CURRICULUM VITAE Richard D. Bland, M.D. Current Position: Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2002 Previous Positions: Professor of Pediatrics, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002 (Jan-July) Fields Professor of Pediatrics, University of Utah School of Medicine, 1989-2001 Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco, 19841989 Senior Staff, Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California San Francisco, 1982-1989 Visiting Scientist, Department of Human Anatomy, University of Oxford, 1982-1983 (Sabbatical) Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco, 1980-1984 Associate Staff, Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California San Francisco, 1980-1982 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco, 1975-1979 Education: Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, 1958 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1962 (B.A.) Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, 1966 (M.D.) Medical Training: Internship in pediatrics, Harriet Lane Service, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, 1966-1967 Residency in pediatrics, Harriet Lane Service, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, 1967-1969 Postdoctoral research fellowship in pulmonary vascular biology and newborn medicine, Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California San Francisco, 1973-1975 Military Service: Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii; Major, MC, USA; Staff Pediatrician and Chief of Newborn Nurseries, 1969-1972 Army Commendation Medal, 1972 Richard D. Bland, M.D. Board Certification: Page 2 National Board of Medical Examiners, 1967 American Board of Pediatrics, 1971 Sub-board of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 1975 (0043) Licensed to practice medicine in California (G22317) Licensed to practice medicine in Utah (89-181118-1205) Medical/Scientific Societies: American Academy of Pediatrics, 1973 Western Society for Pediatric Research, 1974 American Federation for Clinical Research, 1974 American Thoracic Society, 1976 Society for Pediatric Research, 1977 American Physiological Society, 1980 Perinatal Research Society, 1980 Microcirculatory Society, 1980 New York Academy of Sciences, 1981 American Pediatric Society, 1983 Awards: Ogden C. Bruton Award for pediatric research, 1972 and 1973 Established Investigator, American Heart Association, 1979-1984 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Boston Univ School of Medicine, 1996 Committees: Planning Committee for Ross Seminars in Perinatal Medicine, 1976-1980 Research Review 1979-1982 Committee, California Lung Association, Council, California Perinatal Association, 1979 Board of Examiners, Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine, 1980-1981 Respiratory and Applied Physiology Study Section, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 1983-1987 Council, Perinatal Research Society, 1986-1988 Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Physiology, 1989-1991, 19941997 NIH SCOR Review Committee, 1991 Council, Western Society for Pediatric Research, 1993-1995 Primary Children's Medical Center Board of Trustees, 1993-1999 Richard D. Bland, M.D. Page 3 Co-Chair, Newborn Medicine Update, 1993 American Physiological Society Program Advisory Committee, Respiration Section, 1993-1996 NIH SCOR Review Committee, 1996 NIH SCOR (Special Emphasis Panel) Committee, 1996 NIH Clinical Research Grant Review Committee, 1998 American Thoracic Society Long-Range Planning Committee, 1998Chair, American Thoracic Society Committee, position paper on the Clinical Use of Inhaled Nitric Oxide, 2000-2003 Referee (Journals): American Journal of Physiology (Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology), American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, American Review of Respiratory