Title that succinctly describes the contents of the paper 1 2 Name SURNAME1, Name SURNAME*2 3 4 5 1 AffiliationName, Svetosimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; 2 AffiliationName Heinzlova 6 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 7 8 Corresponding author: Name SURNAME, Svetosimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; 9 +38512393992; +3852393947; asdpapers@agr.hr 10 11 SUMMARY: The abstract should be clear, descriptive and not longer than 1500 characters 12 including the spaces, reporting concisely on the purpose of the paper. Four or five keywords 13 should also be included. 14 Key words: Four, Five, Keywords, Included 15 16 AIM – Insert text here. Paper manuscripts should not exceed 8 pages including the tables and 17 illustrations. The 19th ASD scientific committee reserves the privilege of returning the 18 manuscripts and illustrations which are not in the proper form given in this guide to the author 19 for revision. 20 21 MATERIAL AND METHODS - Insert text here. All publications cited in the text should be 22 presented in a list of references. Ensure that the spelling of authors' surnames and dates are 23 exactly the same in the text as in the reference list. 24 In the text refer to the authors' surname (without initial) and year of publication. If reference 25 is made in the text to a publication written by more than two authors the surname of the first 26 author should be used followed by "et al.". References cited together in the text should be 27 arranged chronologically. 28 29 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- Insert text, tables and illustrations here. References should 30 be made in the text to each illustration. Also, save, attach and send your illustrations 31 separately using the file name SectionNuber-Surname-ManucriptNo-Tab-TableNo.extension 32 (ex. 2-SMITH-1-Tab-1.tiff for the Table 1 of John Smiths’ first manuscript in section 2. 33 Animal nutrition). 34 Do not use vertical lines in your tables to separate columns. Standard abbreviations of units of 35 measurement should be added between parentheses. 36 Explanations should be given in the typewritten legend, use Arial font, size 10. The lettering 37 should be in English consistent throughout of the style shown in the published illustrated 38 papers in ACS (https://acs.agr.hr/acs/index.php/acs/issue/archive?issuesPage=1#issues). 39 40 Table1. Brief and self-explanatory title (Arial 10) brief, 41 CH 1 but sufficiently explanatory SEM2 CH2 CH3 first second third brief (cm) 16.69a 15.18b 15.95 15.94 15.92 0.31 brief (kg) 14.83 14.83 14.97a 15.23a 14.29b 0.22 brief (kg/min) 2.55 2.74 2.45 2.83 2.66 0.22 1 CH – Column headings; 2 Standard error of the mean; a,b= P<0.01. 42 43 CONCLUSIONS - Insert text here. 44 45 REFERENCES – Johansson K., Kennedy B. W., Quintom M. (1993). Prediction of 46 breeding values and dominance effects from mixed models with approximations of the 47 dominance relationship matrix. Livest Prod Sci 34: 213- 223. Kempthorne O. (1957). An 48 introduction to genetic statistics. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Kennedy B. W. (1990). 49 Use of mixed model methodology in analysis of designed experiments. In: Advances in 50 Statistical Methods for Genetic Improvement of Livestock (D Gianola, K Hammond, eds), 51 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 77-97. Uimari P., Kennedy B.W. (1990). Mixed model methodology 52 to estimate additive and dominance genetic values under complete dominance. In: Hill WG, 53 Thompson R, Wooliams JA (eds) Proc 4th World Congr Genet Appl Livestock Prod, vol 13. 54 Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 297-300. 55 56 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Acknowledgements and any additional information 57 concerning research grants. 58 59