(January, 2013)
Personal Information
First name and surname
Place and Date of birth
Current address
Barcelona , 1 st
0034 636841213
May 1979
Carrer Sant Joan de Malta, 80 1° 1° - 08018 Barcelona (Spain)
Post-doctoral position (Juan de la Cierva Fellowship from 2011) at Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Speech Production and Bilingualism (SPB) (Prof. Albert Costa)
September 2010. PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at University of La Laguna, Department of Cognitive
Psychology Thesis title : “Influence of a brief second language immersion on linguistic and cognitive processing” (supervised by: Prof. Carreiras and Dr. Costa)
2005-2006. Master's Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience ( Dept. of Cognitive Psychology) at University of
La Laguna, Spain.
2005-2007. European Diploma in Cognitive and Brain Sciences (EDCBS III) (Hanse Institute for
Advanced Study, HWK), Delmenhorst, Germany.
June 2003.
Bachelor Degree in Psychology at University of Barcelona, Faculty of Psychology , Barcelona,
Language skills
Spanish: Native-like
Catalan: Excellent
English: Good
Catalan Signed Language: Good
2010. Predoctoral fellowship (Basque Center on Brain and Cognition)
2005 - 2009 : Predoctoral fellowship (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology). Research Project:
“Plasticity, critical periods and bilingualism”. Awarded to Dr. Prof. Manuel Carreiras Valiña.
2004 - 2005 : Predoctoral fellowship. Research project: “Gender concordance: Electrophisiological correlates and ocular movements during processing”. Awarded to Dr. Prof. Manuel Carreiras Valiña.
2003 - 2004: Research fellowship. Research project: “Early language acquisition and bilingualism”.
Awarded to Dr. Prof. Núria Sebastián Gallés.
Residences in other countries’ research centres
Laboratory of language and Cognitive Science (three months). San Diego University (San Diego,
USA). Supervised by Dr. Karen Emmorey
Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK). Supervised by Dr.
Michele Miozzo.
Burgaleta, M., Baus, C., Díaz, B., & Sebastian-Galles (submitted). Compensatory cortical thickening in bilinguals with poor non-native speech perception skills. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Strijkers, K., FitzPatrick, I., Baus, C., Runqvist, E., & Costa, A (submitted). The temporal dynamics of first versus second language speech production. Brain and Language
Baus, C., Costa, A., & Carreiras, M.
(in press) On the effects of a brief second language immersion on first language production. ActaPsychologica
Baus, C., Carreiras, M. (2012). Word processing. In C. Boeckx, M. C., Horno-Chéliz & J. L.
Mendívil-Giró (Eds).
Language, from a biological point of view: Current issues in Biolinguistics.
Cambridge Scholars.
Costa, A., Ivanova, I., Baus., C., & Sebastián-Gallés, N (2012). Lexical Access in Spanish as a First and Second Language. In J. I. Hualde, A, Olarrea, E, O’Rourke (Eds). The Handbook of Spanish linguistics.
Gutiérrez, E., Müller, O., Baus, C., & Carreiras, M. (2012). Electrophysiological evidence for phonological priming in Spanish Sign Language lexical access. Neuropsychologia , 50 (7) 1335 - 1346
Baus, C., Carreiras, M., & Emmorey, K., (2012). When does iconicity in sign language matter?
Language and Cognitive Processes, 1, 1-11
Sebastián-Gallés, N, Sorinano-Mas, C.,
Baus, C., Díaz, B., Ressel., V., Costa, A., & Pujol, J. (2012).
Neuroanatomical markers of individual differences in native and non-native vowel perception.
Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25, 152-160
Diaz, B., Baus, C., Costa, A., Escera, C., & Sebastián-Gallés, N. (2008). Brain potentials to native phoneme discrimination reveal the origin of individual differences in learning sounds of a second language. Proceedings of the National American Society (PNAS), 105, 16083-16088.
Baus, C., Gutiérrez., E., Quer., J., Carreiras, M. (2008). Lexical access in Catalan Signed Language
(LSC) production. Cognition , 108, 856-865.
Baus, C., Costa., A., Carreiras, M (2008). Neighbourhood density and frequency effects in speech
production: A case for interactivity, Language and Cognitive Processes , 107, 68-80.
Sebastián-Gallés, N & Baus, C.
(2005). On the relationship between perception and production in L2 categories. In A. Cutler (Ed). Four cornerstones in psycholinguistics . Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Work presented in conferences at the national or international level
How our brain represents the other's intention to speak: an ERP study on joint action during speech production. Baus, C ., de la Fuente-Núñez, V., Branzi, F., Martin, C., & Costa, A. (Poster).
