Mu-ming Poo - Molecular and Cell Biology

Curriculum Vita of Mu-ming Poo
BIRTHDATE: October 31, 1948
BIRTH PLACE: Nanjing, China
CITIZENSHIP: U.S. (naturalized)
EDUCATION: B.S. (physics), Tsinghua University, Taiwan (1970)
Ph.D. (biophysics), Johns Hopkins University (1974)
1974 - 1976: Postdoctoral Fellow, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, and Department of
Biological Sciences, Purdue University.
1976 - 1979: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, Univ. Calif. at Irvine.
1979 - 1983: Associate Professor, Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, Univ. Calif. at Irvine.
1983 - 1985: Professor, Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, Univ. Calif. at Irvine.
1985 - 1988: Research Professor, Section of Molecular Neurobiology, Yale Univ. School of Medicine
1988 - 1995: Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Columbia University.
1996 - 2000: Stephen W. Kuffler Professor in Neurobiology, Dept. of Biology, Univ. Calif. San Diego.
1999 : Director, Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai
2000 - 2005: Professor of Neurobiology, Class of 1933 Chair in Biological Sciences, U.C. Berkeley
2002 - 2007: Head, Division of Neurobiology, Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology, U.C. Berkeley
2005 : Paul Licht Distinguished Professor in Biology, U. C. Berkeley
Javitz Neuroscience Investigator Award of NIH (98).
Academician, Academia Sinica. Taiwan (00).
Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science (01).
Ameritec Prize (01).
Ray Wu Society Award (02).
Docteur Honoris Causa, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (03).
Peoples Republic of China International Science & Technology Cooperation Award (05).
Member, National Academy of Sciences U.S. (09)
Developmental Neuroscience Panel, National Science Foundation (85-88).
Cell Biology and Physiology Study Section, National Institutes of Health (89–93)
Ad Hoc member, NIH study sections
Member, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Preparatory Committee (89-91)
Long-term Fellowship Review Board, Human Frontier Science Program (97-99)
Brain Research Center, University System of Taiwan (since 02)
Peter Gruber Foundation Neuroscience Prize Committee (04-05)
Neuroscience School Board of International Brain Research Organization (01-07)
Executive committee, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute (01-09)
Scientific Advisory Board, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica (02-). Chair (08-)
Scientific Advisory Board, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Tokyo (03-).
Advisory Council, National Yang Ming University (04-)
Advisory Council, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan (05-).
Scientific Advisory Board, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland (06-).
Scientific Advisory Board, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica (07-).
Scientific Advisory Board, Cold Spring Harbor Conferences, Asia (08-)
Ralph Gerald Neuroscience Award Committee (08-)
Scientific Advisory Board, National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India (07-09).
Scientific Advisory Board, Biotherapeutics & Bioinnovation Center, Pfizer (08-09)
Editorial Board, Journal of Cell Biology (94-01)
Editorial Board, Neuron (99-)
Editorial Board, Journal of Neuroscience (99-04)
Editorial Board, Journal of Biomedical Sciences (94-99)
Editorial Board, NeuroSignals (01-).
Editor, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (03-09).
Editorial Board, Current Opinions in Neurobiology (04-).
Editorial Board, Network (05-).
Editorial Board, Progress in Neurobiology (05-).
Editorial Board, Experimental Neurology (06-).
Editorial Board, Neural Development (06-).
Editorial Board, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology (since 07).
Editorial Board, Journal of Physiology (07-)
Editor, Developmental Neurobiology (08-).
1. Poo, M-m. and R.A. Cone. Lateral diffusion of rhodopsin in Necturus rod. Exp. Eye Res. 17:503514 (1973).
2. Poo, M-m. and R.A. Cone. Lateral diffusion of rhodopsin in the photoreceptor membrane. Nature
247:438-441 (1974).
3. Nuccitelli, R., Poo, M-m. and L.F. Jaffe. Relations between ameboid movement and membranecontrolled electrical currents. J. Gen. Physiol. 69:743-763 (1977).
4. Hudspeth, A.J., Poo, M-m. and A.J. Stuart. Passive signal propagation and membrane properties
in medial photoreceptors of the giant barnacle. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 272:25-43 (1977).
5. Poo, M-m. and K.R. Robinson. Electrophoresis of concanavalin A receptors in the membrane of
embryonic muscle cells. Nature 265:602-605 (1977).
6. Poo, M-m., Poo, W-j.H. and J.W. Lam. Lateral electrophoresis and diffusion of Concanavalin A
receptors in the membrane of embryonic muscle cells. J. Cell Biol. 76:483-501 (1978).
7. Orida, N.K. and M-m. Poo. Electrophoretic movement and localization of acetylcholine receptors
in the embryonic muscle cell membrane. Nature 275: 31-35 (1978).
8. Poo, M-m., Lam, J.W., Orida, N.K. and A.W. Chao. Electrophoresis and diffusion in the plane of
cell membrane. Biophys. J. 26:1-22 (1979).
9. Jaffe, L.F. and M-m. Poo. Neurites grow faster towards the cathode than the anode in a steady
field. J. Exp. Zool. 209:115-127 (1979).
10. Poo, M-m. Molecular movement of cell surface receptors. Biorheology 16: 309-315 (1979).
11. Orida, N.K. and M-m. Poo. On the developmental regulation of acetylcholine receptor mobility in
the Xenopus embryonic muscle membrane. Exp. Cell Res. 130:281-290 (1980).
12. McLaughlin, S. and M-m. Poo. The role of electro-osmosis in the electric field-induced movement
of charged macromolecules on the cell surface. Biophys. J. 34:85-93 (1981).
13. Orida, N. and M-m. Poo. Maintenance and dissolution of acetylcholine receptor clusters in the
embryonic muscle cell membrane. Dev. Brain Res. 1:293-298 (1981).
14. Chao, N-m., Young, S.H. and M-m. Poo. Localization of cell membrane components by surface
diffusion into a "trap". Biophys. J. 36:139-153 (1981).
15. Poo, M-m. In situ electrophoresis of membrane components. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng.
10:245-276 (1981).
16. Patel, N. and M-m. Poo. Orientation of neurite growth by extracellular electric field. J. Neurosci.
2:483-496 (1982).
