Prognostic Significance of monitoring Leukemia-Associated Immunophenotypes by 8-color flow cytometry in Adult B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Running title: Assessing of MRD by 8-color Flow cytometry in adult B-ALL X-Q Weng1,2, Y Shen1,2, Y Sheng1,2, B Chen1, J-H Wang1, J-M Li1, J-Q Mi1, Q-S Chen1, Y-M Zhu1, C-L Jiang1, H-Yan1, X-X Zhang1, T Huang1, Z Zhu1, Z Chen1, S-J Chen1 1 State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China; 2 These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence: Sai-Juan Chen, State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, 197 Rui Jin Er Road, Shanghai 200025, China. Email: Tel: +86-21-33562658 Fax: +86-21-64743206 The supplementary information includes two figures and three tables: Supplementary figure 1 and 2 displayed a detailed process of MRD detection for a case with B-ALL and dilution experiments for one sample; Supplementary table 1 to 3 presented the reagents list for diagnosis, the distribution of LAIPs combinations and their background expression in normal BM, and detailed results of dilution experiments. Supplementary Figure legends Supplementary Figure 1. Dot plots of an 8-mAbs analytical matrix of the immunophenotypic assessment of a case with B-ALL from diagnosis to relapse in which only CD19-positive cells were presented after excluding the doublets. Leukemic blasts shown in gate P21 were intersection set of P14 “and” P15 “and” P16 “and” P17 “and” P18. Red dots represent the population with entirely same expression patterns of leukemia-associated immunophenotypes (LAIPs) defined at diagnosis; the deep blue cluster was identified as new abnormal population with some LAIPs shifted as compared to initial one; dots of yellow, light blue and grey represent the normal B-lineage cells in BM with sequential stages of differentiation. (A-D) Leukemic population as shown by LAIPs at different time points such as at diagnosis, the end of induction of CR, after 1 consolidation and relapse. In (B) and (C), leukemic cells as shown in gate P21 were undetectable, while a new abnormal cluster shown with deep blue color was observed with an occurrence rate of 0.005% and 0.0158% displaying some up-modulation of CD10 and/or CD20 at the end of induction and 1 consoidation, respectively. (D) Most of leukemic cells reverted to initial aberrant patterns of LAIPs when relapse. (E) Neither red nor deep blue dots were presented in regenerating BM sample abtained from a patient with T-ALL of MRD-free. Supplementary Figure 2. The percentage of LAIPs+ blasts from patient number 5 with B-Lineage lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) diluted with MRD-free regenerating BM in different titers from 1:1 to 1:200,000. All the dot plots were gated from CD19+CD10+CD34+ cells after excluding the doublets. Final leukemic blasts shown in gate P8 were intersection set of P6 “and” P7 using “and” logistic gating strategy with the aberrant phenotype of CD38 dim expression, CD58 strong expression and CD13 positive. (A) The BM sample from a B-ALL patient at diagnosis without dilution. (B-K) 1:1 to 1:200000 dilutions. (L) MRD-free regenerating BM. The total WBC count in (A-C), (D),(E) and (F-L) were 1.0x105, 5.0x105, 1.0x106 and 2.0x106, respectively. Supplementary Table 1. Information and panels of mAbs for diagnosis of B ALL mAb mAb clone Fluorochrome Catalogue Source number 7.1 7.1 PE MHTDT01-5 Immunotech (Marseille, France) CD10 ALB1 APC IM3633 Immunotech CD11b ICRF44 Pacific Blue 558123 Becton Dickinson ( San José, CD13 WM15 APC 301706 Biolegend (San Diego, USA) CD15 80H5 FITC IM1423U Immunotech CD19 HIB19 Brilliant Violet 302234 Biolegend (San Diego, USA) CA, USA) 421TM CD20 B9E9 APC-eFluor780 85-47-0209-42 eBioscience (San Diego, USA) CD22 SJ10.1H11 PE IM1835 Immunotech CD33 D3HL60.251 PE-Cy5.5 A70198 Immunotech CD34 581 PE-Cy7 348791 Becton Dickinson ( San José, CA, USA) CD38 HIT2 perCP-cy5.5 551400 Becton Dickinson ( San José, CA, USA) CD45 HI30 Pacific Orange MHCD4530 Invitrogen (Camarillo, USA) CD58 AICD58 FITC IM1218U Immunotech CD65 88H7 FITC IM1654U Immunotech CD66c KORSA-3544 PE IM2357U Becton Dickinson ( San José, CA, USA) HLA-DR L243 APC-Cy7 307618 Biolegend (San Diego, USA) TDT HT-6 FITC MHTDT01-5 Invitrogen (Camarillo, USA) CD79a HM47 PE IM2221 Immunotech IgM Polyclonal FITC 732561 Immunotech κ/λ Polyclonal FITC /PE FR48150 DAKO (Glostrup, Denmark) Fix-and-Perm - - GAS-002A-1 Invitrogen (Camarillo, USA) kit GAS-002B-1 Panels for diagnosis of B ALL: Tube1 CD58 /CD66c /CD38/CD34 /CD10 /CD20 /CD19/CD45 Tube2 CD65+CD15 /CD22 /CD33 /CD13 /HLA-DR /CD11b /CD45 Tube3 TdT/CD79a / CD34 /CD10 /CD19/CD45 Tube4 cμ/anti-7.1 /CD45 Tube5 