Managing Depression - Stourport Health Centre Medical Practice

Clinical depression is a common
problem, affecting approximately one
in four people at some point during
their lives.
Everyone experiences low mood from
time to time. However, when these
feelings persist or worsen, this
everyday experience of depression
can become difficult to cope with.
Sometimes your doctor will prescribe
medication to help you cope better
with feelings of depression. There are
also other types of treatment that can
be combined with medication or used
on their own.
one which people often find helpful.
Any issues that are discussed are
treated as strictly confidential.
The classes: Each of the three
classes lasts for 1½ hours and is held
weekly. The time of day they are held
may vary. There are usually between 8
and 12 people (men and women of all
ages). Each person will have their own
experience of depression, but they can
usually identify with the experiences of
others in the class.
The classes are run throughout the
year at Kidderminster Hospital, and
are led by members of the Clinical
Psychology Department.
The service is offered as a class rather
than a therapy group, so there will be
no pressure for you to discuss
opportunity to discuss issues with
others experiencing similar feelings is
The classes help you understand
symptoms of depression, and learn
ways of managing them. Handouts
are given out at the end of each class
for you to take away and use when
necessary. The classes aim to help
members understand depression in
terms of the following areas:
 Causes of depression
 Signs
 The effects of depression
The classes will also help you manage
depression by looking at:
Managing depression class
One way your doctor may decide to
help you is by referring you to a
managing depression class. You will
then have the opportunity to attend
three classes which will look at how
you might manage your depression.
What happens in the classes?
Managing Depression Class
(3 sessions, 1½ hours, weekly)
 Monitoring your activities
 Planning ahead
Individual assessment appointment
(1 hour with group facilitator)
 Identifying and challenging
negative thoughts
 Practical steps (exercise,
appetite and sleep)
Managing Depression
Support Group
(1½ hours, monthly)
It is quite common for people to feel
anxious about attending the classes.
The class leaders will be aware of this
and will provide support.
Managing depression
support group
Once you have attended the managing
depression class you will be invited to
opt-in to the managing depression
support group. This is a longer-term
group that meets monthly, for 1½
This group aims to support your use of
the strategies discussed in the class to
manage depression, as well as to
provide an opportunity to discuss ideas
with other people who experience
feelings of depression.
Further information
If you would like further information
about the managing depression class
or support group, please contact Dr
Psychologist, on 01562 823424 ext.
Recommended books
Overcoming Depression: Paul Gilbert
Mind Over Mood: Dennis Greenberger and
Christine Padesky
Anxiety and Depression: Robert Priest
Everyone who attends the managing
depression support group must have
attended at least two of the sessions of
the managing depression class first.
Once you have done this, you will be
invited to meet with one of the
facilitators individually where you will
be given further details about the
support group.
Climbing out of depression: Sue Atkinson
You can attend the support group for
as long as you feel necessary.
Alternatively you are welcome to just
attend the three classes.
Overcoming low self-esteem: Melanie Fennell
Ten days to great self-esteem: David Burns
Clinical Psychology Department
Kidderminster Hospital
Bewdley Road
Worcs. DY11 6RJ
Tel: 01562 823424 ext.53296