17. Poo, M-m. Rapid lateral diffusion of functional acetylcholine receptors in embryonic muscle
membrane. Nature 295:332-334 (1982).
18. Chow, I. and M-m. Poo. Redistribution of cell surface receptors induced by cell-cell contact. J.
Cell Biol. 95:510-518 (1982).
19. Fraser, S.E. and M-m. Poo. Development, maintenance, and modulation of patterned membrane
topography. Models based on acetylcholine receptors. Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 17:77-100 (1982).
20. Young, S.H. and M-m. Poo. Rapid lateral diffusion of extra-junctional acetylcholine receptors in
Xenopus tadpole myotomes. J. Neurosci. 3:225-231 (1983).
21. Young, S.H. and M-m. Poo. Topographic rearrangement of ACh receptors alters channel kinetics.
Nature 304:161-163 (1983).
22. Wu, C-f., Suzuki, N. and M-m. Poo. Dissociated neurons from normal and mutant Drosophila
larval CNS in cell culture. J. Neurosci. 3:1888-1899 (1983).
23. Young, S.H. and M-m. Poo. Spontaneous release of transmitter from growth cone of embryonic
neuron. Nature 305:634-637 (1983).
24. Chow, I. and M-m. Poo. Formation of electrical coupling between embryonic Xenopus muscle
cells in culture. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 346:181-194 (1984).
25. McCloskey, M. and M-m. Poo. Protein diffusion in cell membranes: Some biological
implications. Int. Rev. Cytol. 87:19-81 (1984).
26. Lin-Liu, S., Adey, W.R. and M-m. Poo. Migration of cell surface concanavalin A receptors in
pulsed electric fields. Biophys. J. 45:1121-1218 (1984).
27. McCloskey, M., Liu. Z. and M-m. Poo. Lateral electromigration and diffusion of Fc receptors on
rat basophilic leukemia cells: Effects of IgE binding. J. Cell Biol. 99:778-787 (1984).
28. Young, S., McCloskey, M. and M-m. Poo. Migration of cell surface receptors induced by
extracellular electric fields: Theory and applications. The Receptors Vol. 1, M.Conn ed., pp. 511539. Academic Press, Inc. (1984).
29. Patel, N.B. and M-m. Poo. Perturbation of the direction of neurite growth by pulsed and focal
electric fields. J. Neurosci. 4:2939-2947 (1984).
30. Patel, N.B., Xie Z-p., Young, S. and M-m. Poo. Response of nerve growth cone to focal electric
currents. J. Neurosci. Res. 13:245-256 (1985).
31. Poo, M-m. Mobility and localization of proteins in excitable membranes. Ann. Rev. Neurosci.
8:368-406 (1985).
32. Sun, Y-a. and M-m. Poo. Non-quantal release of acetylcholine at a developing neuromuscular
synapse in culture. J. Neurosci. 5:634-642 (1985).
33. Chow, I. and M-m. Poo. Release of acetylcholine from embryonic neurons upon contact with
muscle cell. J. Neurosci. 5:1076-1082 (1985).
34. Poo, M-m., Sun, I-a. and Young, S. Three types of transmitter release from embryonic neurons in
culture. J. Physiol. (Paris) 80: 283-298 (1985).
35. McCloskey, M. and M-m. Poo. Rates of membrane-associated reactions: Reduction of
dimensionality revisited. J. Cell Biol. 102:88-96 (1985).
36. Peng, H.B. and M-m. Poo. Formation and dispersal of acetylcholine receptor clusters in muscle
membranes. Trends in Neurosci. 9:125-129 (1986).
37. McCloskey, M. and M-m. Poo. Contact-induced redistribution of specific membrane components:
Local accumulation and development of adhesion. J. Cell Biol. 102:2185-2196 (1986).
38. Xie, Z-p. and M-m. Poo. Initial events in the formation of neuromuscular synapse: Rapid
induction of acetylcholine release. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:7069-7073 (1986).
39. Sun, Y-a. and M-m. Poo. Evoked release of transmitter from growing embryonic neuron. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:2540-2544 (1987).
40. Torney, D., Warnock T. McCloskey, M. Dembo M., and M-m. Poo. Rate theories for chemical
reactions taking place in two dimensions. Comments Mol. Cell. Biophys. 4:281-303 (1987).
41. Poo, M-m. Transmitter release and synaptogenesis. In Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, ed. T
Gordon and G. Vrbova, Alan R. Liss, Inc. p.203-212 (1987).
42. Sanes, D., and M-m. Poo. Early events in nerve-muscle interaction. Ciba Foundation Symposium
Publication, p. 116-130. John Wiley & Sons (1988).
43. Poo, M-m. and Buchanan, J. Transmitter release and nerve-muscle interaction during the early
phase of synaptogenesis. In Neuromuscular Junction, Sellin, L.C., Sibelius R. and Thesleff, S. Ed.
p. 541-550. Elsevier Publishers (1988).
44. Sanes, D, and Poo, M-m. In vitro analysis of position- and lineage-dependent selectivity in the
formation of nerve-muscle synapses. Neuron 2:1237-1244 (1989).
45. Buchanan, J., Sun, Y-a., and Poo, M-m. Studies of nerve-muscle interactions in Xenopus cell
culture: Morphology of early functional contacts. J. Neurosci. 9:1540-1554 (1989).
46. Evers, J., Laser, M., Sun, Y-a., Xie, Z-p., and Poo, M-m. Studies of nerve-muscle interactions in
Xenopus cell culture: Analysis of early synaptic currents. J. Neurosci. 9:1523-1539 (1989).
47. Poo, M-m. and Brown, A. Physical and chemical interactons during the early phase of
synaptogenesis. In “Assembly of Nervous Systems”, ed. L. Landmesser, Alan Liss, N.Y. p.199212 (1989).
48. Hartman, D.S., Poo, M-m., Green, W.N., Ross, A.F. and Claudio, T. Synaptic contact between
embryonic neurons and ACh receptor fibroblasts. J. Physiol. (Paris) 84:42-49 (1990).
49. Poo, M-m. and Young, S.H. Diffusional redistribution and electrokinetic accumulation:
Physicochemical mechanisms for synaptic competition. J. Neurobiol. 21:157-162 (1990).