International Workshop on Language Production. New York, U.S.A; 2012.
Comparing lexical access during speech and written production. Baus, C & Costa, A (Poster).
Neurobiology of Language, Donostia, Spain; 2012.
On the effects of a brief L2 immersion on executive control. Baus, C., Costa, A., & Carreiras, M.
(Poster). Aix-en-Provence, France; 2011
Influence of a brief linguistic immersion on lexical selection processes during speech production: A longitudinal ERP study. Baus, C .; Molinaro, N.; Costa, A.; & Carreiras, M. (Oral presentation).
Workshop on Neurobilingualism, Donostia, Spain, 2010
Use or loose it: on the immersion effects on L1 speech production. Baus, C., Costa, A., & Carreiras,
M. (poster). AMLAP, Barcelona, Spain, 2009
Syllable frequency effects in language production and Language. Cholin, J.; Baus, C.; Carreiras, M.
(Oral presentation). Krakow, Polland, 2009
Electrophisiological correlates of Spanish Sign Language (LSE) semantic and phonological processing.
Gutierrez, E.; Müller, O.; Baus, C .; & Carreiras, M. (Oral presentation). I Sign Typs Conference.
Connecticut, USA, 2008
Influencia del aprendizaje de una segunda lengua en el procesamiento lingüístico y cognitivo.
C .; Costa, A.; & Carreiras, M. (Oral presentation). SEPEX, Donostia, Spain, 2008.
¿Es simultáneo el acceso a la fonología en las lenguas de signos? Gutierrez, E.; &
Baus, C . (Oral presentation), Vitoria, Spain, 2007.
Mecanismos de producción en lengua de signos: efectos semánticos y fonológicos.
Baus, C.
Gutierrez, E.; & Carreiras, M. (Oral presentation). VIII Simposio de Psicolingüística, Palma de
Mallorca, Spain, 2007.
Lexical Access in Signed Language production. Baus, C.
; Gutierrez, E.; Quer, J., & Carreiras, M.
(Poster). CUNY, San Diego, USA, 2007.
Efectos de la densidad de vecinos en la producción del español. Baus, C., Costa, A., & Carreiras, M.
(Oral presentation). SEPEX, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2006.
Anatomical correlates of individual differences in L2 phonemic contrast learning. Sebastián-Gallès, N.;
Baus, C .; Soriano, C.; Costa, A.; Díaz, B.; & Pujol, J. (Oral Presenation), VII Congreso de
Psicolingüística, Valencia, Spain, 2005.
The relationship between perception and production in L2 categories. Díaz, B; Baus, C; Costa, A; &
Sebastián-Gallès, N (Poster). AMLAP, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2004
Participation in current grants
2010-2013 : On the active role of comprehenders during second language sentence comprehension: anticipation, integration and inference processes. ( PSI2011-23033; Ministry of Science and
Innovation ). Principal Investigator: Dr. Albert Costa.
Total: 93000 euros
2009-2011: LSE Sign: base de datos de parámetros fonológicos de signos de la Lengua de Signos
Española (Ministry of Science and Technology). Principal Investigator: Prof. Manuel Carreiras
Total: 180000 euros
Teaching experience
March 2011. Experimental Techniques.
MA in applied linguistics, University Pompeu Fabra (3 hours
May 2011 . Bilingualism and the brain. MA in Cognitive Science and Language, University of
Barcelona (2 hours)
October 2011 . Language foundations. MA in Neuroscience, University of Barcelona (2 hours)
Students supervison
2012-2013. Supervision of a student (Jesús Bas) on his MA project entitled: “The influence of language on face recognition”
Experience in assessment and review of projects
Name of the activity:
‘Plan Nacional de Investigación’
Responsibility held: Expert Grant Reviewer for the Spanish Government Grants
Organising body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación
Type of body: Spanish Governement
Start date: 05/2012, 06/2012
Ad-hoc reviewer for the following international scientific journals
Language and Cognitive Processes
Cognitive Psychology
Frontiers in Language Sciences
Developmental Science
Experience in organizing research activities
2009: Member of the Organizing committee for the “Arquitectural Mechanisms of Language for
Language Processing”. Barcelona, September 2009.
2010 : Member of the Organizing committee for the “Neurobilingualism workshop”. Donostia,
September 2010
Paid membership of scientific and professional associations
2012. Member of the Society of Neurobiology of Language