal lesion is an increase in dopamine concentrations due to higher corticosterone levels. As mentioned, metyrapone alleviates some of the effects of hippocampectomy, indicating a potential clinical application in schizophrenia. The data shown also support a hippocampal theory of schizophrenia (Mednick 1974a). Caution should be taken, however, since some of the behavioral results of the hippocampal lesion might be due to changes in membrane protein phosphorylation in the NAS and the caudate (Bar, Gispen, and Isaacson 1980), and, as mentioned before, some of the behavioral deficits that appear after hippocampectomy are also present after lesions of the neostriatum, the frontal cortex, or the olfactory bulbs. This suggests that the hippocampal lesion offers a good model either because the hippocampus is a block of a system controlling some behaviors or because the lesion produces secondary changes in other brain regions. Kessler and Neale (1974) criticized the hippocampal theory of schizophrenia on the following basis: (1) hippocampal control of ACTH would not be inhibitory, but inhibitory or excitatory according to the type of stress induced; (2) there would be species differences in the type of behavioral deficits observed after hippocampectomy; (3) a common effect observed after hippocampal lesions would be a learning deficit considerably broader than the schizophrenic deficits; and (4) the site of anoxic lesions would depend on species and gestational level. New evidence is relevant to Kessler and Neale’s points. The inhibitory control of ACTH by the hippocampus, even if not clear at that time (Van Hartesveldt 1975), is supported by more recent data (Osborne and Seggie 1980; Dunn and Orr 1984). The interspecies differences do not seem more important than the differences sometimes found in the same species when different researchers approach the same problems (O’Keefe and Nadel 1978). This problem seems to be more critical for a hippocampal theory than for an animal model, because in the latter case those species sharing common behavioral deficits can be selected. Deficits shown by hippocampally lesioned animals are not learning deficits; instead, animals with these lesions seem to learn more than control animals, as mentioned before. After hippocampectomy, animals show a variety of psychological deficits, many in common with schizophrenic patients. Finally, as suggested previously, even though anoxia is only one factor that might trigger the onset of schizophrenia, more recent evidence supports it (Luchins, Pollin, and Wyatt 1980). When compared with the amphetamine model, the hippocampal model has been shown to share many common behavioral states: extinction is retarded, spontaneous alternation is abolished, shuttle-box avoidance is improved, active avoidance is improved, passive avoidance is impaired, tasks requiring lower rates of responding prove difficult, and superstitious behavior appears (Devenport, Devenport, and Holloway 1980). In conclusion, animals with bilateral lesion of the hippocampus may provide an adequate animal model for several symptoms of schizophrenia. The model deserves further study, and consideration of the hippocampal lesion literature may be fruitful for the analysis of psychiatric disorders. References Aston-Jones, G., and Bloom, F.E. Norepinephrine-containing locus coeruleus neurons in behaving rats exhibit pronounced responses to non-noxious stimuli. Journal of Neurosciences, 8:887–900, 1981. 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