Disease, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, Circulation, Circulation Research, Journal of Applied Physiology (Editorial Board, 1989-91, 1993-), Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Developmental Physiology, Journal of Pediatrics, Journal of Physiology (London), Microvascular Research, New England Journal of Medicine, Pediatric Research, Pediatrics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Tissue and Cell Referee (Research Funding Agencies): National Institutes of Health (NHLBI and NICHD), Medical Research Council (Canada), Canadian Heart Association, March of Dimes, California Lung Association, American Lung Association, Veterans Administration Selected Publications: 1. Bland RD, Ling CY, Albertine KH, Carlton DP, MacRitchie AJ, Day RW, Dahl MJ. (2003). Pulmonary vascular dysfunction in preterm lambs with chronic lung disease. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 285:L76-L85. 2. MacRitchie AN, Albertine KH, Sun J, Lei PS, Jensen SC, Freestone AA, Clair PM, Dahl MJ, Godfrey EA, Carlton DP, Bland RD. (2001). Reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase in lungs of chronically ventilated preterm lambs. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 281:L1011-L1020. 3. Bland RD, Albertine KH, Carlton DP, Kullama LK, Davis PL, Cho SC, Kim B, Dahl MJ, Tabatabaie N. (2000). Chronic lung injury in preterm lambs: Abnormalities of the pulmonary circulation and lung fluid balance. Pediatric Research 48:64-74. 4. Albertine KH, Kim BI, Kullama LK, Starcher BC, Cho SC, Carlton DP, Bland RD. (1999). Chronic lung injury in preterm lambs. Disordered respiratory tract development. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 159:945-948. Richard D. Bland, M.D. 5. Page 4 Pierce RA, Albertine KH, Starcher BC, Bohnsack JF, Carlton DP, Bland RD. (1997). Chronic lung injury in preterm lambs: Disordered pulmonary elastin deposition. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 272:L452-L460. Complete list of Publications: Original Articles: 1. Bland, R.D. Otitis media in the first six weeks of life: diagnosis, bacteriology, and management. Pediatrics 49:187-197, 1972 2. Bland, R.D. Cord-blood total protein level as a screening aid for the idiopathic respiratorydistress syndrome. New Engl. J. Med. 287:9-13, 1972 3. Bland, R.D., Clarke, T.L., Harden, L.B., et al., Early albumin infusion to infants at risk for respiratory distress. Arch. Dis. Child. 48:800-805, 1973 4. Bland, R.D., Lister, R.C., and Ries, J.P. Spinal fluid lactic acid and pH in meningitis. Aids in diagnosis. Am. J. Dis. Child. 128:151-156, 1974 5. Demling, R.H., Selinger, S.L., Bland, R.D., and Staub, N.C.: Effect of acute hemorrhagic shock on pulmonary microvascular fluid filtration and protein permeability in sheep. Surgery 77:512-519, 1975 6. Staub, N.C., Bland, R.D., Brigham, K.L., et al: Preparation of chronic lung lymph fistulas in sheep. J. Surg. Res. 19:315-320, 1975 7. Selinger, S.L., Bland, R.D., Demling, R.H., and Staub, N.C.: Distribution volumes of 131I-albumin, 14C-sucrose, and 36Cl in sheep lung. J. Appl. Physiol. 39:773-779, 1975 8. Bland, R.D., and Staub, N.C.: Effect of hypoxia on lung microvascular membrane permeability in unanesthetized sheep. XXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences (Krogh Symposium held in India, 1974). Chapter 55 in Selected Topics of Environmental Biology, New Delhi, 1975, pp. 357-361 9. Bland, R.D., Clarke, T.L., and Harden, L.B.: Rapid infusion of sodium bicarbonate and albumin into high-risk premature infants soon after birth: A controlled, prospective trial. Am. J. Obstet. Gynec. 124:263-267, 1976 10. Bland, R.D., Demling, R.H., Selinger, S.L., and Staub, N.C.: Effects of alveolar hypoxia on lung fluid and protein transport in unanesthetized sheep. Circ. Res. 40:269-274, 1977 11. Bland, R.D., and McMillan, D.D.: Pulmonary transvascular fluid filtration and microvascular permeability to plasma proteins in awake newborn lambs. Chest, Suppl. 