Proposed format of the visit by Associate Dean and a

First Application
Guidance to the process for New Trainer Selection and PG Certification
Overview of the Application Process
Eligibility Criteria
Doctors wishing to become accredited trainers in KSS must have MRCGP and
Have undertaken a minimum of one 4/12 FY2 placement or
Participated in supporting the FY2 CES role locally
Where neither of the above criteria has been met a potential trainer must be able to
demonstrate they have undertaken sufficient practical teaching, under the supervision of
an established educator, to put into practice the learning on the GP educator pathway
modules. This must include some reflections on their activity as an educator.
KSS GP Trainers must also undertake a Postgraduate Certificate in Education which is
incorporated within the modular training.
Assessing Eligibility
As a potential trainer you are advised to read the GMC Standards for GP Specialty Training, the
First Application Self Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ), the GP Educator Review and Appraisal
Document and seek advice as appropriate if you have concerns over any aspect of your
application with your patch Associate Dean. Associate Deans can be contacted through the Patch
As a potential trainer you will need to contact the local KSS GP Deanery Patch Manager to initiate
the application process.
An Educational Experience Form will first need to be completed and returned to the Patch
Where you have undertaken a FY2 placement or participated sufficiently in the FY2 CES role,
eligibility to proceed will be granted by the Patch Associate Dean
Where you have not undertaken either of the above FY2 educational activity the Patch Associate
Dean will explore your experience with you and others as appropriate prior to a decision being
made on eligibility.
Once a decision has been made that you are eligible to continue you will then need to complete
the Self Evaluation Questionnaire for New Trainers.
Completing the Self Evaluation Form
Guidance is provided on how to complete the Self Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ) (Doc No 4). In
summary you will be asked to draw on your experience of working with learners to demonstrate
how you have been developing your skills. You will also be asked what you have planned to put
into place in order to support the training of GP Specialty Registrars.
You will need to compile a portfolio of evidence to support your application. The SEQ document
and accompanying mandatory evidence sheet (Doc No 7) will assist you with this process.
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Revision Date: Feb 2010
You will need to submit all the mandatory and additional evidence required with your self
evaluation questionnaire. This will include a completed reflective template on a video of a
teaching session with a learner (Document 6 - New Trainer video instructions).
The SEQ will also count towards attainment of the PG Cert and the areas are appropriately
marked on the SEQ document.
The SEQ will need to be returned to your appropriate patch manager. You are asked to submit
these documents by email.
The patch manager will also co-ordinate with your practice to arrange a practice visit.
Reviewing the competencies of a GP Educator (GP Educator Review and Appraisal
In preparation for the visit, you should review the competencies of a GP educator in KSS, read the
descriptors and make a self rating. Base this on critical reflection of your experience to date as an
educator and by reviewing the portfolio of evidence you have collected to support your application.
Please do not feel you need to be competent in all areas at this stage of your career as a GP
educationalist, this would not necessarily be expected.
Once you have thought about your current performance please consider how you might further
develop your skills
At the practice visit your patch Associate Dean will discuss your development and help you to
generate a PDP for the coming year.
Your development as a GP educator will be reviewed as part of subsequent re-accreditation
The Practice Visit
Accreditation as a trainer involves both the accreditation of the individual trainer and the learning
Accreditation visits for new trainers in existing training practices
As an existing training practice, you would normally be visited solely by your Patch Associate
Dean who will conduct an in depth interview based around the SEQ and the supporting portfolio.
However, depending on the time lapse between the last visit to your practice and the nature of the
recommendations from that visit, or if any major structural changes have occurred in the practice,
your patch Associate Dean may wish to be accompanied by a Practice Manager.
In both cases a report will be completed and submitted to the GP Trainer Selection Committee
Accreditation visits for new trainers in non training practices
As a practice that is new to training, the visit will be:
Undertaken by your patch Associate Dean and a Practice Manager from another Training
A report will be completed and submitted to the GP Trainer Selection Committee (TSC)
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Proposed format of the visit by Associate Dean and a Practice manager
The practice visit should last approximately 3 hours
The mandatory information should have already been supplied ahead of the visit but you
will need to provide supporting evidence detailed below for review at the time of the visit.
The Associate Dean will conduct an in depth interview based around the SEQ and the
supporting portfolio together with the evidence collected pertaining to your previous
experience in general practice based education. He/she will review with you your video of
teaching and your reflection on it.
The Associate Dean will also undertake an educational review of your Self Evaluation of
your competencies as an educator and help you to develop a PDP for the coming year.
