SAVVY Historic Calendar — This form should be adapted for local historic events and is used during all fieldwork interviews (baseline census, census update, and verbal autopsy interviews). (A country-specific calendar should be used. The example given here is for Tanzania.) EVENT DATE Maji Maji War in Tanganyika 1905-1907 Start of World War I. June 1914 End of World War I November 1918 Tanganyika African Association (TAA) is formed Germany invaded Poland — Start of World War II. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor by surprise — United States enters World War II. 1929 September 1939 December 7, 1941 Japan officially surrendered — End of World War II. September 1945 TANU Party was formed from TAA (in Tanganyika) 1954 Independence of Tanganyika December 9, 1961 Independence of Zanzibar December 19, 1963 Union Day (Tanganyika and Zanzibar) April 26, 1964 The Arusha Declaration — On the Policy of Self Reliance in Tanzania February 5, 1967 Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon July 20, 1969 The birth of CCM Party in Tanzania (TANU and ASP Parties merged) President Mwalimu Nyerere resigns The death of Mwalimu Nyerere (first president of Tanzania) February 5, 1977 1985 October 14, 1999