71:276, 1977 12. Bland, R.D., and McMillan, D.D.: Lung fluid dynamics in awake newborn lambs. J. Clin. Invest. 60:1107-1115, 1977 13. Bland, R.D., McMillan, D.D., and Bressack, M.A.: Movement of water and protein in the fetal and newborn lung. Ann. Rech. Vet. 8:418-427, 1977 Richard D. Bland, M.D. Page 5 14. Bland, R.D., McMillan, D.D., and Bressack, M.A.: Decreased pulmonary transvascular fluid filtration in awake newborn lambs after intravenous furosemide. J. Clin. Invest. 62:601-609, 1978 15. Bland, R.D., and Bressack, M.A.: Lung fluid balance in awake newborn lambs with pulmonary edema from rapid intravenous infusion of isotonic saline. Pediatr. Res. 13:10371042, 1979 16. Bland, R.D., Bressack, M.A., and McMillan, D.D.: Labor decreases lung water content of newborn rabbits. Am. J. Obstet. Gynec. 134:364-367, 1979 17. Bressack, M.A., McMillan, D.D., and Bland, R.D.: Pulmonary oxygen toxicity: increased microvascular permeability to protein in unanesthetized lambs. Lymphology 12:133-139, 1979 18. Bressack, M.A., and Bland, R.D.: Alveolar hypoxia increases lung fluid filtration in unanesthetized newborn lambs. Circ. Res. 46:111-116, 1980 19. Bland, R.D., Kim M.H., Light, M.J., and Woodson, J.L.: Mechanical ventilation at high respiratory frequencies in severe hyaline membrane disease. An alternative treatment? Crit. Care Med. 8:275-280, 1980 20. Bland, R.D., Bressack, M.A., Haberkern, C.M., and Hansen, T.N.: Lung fluid balance in hypoxic, awake newborn lambs and mature sheep. Biol. Neonate 38:221-228, 1980 21. Bland, R.D., Bressack, M.A., McMillan, D.D., and Dong, L.: Clearance of liquid from the lungs of newborn rabbits. J. Appl. Physiol. 49:171-177, 1980 22. Bland, R.D.: Special considerations in oxygen therapy for infants and children. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 122 (Supplement No. 5, Part 2):45-54, 1980 23. Bressack, M.A., and Bland, R.D.: Intravenous infusion of tolazoline reduces pulmonary vascular resistance and net fluid filtration in the lungs of awake, hypoxic newborn lambs. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 123:217-221, 1981 24. Haberkern, C.M., and Bland, R.D.: Effect of hypercapnia on net filtration of fluid in the lungs of awake newborn lambs. J. Appl. Physiol. 51:423-427, 1981 25. Ballard, P.L., Kitterman, J.A., Bland, R.D., Clyman, R.I., Gluckman, P.D., Platzker, A.C.G., Kaplan, S.L., and Grumbach, M.M.: Ontogeny and regulation of corticosteroid binding globulin capacity in plasma of fetal and newborn lambs. Endocrinology 110:359366, 1982 26. Bland, R.D., Hansen, T.N., Hazinski, T.A., Haberkern, C.M., and Bressack, M.A.: Studies of lung fluid balance in newborn lambs. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 384:126-145, 1982 27. Hansen, T.N., and Bland, R.D.: Vitamin E does not protect the lungs of newborn lambs from oxygen toxicity. Pediatr. Res. 16:583-587, 1982 28. Bland, R.D., Hansen, T.N., Haberkern, C.M., Bressack, M.A., Hazinski, T.A., Raj, J.U., and Goldberg, RB: Lung fluid balance in lambs before and after birth. J. Appl. Physiol. 53:9921004, 1982 29. Bland, R.D.: Edema formation in the newborn lung. Clin. Perinatol. 9:593-611, 1982 30. Raj, J.U., and Bland, R.D.: Neutrophil depletion does not prevent oxygen-induced lung injury in rabbits. Chest, (Aspen Lung Conf.) 83:20-21S, 1983 Richard D. Bland, M.D. Page 6 31. Bland, R.D.: Dynamics of pulmonary water before and after birth. Acta Paediatr. Scand., Suppl. 305:12-20, 1983 32. Bland, R.D.: Edema formation in the lungs and its relationship to neonatal respiratory distress. Acta Paediatr. Scand., Suppl. 