sIg-κ/sIg-λ/CD45 Supplementary Table 2. The distribution of LAIPs combinations in 120 B-ALL samples and their background expression in normal BM Number of cases in B-ALL % LAIPs+ cells in non-hematologic malignancy BM (analyzed samples) % LAIPs+ cells in regenerating BM (analyzed samples) 2 <0.001 (20) 0.002 (30) 5 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10- CD34+ CD13+ 45d 2 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD13+ CD33+ 19s 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD58s CD19s 2 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10- CD34+ CD38d CD19s 7.1+ 2 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD38d 7.1+ 45d 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD58s 7.1+ CD15+ 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD33+ CD19s 3 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD38d CD19s 1 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10- CD34+ CD38d CD66c+ CD45d 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD38d CD13+CD66c+CD33+ 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34+ CD38d CD33+ CD19d 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) LAIPs combinations CD10-1 CD34+2 3 CD10- CD34+ CD58s CD38d 4 0.002 2 CD10d CD34+ CD38d CD66c+ 2 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10d CD34+ CD38d CD13+33+ 45d 3 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10d CD34+ CD38d CD66c+CD33+ 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34- CD20- CD58s 7.1+ CD15+ 4 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34- CD20- CD58s CD38d 1 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34+CD 58s CD20+ 2 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34+ CD38d CD19s 45d 5 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34+ CD58s 2 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34+ CD58s CD38d 45d 10 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34+ CD38d CD15+ 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) 0.002 (20) 0.002 (30) CD10d CD34+ CD19s (10) 0.007 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD66c+ CD19s 6 CD10+ CD34+ CD38d CD13+CD33+45d 7 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD58s CD38d CD33+ 3 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD58s CD66c+ 45d 2 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD38d CD66c+ CD19s 8 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD58s CD38d CD33+CD66c+ 6 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD38d CD66c+ 45d 2 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD38d CD33+CD66c+ CD19s 45d 5 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD58s CD66c+CD33+ CD19s 45d 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34+ CD58s CD66c+ CD20+ 45d 2 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34- CD13+ CD19d 2 0.002 (10) 0.006 (15) CD10+ CD34- CD45- 1 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34- CD58s 45d 4 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34- CD58s 10d 2 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34- CD58s CD20s 3 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34- CD66c+ 45d 4 0.003 (10) 0.008 (15) CD10+ CD34- CD58s CD19d 45d 1 <0.001 (20) <0.001 (30) CD10+ CD34- CD58s CD10+ CD20 CD66c+ 45d 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34- CD58s CD38d CD13+CD33+ 45d 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10+ CD34- CD33+ CD20s 1 <0.001 (10) <0.001 (15) CD10- CD34- CD20+ 45d 2 0.003 (20) 0.002 (30) Notes : -1, negative; +2, positive; s3, strong expression; d4, dim expression; median percentage of LAIPs+ cells Supplementary Table 3. The quantification of LAIPs+ blasts in dilution experiments Dilution series LAIPs+ blasts, Number (%) Total WBC number No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 1×10 5 92485 (92.5) 90210 (90.2) 90433 (90.4) 85492 (85.5) 81649 (81.6) 1×10 5 40177 (40.2) 68269 (68.3) 33516 (33.5) 37129 (37.1) 60465 (60.5) 1:10 1×10 5 3590 (3.59) 9323(9.32) 3770 (3.77) 4665 (4.67) 7404 (7.40) 1:100 5×105 1371 (0.27) 3918 (0.78) 1455 (0.29) 1857 (0.37) 3357 (0.67) 1:1000 1×106 178 (0.018) 802 (0.080) 203 (0.020) 356 (0.036) 620 (0.062) 1:10000 2×106 33 (0.0017) 254 (0.013) 64 (0.0032) 64 (0.0032) 123 (0.0062) 1:20000 2×10 6 14 (0.0007) 120 (0.0060) 28 (0.0014) 38 (0.0019) 75 (0.0038) 2×10 6 7 (<0.0005) 64 (0.0032) 10 (0.0005) 22 (0.0011) 38 (0.0019) 1:80000 2×10 6 3 (<0.0005) 35 (0.0018) 7(<0.0005) 12 (0.0006) 19 (0.0010) 1:100000 2×106 2 (<0.0005) 32 (0.0016) 5(<0.0005) 10 (0.0005) 15 (0.0008) 1:200000 2×106 2 (<0.0005) 30 (0.0015) 6(<0.0005) 10 (0.0005) 8(<0.0005) Normal BM 2×106 1 (<0.0005) 30 (0.0015) 4(<0.0005) 10 (0.0005) 6(<0.0005) Undiluted 1:1 1:40000