The Practice Manager will undertake a tour of the Practice premises using the opportunity
to engage key members of the practice team in dialogue. These members must include
the other doctors, the practice nurses(s), the reception and administrative staff, and other
staff where possible. Please make sure members of clinical and administrative staff are
available to talk to the Practice Manager.
The Practice Manager may wish to review various administrative protocols so you should
plan to have these available (details of the likely documents to be reviewed are
summarized below)
The visiting team will meet with you and your practice manager to discuss their findings
and give you feedback and where appropriate recommendations for further development.
Some of these recommendations will be mandatory, others, suggestions.
Proposed format of the visit by Associate Dean alone
The practice visit should last approximately 3 hours
Some documentation will have already been supplied ahead of the visit but you will need to
provide supporting evidence detailed below
At the start of the visit the Associate Dean will hold a brief meeting with you and your
practice manager. The format of the visit and roles will be discussed
The Associate Dean will conduct an in depth interview based around the SEQ and the
supporting portfolio together with the evidence collected pertaining to your previous
experience in general practice based education. He/she will review with you your video on
teaching and your reflection on it.
The Associate Dean will also undertake an Educational Review (Doc 5 – GP Educator
Review & Appraisal Document) which will include the review of your Self Evaluation of
your competencies as an educator and help you to develop a PDP for the coming year.
The Associate Dean will meet with you and your practice manager to discuss their findings
and give you feedback and where appropriate recommendations for further development.
Some of these recommendations will be mandatory others suggestions.
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Other Supporting documentation that may be required at the time of the visit:In addition to the evidence supporting the Self Evaluation form and PDP the visitors may wish to
 Administrative based protocols – for summarizing notes / data entry
 Administrative protocols relating to prescribing policies
 Evidence of staff appraisal and PDPs
 The practice Business Plan and Professional Development Plan
 Complaints procedures / SEA meetings
 Evidence to show how actions have been taken to address issues raised in Patient
Satisfaction Questionnaires
 Clinical prescribing protocols / formulary
 Evidence from PCT on prescribing / Referrals
 In house Clinical Governance protocols
 Details of patient services provided in house or how services are commissioned by the
practice for preventive care / child health promotion / child health surveillance and minor
 Record of practice administrative and clinical meetings
 Review of workload / policies relating to use locums / cover for absent doctors
 Home visiting policy / how provision is made to try and ensure continuity of care
Accreditation by the Trainer Selection Committee (TSC)
A visit report will be completed and shared with you before onward submission to the TSC which
discusses all applications for accreditation and re-accreditation.
The TSC will make a recommendation as to your application to become a GP Trainer to ensure
that you have met the trainer standard. This process takes place prior to being marked for the PG
Where the application is supported this decision will be shared with KSS GP School Board for final
ratification and you will receive written notification of your appointment.
Where the application is rejected the Associate Dean will provide feedback as to the reasons for
this decision. Applicants can be supported in a further application process once areas of concern
have been appropriately and adequately addressed.
Applicants who are not selected have a right of appeal through the Deanery appeals procedure.
New Trainers are initially accredited for two years. Within the two years following initial
accreditation a trainer is visited by the Patch associate Dean on a “solo Visit” to meet both trainer
and trainee to review your first experiences as a Trainer. Second and subsequent reaccreditations are for a five year period and would not normally involve a practice visit but involve
the completion of the Trainer Re-accreditation SEQ together with submission of the required
evidence. Guidance will be issued by your Patch Manager at the appropriate time.
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
As a separate exercise, the New Trainer SEQ will be marked by a Patch Associate Dean and
Academic Mentor external to your area. The SEQ will then be sent to the University Board of the
Univesity of Kent for approval. Final approval is ratified by the Unviersity of Kent Examining
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Appendix 1
New Trainer Accreditation
Requirements for supporting evidence
In order to support your self assessment questionnaire, you are required to submit the following
documentation. This evidence will then be used to support your application to become a trainer.
Please return this form together with the undermentioned documentation to your appropriate Patch Manager
electronically. This evidence needs to reach us 10 working days before your visit
*** Please number and name your documents as listed below and
clearly identify any supporting evidence ***
Yes / No / TBA
Mandatory Documentation
To assist those new to training, we offer guidance on the documents that need to be submitted with your
application. It may assist you to set up a Training Folder for you and your Practice Manager in the future. We
do however appreciate that the clinical systems vary.
1 Induction timetable for a GP registrar in your practice
Suggestions for a timetable are given at the end of this document.
