The Visual Perception System There are five senses – touch, smell, vision, taste, hearing and kinaesthesia (body movement and position) The initial processes are mainly sensory, involving the detection, reception, conversion and transmission of sensory information to the brain. The brain then processes, analyses, organises and interprets the sensory info so that it becomes meaningful. The cognitive system of each of our senses involves a number of sensory and cognitive processes that overlap and interact. Visual sensation in 1700 was seen as a purely physiological process, now visual sensation and visual perception is treated as one process. The visual sensory input begins in the eye (the sense organ), where the light (a type of energy) is detected by neurons that specialise in responding to light; it proceeds to the brain, where it is integrated and interpreted in to a meaningful experience. The visual perception system consists of the complete network of physical structures involved in vision. These are all parts of the eyes, the specific neural pathways that connect eyes to the brain and the visual processing areas in the cortex in the brain. The perceptual experiences also involves many different psychological and cognitive processes such as drawing on past experiences with similar stimuli; judging size, shape and distance; and working out appropriate ways of interpreting and responding to stimuli. Characteristics of the visual perception system: processes reception, transduction, transmission, selection, organization and interpretation of stimulus information. Interpretation of stimulus information All sensory systems must detect/receive transducer (convert) and transmit info to the brain. Our Vestibular (receptors in the ears re balance, body position) Various parts of the visual perception system are involved in processing the visual info. These can be examined from two perspectives – a sensory perspective (involving physiological structures and processes) and a psychological perspective (involving cognitive processes) Sensory level – V P (visual perception) begins when the light that is reflected from an object in our environment enters the eye and is focused on the light-sensitive area of the retina. (Box 1 p.173) This surface of the retina contains neurons called photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are specialised neurons that detect and respond to light by converting it into neural impulses that can be processed by the brain. A minimum amount of energy is required to cause a response from the photoreceptors. If the light is too low for instance the processing of vision with not proceed. Further processing occurs when the brain attempts to make sense of the sensory info that has been detected and sent to it. This involves extremely complex cognitive processes. As many specific psychological experiences are unique to each individual, it is possible for the same sensory info to be interpreted in a variety of ways. STRUCTURE OF THE EYE Cornea- a transparent convex-shaped covering (curved outwards) that protects the eye and helps focus the light rays onto the retina. Light passes through the Cornea then onto the aqueous humour a watery fluid that helps to maintain the shape of the eyeball provides nutrient and oxygen to the eye and carries waste products away. Light continues through the pupil which appears as a black disc in the centre of the eye. The pupil is an opening in the iris. The Iris is a ring of muscle that expands or contracts to change the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye. The iris is the coloured part of the eye. In dim light the pupil dilates (expands) to allow more light into the eye, in bright light it contracts to restrict the amount of light entering the eye. After the pupil the light travels through the lens- a transparent, flexible, convex structure. The lens focuses the light onto the retina. When focusing the light onto the retina, the shape of the lens is adjusted as the distance of an object being viewed changes. The ciliary muscles attached to each end of the lens contract and relax, enabling the lens to automatically bulge (when the muscle contract) to focus near objects onto the retina and to flatten (when the muscle relax) to focus distant objects onto the retina. After passing through the lens it continues through the vitreous humour. This is a jelly-like substance that helps to maintain the shape of the eyeball and also has a role in focussing. Finally, the light reaches the back of they eye where there are several layers of neural tissue that form the retina. The layer of neurons at the very back, or innermost part, of the retina consists of photoreceptors and once they are activated, the response to light begins. Response to light Sensory receptors respond to specific forms of energy. For our sense of sight to occur, light within a narrow band of electromagnetic energy known as the visible spectrum is required in order to stimulate the retinal photoreceptors. These receptors then convert this energy into neural impulses which are electrochemical in nature. Sight needs light ROY G. Biv = red, orange, yellow green, blue, indigo and violet The human eye