50. Tabti, N. and Poo, M-m. Spontaneous secretion of transmitter at developing neuromuscular
syapse. In Nobel Symposium on Neuromuscular Junctions, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1990).
51. Poo, M-m. and Quillan, M. Transmitter secretion and growth cone orientation. In Nerve Growth
Cone, Ed. S. Kater, P. Letourneau, and E. Macagno. Plenum Press, NY. P.231-236 (1991).
52. Fu, W. and Poo, M-m. ATP potentiates spontaneous transmitter release at developing
neuromuscular synapses. Neuron 6:837-843 (1991).
53. Lo, Y., Wang, T. and Poo, M-m. Potentiation of spontaneous ACh release by repetitive
presynaptic activity. J. Physiol. (Paris) 85:71-78 (1991).
54. Tabti, N. and Poo, M-m. Culturing Xenopus nerve and muscle cells. In Culturing Nerve Cells, Ed.
G. Banker, and T. Goslin, MIT press (1991).
55. Lo, Y. and Poo, M-m. Activity-dependent synaptic competition in vitro: Heterosynaptic
suppression of developing synapses. Science 254:1019-1022 (1991).
56. Popov, S. and Poo, M-m. Diffusion of macromolecules in developing nerve processes. J.
Neurosci. 12:77-85 (1992).
57. Lu, B., Greengard, P., and Poo, M-m. Synapsin-I promotes maturation of quantal synaptic
transmission. Neuron 8:521-529 (1992).
58. Lohof, A., Quillan, M., Dan, Y., and Poo, M-m. (1992) Asymmetric modulation of cytosolic
cAMP induces growth cone turning. J. Neurosci. 12:1253-1261.
59. Girod, R., Eder-Colli, L, Mcdilanski, Dunant, Y., Tabti, N. and Poo, M-m. (1992) Pulsatile release
of acetylcholine by isolated nerve terminals (synaptosomes). J. Physiol. 450: 325-340.
60. Dan, Y. and Poo, M. (1992) Hebbian depression of isolated neuromuscular synapses in vitro.
Science 256: 1570-1573.
61. Alder, J., Lu, B., Valtorta, F., Greengard, P., and Poo, M-m. (1992) Transmitter secretion
reconstituted in Xenopus oocytes: Requirement for synaptophysin. Science 257: 657-661.
62. Dan, Y. and Poo, M-m. (1992) Quantal transmitter secretion from myocytes loaded with
acetylcholine. Nature 359: 733-737.
63. Alder, J., Xie, Z, Valtorta, F., Greengard, P. and Poo, M-m. Antibody to synaptophysin interferes
with transmitter release at developing neuromuscular synapse. Neuron 9: 759-768 (1992).
64. Brown, A. and Poo, M-m. Microsuction assay of cell-cell adhesion in culture. In "Practical
Electrophysiological Methods", p. 349-353, John Wiley & Sons, Inc (1992).
65. Young, S. and Poo, M-m. Measurement of transmitter release: moving patch method. In
"Practical Electrophysiological Methods", p. 354-357. John Wiley & Sons (1992).
66. Harish, O.E. and Poo, M-m. Retrograde modulation of transmitter secretion at developing
synapses: Involvement of G proteins and arachidonic acid cascade. Neuron 9: 1201-1209 (1992).
67. Popov, S. Brown, A. and Poo, M-m. Forward plasma membrane flow in growing nerve processes.
Science 259: 244-246 (1993).
68. Lu, B., Fu, W-m., Greengard, P., and Poo, M-m. CGRP potentiates synaptic responses at
developing neuromuscular junction. Nature 363: 76-79 (1993).
69. Lohof, A., Ip, N. and Poo, M-m. Potentiation of developing neuromuscular synapses by the
neurotrophins NT-3 and BDNF. Nature 363: 350-353 (1993).
70. Alder, J. and Poo, M-m. Reconstitution of transmitter secretion mechanisms. Curr. Opin.
Neurobiol. 3: 322-328 (1993).
71. Popov, S. and Poo, M-m. Synaptotagmin: A calcium-sensitive inhibitor of exocytosis? Cell 73:
1247-1249 (1993).
72. Shaeffer, E., Alder, J., Greengard, P., and Poo, M-m. Synapsin IIa accelerates functional
development of neuromuscular synapses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 91: 3882-3886 (1994).
73. Tabti, N. and Poo, M-m. Spontaneous synaptic activity at developing neuromuscular junctions.
Prog. Brain Res. 84: 63-72 (1994).
74. Tabti, N. and Poo, M-m. Study of the induction of spontaneous transmitter release at early nervemuscle contacts in Xenopus cultures. Neurosci. Lett. 173: 21-26 (1994).
75. Dan, Y. and Poo, M-m. Ca2+-dependent postsynaptic exocytosis: a mechanism for activitydependent synaptic modulation. J. Neurobiol. 25: 336-344 (1994).
76. Dan, Y. and Poo, M-m. Retrograde interaction during formation and elimination of
neuromuscular synapses. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 4: 95-100 (1994).
77. Zheng, J., Felder, M., Connor, J., and Poo, M-m. Turning of nerve growth cones induced by
neurotransmitters. Nature 368: 140-144 (1994).
78. Lo, Y., and Poo, M-m. Heterosynaptic Suppression of developing neuromuscular synapses in
culture. J. Neurosci. 14: 4684-4693 (1994).
79. Lo, Y., Lin, Y-c., Sanes, D. and Poo, M-m. Depression of developing neuromuscular synapses
induced by repetitive postsynaptic depolarizations. J. Neurosci. 14: 4694-4704 (1994).
80. Popov, S., Girod, R., and Poo M-m. Neurotransmitter release from non-neuronal cells. Seminers
in Neurosci. 6: 187-194 (1994).
81. Dan, Y., Song, H-j., and Poo, M-m. Evoked secretion of false transmitters. Neuron 13: 909-17
82. Zheng, J., Zheng, Z., and Poo, M-m. Long-range signaling in growing neurons after local
elevation of cAMP activity. J. Cell Biol. 127: 1693-1701 (1994).
83. Alder, J., Kanki, H., Valtorta, F., Greengard, P., and Poo, M-m. Overexpression of synaptophysin
enhanced spontaneous and evoked transmitter secretion. J. Neurosci. 15: 511-519 (1995).
