letter - AO allegation ug pgt HoD 15-16 not proven

Our Ref: SRN
Title, Initial, Surname
Also by e mail to College email and any personal email
Date, Month, Year
Dear Title, Surname
Re: Allegation of an Assessment Offence
I am writing to inform you of the outcome of the investigation into the allegation of
plagiarism/collusion/duplication (delete as appropriate) made in relation to <insert details of the work in question
e.g: an essay on…> you submitted for the course <insert course code and title>.
It has been concluded there is no evidence of plagiarism/ collusion/ duplication (delete as appropriate) but that
there was an apparently genuine and innocent misunderstanding of good scholarly practice in relation to
referencing sources used (amend as appropriate) and the requirements of the assessment.
The Panel has therefore decided to assess the work in the normal way without penalising the work as set out in
Section 6 (2) of the Regulations on assessment offences.
<insert if appropriate>
However, when marking your work no credit will be given for those pieces which are another person’s work and
are not referenced correctly/ were submitted by you previously. Additionally the Panel requires that you attempt
the assessment again by < specify deadline> for formative purposes (for feedback but not for a grade). As the
piece of work you submitted counts towards the final mark or award, the outcome from the original submission
will stand.
A record of the case, together with a copy of this letter, will be kept on your files in the relevant academic
departments/schools and in the Registry
You are strongly advised to <insert details of what the student is required to do, e.g. read relevant sections of
your Student Handbook, attempt the Plagiarism tutorial on Moodle>. You are also required to make an
appointment with your Personal Advisor/ the Course Convenor to discuss expectations as regards required
standards of academic work so as to avoid any future investigations of your work in line with the College’s
Regulations on Assessment Offences.
Yours sincerely
Head of Department
cc. Assistant Registrar
Department/School Manager
Head of Student Administration (for central file)
<Other Department/ School where Joint, Minor or taking an elective in another department– must send to
Department/School Manager or PG Administrator to pass onto the Academic Co-ordinator or Programme
Director as appropriate>