September 6, 2002 Mr. James Hunt, P.E. City of Orlando Engineering Department 400 South Orange Avenue, 8th Floor Orlando, Florida 32801 Re: Continuing Stormwater / Environmental Contract Flood Insurance Study – John Young Parkway Corridor North of Colonial Drive Phase I Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis Dear Mr. Hunt, WBQ Design & Engineering, Inc. is pleased to present this proposal for professional services in connection with our continuing contract with the City of Orlando. The purpose of the project is to establish the 100-year flood elevation for John Young Parkway corridor area between Silver Star Road and Colonial Drive with a total area of approximate 1,200 acres. There are three separate flood areas identified on the current FEMA map within the project boundary, which appears to have discrepancies with the field observations. The following scope of services is based on our field observations and communications with your office during recent scope review meetings. The first phase of this project shall include data research, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses to establish a floodplain elevation within project area. We understand that there are concerns regarding the accuracy of the recently updated FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the City of Orlando as it relates to known topographic conditions. WBQ will review the current FIRM and identify the problem areas, specifically within the depressional areas along John Young Parkway, the area between Industrial Boulevard and Dineen Avenue lying south of Silver Star Road, the area between Texas Avenue and Technology Drive, and other stormwater ponds or borrow pits in the project boundary which are not identified on the FEMA map. As part of the Phase I services, we will complete a basin analysis to establish a floodplain elevation and boundary for these target areas. Please see the attached map for the study limits. A letter report summarizing the analysis will be generated for review by the City. The scope of services is summarized below: I. DATA COLLECTION WBQ will obtain existing site data within the study area, including historical hydrologic data, records of highwater marks and flooding problems, flood control measures and hydraulic structures that affect flooding from the City of Orlando, Orange County and the SJRWMD. D:\106743594.doc Mr. James Hunt, P.E. August 30, 2002 Page 2 We will also evaluate other available data specific to the study area, such as community maps, topographic maps, surveys and elevation control data. In addition, geotechnical and land use information will be collected for analysis. Much of the required information on the existing stormwater collection and conveyance systems, stormwater ponds and drainwells will be obtained from the City of Orlando, Orange County, USGS, the Florida Department of Transportation and the appropriate water management districts. Field reconnaissance will be performed to verify the extent and condition of the flood areas and the flood control structures within the study area. The data collected will be utilized as the basis for the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to establish floodplain elevations and boundaries. WBQ will contact the FEMA regional representatives to obtain the effective FIS study, if available, including basic data used for hydrologic and hydraulic models. II. HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS WBQ will identify the flow pattern and develop a drainage basin map in the study area based on a comprehensive review of the existing development plans, study reports and field reconnaissance. A rainfall-runoff model using the unit hydrograph method will be developed for each basin. Other hydrologic parameters to be used in the model, including curve numbers (CN) and times of concentration (Tc), will be estimated in accordance with land use, soils and topographic information. The Orange County rainfall distribution will be used in the model. Hydraulic routing analyses will be conducted to determine flood elevations. Since the area discharges to Lake Lawne through a drainage canal in the middle of the depressional area, the routing analysis will consider these factors in determining the site storage and tailwater condition evaluation. The FEMA-approved adICPR Version 2.02 computer software will be utilized to simulate storm events due to its features of hydrodynamic modeling, continuous event simulation and utilization of a single unified model. The flows and stages generated by the computer models will be used to establish the floodplain in the study area. III. FLOODPLAIN DELINEATION The established floodplain boundaries will be delineated on map exhibits to be included in the project summary report. Available topographic maps, including 1-foot contour maps provided by the City and USGS 5-foot contour maps, will be used for the exhibit. D:\106743594.doc Mr. James Hunt, P.E. August 30, 2002 Page 3 IV. SUMMARY REPORT WBQ will summarize the Phase I analysis and findings in letter report to be submitted to the City for review. Included in the report will be the calculations and computer models utilized to establish the flood plain elevations within the project limits, together with the map exhibits described in Task III, above. We anticipate a 150-day period from the issuance of the Letter of Authorization (LOA) to complete Tasks I through IV as detailed above. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal, please contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely, WBQ Design & Engineering, Inc. Frank Fu, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosures cc: Derek C. Burke, P.E. Jennifer Quigley Dan L. Angel, CCS Project File: 02-orl.joh D:\106743594.doc