84. Stoop, R., and Poo, M-m. Potentiation of transmitter release by ciliary neurotrophic factor
requires somatic signaling. Science 267: 695-699 (1995).
85. Girod, R., Popov, S., Alder, J., , Lohof, A. and Poo, M-m. Quantal transmitter release from
myocytes and fibroblasts: comparison with neuronal secretion. J. Neurosci. 15: 2826-38 (1995).
86. Dan, D., Lo, Y. and Poo, M-m. Plasticity of developing neuromuscular synapses. Prog. Brain
Res. 105: 211-5 (1995).
87. Cash, S. and Poo, M-m. Presynaptic differentiation and retrograde signaling during the early
phase of synaptogenesis. Seminars in Dev. Biol. 6: 185-193 (1995).
88. Valtorta, F., Numa, L., Benfenati F., Lu, B., Poo, M-m. and Greengard, P. Accelerated structural
maturation induced by synapsin I at developing neuromuscular synapses of Xenopus laevis. Eur.
J. Neurosci. 7: 261-270 (1995).
89. Morimoto, T., Popov, S., Buckley, K., and Poo, M-m. Calcium-dependent quantal transmitter
release from fibroblasts: Modulation by synaptotagmin. Neuron 15: 689-696 (1995).
90. Zheng, J., Wan, J., and Poo, M-m. Filopodia are essential for chemotactic turning of nerve
growth cones. J. Neurosci. 16: 1140-1149 (1996).
91. Winckler, B. and Poo, M-m. No diffusion barrier at the axonal hillock. Nature. 379: 213 (1996).
92. Wang, X., Zheng, J.Q. and Poo, M-m. Cytochalasin B modulate short-term synaptic plasticity at
developing neuromuscular junction. J. Physiol. 491: 187-195 (1996).
93. Cash, S., Dan, Y. Poo, M-m. and Zucker, R. Depression of developing neuromuscular synapses
by postsynaptic elevation of calcium. Neuron 16: 745-754 (1996).
94. Cash, S., Zucker, R. and Poo, M-m. Spread of synaptic depression by presynaptic cytosolic
signaling. Science 272: 998-1001 (1996).
95. Stoop, R. and Poo M-m. Synaptic potentiation by neurotrophic factors: differential and
synergistic actions of BDNF and CNTF. J. Neurosci. 16: 3256-3264 (1996).
96. Stoop, R. and Poo, M-m. Synaptic modulation by neurotrophic factors. Prog. Brain Res. 109:
359-364 (1996).
97. Poo, M-m. Dan Y., Song, H-j., Morimoto, T. and Popov, S. Calcium-dependent vesicular
exocytosis: from constitutive to regulated secretion. Cold Spr. Har. Symp. Quant. Biol. V. 60:
349-359 (1996).
98. Berlinger, B. and Poo, M-m. Fast actions of neurotrophic factors. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 6: 324330 (1996).
99. Lu, B., Czernik, A.J., Popov, S., Wang, T., Poo, M-m. and Greengard, P. Expression of synapsin
I correlates with maturation of the neuromuscular synapse. Neurosci. 74: 1087-1097 (1996).
100. Song, H-j. Ming, G-l., Fon, E., Bellocchio, E., Edwards, R. and Poo, M-m. Expression of a
putative vesicular acetylcholine transporter facilitates quantal transmitter packaging. Neuron 18:
815-826 (1997).
101. Lowen, S.B., Cash, S., M-m. Poo, and Teich M.C. Quantal neurotransmitter secretion rate
exhibits fractal behavior. J. Neurosci. 17: 5666-5677 (1997).
102. Song, H-j. Ming, G-l., and Poo M-m. A cAMP-induced switching of turning direction of nerve
growth cones. Nature 388: 275-279 (1997).
103. Fitzsimonds, R., Song, H-j. and Poo, M-m. Propagation of activity-dependent synaptic
depression in small neural networks. Nature 388: 439-448 (1997).
104. Wang, X-h. and M-m. Poo Synaptic potentiation by postsynaptic secretion of neurotrophin-4.
Neuron, 19: 825-835 (1997).
105. Morimoto, T., Wang, X-h. and Poo M-m. Overexpression of synaptotagmin modulates short-term
synaptic plasticity. Neurosci. 82: 969-978 (1997).
106. de la Torre, J., Hopker, V.H., Ming, G-l., Poo, M-m., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Hemmati-Brivanlou,
A., and Holt, C.E. Turning of retinal growth cones in a netrin-1 gradient mediated by the netrin
receptor DCC. Neuron 19, 1221-1224 (1997).
107. Ming, G-l., Song, H-j. Berninger, B., C. Holt, M. Tessier-Lagvine, and Poo, M-m. cAMPdependent growth cone guidance by netrin-1. Neuron 19, 1225-1235 (1997).
108. Fitzsimonds, R. and Poo M-m. Retrograde signaling in the development and modification of
synapses. Physiol. Rev. 78: 143-170 (1998).
109. Sternfeld, M, Ming, G., Song, H., Sela, K., Timberg, R., Poo, M-m., and Soreq, H.
Acetylcholinesterase enhances neurite growth and synapse development through alternative
contributions of its hydrolytic capacity, core protein, and variable C termini. J. Neurosci. 18:
1240-1249 (1998).
110. Wang, X-h., Berninger, B., and Poo, M-m. Localized synaptic actions of neurotrophin-4. J.
Neurosci. 18: 4985-4992 (1998).
111. Zhang, L., Tao, H-z., Holt, C., Harris, W., and Poo, M-m. A critical window in the cooperation
and competition among developing retinotectal synapses. Nature 395: 37-44 (1998).
112. Song, H-j., Ming, G-l., He, Z, Lehmann, M., McKerracher, L., Tessier-Lagvine, M., and Poo, Mm. Conversion of neuronal growth cone responses from repulsion to attraction by cyclic
nucleotides. Science 281: 1515-1518 (1998).
113. Bi, Q. and Poo, M-m. Synaptic modifications in cultured hippocampal neurons: dependence on
spike timing, synaptic strength, and postsynaptic cell type. J. Neurosci. 18: 10464-10472 (1998).
114. Boulanger, L. and Poo, M-m. Presynaptic depolarization facilitates neurotrophin-induced
synaptic potentiation. Nat. Neurosci. 2: 346-351 (1999).