responds only to a limited range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum, while other species like insects detect wavelengths shorter and fish longer than us. There can be variations within a species in the limitations of the photoreceptors responsiveness to light; and these are referred to limitations. Red on top (highest/longest) wavelength to violet (lowest/shortest) The way in which light is detected and focussed on the retina The Retina at the back of the eye responds to the light and it is made up of layers of neural tissues and the very back which is the photoreceptors. The photoreceptors receive and absorb light. The light energy detected by the photoreceptors is changed from electromagnetic energy in neural impulses so that it can be sent to the brain for further processing. The two types of photoreceptors are rods and cones, so named because of their respective shapes. Estimated to be 6.5 million cones and 125 million rods in each retina. Cones are specialised photoreceptors that are important for daylight vision, visual acuity (fine detail) and colour vision. They do not operate in dim light. The central Fovea contains only cones and finely focuses vision onto the retina. The sharpest images are focused on this small area, the outside has some rods. Rods are important for night vision because they are more sensitive than cones to dim light. Also important for peripheral (non-central) vision because rods are distributed in large numbers to the outer reaches of the retina (cones centrally located) to see better at night it is best to look slightly above or below or to one side of the object. This will focus the image on the periphery of the retina where the rods are. The retina has a ‘blind spot’ where there are no cones or rods and this is where the optic nerve leave the retina. THRESHOLDS: ABSOLUTE AND DIFFERENTIAL Threshold refers to our ability to detect a stimulus or changes in a stimulus. Absolute: for vision refers to the minimum amount of light energy that is necessary in order for a visual stimulus to be perceived. The weakest stimulus can be perceived has the light energy equivalent to a candle at about 50 kms viewed under ideal conditions ( a clear, pitch-black night) This is only a hypothetical description of the min light energy required by the human visual perception system at absolute threshold. (There is no specific level at which our eyes ‘switch’ from seeing no light to seeing light, rather the light stimulus gradually increases in intensity) In statistical terms it is the lowest or weakest level of a particular stimulus that ca be detected on average, 50% of the time. Differential (also called noticeable difference threshold or JND) for vision is the smallest perceptible difference (or perceptible change) that can be detected between two visible stimuli by the eye. I.e. during an experiment a researcher might investigate when a difference in the brightness of a light undergoing slight increases or decreases in its intensity can just be perceived. (50% of the time) Differential thresholds for vision can also be applied to specific visual capabilities: Visual acuity; the sharpest of our vision and our ability to detect fine detail, and as we get older this usually decreases for objects that are close, like small print in books or newspapers. Test was done by Lindenberger and Baltes in Berlin (1994) of the older population between 70 -103 yrs. They used a Snellen chart (used by optometrists to test eyesight). Their results concluded that the differential threshold for the ‘very old’ group (85-103) was greater than for the ‘old group’ The nature of processes in visual perception Process reception: to the process by which the structures of the eye capture an image of a visual stimulus and focus it on the photoreceptors in the retina. The image focused onto the retina is an inverted (upside-down) and reversed (back-tofront) image of the object being viewed. Because light rays only travel in straight lines, rays from the top of an object being viewed are bent to fall at the bottom of the retina, and light rays from the bottom of an object being viewed hit the top of the retina. Likewise, light rays from the left side of an object are bent by the lens to the right side of the retina and vice-versa for the light rays from the right side. This left/right reversal from the actual object to its image on the retina is the key to understanding why an object in our left visual field is processed in the right cerebral hemisphere and vice versa. Transduction: the process by which the sensory receptors change one form of physical energy (e.g. light/electromagnetic energy) into another form (e.g. neural impulses/electrochemical energy) that can be used by the nervous system. Transduction results in perception. Raw sensory data is transformed into a form that the brain can process. Electrochemical energy is a form of energy involving tiny electrical charges that move from one neuron to the next with the aid of a chemical substance (neurotransmitter) All sensory info must be transduced at the receptor sites before it can be transmitted to the brain as it only receives electrochemical energy. If transduction does not