HKCEE CIT (Mod D) Web Design Web Design (10) More about CSS Soft copies of this handout and related demo web pages can be found at: Opacity 1. Opacity determines the degree of transparency of an element. The value of opacity ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Opacity can be applied to different elements. Example: img { opacity: 0.5 } img:hover { opacity: 1.0 } Ref: 2. Note: a) Opacity is defined in CSS3. Some browsers do not support CSS3 and use proprietary property for opacity. For example, IE uses filter:alpha(opacity=50) (IE version 7 or below). To avoid writing non-standard CSS, use library ie7-js. Ref: b) Opacity is inherited, i.e., all elements in an element are set to the same opacity unless otherwise specified. Table with CSS 3. CSS properties for table: Property border-collapse border-spacing caption-side empty-cells Values separate or collapse (ignoring spacing between borders) Length (in px, em, etc.) top or bottom show or hide Ref: 4. It is possible to use CSS properties to replace or override HTML attributes: <table border="2" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="4"> ... a) CSS property border (for table) border attribute of table b) CSS property border (for td or th) border attribute of table c) CSS property border-spacing (for table) cellspacing attribute of table d) CSS property padding (for td or th) cellpadding attribute of table table.score { border: 2px inset red; border-spacing: 5px } table.score th { border: 1px solid #f33; padding: 4px } table.score td { border: 1px solid #f66; padding: 4px } ... <table class="score"> ... Supplementary Notes – Web Design (10) P.1/2 HKCEE CIT (Mod D) Web Design Inline VS Block 5. Recall: a) A block element is an element that takes up the full width available, and has a line break before and after it. E.g. p, h1, div, etc. b) An inline element only takes up as much width as necessary, and does not force line breaks. E.g. b, strong, span, etc. 6. To change the behavior of an element, we can change the display property. a) We can also hide an element (By using client-side script, such as JavaScript, it is possible to change the CSS property so that an element can be “turned on/off” later). b) If display property is set to none, the element is not shown and not taking up any space. If visibility property is set to hidden, the element still takes up space. Property display visibility Values none or inline or block or … visible or hidden Ref: Overflow Control by CSS 7. If the content occupies an area larger than the size (as restricted by height and width) of a box (block element), we can use overflow property to change the overflow behavior: Property overflow Values visible (overflow content will be displayed outside of the box) or hidden (overflow content will be hidden) or scroll (scrollbars are added to the box) or auto (scrollbars are added to the box only when overflow occurs) Overflow content is visible. Overflow content is hidden. Both scrollbars appear, but the horizontal one is inactive. Scrollbar only appear when necessary. Useful Links CSS Tutorial at W3C School CSS Reference at W3C School CSS 2.1 Specfication Next Topic: Layout by CSS, Table, and/or Frame! Supplementary Notes – Web Design (10) P.2/2