115. Boulanger, L. and Poo, M-m. Gating of BDNF-induced synaptic potentiation by cAMP. Science
284:1982-1984 (1999).
116. Song, H. and Poo, M-m. Growth cone guidance by diffusible factors. Cur. Opin. Neurobiol. 9:
355-363 (1999).
117. Ming, G., Song, H., Berninger, B., Inagaki, N., Tessier-Lavigne, M., and Poo, M-m.
Phospholipase C-r and phosphoinositide 3-kinase mediate cytoplasmic signaling in axon
guidance. Neuron, 23: 139-148 (1999).
118. Hong, K., Hinck, L., Nishiyama, M., Poo, M-m., Tessier-Lavinge, and Stein, E. A ligand-gated
association between cytoplasmic domains of UNC5 and DCC receptors converts netrin-induced
growth cone attraction to repulsion. Cell, 97:927-941 (1999).
119. Hoeker, V., Shewan, D., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Poo, M-m., and Holt, C. Conversion of netrin-1
induced attraction to repulsion by laminin-1. Nature 401: 69-73 (1999).
120. Berninger, B., Schinder, A., and Poo, M-m. Synaptic reliability correlates with reduced
susceptibility to synaptic potentiation by brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Learning and
Memory 6: 232-242 (1999).
121. Wan, J. and Poo, M-m. Activity-induced potentiation of developing neuromuscular synapses.
Science 285:1725-8 (1999).
122. Tamagnone L., Artigiani, S., Chen, H., He, Z., Ming G., Song H., Chedotal, A., Goodman C.S.,
Poo M-m., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Comoglio P. M. Plexins are a large family of receptors for
transmembrane, secreted, and GPI-Anchored semaphorins in vertebrates. Cell 99: 71–80 (1999)
123. Bi, G. and Poo, M-m. Distributed synaptic modification in neural networks induced by patterned
stimulation. Nature 401: 792-796 (1999).
124. Hong, K., Nishiyama, M., Henley, J., Tessier-Lavigne, M., and Poo, M-m. Calcium signaling in
the guidance of nerve growth by netrin-1. Nature 403: 93-98 (2000).
125. Schinder, A., Berninger, B., and Poo, M-m. Target-cell specific potentiation of glutamatergic
synapses by neurotrophins. Neuron 25: 151-163 (2000)
126. Yao, W-d., Rusch J., Poo, M-m. and Wu, C-f. Spontaneous acetylcholine secretion from
developing growth cones of Drosophila central neruons in culture: effects of cAMP pathway
mutants. J. Neurosci. 20: 2626-2637 (2000).
127. Tao, H., Zhang, L., Bi, G., and Poo, M-m. Selective presynaptic propagation of long-term
potentiation in defined neural networks. J. Neurosci. 20: 3233-3243 (2000).
128. Zhang, L., Tao, H., and Poo, M-m. Long-term potentiation of developing retinotectal synapses
induced by visual inputs. Nat. Neurosci. 3: 708-715 (2000).
129. Ganguly, K., Kiss, L., and Poo, M-m. Enhancement of presynaptic excitability by correlated preand postsynaptic spiking. Nat. Neurosci. 3: 1018-1026 (2000).
130. Nishiyama, M., Hong, K., Mikoshiba, K., Poo, M-m. and Kato, K. Release of internal Ca2+
regulates the polarity and input specificity of synaptic modification. Nature 408: 584-588
131. Schinder A.F. and Poo, M-m. The neurotrophin hypothesis for synaptic plasticity. Trends in
Neurosci. 23: 639-645 (2000)
132. Poo, M-m. Neurotrophins as synaptic modulators. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2: 24-32 (2001).
133. Ming, G., Henley, J., Song, H., Tessier-Lavigne, M., and Poo, M-m. Electrical activity
modulates growth cone guidance by diffusible factors. Neuron, 25: 441-452 (2001).
134. Song, H. and Poo, M-m. Cell Biology of Neuronal Navigation. Nat. Cell Biol. 3: E81-E88
135. Bi, G. and Poo, M-m. Synaptic modification by correlated activity: Hebb’s postulate revisited.
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 24: 139-66 (2001).
136. Stein E, Zou Y, Poo M-m., Tessier-Lavigne M. Binding of DCC by netrin-1 to mediate axon
guidance independent of adenosine A2B receptor activation. Science 291: 1976-82 (2001)
137. Gomez TM, Robles E, Poo M-m., and Spitzer N.C. Filopodial calcium transients promote
substrate-dependent growth cone turning. Science, 291, 1983-7 (2001).
138. Ganguly, K., Schinder, A., Wong, S. and Poo, M-m. GABA itself promotes the developmental
switch of neuronal GABAergic transmission from excitation to inhibition. Cell, 105: 521-532
139. Tao, H., Zhang, L, Engert, F., and Poo, M-m. Emergence of input-specific synaptic plasticity
during development of retinotectal synapse. Neuron, 31, 569-580 (2001)
140. Tao, H., and Poo, M-m. Retrograde signaling at central synapses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
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141. Zhang, L. and M-m. Poo. Electrical activity and development of neural circuits. Nat. Neurosci.
4, 57-64 (2001)
142. Kao, H.T., Song, H., Porton, B., Ming, G., Hoh, J., Abraham, M., Czernik, A.J., Pieribone, V.A.,
Poo, M-m., Greengard, P. A protein kinase A-dependent molecular switch in synapsins regulates
neurite outgrowth. Nat. Neurosci. 5:431-7 (2002)
143. Ming, G., Wong, S., Henley, J., Yuan, X., Song, H., Spitzer, N., and M-m. Poo. Adaptation in
the chemotactic guidance of nerve growth cones. Nature, 417, 411-8 (2002)
144. Xiang Y., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Cui, K., Wang, S., Yuan, X.B., Wu, C.P., Poo, M-m., Duan, S.
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145. Engart, F., Tao, H., Zhang, L., and M-m. Poo. Moving stimuli induces direction-sensitive
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146. Wong, S.T., Henley, J.R., Kanning K.C., Huang, K-H., Bothwell, M., and M-m. Poo. A
p75(NTR) and Nogo receptor complext mediates repulsive signaling by myelin-associated
glycoprotein. Nat. Neurosci. 5, 1302-8 (2002).