occur the incoming info will travel no further than the sensory receptors. The process of transduction is similar to that which occurs when a TV receiver picks up signals and converts them into electrical impulses that are organised and displayed on a TV screen. Conversion of the information into a form that can be processed Transmission: the process of transferring or moving info from one location to another. (I.e. from receptor cells to the brain) It is the process of sending and receiving visual info in the form of electrochemical energy from neuron to neuron along the neural pathways to the visual cortex in the brain. The photoreceptors relay their messages through at least two other types of neurons in the retina – the bipolar cells that are connected to the photoreceptors, and the ganglion cells. Bipolar cells are like ‘spark plugs’ once ignited by photoreceptors they trigger the firing of the ganglion cells. The axons the fibres that take neural impulses away from the cells of the ganglion cells, collect from all over the retina and converge to make a bundle of about one million fibres called the optic nerve. The optic nerve transmits neural impulses from the retina to the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe of the brain. The point at which the optic nerve leaves the retina is the ‘blind spot’ or the optic disc. The fibres of the optic nerve that originate from the left side of each retina transmits visual info to the left visual cortex. Visa versa with right side. The transmission of visual info along the optic nerve from each retina involves a partial cross over of neural pathways. Selection: a process which involves coding information to specific features of a stimulus such as size, colour and direction of movement. Occurs during the transmission of info and in the brain. - involves discrimination or differentiating between the various features that make up a visual stimulus. The most basic selection occurs during transduction as the photoreceptors are very selective to the range of electromagnetic energy to which they respond. There are three different types of cones and each type is selective in terms of its responsiveness to specific wavelengths of light. The selection process involved at the photoreceptor level is so sophisticated that the differential threshold for colours allows us to discriminate between about seven million different colour variations. Selection also occurs in terms of the difference between cones and rods in the overall sensitivity to wavelengths of light. Cones have a maximum sensitivity to light with a wavelength of about 560 nanometres (yellow-green) rods a maximum of 500 nanometres (blue). Although rods don’t perceive colour they are more strongly activated by light with a wavelength that produces blue than by any other wavelength. Rods to not respond to long wavelengths at all (red) Selection also occurs in the visual cortex, which has highly specialised cells called feature detectors. Feature detectors are specialised neurons that detect specific features or parts of a visual stimulus. Each type of feature detector specialises in detecting only certain features of a stimulus. Some type of F D might respond most often to a horizontal line in the upper part of the visual field, others to a vertical line in the lower left part of the visual field etc. A receptive field is an area of visual info received by a cluster (or group) of photoreceptors and this info is processed individually in the visual cortex. Organization: the process of reforming appropriate or meaningful way incoming sensory information. Organisation occurs in the brain and may occur in a variety of ways. -is the reassembling of elements or features of visual info in an appropriate or meaningful way. A perceptual principle involves organising elements of a visual stimulus with similar features into groups or categories because they ‘go together’ i.e. the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines which make up a chair. The way in which sensory info is organised is also influenced by psychological factors that vary from one person to the next. Interpretation – the process of assigning meaning to sensory information detected by photoreceptors and transmitted to the brain. The meaning is influenced by psychological factors that are unique to each individual. Incomplete stimuli might result in educated guesses using existing knowledge, involving cognitive processes (memory and problem solving) and the use of perceptual principles (such as knowing the object wont change its physical size when it is moving away) Two factors that influence the organisation and interpretation of sensory info are specific features of the visual stimulus and expectations we have about the stimulus being perceived. When features are difficult to identify or there is conflict between our expectation of the stimulus and its features, interpretation of the info may be difficult. Our interpretations are influenced by many psychological factors, including past experiences and the context in which the object/event is being perceived. See figure 5.16 The Distal stimulus – is the environmental stimulus outside the body that is detected.