305:92-99, 1983 33. Bland, R.D., and Sedin, E.G.: High-frequency mechanical ventilation in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress. Int. Anesth. Clin. 21:125-147, 1983 34. Raj, J.U., Goldberg, R.B., and Bland, R.D.: Vibratory ventilation decreases filtration of fluid in the lungs of newborn lambs. Circ. Res. 53:456-463, 1983 35. Hansen, T.N., Haberkern, C.M., Hazinski, T.A., and Bland, R.D.: Lung fluid balance in hypoxic lambs. Pediatr. Res. 18:434-440, 1984 36. Hansen, T.N., Hazinski, T.A., and Bland, R.D.: Effects of asphyxia on lung fluid balance in baby lambs. J. Clin. Invest. 74:370-376, 1984 37. Raj, J.U., Hazinski, T.A., and Bland, R.D.: Oxygen-induced lung microvascular injury in neutropenic rabbits and lambs. J. Appl. Physiol. 58:921-927, 1985 38. Raj, J.U., Bland, R.D., and Lai-Fook, S.J.: Microvascular pressures measured by micropipettes in isolated edematous rabbit lungs. J. Appl. Physiol. 60:539-545, 1986 39. Bland, R.D., and Boyd, C.A.R.: Cation transport in lung epithelial cells derived from fetal, newborn and adult rabbits. Influence of premature birth, labor and postnatal development. J. Appl. Physiol. 61:507-515, 1986 40. Raj, J.U., and Bland, R.D.: Lung luminal liquid clearance in newborn lambs: Effect of pulmonary microvascular pressure elevation. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 134:305-310, 1986 41. Hazinski, T.A., Bland, R.D., Hansen, T.N., Sedin, E.G., and Goldberg, R.B.: Effect of hypoproteinemia on lung fluid balance in awake newborn lambs. J. Appl. Physiol. 61:11391148, 1986 42. Fike, C.D., Lai-Fook, S.J., and Bland, R.D.: Microvascular pressures measured by micropuncture in lungs of newborn rabbits. J. Appl. Physiol. 63:1070-1075, 1987 43. Bland, R.D.: Pathogenesis of pulmonary edema after premature birth. 34:175-222, 1987 44. Teague, W.G., Jr., Raj, J.U., Braun, D., Berner, M.E., Clyman, R.I., and Bland, R.D.: Lung vascular effects of lipid infusion in awake lambs. Pediatr. Res. 22:714-719, 1987 45. Raj, J.U., Hazinski, T.A., and Bland, R.D.: Effect of hypoxia on lung lymph flow in awake newborn lambs with left atrial hypertension. Am. J. Physiol. 254 (Heart Circ. Physiol.) 23:H487-H493, 1988 46. Fike, C.D., Lai-Fook, S.J., and Bland, R.D.: Alveolar liquid pressures in newborn and adult rabbit lungs. J. Appl. Physiol. 65:1629-1635, 1988 47. Fike, C.D., Lai-Fook, S.J., and Bland, R.D.: Microvascular pressures during hypoxia in isolated lungs of newborn rabbits. J. Appl. Physiol. 65:283-287, 1988 48. Bland, R.D.: Lung liquid clearance before and after birth. Semin. Perinatol. 12:124-133, 1988 Adv. Pediatr. Richard D. Bland, M.D. Page 7 49. Teague, W.G., Berner, M.E., and Bland, R.D.: Effect of pulmonary perfusion on lung fluid filtration in young lambs. Am. J. Physiol. 255 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 24) H1336-1341, 1988 50. Bland, R.D., Carlton, D.P., Scheerer, R.G., Cummings, J.J., and Chapman, D.L.: Lung fluid balance in lambs before and after premature birth. J. Clin. Invest., 84:568-576, 1989 51. Berner, M.E., Teague, W.G., Jr., Scheerer, R.G., and Bland, R.D.: Furosemide reduces lung fluid filtration in lambs with lung microvascular injury from air emboli. J. Appl. Physiol. 67:1990-1996, 1989 52. Bland, R.D. Lung epithelial ion transport and fluid movement during the perinatal period. Am. J. Physiol. 259: Lung Cell. Molec. Physiol., 3:L30-L37, 1990 53. Chapman, D.L., Widdicombe, J.H., and Bland, R.D. Developmental differences in rabbit lung epithelial cell Na+-K+-ATPase. Am. J. Physiol. 259: Lung Cell. Molec. Physiol. 3:L481-L487, 1990 54. Carlton, D.P., Cummings, J.J. Scheerer, R.G., Poulain F.R., and Bland, R.D.: Lung overexpansion increases pulmonary microvascular protein permeability in young lambs. J. Appl. Physiol. 69:577-583, 1990 55. Broaddus, V.C., Araya, M., Carlton, D.P., and Bland, R.D. Developmental changes of pleural liquid protein concentration in sheep. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 143:38-41, 1991 56. Chapman, D.L., Carlton, D.P., Cummings, J.J., Poulain, F.R., and Bland, R.D. Intrapulmonary terbutaline and aminophylline decrease lung liquid in fetal lambs. Pediatr. Res. 29:357-361, 1991 57. Alpan, G., Scheerer, R., Bland, R., and Clyman, R. Patent ductus arteriosus increases lung fluid filtration in preterm lambs. Pediatr. Res. 30:616-621, 1991 58. Carlton, D.P., Cummings, J.J., Poulain, F.R., and Bland, R.D. Increased pulmonary vascular filtration pressure does not alter lung liquid secretion in fetal sheep. J. Appl. Physiol. 72:650-655, 1992 59. Carlton, D.P., Cummings, J.J., Chapman, D.L., Poulain, F.R. and Bland, R.D. Ion transport regulation of lung liquid secretion in fetal lambs. J. Dev. Physiol. 17:99-107, 1992 60. Cummings, J.J., Carlton, D.P., Poulain, F.R., Raj, J.U. and Bland, R.D. Hypoproteinemia slows lung liquid clearance in young lambs. J. Appl. Physiol.74:153-160, 1993 61. Chapman, D.L. , Carlton, D.P., Nielson, D.W., Cummings, J.J., Poulain, F.R. and Bland, R.D. Changes in lung liquid during spontaneous labor in fetal sheep. J. Appl. Physiol. 76:523-530, 1994 62. Carlton, D.P., Cummings, J.J., Scheerer, R.G. and Bland, R.D. Lung vascular protein permeability in preterm fetal and mature newborn sheep. J. Appl. Physiol. 77:782-788, 1994 63. Carlton, D.P., Cho, S.C., Davis, P., and Bland, R.D. Inflation pressure and lung vascular injury in preterm lambs. Chest 105: 115S-116S, 1994 64. Carlton, D.P., Cho, S.C., Davis, P., Lont, M. and Bland, R.D. Surfactant treatment at birth reduces lung vascular injury and edema in preterm lambs. Pediatr. Res. 37: 265-270, 1995 65. Cummings, J.J., Carlton, D.P., Poulain, F.R., Fike, C.D., Keil, L.C. and Bland, R.D. Vasopressin effects on lung liquid volume in fetal sheep. Pediatr. Res. 38:30-35, 1995 Richard D. Bland, M.D. Page 8 66. Pitt, B.R., Schwarz, M.A., Pilewski, J.M., Nakayama, D., Mueller, G.M., Robbins, P.D., Watkins, S.A., Albertine, K.H. and Bland, R.D. Retroviral-mediated gene transfer in lungs of living fetal sheep. Gene Therapy 2:344-350, 1995 67. Pierce, R.A., Albertine, K.H., Starcher, B.C., Bohnsack, J.F., Carlton, D.P. and Bland, R.D. Chronic lung injury in preterm lambs: Disordered pulmonary elastin deposition. Am. J. Physiol. (Lung. Cell. Mol. Biol.) 272:L452-L460, 1997 68. Carlton, D.P., Cho, S.C., Albertine, K.H., Davis, P. and Bland, R.D. Role of neutrophils in lung vascular injury and edema after premature birth in lambs. J. Appl. Physiol. 83: 13071317, 1997 69. Albertine, K.H., MacRitchie, A.N., Young, B.J., Cho, S.C., Kullama, L.K., Carlton, D.P. and Bland, R.D. Altered vascular development in preterm lambs with chronic lung injury. Chest 114:6S-7S, 1998 70. Albertine, K.H., Kim, B.I., Kullama, L.K., Starcher, B.C., Cho, S.C., Carlton, D.P. and Bland, R.D. Chronic lung injury in preterm lambs. Disordered respiratory tract development. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 159:945-958, 1999 71. Bland, R.D., Albertine, K.H., Carlton, D.P., Kullama, L.K., Davis, P.L., Cho, S.C., Kim, B., Dahl, M.J. and Tabatabaie, N. Chronic lung injury in preterm lambs: Abnormalities of the pulmonary circulation and lung fluid balance. Pediatr. Res. 48:64-74, 2000 72. MacRitchie, A.N., Albertine, K.H., Sun, J., Lei, P.S., Jensen, S.C., Freestone, A.A., Clair, P.M., Dahl, M.J., Godfrey, E.A., Carlton, D.P., and Bland, R.D. Reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase in lungs of chronically ventilated preterm lambs. Am. J. Physiol.: Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 281:L1011-L1020, 2001 73. Bland, R.D., Ling, C.Y., Albertine, K.H., Carlton, D.P., MacRitchie, A.J., Day, R.W., and Dahl, M.J. Pulmonary vascular dysfunction in preterm lambs with chronic lung disease. Am. J. Physiol.: Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 285:L76-L85, 2003 Editorials, Reviews, Book Chapters and Books 74. Bland, R.D.: Pulmonary edema. In Current Pediatric Therapy, 11th Edition, edited by Gellis, S.S., and Kagan, B.M., W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1984, p. 111 75. Bland, R.D.: Lung fluid balance before and after birth. In Respiratory Control and Lung Development in the Fetus and Newborn, edited by Johnston, B.M. and Gluckman, P.D. Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine (III), Perinatology Press, Ithaca, NY, 1986, pp. 161205 76. Kitterman, J.A., and Bland, R.D.: Shock in the newborn infant. In Neonatal Pulmonary Care, edited by Thibeault, D.W., and Gregory, G.A., 2nd Edition. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Norwalk, CT, 1986, pp. 413-425 77. Bland, R.D. Pathophysiology of neonatal lung injury. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, Volume 1, Supplement 1, Neonatal Intensive Care; edited by Jonsson, E. and Reiser, S.J. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1991, pp. 56-60 78. Bland, R.D. and Nielson, D.W. Developmental changes in lung epithelial ion transport and liquid movement. Annu. Rev. Physiol. 54:373-394, 1992 Richard D. Bland, M.D. Page 9 79. Bland, R.D.: Acute respiratory distress syndromes in the newborn. Persistent postnatal pulmonary edema (pp. 1597-98); Pulmonary edema (pp. 1613-16); Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasis (pp. 1616-17); Persistent respiratory distress syndromes (pp.1619-25). In Pediatrics, 20th edition, edited by Rudolph, A.M. Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, CT, 1996 80. Bland, R.D. and Carlton, D.P. Neonatal lung edema. In The Pulmonary Circulation and Acute Lung Injury, Second Edition; edited by Said, S.I., Futura Publishing Co., Mount Kisco, NY, 1991, pp. 271-301 81. Bland, R.D. and Chapman, D.L. Absorption of liquid from the lungs at birth. In Fluid and Solute Transport in the Airspaces of the Lungs, edited by Effros, R.M. and Chang, H.K. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, 1994, pp. 303-322 82. Carlton, D.P. and Bland, R.D. Surfactant and lung fluid balance. In Surfactant Therapy in Lung Disease, edited by Taeusch, W. and Robertson, B. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY; 1995, pp. 33-46 83. Bland, R.D.: Fetal lung liquid and its removal near birth. In The Lung: Scientific Foundations, edited by Crystal, R.G., and West, J.B. Raven Press, Publishers, New York, NY, 1997, pp 2115-2127 84. Bland, R.D.: Formation of fetal lung liquid and its removal near birth. In Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, edited by R.A. Polin and Fox, W.W. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA, 1998, pp. 1047-1054 85. Bland, R.D. and Carlton, D.: Fluid balance in the developing lung. In Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, edited by LM Taussig and LI Landau. Mosby Inc, St Louis, MO; 1999, pp 862881 86. Bland, R.D. and Carlton, D.: Pulmonary edema in chronic lung disease of early infancy. In Chronic Lung Disease in Early Infancy, edited by Bland, R.D. and Coalson, J.J. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY; 2000, pp. 711-748 87. Bland, R.D. and Coalson, J.J. Chronic Lung Disease in Early Infancy, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY; 2000, pp. 1-1062 88. Bland, R.D. Inhaled nitric oxide: A premature remedy for chronic lung disease? Pediatrics 103:667-670, 1999 89. Bland, R.D. Editor of Newborn Section of Pediatrics, 21st edition, edited by Rudolph, A.M., Appleton and Lange, Norwalk, CT, 2001 90. Bland, R.D. Loss of liquid from the lung lumen in labor: more than a simple “squeeze”. Am. J. Physiol.: Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 280:L602-605, 2001 91. Rabinovitch, M. and Bland, R.D. Novel notions on newborn lung disease. Nature Med, 8:664-666, 2002 92. Bland, R.D. BPD in the post-surfactant era. In Lung Development and Regeneration, edited by Massaro, D., Massaro, G.D., and Chambon, P. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, N.Y., in press, 2003