147. Zhang, X-h. and M-m. Poo. Localized synaptic potentiation by BDNF requires local protein
synthesis in the developing Axon. Neuron, 36, 657-688 (2002)
148. Yuan, X-h., Jin, M., Xu, X-h., Wu, C.P., Poo, M-m. and S. Duan. Signaling and crosstalks of
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149. Wang, Z-r., Xu, N-l. Wu, C.P., Duan, S., and M-m. Poo. Bi-directional modification of dendritic
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151. Ming, G.L. Poo, M-m. Attractive and repulsive signaling in nerve growth cone navigation. In
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152. Nishiyama, M., Hoshino, A. Tsai, L., Henley, J.R., Goshima, Y., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Poo, Mm. and Hong, K. cAMP/cGMP – dependent modulation of Ca2+ channels sets the polarity of
nerve growth cone turning. Nature 423, 990-5 (2003)
153. Dickinson-Anson H., Winkler J., Fisher L.J., Song H.J., Poo M-m., Gage F.H. Acetylcholinesecreting cells improve age-induced memory deficits. Mol .Ther. 8, 51-61 (2003)
154. Dotti C.G. & Poo, M-m. Neuronal polarization: building fences for molecular segregation. Nat.
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155. Woodin, M., Ganguly, K. & Poo, M-m. Associative modification of GABAergic transmission
by postsynaptic modification of Cl- transpoter activity. Neuron 39, 807-20 (2003)
156. Wardle, R.A. & Poo, M-m. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor modulation of GABAergic
synapses by postsynaptic regulation of chloride transport. J. Neurosci. 23: 8722-32 (2003)
157. Yang, Y., Ge, W., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Shen, W., Wu, C., Poo, M-m., & Duan, S. Contribution
of astrocytes to hippocampal long-term potentiation through release of D-serine. Proc. Natl.
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158. Zhang, J.M., Wang, H.K., Ye, C.Q., Ge, W., Chen, Y., Jiang, Z.L., Wu, C.P., Poo, M-m. &
Duan, S. ATP released by astrocytes mediates glutamatergic activity-dependent heterosynaptic
suppression Neuron, 40:971-82 (2003).
159. Li, C.Y., Liu, J.T., Duan, S.M. & Poo, M-m. Bi-directional modulation of presynaptic neuronal
excitability induced by correlated pre- and postsynaptic activity. Neuron, 41:257-68 (2004)
160. Kobayashi, K. & M-m. Poo. Spike train timing dependent associative synaptic modification in
CA3 hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Neuron, 41: 445-54 (2004)
161. Du, J-l. & Poo, M-m. Rapid BDNF-induced retrograde synaptic modification in a developing
retinotectal system. Nature 429: 878-83 (2004)
162. Henley, J. & Poo, M-m. Guiding neuronal growth cones using Ca2+ signals. Trends Cell Biol.,
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163. Zhou, Q. & Poo, M-m. Reversal and stabilization of activity-induced synaptic modifications.
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164. Dan, Y. & Poo, M-m. Spike timing-dependent modification of neural circuits. Neuron, 44:23-30
165. Zhou, Q., Homma, K.J., & Poo, M-m. Shrinkage of dendritic spines associated with long-term
depression of hippocampal synapses Neuron, 44: 749-57 (2004)
166. Henley, J.R., Huang, K.H., Wang, D., & Poo, M-m. Calcium mediates bidirectional growth cone
turning induced by myelin-associated glycoprotein. Neuron, 44: 909-1016 (2004)
167. Jin, M., Gan, C., Jiang Y.A., Chen G., Zhao C.T., Cui K., Song Y.Q., Wu C.P., Poo M-m. &
Yuan, X.B. Ca2+-dependent regulation of rho GTPases triggers turning of nerve growth cones. J.
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168. Froemke, R. Poo, M-m. & Dan, Y. Spike timing dependent plasticity is dendrite location
specific. Nature, 434:221-5. (2005)
169. Tao, H. & Poo, M-m. Activity-dependent matching of excitatory and inhibitory connections in
the developing retinotectal system. Neuron 45: 825-8 (2005)
170. Wang, G.X. & Poo, M-m. Requirement of TRPC channels in netrin-1-induced chemotropic
turning of nerve growth cones. Nature 454: 898-904 (2005)
171. Xu, X., Fu, A.K., Ip, F.C., Wu, C.P., Duan, S., Poo, M-m. Yuan, X.B., & Ip, N.Y. Agrin regulates
growth cone turning of Xenopus spinal motoneurons. Development 132: 4309-16 (2005)
172. Liu, Q-s., Pu, L. & Poo, M-m. Repeated cocaine exposure facilitates LTP induction in midbrain
dopamine neurons. Nature 437:1027-31 (2005)
173. Fiumelli, H., Cancedda, L. & Poo, M-m. Modulation of GABAergic transmission by activity via
postsynaptic Ca2+-dependent regulation of KCC2 function. Neuron, 48: 773-86 (2005)
174. Lien, C.C., Mu, Y., Vargas-Caballero, M. & Poo, M-m. Visual stimuli-induced LTD of
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175. Xu, N.L., Ye, C.Q., Poo, M-m., & Zhang, X.H. Coincidence detection of synaptic inputs is
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176. Mu, Y-l., & Poo, M-m. Spike Timing-Dependent LTP/LTD Mediates Visual ExperienceDependent Plasticity in a Developing Retinotectal System. Neuron 50:115-25 (2006)
177. Pu, L., Liu, Q-s., & Poo, M-m. BDNF-dependent synaptic sensitization in midbrain dopamine
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178. Dan, Y. & Poo, M-m. Spike timing-dependent plasticity: from synapse to perception. Physiol.
