Biography Project: Wax Museum Due Date: May 12 You will be using all the information that you gathered while reading about your famous person, to participate in a “wax museum”. To present our “wax museum” you will prepare a speech about your famous person. At the wax museum you will present your speech as if you were the famous person. You will dress like the person and bring a prop that relates to him or her. To prepare for the museum, you will be required to complete the following: Monologue Prepare a 1-2 minute speech that tells about your famous person (this should be in 1st person, which means you sound as though you were the famous person. For example, if I were doing George Washington, I may write: “I was the first United States President.” Write the speech on index cards (To be used as a reference) Memorize and practice your speech Prop Make or locate a prop that relates to your famous person. For example if you had researched Orville Wright, one of the Wright brothers, you might bring a small toy airplane. Dress You will need to dress like your character Display Board Create a display board with a portrait (that you will do in Art class with Mrs. Forrest), at least one other picture, at least two quotes, and a time line of important events in your famous figure's life. You will also display the books you read. Resources Student must use 2 print resources (books and/or magazines) for this project. Students may use the internet however they may not use Wikipedia as a resource. You will need to complete the “Sources” sheet that your teacher provides for you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the requirements for this project. I understand that some research will be done in class, so students should bring their materials to school each day. However, some “at home” work will be required. Due Dates: March 10 March 24 April 21 April 28 May 12 May 12 - 1st Print Resource approved by your teacher 2nd Print Resource approved by your teacher Graphic Organizers check on both resources. Rough Draft of your speech is due. Final Draft of your speech & Display Board are due. Prop & costume brought to school for dress rehearsal (presentation will be graded today). Presentation for the School-wide Wax Museum/ Multicultural presentation (6 pm) _______________________ Parent Signature _____________________ Student Signature ______________ Date Rubric- Writing Written Speech Points Speech is written in 1st person 1 2 3 Grammar 1 2 3 Spelling 1 2 3 Neatness 1 2 3 Turned in on time 1 3 Multiple sources used 1 3 Presentation (dress rehearsal) Points Voice Level 1 2 3 Speed 1 2 3 Length 1 2 3 Makes eye contact 1 2 3 Speech contains accurate information 1 2 3 Costume is appropriate 1 2 3 Prop is appropriate 1 2 3 Time line is included 0 1 2 Quotes are included 0 included 1 included 2 included Pictures are included 0 included 1 included 2 included 1 2 3 Writing Total Score Rubric- Social Studies Presentation Display Board Display board neatness S.S. Total Score Points Points