2 Planned normal working timetable for the registrar
This will form Appendix 1 of the Contract of Employment. Please note that the
timetable will be determined by whether on full or part time training, whether at
multi sites and will include half day study leave.
3 Registrar Check List
This is the list you will use as part of Induction to ensure all processes are
covered including pre-employment checks
4 Absence management plan
A suggested format is given at the end of this document
5 Significant event analysis involving a learner
Please provide an example where a learner has had an opportunity to learn from
either an error, an example of less than best management of a case or a
6 Your record of teaching and learning to date with other learners
QOF visit report SUMMARY only
confirming maximum administration points
90% point score achieved in clinical areas
Practice QoF administrator advised to save/print points report as at 1 April for
submission with accreditation documentation. Information available automatically
via Population Manager QMAS.
Your own Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ)
If you do not undertake an individual PSQ, this evidence could be provided by
the practice complaints audit which is reviewed annually for learning outcomes
for QoF purposes. Please also include the record of the learning outcomes
arising from your/the practice PSQ as discussed with the PCT or patient
representative.(as provided for QOF)
Timetables, learning logs from any previous learners
10 Form 4 / PDP – NHS Appraisal
11 Personal reflection using the video reflection template of a video of
teaching a learner (including peer review if obtained)
12 GP Educator Review & Appraisal Document – partially completed
13 Equal Opportunities and Diversity Course
copy of certificate from the on-line provider provided or confirmed by
Patch Manager
14 On line training module for Foundation work place based assessments –
please log into: Copy certificate available on completion of
all modules.
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15 Completed FY2 Exit Interview (if appropriate) – Document 13
GMC Survey Results, FY2 Feedback from on-line survey (supplied by the Deanery
if available)
Additional Documentation to be available at the visit
In order to support your application to become a trainer you will also need to have other
documentation to support your application which will be reviewed at the practice visit.
below is a list of the type of documentation the Associate Dean and practice manager will
wish to see.
A copy of a report you have completed as a Foundation CS or for a medical student
A selection of practice protocols
An audit of a particular aspect of your work
A personal significant event relating to your own medical practice
Examples of feedback you have received from learners
A copy of the educational contract you plan to use with GP Registrars
Extracts from your Induction pack
Minutes / summary of educational meetings undertaken in your practice
Catalogue of library / IT resources
A copy of an assessment you have undertaken
A peer review of an observed assessment you have performed with a learner
A copy of the GPR contract / for existing training practices a copy of a previously signed
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Additional Documentation to be available at the visit
In order to support your application to become a trainer you may wish to supply
examples of some of the documentation listed below. If NOT supplied PLEASE NOTE this
paperwork will need to be seen during the trainer accreditation visit
A copy of a report you have completed as a Foundation CS or for a medical student
A selection of practice protocols
An audit of a particular aspect of your work
A personal significant event relating to your own medical practice
Examples of feedback you have received from learners
A copy of the educational contract you plan to use with GP Registrars
Extracts from your Induction pack
Minutes / summary of educational meetings undertaken in your practice
Catalogue of library / IT resources
A copy of an assessment you have undertaken
A peer review of an observed assessment you have performed with a learner
A copy of the GPR contract / for existing training practices a copy of a previously signed
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Day 1
Practice Manager – the formalities of
paperwork for the new trainee
Surgery & Visits
GP Trainer
Join am Surgery for face to face
appointments, Telephone Consultations &
Day 2 etc
An induction timetable should cover two weeks and it is suggested that this should include the
following items:
Employment paperwork– a check list for before training joins, first day documents and processes and last day
Meetings with Trainer and Partners
Clinical computer systems / Choose and book system – an IT check list is suggested
Secretarial staff – admin/referrals to include electronic referral forms and templates
Reception staff
Community Matron and District Nurses
Finance secretary
Study Leave
Practice Meetings
Specialised Clinics, internal and external eg palliative care, diabetes, asthma
If your trainee has been at the practice as an ST1 or ST2, then the induction may be amended accordingly as
he/she will have already been partially inducted into the practice.
A suggestion would be to include a check list on the trainee’s files to indicate what has been covered during
the previous rotation at the practice.
Name(s) of other Trainers within practice
Name(s) of any FY2 Community Educational Supervisor
Name(s) of any FY2 Clinical Supervisors
Names(s) OOH Clinical Supervisor
Practice protocol on absence eg possibly maximum of one partner on holiday at any one time.
There must be a named Supervisor at all times
Provide timetable of cover during period of Trainer’s absence
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