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179. Smear, M.C.,Tao H.W., Staub W, Orger M.B., Gosse N.J., Liu Y., Takahashi K., Poo M-m, &
Baier H. Vesicular Glutamate Transport at a Central Synapse Limits the Acuity of Visual
Perception in Zebrafish. Neuron. 53: 65-77 (2007)
180. Poo, M-m. & Guo, A. Some recent advances in basic neuroscience research in China. Philos.
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181. Guan, C-b, Xu, H-t., Yuan, X-b. & Poo, M-m. Long-range Ca2+ signaling mediates reversal of
neuronal migration induced by Slit-2. Cell, l29: 385-395 (2007)
182. Shelly, M., Cancedda, L., Sumbre, G. & Poo, M-m. LKB1/STRAD promotes axon initiation
during neuronal polarization. Cell, 129: 565-77 (2007)
183. Cancedda, L., Fiumelli, H., Chen, K. & Poo, M-m. Excitatory GABA action is essential for
morphological maturation of cortical neurons in vivo. J. Neurosci. 27:5224-35 (2007).
184. Zheng, J. & Poo, M. Calcium Signaling and Neuronal Motility. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 23:
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185. Patel S., Kurpinski, K., Quigley, R., Gao, H., Hsiao, B.S., Poo, M-m. & Li, S. Bioactive
nanofibers: synergistic effects of nanotopography and chemical signaling on cell guidance. Nano
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186. Lu, J.T., Li, C.Y., Zhao, J.P., Poo M-m. & Zhang, X.H. Spike-timing-dependent plasticity of
neocortical excitatory synapses on inhibitory interneurons depends on target cell type.
J. Neurosci. 27:9711-20 (2007)
187. Chen, X., Han, F., Poo, M-m. & Dan, Y. Excitatory and suppressive receptive field subunits in
awake monkey primary visual cortex (V1). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104:19120-5 (2007)
188. Lim, B., Matsuda, N. & Poo, M-m. EphrinB reverse signaling promotes structural and functional
maturation of retinotectal synapses. Nat. Neurosci. 11:160-169 (2008)
189. Shamloo, A., Ma, N., Poo, M-m., Sohn, L.L., Heilshorn, S.C. Endothelial cell polarization and
chemotaxis in a microfluidic device. Lab Chip. 8:1292-9 (2008).
190. Poo M-m., Sander, L., Fivaz, M., Hayashi, Y. Asian promise: the state and future of
collaborations in neuroscience. Nat Rev Neurosci. 11: 881-4 (2008).
191. Sumbre, G., Muto, A., Baier H., Poo M-m. Entrained rhythmic activities of neuronal ensembles
as perceptual memory of time interval.. Nature 456:102-6 (2008)
192. Xu,C., Zhao,M.X., Poo,M-m., Zhang,X.H. GABA(B) receptor activation mediates
frequency-dependent plasticity of developing GABAergic synapses. Nat Neurosci. 11:1410-8
193. Song A.H., Wang D., Chen G., Li Y., Luo J., Duan S, & Poo M-m. A selective filter for
cytoplasmic transport at the axon initial segment, Cell , 136: 1148-60 (2009)
194. Mai J., Fok L., Gao H., Zhang X., Poo M-m. Axon initiation and growth cone turning on bound
protein gradients. J Neurosci. 29:7450-8 (2009).
195. Wang S., Wong P., Foo C., Warrier A., Poo M-m., Heilshorn S.C., Zhang X. Gradient
lithography of engineered proteins to fabricate 2D and 3D cell culture microenvironments.
Biomed Microdevices. Jun 3 (2009)
196. Gao L., Meng X., Ye C., Zhang H., Liu C., Dan Y., Poo M-m., He J., Zhang X. Entrainment of
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197. Li CY, Poo M-m., Dan Y. Burst spiking of a single cortical neuron modifies global brain state.
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198. J, Fok L, Gao H, Zhang X, Poo M-m. Axon initiation and growth cone turning on bound protein
gradients. J Neurosci. 29:7450-8 (2009)
199. Lu, H., Lim, B., Poo, M-m.. Cocaine exposure in utero alters synaptic plasticity in the medial
prefrontal cortex of postnatal rats. J Neurosci. 29:12664-74 (2009)
200. Zhang, S.Y., Xu, M,, Miao, Q.L., Poo, M-m, Zhang, X.H. Endocannabinoid-dependent
homeostatic regulation of inhibitory synapses by miniature excitatory synaptic activities. J.
Neurosci. 29:13222-31 (2009)
201. Du, J.L., Wei, H.P., Wang, Z.R., Wong, S.T., Poo, M-m. Long-range retrograde spread of LTP
and LTD from optic tectum to retina. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 106:18890-6 (2009).
202. Matsuda, N., Lu, H., Fukata, Y., Noritake, J., Gao, H., Mukherjee, S., Nemoto, T., Fukata, M,,
Poo, M-m. Differential activity-dependent secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor from
axon and dendrite. J. Neurosci. 29:14185-98 (2009)
Special Lectures, Symposia, and Conferences (since 1998)
Bauer Colloquium, Volen Center of Complex Systems, Brandeis University.
Munich Neuroscience Colloquium, Max-Planck Institute for Neurobiology, Martinsreid.
Banburg Conference on “Computational Neuroscience: from Synapse to Behavior”
Keystone Symposia “Synapse Formation and Function: from Neuromuscular Junctions to CNS”
Gordon Conference on “The Cell Biology of Neuron”, New Hampshire.
FASEB Summer Research Conference on “Calcium and Cell Function”, Snowmass, Colorado.
Gordon Conference on “Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology”, Beijing, China.
Conference on “Directional Cell Movement and Axonal Growth Cones”, Ringberg, Germany.
Center of Excellence Symposium on “Plasticity and Regeneration of Neural Network”, Tokyo.
Symposium on “Neural Plasticity”, Japanese Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Tokyo
International Symposium on Neuroplasticity, Taipei.
HFSP Forum on “Wiring Molecules in Brain Development and Plasticity”, Tokyo (1999).
Fourth Symposium of Life Sciences, Shanghai Life Sciences Research Center, Shanghai.
Gordon Conference on “Neurotrophins”, Newport, Rhode Island.
IBRO symposia “neurotrophin and synaptic plasticity” and on “synaptogenesis”, Jerusalem.
Fourth International Symposium of SCBA, Hong Kong.
EMBO-FMI Conference “Neuronal Circuits: From Molecules to Organisms”, Ascona, Switzerland
EMBO Workshop on “Axonal Guidance and Neural Plasticity”, Varrenna, Italy.
Brain Science Institute Symposium on “Molecular Dynamics of Cell Function”, RIKEN, Tokyo.
Givaudan-Roure Lecture, Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota
Gordon Research Conference on Neural Plasticity, Newport, Rhode Island
Symposium on growth cone guidance, Japanese Society of Neurochemistry, Yokohama, October (2000).
Xian symposium on neuroregeneration, Xian, China
Special Lecture, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Sackler Colloqium on Neural Signaling, NAS, Washington, D.C. February (2001).
Keystone symposium on “The synapse”, Taos, New Mexico, March (2001).
Neural Information and Coding Workshop, Big Sky, Montana, March (2001).
Plenary lecture, Society for Neuroscience of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, April (2001).
Second International symposium on Learning and Memory, Taipei, Taiwan, May (2001)
Salk symposium on axon guidance and growth cone dynamics, Salk Institute, La Jolla, May (2001).
Second Fudan Symposium on Developmental Biology and Genetics, Shanghai, June (2001).
Sloan-Swartz Center Annual Retreat, July, Tahoe (2001)
Second MIT-RIKEN Symposium on Frontier in Neuroscience, Cambridge (2001)
Richard Bunge Memorial Lecture, University of Miami, October 12 (2001).
Workshop on “How cell interpret gradients”, Napa, California
Oversea Lecturer, Australian Society of Neuroscience Meeting, Sydney, Australia.
Keystone Symposium on “Cellular Motility and Signaling in the Wiring and Plasticity of Nervous
Systems”, Taos, New Mexico
Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Hong Kong
Human Frontier Science Program Lecture, 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience
Gordon Research Conference on Synapse, New Hampshire
Symposium on Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Memory, Beijing
Keystone Symposium on Axonal Connections: Molecular Cues for Development and Regeneration,
Keystone, Colorado
Distinguished Neuroscience Lecture Series, University of Toronto
Symposium “Frontier of Neuroscience”, Brain Research Center of UST, Taipei, Taiwan
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology Symposium: The Origin and Formation of Multicellular
Systems, Kobe, Japan
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Conference on Learning and Memory
Blankenese Symposium on “Learning at the Synapse” Hamburg, Germany
Gordon Research Conference on "Neural Plasticity" Newport, Rhode Island
Symposium on Synaptogenesis, Vienna, Austria
IBRO Congress symposium on “Calcium signaling in development and plasticity” Prague, Czech
TINS Lecture, INMED Conference “Nature and Nurture in Brain Development” La Ciotat, France
Samsung International Symposium on Molecular Medicine “Neurological Diseases”, Seoul, Korea
University Lecture Series, Rockefellor University
Public Lecture, Docteur Honoris Causa, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
COE Symposium on plasticity of neural circuits, Institute of Neuroscience, Tokyo
Gordon Conference on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Hong Kong
Keynote Lecture, Gordon Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, New London
Plenary Lecture, Japanese Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Osaka
Plenary Lecture, International Meeting of Physiological Society of China, Beijing
Teuber Lecture, MIT
Merck/UCSD Symposium on Synaptic Plasticity
Keystone Symposium Axonal Connections: Molecular Cues for Development and Regeneration”
Gordon Conference on “Gradient Sensing & Directed Cell Migration”, Ventura, California
School of Dendrite, Hebrew University
Heller Lecture in Computational Neurobiology, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University
Gordon Conference on “Inhibition in the CNS”, New London, Connecticut
Gordon Conference on “Cellular Signaling Mechanisms”, Hong Kong
Grass Foundation Lecturer, University of Wiscosin, Madison
Basic Neurochemistry Plenary Lecture, American Society for Neurochemistry, Madison, Wiscosin
EMBO-FMI Conference “Formation and Plasticity of Neuronal Circuits”, Ascona, Switzerland
Heller Lecture in Computational Neurobiology, Hebrew University (2005)
Grass Foundation Lecturer, University of Wiscosin, Madison (2005)
Plenary Lecture, Lemanic Neuroscience Program Retreat, Switzerland
Keynote Speaker, 4th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation, Hong Kong
Nobel MiniSymposium on “The Active Dendrite”, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
Gordon Conference on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Hong Kong
11th SCBA International Symposium, San Francisco
Organizer, Symposium on Axon guidance, Synaptogenesis, Neural plasticity, Cold Spring Harbor Lab
Gordon Conference on Gradient Sensing, Ventura
Gordon Conference on Dendrite: Structure and Functions, Ventura.
UK-APDBN Joint meeting on Development and Emergence of Function in the Nervous System, Kobe
Spring School on Computational Neuroscience, Shanghai.
Symposium on "Stem cells, migration and axon guidance in developing brain”, Cairns, Australia
Plenary Lecture, IBRO World Congress, Melbroune, Australia.
Symposium on the Frontier Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
NIH Blueprint Neuroplasticity Workshop, Bethesda.
EMBO Conference on “The assembly and function of neuronal circuits”, Ascona, Switzerland
The Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center All-hands Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee
Plenary Lecture, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society Meeting, Bangalore, India
Killam Seminar Series, Montreal Neurological Institute/McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Plenary Lecture, 81th Japanese Pharmacological Society Meeting, Yokohama, Japan
Plenary Lecture, International Society of Developmental Neuroscience Conference on “Making and
breaking neural circuits. Asilomar, California
Nobel Symposium on "Genes, Brain and Behavior", Stockholm, Sweden
Gordon Conference on Synaptic Transmission, Biddeford, Maine.
Plenary Lecture, UK Physiological Society Workshop on Ion Channels, Shanghai 2008
Gradients and Signaling Workshop, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan
Plenary Lecture, Frontier in Life Sciences, 20th symposium of Federation of Asian and Oceanian
Biochemists and Molecular Biologist, Taiwan
International Symposium on Korea Brain Institute, DGIST, Daegu, Korea
NPAS Symposium on Neuroscience, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
UCSF Developmental Biology Symposium, San Franscisco
New York University School of Medicine Special Seminar
Gordon conference on neurotrophic factors, Rhode Island
Special Lecture, International Union of Physiological Sciences, Kyoto, Japan
Numa Memorial Lecture, Kyoto University
Frontiers in Bioscience: Learning and Memory Conference, City University of Hong Kong
Plenary Lecture, Annual Meeting of Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland
Satellite Symposium on “Multiple facets of GABA in brain development”, Society for Neuroscience
Annual meeting, Chicago